Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 67


On the last day when Zhang Xingzhi led the team, he thought he would wait at most ten minutes to gather people. Who knew that when he arrived at the hotel entrance, Master Zuo's bus was waiting at the side as usual, but there was no one at the hotel entrance. nothing

Zhang Xingzhi originally planned to lead the team for three days and travel independently for two days. He only thought about letting these children get up two days early, so how can they still persist? Are they going to rebel now

Zhang Xingzhi's face darkened in an instant. Seeing that the good mood early in the morning was about to be ruined, the students hiding behind the bus swarmed out with laughter. Their faces were full of vigor and smiles, and their ears were full of smiles. It was the voices of the students shouting "Good morning" to him, even Zhang Xingzhi was taken aback by them, his eyes filled with astonishment.

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Wang Siheng stood at attention and saluted him even more exaggeratedly: "Report to Lao Zhang! All twenty-nine people from the 19th photography session are here!"

The voice was loud, and it was obvious that he had a good night's rest.

After climbing the mountain all day yesterday, almost everyone was exhausted like dogs, and they wanted to fall asleep as soon as they got back to the hotel.

If you don't sleep well after exercising regularly, these night owls haven't closed their eyes at such a healthy time for at least half a year.

Zhang Xingzhi didn't come back to his senses until he saw Master Zuo slowly walking out from the back of the bus at the end. It was a prank, and Zhang Xingzhi couldn't laugh or cry: "Master Zuo, follow them to mess around too."

Master Zuo still had the same smiling face, and said with a smile: "Every child likes you, Xiao Zhong didn't come today?"

Zhang Xingzhi nodded: "He sprained his ankle, and it was just one o'clock today, so he was not allowed to climb the mountain."

After saying this sentence, Zhang Xingzhi didn't feel anything at all. It was only when Master Zuo's expression suddenly became cautious that he realized something was wrong: "What's wrong?"

Master Zuo licked his lower lip, but did not answer immediately, but turned around and flirted with Wang Siheng.

Wang Siheng understood immediately, and drove his classmates into the car with a few yells. He didn't know when he became so familiar with Master Zuo.

Zhang Xingzhi was a little confused about Master Zuo's sudden clearing behavior, so he said, "Zhong Yi is resting at home... is there any problem?"

Master Zuo looked left and right several times, making sure that no one could hear him, so he approached Zhang Xingzhi and asked in a low voice, "What about your grandma?"

"At home." Zhang Xingzhi became more and more incomprehensible, how could Zhong Yi talk about his grandma again, "I said I would go out to play mahjong in the afternoon."

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, Master Zuo slapped his thigh fiercely, and said in a lower voice: "How can you leave Xiao Zhong alone at home with your grandma!"

Zhang Xingzhi: "?"

Zhang Xingzhi: "Why not?"

Master Zuo, who was anxious to get angry, pulled Zhang Xingzhi's arm and turned sideways to meet him. His two hands made the gesture for Zhong Yi again in front of him, with his two thumbs facing each other. Said: "I saw it!"

Zhang Xingzhi was even more confused: "...?"

Zhang Xingzhi: "... what did you see?"

Master Zuo's entire facial features were about to be twisted, and he hated iron for not being strong: "Why are you the same as Xiao Zhong! What are you pretending to do here, last time I saw you two in my car... huh? huh !"

At the last two "um", Master Zuo pointed his two thumbs together again, and the straight man was like Zhang Xingzhi, so he finally understood what Master Zuo meant.

"That old lady in your room is a living fairy, and Xiao Zhong doesn't seem to be a liar who likes to tell lies. Maybe I will trick you out of it!" Master Zuo is really going to be killed by these two young people, " How can you let the two of them be together alone!"

Zhang Xingzhi really didn't expect Master Zuo to help them with this heart. If you don't tell them the truth at this time, it seems to be very white-eyed. After all, they really care about you.

Helpless, Zhang Xingzhi scratched the back of his head unnaturally: "I already know."

Master Zuo: "What?"

"Cough." Zhang Xingzhi couldn't help lowering his volume because of him, "My grandma already knows about me and Zhong Yi."

Master Zuo: "?!"

Master Zuo: "Then you still... No, then you still dare to let Xiao Zhong go with your grandma? The old lady has already nodded, right?"

