Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 66


Zhong Yi was even more confused, did the old lady see what she said, or was she simply running on them to leave the good elevator instead of taking the stairs

The main reason is that his ankle is so swollen that it can be seen at a glance, and Zhong Yi feels that if he explains something extra at this time, it seems a bit self-deprecating.

The old lady was playing mahjong in someone's yard today, and she was having a good time, when she was asked who her grandson was going to carry home today. Get up and go home.

I also knew that it must be Zhong Yi, but there should be a reason for the incident, but when she came back to take a look...


She felt that no matter how things happened for a reason, it would not be enough for these two people to climb the nine hundred and ninety-nine steps in front of their house with the other on their backs.

Zhong Yi didn't know what it meant, how could Zhang Xingzhi not know

Feeling Zhong Yi pinch his shoulder, Zhang Xingzhi couldn't directly say that he did it on purpose, so he forced to find a topic for his grandma: "Why did grandma come back early today?"

As a result, the old lady threw a sentence without looking back: "If you don't come back early to cook, I will wait for you to cook? You don't like to eat with that craftsmanship."

Both of them were taken aback: "How do you know..."

The old lady: "Yaoer told me a long time ago that you often ask him to cook at home."

Zhong Yi's eyebrows twitched at the time. He had only paid attention to Jiang Duoduo before, and only now remembered that he had missed Zhang Leo.

Walking to the gate of the compound, the old lady turned her head and glanced at Zhang Xingzhi: "Are you planning to let him go?"

Rao Zhong Yi was also embarrassed. He patted Zhang Xingzhi and wanted someone to put him down. He just sprained his ankle, but he was able to walk with support.

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As a result, Zhang Xingzhi neither uttered a word, nor would he let anyone go, and stepped into the gate of his house with Zhong on his back.

Zhong Yi didn't know what was going on now, but he was as sensitive as he was. The delicate atmosphere between Grandma and Zhang Xingzhi made him care, thinking that he really knew something...

He almost instantly remembered the child who was sitting miserably at the gate of Zhang Xingzhi's house that night. In contrast, Zhang Liao's probability of filing a complaint was much higher than Jiang Duoduo's, especially since he was always caught in the night recently. O private chat.

Although they were talking about work, they were not really important matters. Zhang Liao really wanted to discuss it, and it was more than enough to go to Zhu Hong, and there was no need to give him a report that was not in the group.

I also want to know what this kid is thinking. I just want to see the speed of my reply to the message, and judge whether I am doing something terrible with his brother at night. If this continues, Zhong Yi will really feel that these two are brothers.

"Who did you learn this from? How can you be so stubborn." Ji Haochuan looked at Leo who was trying to squeeze toothpaste today, thinking about what he could use to harass Zhong Yi. He was indeed a little helpless.

Leo blurted out a sentence: "I learned from my brother."

Ji Haochuan: "..."

All right, I dare to love that he has been persistently taking his notes to make up lessons for this person these days, and it is all for nothing.

Since joining the group, Zhang Liao has been vacant as the chief camera director. He has nothing to do every day. He just needs to watch the work of a few newly recruited interns under his hands. He is working as a supervisor, which is much more free than Ji Haochuan, who is on camera and recording the show himself. , so he was often asked by him to deliver food and drinks to improve the tough life of trainees—now there is no one in the entire crew who does not know Ji Haochuan's privileged status.

Although Ji Haochuan doesn't casually publicize his relationship with Liang Sili, but after all, there were not a few people who saw him and Liang Sili making trouble at the scene that day. Right now, there is an assistant behind his buttocks, and the chief camera director always comes to give him things. , the crew basically took care of him as long as they could, and the blind man also said that Ji Haochuan's "background" is not small.

A few groups of people wentssip with each other in private, and Ji Haochuan's title of "Prince of Libo" immediately rises.

Yang Youan, who didn't understand the meaning of "Prince", was still shocked when he heard it for the first time, thinking that Ji Haochuan had been exposed, until he heard someone explain it to him.

It's time for dinner now, and there is something wrong with the lunch box ordered by the logistics side, so we have to wait, and everyone is happy to take a rest.

