Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 70


As the voice fell, Zhang Xingzhi just opened the door in front of him, and Zhong Yi was stunned by the scene in the room.

Seeing the rows of photos strung together neatly in front of him, he asked Zhang Xingzhi without looking back: "You took all these photos?"

The houses in Yun County are of classic retro brick and wood structure, unlike the exquisite carvings in the south of the Yangtze River. The bricks and tiles here are full of rusticity and atmosphere mixed with earthy atmosphere. Take the majestic photos of the dense maze inside the house, first of all, from the visual point of view It is very shocking, the number of photos is not ten thousand, but several thousand.

Zhong Yi waited for a long time, turned his head before he could wait for the response from the person beside him, and almost immediately laughed angrily at Zhang Xingzhi's expression, how could he not know what this person was thinking: "When will my words count as words? I told you to shave, so I will let you shave, why are you so worried?"

Zhang Xingzhi, who was expressionless, licked his lower lip slowly without making a sound.

Zhong Yi looked at him angrily: "Is my credit value so low with you?"

Zhang Xingzhi coughed and said, "No."

Zhong Yi: "Then what do you mean?"

Zhang Xingzhi shut up again, then lowered his head and led the people across the threshold, walked to the place where the leftmost rope started, changed the topic and said: "They are all landscape photos, the location and shooting date are written on the back of the photos, from this side start... ... "

Before he could even say the word "look", Zhong Yi pushed him against the wall of their house.

Although strictly speaking from the physical point of view of the two, this is not called pushing, at most it is called a willing to fight and a willing to suffer, but in short, Zhong Yi did not speak after pushing the person against the wall, just looked at him with his head up.

It was at the end that Zhang Xingzhi couldn't stand being stared at by him, so he had to let go: "You clearly know..."

Zhong Yi blinked: "How do I know if you don't tell me?"

The position between the two of them that had been maintained for a whole day suddenly disappeared.

After looking at each other for a while, Zhang Xingzhi's Adam's apple twitched slightly: "I'm afraid you will play tricks."

Zhang Xingzhi: "I'm afraid you'll cheat but I can't do anything against you, because I like..."

Zhong Yi grabbed his collar and kissed him.

I don’t know when the sky outside darkened. The moonlight spilled into the house through the wide open door, printed on the photos hanging on the string, reflecting the light of the stars, only the corners of the house It was dark, Zhang Xingzhi could even see the light-dark dividing line on the back of Zhong Yi's head.

But Zhong Yi didn't give him too many chances to distinguish carefully, and raised his hand to cover his eyes.

Zhang Xingzhi felt that the world became quiet for an instant, only the warm lips and slightly hot body of the person in front of him remained.

Now he can't remember why he was angry before, a pair of big hands can't help but put on Zhong Yi's waist, and then move down along the track he likes bit by bit.

Zhong Yi's voice was hoarse|hoarse: "Zhang Xingzhi, what do you mean by mopping my ass now? Did I let you mope?"

Zhong Yi's hot breath was on his face, but he couldn't see Zhong Yi's expression at all, because the hand covering his eyes didn't move away.

Zhong Yi hooked his lips: "So I can understand that you accept my bribe|bribe?"

Zhang Xingzhi still didn't speak, but the big palm stuck in Zhong Yiku's yao began to withdraw slowly.

Zhong Yi pressed someone's hand backhandedly, raised his eyebrows and said, "Now remember to destroy the evidence?"

The person in front of him was leaning on him almost completely, Zhang Xingzhi was "controlled" and he didn't say anything, he still had one hand on his waist, and he didn't take out the other hand.

There are all witnesses and material evidence, and even if you want to deny your debt, you will not be able to deny it.

Zhong Yi was amused by Zhang Xingzhi's small appearance, and was about to leave when he was ready, when he heard Zhang Xingzhi's astonishing words: "I didn't want to destroy the evidence, but in comparison, I want to shave your hair even more." .”

That calm and firm tone really made Zhong Yi burst out laughing instantly, he took away his hand covering his eyes and said: "What kind of peerless cutie is our candy, the person who gave you this name can't be Your ex, right?"

At that moment, all that caught Zhang Xingzhi's eyes were Zhong Yi's long and narrow eyes that were wiped away with a smile, and his eyebrows were picturesque.