Zhang Xingzhi carefully recalled the situation this morning, and then nodded under Master Zuo's close attention: "It should be considered."

Master Zuo: "!!!!"

Master Zuo burst into smiles on the spot, patted Zhang Xingzhi's arm and said congratulations, as if their old Zhang's family was going to hold a wedding banquet tomorrow: "I just told Xiao Zhong, the old lady in your house The thinking is quite advanced, unlike us people, being rich is not as difficult as you think!"

Zhang Xingzhi was a little dazed: "You told Zhong Yi too?"

"Yes, as I said, he pretended not to know at first just like you." Master Zuo said cheerfully, "I also taught him to ask you to help him make hemp brewing wine and give it to the old lady in your house."

Zhang Xingzhi: "..."

Zhang Xingzhi was silent for a moment, and forced himself to thank him.

Zhong Yi never mentioned this matter to him at all, probably to Master Zuo, Zhong Yi just accepted it on the surface, but didn't take it to heart at all.

It was obviously expected, but it would be a lie to say that Zhang Xingzhi was not disappointed at all.

When Master Zuo dragged the children down the mountain, almost everyone was attracted by the cable car at the entrance at first glance.

Facing a pair of eager eyes, their old Zhang only had two simple and rude words: "No."

Everyone suddenly mourned, and turned into good men and women one after another, sincerely petitioning.

"Believers are willing to go without skin care for three days in exchange for Lao Zhang's grace."

"The good man would like not to log in the game for three weeks, in exchange for going up the mountain easily."

"Zai Zhong wishes not to change his girlfriend in March, but to change to the cable car to go up the mountain to avoid fatigue."

Wang Siheng: "?"

Wang Siheng: "The way?"

Fortunately, Zhang Xingzhi said later, "Go down the mountain and sit down."

Youdao Mountain is lower than Zuodao Mountain in altitude, just over a thousand, but it feels completely different when you climb up.

The mountain road is rugged, the stairs are steep and narrow, and only one person can stand in a row. All the children in the class plus Zhang Xingzhi, 30 people can form a team of more than ten meters.

The road is the most difficult road among the three mountains, but the scenery is also the best. The eyes are full of lush greenery, beside the stairs is a quiet and deep forest of old trees, a group of children are all holding on to the railings on the side and dare not let go, the tiredness of walking is secondary, but the main thing is fear.

Zhang Xingzhi didn't give lectures on the road, so he let everyone watch for themselves, remember what they liked, and concentrate on climbing the mountain.

Wang Siheng, who was thrown to the end of the team, had to check in with Zhang Xingzhi on the app every ten minutes to ensure that everyone was ready.

Wang Siheng had already begun to envy their Teacher Zhong. He grabbed the house and said in a low voice: "I now reasonably suspect that Teacher Zhong listened to Lao Zhang's notice and didn't come here because he wanted to avoid laziness. There should be no problem with his feet."

Fang Lu stood between him and Li Jiang: "I guess it won't work if you're tired, but it's definitely fine to walk on the ground."

Li Jiang is now skeptical, very skeptical: "Old Zhang said that he will be able to reach the summit at noon, so I don't believe it."

But the fact is that at twelve o'clock sharp, everyone stayed in the four-story modern building built on the top of the mountain on time. Leisure, entertainment, snacks and dining were all covered, and the divisions were clear.

The cable car going down the mountain is nearby. Looking out from the building, it looks like a fairyland in Penglai. The quiet forest is full of clouds and mist, which is so beautiful.

But this is not the most amazing thing, the most amazing thing is that someone has prepared a meal and is waiting for them here.

The rich and hot food surprised the children enough, and they all asked Lao Zhang why he was treated so well suddenly today. You must know that the lunches of the previous two days were all self-heating meals brought from the mountain.

Zhang Xingzhi didn't say anything, it was the answer given by the staff in charge of distributing meals to everyone.

It turned out that this time their old Zhang not only brought them to collect scenery and climb mountains, but was also entrusted by the local tourism bureau to invite young people to experience mountaineering.

To put it simply, the meal is not free for you to eat, and everyone has to hold back some thoughts after eating in a while.