Many trainees have already divided into piles and blocks to hug their small groups tightly, most of them are arranged according to the brokerage company, after all, they have known each other before.

Although Yang Youan did not sign with the company, he has a good personality and dances well. Of course, the most important thing is that his face is not particularly outstanding, and his body is harmless. If you stay with him, you don't have to worry about being robbed of the scene. willing to play with him.

However, Ji Haochuan didn't even bother to act, and grabbed Leo to his side every time he took a break. Anyway, he didn't quite get along with those in his company.

At this moment, he looked coldly at Yang You'an who was chatting with someone not far away, and complained to Leo: "I'm afraid this Yang is really a fool."

Only then did Leo look up and look over there: "Why do you always talk about him?"

Considering Ji Haochuan's identity, Leo was able to understand Ji Haochuan's hostility towards Yang Youan at first, but later Leo couldn't understand it. From his perspective as a bystander, Yang Youan not only never provoked Ji Haochuan, but It's just a detour, and he has never done anything annoying. It is said that he has broken up with Liang Sili now, so there should be no reason for Ji Haochuan to hate him anymore.

"I just saw him being so stupid and couldn't help but want to scold him to make him sober." The more Ji Haochuan got along with Leo, the less defensive he became. "It looked like he was helping me to explain to others again, telling them not to talk about my relationship with Liang Sili. If those people were so kind-hearted and listened to him, they wouldn't be able to hold him by their side every day as a green leaf .”

Leo is still thinking about what he can chat with Zhong Yi today, and he didn't think too much about what he said: "If you don't like others bullying him, you should hold them by your side."

Ji Haochuan: "?"

Ji Haochuan's voice was raised in a second: "How can I not understand others bullying him?!"

Leo was taken aback by him, glanced at someone's blushing face due to guilty conscience, and said slowly: "Why don't you wait until some time to get a tan like mine, and then come to slap your face to make yourself fat?" ?”

Ji Haochuan: "..."

Recently, Leo has been in a low mood, not to mention the fact that the egg flower eyes are gone, and Ji Haochuan, who is often jealous, has nothing to say, and the two always start to hurt each other while chatting.

"You don't listen to me now and you're dead on your brother, just wait and cry in the future." Ji Haochuan looked at him angrily, "You don't even think about it, how long have you known your brother? If your brother will agree to you , I agreed a long time ago, how can I wait to meet Zhong Yi now???"

Leo pursed his mouth: "Zhong Yi has so much gossip, everyone else can, just him...fuck!"

Leo didn't swear before, but now he's being taken over by Ji Haochuan.

Ji Haochuan's slap in the face is the slap in the mouth, but when he saw Leo like this, he immediately asked, "What's wrong?"

Shocked me, Leo: "My grandma actually agreed to let my brother join the group and go to Arnimai?!"

Zhong Yi never expected to get the old lady's approval so easily.

Zhang Xingzhi had just walked through the door with his front foot and put him down on the edge of the dining table. Before he could straighten his body, the old lady said to Zhang Xingzhi: "Go if you want to go. If you don't go, you always think about it heart."

Zhang Xingzhi was stunned: "...Arnimai?"

The old lady looked at him: "Do you have other things to worry about?"

For a moment, the two who were already prepared for a hard fight were dumbfounded.

Zhong Yi didn't know about Zhang Xingzhi's backstory. He just wondered why the old lady figured it out after going out to play mahjong.

At that time, Leo happened to send him a message again, and Zhong Yi conveyed the message smoothly.

As a result, almost in the next second, the old lady who had just picked up her job received a call from her youngest son, asking her to confirm whether it was true that she promised them to go there.

After all, as soon as Leo knew that Dean Jiang had told his grandma about it, he would come to do ideological work for his grandma every now and then, but without exception, he didn't say yes.

Leo doesn't believe that Zhong Yi is really so evil, it's fine if he got his brother, but now he got his grandma? ?

While the old lady was talking on the phone, Zhang Xingzhi cast his eyes on Zhong Yi: What did you say

Zhong Yi blinked: Yes, find something to worry about for him, don't bother me every day.

Zhang Xingzhi: Does he always bother you

Zhong Yi was noncommittal: I even wondered if he told your grandma about the two of us.