It is said that beauty is beyond skin, Zhang Xingzhi has photographed countless people, and he has never had any objection to this sentence until he met Zhong Yi.

Zhang Xingzhi said: "No, I have liked you before."

He can be so rigorous in his confession, and Zhong Yi feels that he has been pleased. The moment he took a picture of his firm chest, he put his heart back into his stomach: "Don't worry, I'll let you shave."

As he said that, Zhong Yi grabbed someone and began to admire the photos one by one. Before leaving, he rubbed his knee on Zhang Xingzhi's body whether it was intentional or not.

He said that he was not afraid of being too late for a good show, but Zhang Xingzhi was bullied again, obviously trying to get revenge for the face he put on him during the day.

Zhong Yicai doesn't care what the reason is, anyway, whenever he is unhappy, he wants to do something to make himself happy.

Seeing that those photos were all packed in small transparent bags that were fastened to the rope with locks, Zhong Yi asked Zhang Xingzhi nonchalantly, "Can I touch it?"

Zhang Xingzhi closed his eyes and took a deep breath, tried to calm down and said, "Yes, it doesn't matter if the film is in a bag."

After being affirmed, Zhong Yi was also careful, and when he flipped through the cherry blossoms in his hand, he was surprised by the date marked on the back: "Was it taken in Wuhan in 10 years? It's been nine years, can it be kept for so long?"

"The outside is an acid-free bag, and the photos have also been treated with a film, which can maintain the original color saturation and prevent moisture return." Speaking of professional related, Zhang Xingzhi felt that he could shift his attention from under his body a little bit. , "The two decisive factors for saving photos are light, heat and humidity. It is cool in the mountains in summer. This room usually does not open the door and does not see light, but the humidity is relatively high, so the dehumidifier is turned on in the room all the year round. If you wait a little longer, it will Organize them into volumes and put them in the electronic drying box."

"So..." Mr. Zhong was stepped into the blind spot of knowledge again, and he blinked knowledgeably.

The first photo hanging here is the cherry blossom in Wuhan, and after that, there are Jiuzhaigou, Hongcun, etc., all the way to the top of the room and follow the gap left to enter the next column, and the shooting dates on the back are in order Over time, everything from domestic to foreign is covered.

Now that Zhong Yi looked at the place names, he was able to match them up with the little red flag marked on Zhang Xingzhi's terrain wall.

Although in these photos, apart from landmark punch-in shots, the others are all trivial things, such as clear pool bottoms and budding wildflowers. They don’t particularly correspond to the notes on the back, and I don’t know where they were taken.

Zhong Yi said that he is not humble when he doesn’t understand photography. He really doesn’t know anything about composition and lighting, but Zhang Xingzhi’s photos look very comfortable to him.

Even if it is very simple to take a picture of the shadow of a utility pole in the sun, you can clearly feel what emotion he wants to express at the moment he presses the shutter, whether it is strong or reserved, or expectant or sad , I can't find any sense of disobedience, he is as straight as his, and he doesn't hide at all.

Of course, there are also photos of their alma mater.

Neither of them stayed at school for long, but they still miss it after all.

At that time, Zhong Yi was mostly outside with the group, while Zhang Xingzhi was traveling around the world. The two completely different ways of opening up, but the end point was the same - they didn't go to the dormitory, and only came back to take the exam.

Zhong Yi continued to be supported by Zhang Xingzhi, and he suddenly wondered why Zhang Xingzhi took such good portraits, why all the photos here are landscape photos.

Zhang Xingzhi was silent for a while, and answered very pertinently: "I don't like anything in particular."

Zhong Yike still remembered that Zhou Rui said earlier that he worked part-time in "Zar", and said happily: "I don't know if those supermodels and celebrities will be mad at you if they hear about it."

But if you like to travel so much...

"Is there any place you want to go next? Besides Al Nimai." Zhong Yi added, "I'm talking about a very simple tourism, without any work nature."

I also know that the reason for Zhang Xingzhi's withdrawal from the circle at the beginning was the death of his parents, and he couldn't really do what Jiang Duoduo said, and let the old lady send a white-haired person to a black-haired person twice.

Zhang Xingzhi thought about it for a while: "Meili."

"Meili?" If Zhong Yi remembers correctly, he seems to have seen "Meili" twice in the previous photo, "Do you mean Meili Snow Mountain? Do you want to climb it?"