The young lady smiled intimately and said in a gentle voice, "It may be done in a rush-to-answer mode. Suggestions and impressions are all fine. What I said before, the students in the future cannot repeat it, so everyone can think about it in advance when eating. "

The whole class: "???"

All the children in the class were choking, and they worked hard all morning to climb the mountain. No matter how bad the food was, it was not delicious.

Fortunately, there are only twenty-nine people in their class, so it won't be too brain-intensive...

As a result, before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, Lao Zhang turned around and borrowed the electronic screen in the venue, let everyone continue to eat, and he commented on the after-school homework handed in last week.

The whole class: "..."

The electronic screen took up half of the entire wall, and it was necessary to publicly release photos of the execution on such a large screen...

It seems that I don't need to eat this meal at all, I have already gone to the mountains, and I still don't feel liberated from school at all...

They thought they could still save it.

"... Old Zhang, don't you eat?"

"That's right, people are like iron and rice is steel, no matter how strong your physical strength is, you can't stop eating."

"That's right, when can't the class be taught?"

"Let's eat first, and we'll talk after eating."

In the end, Zhang Xingzhi said, "It won't take long, and the scolding will be finished in a few sentences."

The whole class: "..."

Truly humble.

The whole class has them, and they line up according to their student numbers to be scolded.

Zhang Xingzhi said two or three sentences for a person, but there are really only two or three sentences, and it is rare to come across someone who is acceptable, and one of the sentences is "okay", and there is one sentence left to scold you. Anyway, I have to choose for you. A bug came out.

The one who shoots the cat upwards is named "Tiger of the Jungle".

Zhang Xingzhi: "The foreground objects such as branches are too complicated, and the focus is not accurate."

The side shot of the building is named "Black Triangle".

Zhang Xingzhi: "Showing off your creativity is a big taboo. Your shooting angle has no intrinsic connection with architecture."

The person standing in the middle of the night road with the street lamp on his head is named "Kangzhuang Avenue".

Zhang Xingzhi: "If you don't know allusions, don't use allusions. 'Kangzhuang Avenue' refers to natural light, so it must be during the day."

More than half of it passed in just 20 minutes. Seeing that Lao Zhang was getting more and more scolding, the people in the back couldn't take it anymore, so they interrupted Zhang Xingzhi's rhythm of approving people: "Old Zhang, wait! There is a problem that has been puzzling for a long time!"

Zhang Xingzhi stopped as expected: "Huh?"

"Why are we not allowed to bring a camera these few days, just let us remember with our heads, and then take pictures by ourselves in the last two days?"

Zhang Xingzhi paused, and asked the children on the dining table behind him, "Can someone answer this question for me?"

No one said anything.

But Zhang Xingzhi did not give up: "Everyone has been doing the screening work for two days, and you should be able to feel it."

As soon as these words came out, someone started to move around. Zhang Xingzhi called the names of two people and asked them to get up and say something casually.

It was a man and a woman who got up, and the two children hew and hawed out the same thing, the main idea is that Lao Zhang should hope that they can be precise.

"The same can be said."

Zhang Xingzhi was about to start explaining, when he found that the children below looked at him with a bit of a smile: "What's wrong?"

The children waved at him in unison: "It's nothing."

Zhang Xingzhi lowered his head and took a look around himself, but he didn't find anything that could be used as a joke for them, so he simply got to the point.

"In the past, we only had film to take pictures. Press the shutter and it will be a piece of film. Unlike you now, if you feel bad after taking a picture, you can directly delete it and start over. Choose one of them, film was very expensive at that time, and no one was wasting it casually, so we pressed the shutter very carefully every time.”

"Sometimes you may think about taking a photo all day, and you may think about the photo for the whole day, or the photo you took on a whim. In most cases, it is conceivable which one is better in quality, but many things are just a moment away. Passed away, so it is a test of the photographer's sensitivity to fine works."

"In the past, in order to cultivate my awareness of this aspect, my teacher would let me sit at the gate of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and draw sketches. Although I had a foundation, any teacher who came out randomly was a national-level teacher, and asked me to write in front of them. , I have to pass the test in my heart, and my teacher doesn't let me use pencils, I can only use pens, and I can't change them once I write."

"I just hope that I don't care about other people's eyes, and learn to do my best every time I can."