Zhang Xingzhi: ... ... That won't happen.

Apart from telling Zhong Yi about this question, Zhang Xingzhi really couldn’t explain it to Leo with too many words. Now let him confess that he asked Master Zuo to help send the luggage back first. Getting a vaccination should already be a capital offense.

On the phone, the old lady didn't say much, she hung up the phone after giving herself an affirmative answer, she raised her chopsticks to greet the two of them for dinner, and there was nothing unusual in the way that Zhong Yi couldn't figure out what the old lady was saying. idea.

After eating, Zhong Yi's feet were inconvenient, so Zhang Xingzhi simply helped him to the bathroom in the backyard of their house, and found a small bench for Zhong Yi to wait for him: "The sprained ankle should not be exposed to heat for 24 hours. Water, I’ll help you get a change of clothes, just wipe it off today, and wash it when the swelling subsides tomorrow.”

Zhong Yi thought that Zhang Xingzhi had told him about such a big stall, and he was about to leave with clothes for him, but when this person entered the shower room again, he closed the door without any hassle.

Zhong Yi said cautiously: "What are you doing?"

Zhang Xingzhi said confidently: "Help you."

It was only then that Zhong Yi could clearly see that among the clothes he handed over to him, there were also his own.

Zhong Yi knew what this man wanted to do with his eyes closed, and he emphasized every word: "I just sprained my ankle, not a broken hand. I just wiped it with a towel. I really don't need your help."

Zhang Xingzhi didn't argue, and changed his words decisively: "Then help me."

Zhong Yi: "?"

Taking advantage of Zhong Yi sitting on the bench today and being unable to move, Zhang Xingzhi insisted on "helping" in the shower room, although Zhong Yi usually had no fighting power in front of him when his feet were healthy.

On the way out of the bathroom, Zhong Yi was still talking about him. The two of them washed separately, and it took only half an hour in total. This one "together", it took "together" for an hour, and he didn't see that it was convenient.

Zhang Xingzhi helped him back to the guest room, Zhong Yi saw the neatly folded quilt on his bed the first time he entered the door.

He continued to curse smoothly: "Do you have obsessive-compulsive disorder? Anyway, you will be going to bed soon, why do you specially help me fold it?"

Zhang Xingzhi and his family had no servants, and Zhang Xingzhi hadn't stepped into his room when they went out early in the morning, so it could only be that this person just folded them when he came in to pick up his clothes.

Who knew Zhang Xingzhi was stunned after hearing his words, and asked, "Didn't you fold it yourself?"

Zhong Yimeng: "Huh?"

Zhang Xingzhi looked at him: "...it was folded when I came in."

Zhong Yi: "???"

Zhang Xingzhi had never seen Zhong Yi make a quilt when he was in the mansion in Quanshi. When he first saw it, he thought that Zhong Yi had come to his house, so he got up early in the morning to make the quilt.

As they looked at each other, they both thought of the only third person left here.

Zhong Yi's face immediately burned up. Compared with the fact that the old lady entered his guest room without saying hello, Zhong Yi was more ashamed that the old lady found out that he got up without making the quilt, which was a bit embarrassing.

Early the next morning, the first thing Zhong Yi did when he woke up was to fold his quilt with a limp.

But he hadn't made a quilt for ten thousand years, and now he felt that he couldn't handle the quilt balls he had tossed out, so he simply ran to the next door and called Zhang Xingzhi over.

So grandma, who was getting ready to go out to play mahjong, saw the picture of her grandson helping the guest to fold the quilt when she passed by the guest room.

Zhong Yiben was seriously observing and studying from the sidelines, until he inadvertently looked up and saw Grandma at the door.

God knows how guilty Zhong Yi was at the time, wishing he could snatch the quilt back from Zhang Xingzhi's hands, and let the elders see him instructing the children in other families, how bad it must be.

Unexpectedly, Grandma just asked the two leisurely with her hands behind her back: "Are you reconciled? Are you going to sleep in a separate room?"

Zhong Yi: "?"

Zhang Xingzhi: "..."

The old lady: "I should have told me earlier, lest it cost me half a day to charge an extra room."

Zhong Yi: "???"

Zhang Xingzhi: "..."