Zhang Xingzhi shook his head and explained carefully: "Meili Snow Mountain is one of the eight great sacred mountains in Tibet. There are thirteen peaks with an average altitude of more than 6,000 meters. The main peak, Kawabog Mountain, is called the most beautiful snow mountain in the world by American scholars. , but it is the virgin peak, no one has climbed it, from 1902 the British mountaineering team began to try, until 2001, no one succeeded when it was banned by the local people. "

Zhong also didn't understand: "Then what are you going to do?"

"Look at Rizhao Jinshan." Zhang Xingzhi, "I have been there twice, but I didn't see it after waiting for the whole season."

It is surrounded by clouds and fog all the year round, so it is more lucky to see it.

Zhong Yi immediately thought of the snow-capped mountains in Nepal that Zhang Xingzhi had photographed: "Do you mean the kind of golden mountains where the sun shines on the snow-capped mountains?"

"Yes, it's very beautiful at sunrise." Zhang Xingzhi has photographed many snow-capped mountains, but he has never been able to come across the most famous one.

"What about you? Why did you suddenly go abroad for further study?" Zhang Xingzhi asked rhetorically.

He thought about this question seriously for a long time but couldn't find the answer. Counting the time, the incident of blocking medicine happened when Zhong Yijin had just returned to China after finishing his studies, which meant that it was not because of this that he went out.

In the end, Zhong Yi gave an answer that was simpler than he expected: "What else can you do with reading? For things like books, you will never think that you read too much."

Zhang Xingzhi was stunned for a moment, and said, "It's the same as what my grandma said."

Zhong Yimei smiled: "Really, my good grandson."

Zhang Xingzhi laughed.

Zhong Yi: "But I'm not so noble, the utilitarian element is still there."

To be honest, he can't even remember what it was like to do something with a pure purpose last time, and there will always be some other purpose mixed in.

"Every industry, or circle, has a chain of contempt. The words cultural person may be worthless in academia, but it is very different in a field that is close to money."

Just like the difference between "teacher" in the school and the teacher in society, one is a daily title and the other is a respectful title.

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"Everyone is a person who stinks of copper. Those with higher education or more culture are of course more likely to be looked up to by others." Zhong Yiru said with a smile.

The visiting professor of Peking University has always been Zhong Yi's strong brand, and everyone treats him differently.

There is also Zhang Xingzhi's film room behind the photo room—a place dedicated to developing film, the light is very dark, but Zhong Yi only took a quick glance before he was attracted by the room next to him.

Looking at the paintings that are hung or placed on the ground against the wall, the clock is a bit shocking to be honest.

Ever since he met him, he had heard about Zhang Xingzhi's ability to draw, but he really didn't expect that he could draw so well.

It's really not that Wang Siheng closed his eyes and boasted that Zhang Xingzhi is proficient in everything from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. The main thing is that this room has pen sketches, gouache, oil paintings, and traditional Chinese paintings at a glance.

But it wasn't this that shocked Zhong Yi the most. What shocked him the most was that he had seen all these paintings, and just now.

Zhong Yi asked in disbelief: "Are you... Are you painting all the things you have photographed?"

"Yes." Zhang Xingzhi nodded, "I only draw what I have photographed."

Zhong Yi was simply unbelievable. It was the first time he saw such a person, and he said bluntly: "I don't think you have fewer problems than me."

On this long corridor, one house after another, each one is completely new, before actually walking in, Zhong Yi never thought that there is such a corridor here.

He pointed to the last room and asked people, "Don't tell me that there are really musical instruments in this room."

After all, "qin, chess, calligraphy and painting", chess is easy to talk about, so there is a lack of a "qin".

In the end, Zhang Xingzhi not only affirmed his idea, saying that there was a piano inside, but also said that there was a hot spring behind: "If you want to listen to it after soaking, I can play it."

Zhong Yi was completely shocked this time: "Do you still have a hot spring???"

With everything together, no wonder the old lady is happy to live here and not go out.

"I asked you before if you want to take a bath." Zhang Xingzhi led the people back, and said lightly, "It's not big, but the scenery is not bad. At that time, I moved here and chose this place because Grandma likes this hot spring."

Then Zhong Yi saw the level of Zhang Xingzhi's so-called "scenery is not bad"...

Zhong Yi choked up for a moment: "...I suddenly feel that you compliment me for being good-looking is very valuable."