"Whether a photographer is good or not depends not on how many awards he has won or how many widely circulated photos, but whether he has a stable performance every time he presses the shutter."

"So what counts as stable performance?"

After Zhang Xingzhi said this, he realized that he was more and more similar to Zhong Yi in class now. He used to only know how to tell the truth, but now he even learned to ask questions to attract students' attention.

Then he has to ask and answer himself, and throws a second question to guide the students to review what they have learned: "I introduced it to you at the beginning of the class. I personally divide photography into four levels. 'Entertainment' , 'Creativity', 'Criticism' and 'Poetry', who will explain these four levels?"

As soon as Zhong Yi's basic methods were used, the students below became active as expected, and the effect was immediate.

"I remember! 'Entertainment' refers to the level of passers-by with inaccurate exposure, the kind of people who can't even shoot eyelashes clearly!"

"'Creativity' is more creative and can resonate with people's spirit."

"'Criticism' is just a literal meaning, anyway, it's something like empiricism."

"'Poetry', 'Poetry' is the level of innate talent, the kind of artistic conception that can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words? Hahahaha."

"Yes." Zhang Xingzhi was relieved when he saw students scrambling to answer questions in class, "So the level of stability can also be divided according to these four levels, isn't it for every photo taken? They can all rely on one of these, or there is another way to say it.”

"See if each photo can clearly express the photographer's shooting intention. It can be a narrative or an aesthetic cognitive expression. In short, you have to use your own personalized visual language to complete this matter. .”

Zhang Xingzhi gave the final conclusion: "Photography is one of the classic products of logic and aesthetics."

After the words were finished, Zhang Xingzhi heard someone clapping first, and then the whole class followed suit.

Zhang Xingzhi frowned, and before he could find out who was the first to applaud, he heard a voice suddenly coming from behind him: "It's amazing, Teacher Zhang, the stealing was a success, it should be recorded and sent to Dean Jiang Pinpin, I’m lucky enough not to be humiliated.”

Only then did Zhang Xingzhi suddenly understand what the group of children were laughing at earlier, and he turned around to look at the people behind him with surprise on his face.

Zhong Yi didn't know when he came in from the door, so he looked at him with a smile, still holding his trekking pole in his hand, and continued speaking for him: "What you mean, Mr. Zhang, is from the perspective of probability. Might be better understood."

"If you can't get a good picture by pressing the shutter a thousand times, then press it 10,000 times, but the only good picture you get when you press the shutter 10,000 times obviously cannot represent your true strength, so only one or A few photographers with excellent works may not be good photographers. Mr. Zhang asked you to choose them before taking pictures. I hope that everyone will have a sense of quality in the future, instead of relying on the number of times you press the shutter to try your luck. You have to go There is still a long way to go.”

After finishing speaking, Zhong Yi asked Zhang Xingzhi to prove it: "Is that what you mean, Mr. Zhang?"

"Yes..." Zhang Xingzhi still couldn't react, and subconsciously looked at his feet, "But how did you get here?"

"How else can I get here? I walked down the mountain and took the cable car up." As he said that, Zhong Yi danced the trekking pole in his hand and said, "Your grandma dug it out for me."

"No... I mean how did you get here?" Zhang Xingzhi frowned little by little, "My grandma took you down the mountain from home?"

Zhong Yi raised his lips with a hint of cunning: "No, I went down the mountain by myself."

Zhang Xingzhi's voice tightened suddenly: "Alone? Also on the plank road?"

"It doesn't matter if you can praise me directly." Zhong Yi blinked, all he wanted was to surprise Zhang Xingzhi.

In the end, Zhang Xingzhi directly grimaced: "My grandma let you go alone?"

"That's right, I found your mountaineering for me... Are you angry?" Zhong Yi didn't realize something was wrong until after he said it.

Zhang Xingzhi didn't speak, but stared at Zhong Yi with a tight brow.

The students who had never seen those exciting projects looked at the two of them at a loss, and Zhong Yi could probably guess that this person felt dangerous: "You used to scare me, but now that I've come here by myself..."

As a result, Zhang Xingzhi slapped the table in anger, "That's when I was there! If I'm not here, you are allowed to go!"

19 photography of the whole o-shaped mouth.