Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 73


As soon as the old lady left, Zhong Yi began to torture him to extract a confession and check his household registration.

"Actually, every time I hear people calling you, I want to ask, should 'A Ye' be translated as 'Ah Xing' or 'Ah Zhi'?"

But Zhang Xingzhi ignored Zhong Yi's doubts again: "You take it first, I'll go to the kitchen and get the medicine."

Zhong Yi was puzzled, this person doesn't have much else, but he has a lot of names, what's the big deal, is it a cute name on the same level as Candy

In the end, Zhang Xingzhi was so entangled by Zhong Yi that he finally let go and said that he would tell him at night, thinking that if Zhong Yi’s exuberant curiosity could be shared with half of the children, Jiang Yuan wouldn’t be able to make one or two of them like this. long worry.

In just one night, the two of them caught a cold.

Zhang Xingzhi has a good physique, and it is rare for him to get sick. This sudden attack is particularly severe. His symptoms are more serious than Zhong Yi. Originally, he was serving Zhong Yi in the first half, but in the second half, the two of them fell apart.

Zhong Yi heard someone's loud sneezing, raised his arms vigorously, and stared at the mercury thermometer in his hand.

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I don't know if this thermometer is too old or it has been stored for too long. The mercury in the mercury column is very fine. When I saw it for the first time, Zhong Yi even wondered if there was any mercury in it. Finally, he turned the glasses out. I barely found it until I put it on.

Zhang Xingzhi was leaning against the bedside with the paper in his arms, his whole body was dying, dizzy, the sides of his nose were flushed by the paper towels, his dark black eyes were teary, and the trash can beside the bed was full of His snot paper, his nasal voice is very strong when he speaks: "Did you see cough cough..."

Zhong Yi has been holding the thermometer and studying it for almost a minute. He tried different lights around the window and the door, but as long as he turned the triangular prism, either the scale disappeared or the mercury disappeared. Zhang Xingzhi couldn't hear it at all. Urging, before swearing, I sneezed first: "Don't cough, my hands will shake when you cough."

"I'll come and see."

As he said that, Zhang Xingzhi stretched out his hand to Zhong Yi before he was slapped back. Not only is Zhong Yi's savage power not less than usual, he even became more irritable because of the cold.

Zhong Yi: "Are you looking down on me? Do you know how much you look like Zhang Leo now? Well... okay, I see clearly."

Zhang Xingzhi sniffed: "How many degrees?"

Zhong also continued to turn the triangular prism in his hand: "You have a fever."

Zhang Xingzhi: "How much?"

Zhong Yi: "I don't know."

Zhang Xingzhi: "?"

Zhang Xingzhi: "...Then what do you see clearly?"

Zhong Yi gave up, pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose and concluded: "Anyway, it's over thirty-eight, not thirty-nine."

Don't ask Zhong Yi why there is a full degree interval: "Do you have antipyretics at home?"

Zhang Xingzhi didn't say anything, he just glanced at the two empty bowls on the bedside table, which means that our family even uses fried medicine for colds, does it look like there are antipyretics

Zhong Yi: "..."

The main reason is that Zhang Xingzhi's spirit is too low. There is no service that can deliver medicine to the door in this remote mountain and wild forest. When the temperature reaches this temperature, Zhong Yi sits by the bed and is a little anxious: "Otherwise, let's call Grandma. , ask her to come back and bring you some western medicine."

Zhang Xingzhi only had medicinal materials at home, even if he had all the anti-fever medicinal materials and put them in front of Zhong Yi, he would not know how to fry them.

Zhong Yi frowned very tightly. He couldn't figure it out that it was a cold. Why did he only have a little runny nose? On the contrary, a normally strong person was beaten up like this. There was no sign at all, and he had a fever when he said he had a fever.

Zhang Xingzhi was so dizzy that he couldn't keep his eyes open, he slowly shook his head and lay down under the quilt, his grandmother was a bit disgusted with western medicine, even if he called, he would probably just let him cover the quilt and sweat profusely.

"I'll just sleep for a while, don't stay by my side." Zhang Xingzhi stuffed his nose and said in a low voice.

Zhong Yi looked at him angrily: "I have caught a cold myself, so I'm afraid you'll catch it? Go to sleep. I'll deal with the crew's affairs at your desk later. Call me if you want anything."

As a result, Zhang Xingzhi handed over his mobile phone after pondering for a long time, and Zhong Yi was almost laughed at by him: "You are really more worried than I am, and you still miss the students when you are sick like this. Next time I will I should find you to be my executive producer."

Zhang Xingzhi slept on the bed for a whole afternoon that day. His whole body was soaked and he couldn't bear to lift the quilt. He was sticky and didn't sleep well at all. Two slices were cold.

Zhong Yi looked at the person in front of him with a flushed face touching his hand with complicated emotions. His slightly cool palm seemed to be holding a fireball. He just wanted to compare it with his forehead and feel it. Zhang Xingzhi would subconsciously look for him. hands, frowning deeply.

Zhong Yichang has never taken care of anyone since he was so old. Although Liang Sili smokes and drinks heavily, his physique is not bad. For minor illnesses, a bed, a quilt, and some medicine are enough. For serious illnesses, he can be sent directly to the hospital. It doesn’t cost him anything at all Heart, this is the first time that Zhang Xingzhi is in such a situation, and Zhong Yi can only be held by him, waiting for his brows to calm down slowly.

Later, Zhang Xingzhi felt more and more uncomfortable, and Zhong Yicai couldn't sit still.

There was nothing here, so he could only use the most primitive method, put a towel dipped in water on Zhang Xingzhi's forehead, and change it for him over and over again.

The water in the mountains does not see the sun all the year round, it is clear and clear, but it is very cold, Zhong Yiben is afraid of the cold, every time the ice hands can't bear it, he will cover Zhang Xingzhi's face, and continue after warming it.

Although the thermometer was ugly, Zhong Yi still measured it for Zhang Xingzhi every hour. In order to read it accurately, he could only pinch the mercury with his nails and compare it to the scale.

Zhong also watched the person's body temperature drop to thirty-eight little by little, and slowly approached thirty-seven before letting out a sigh of relief.

During the period, Zhang Xingzhi woke up once in a daze and asked him what time it was.

Zhong Yi was looking at the adjustment plan sent to him by Zhu Hong at that time, and when he heard the sound, he immediately sat on the side of the bed and agreed, allowing him to go back to sleep with peace of mind: "It's only four o'clock."

Zhang Xingzhi still coughed a little: "Cough... are you better?"

"Take care of yourself, Mr. Zhang, I finished drinking your grandma's medicine at noon today, and I'm almost healed now." Zhong Yi touched his forehead as he spoke, and simultaneously touched his forehead with the other hand The movements were very skilled, and the voice softened unconsciously, "Your body temperature is dropping, sleep a little longer."

Zhang Xingzhi's eyelids were still a little heavy, his eyes were half closed, and his eyelashes were staggered up and down. For such a tall man, he curled up slightly on Zhong Yi who was next to the bed through the quilt, and said "I can't sleep" to him in a nasal voice. When I was wronged, I felt like a child.

To be reasonable, Zhong Yi felt that he was a typical example of being tough but not soft, but now seeing Zhang Xingzhi like this, his heart suddenly softened, and he didn't have any temper at all.

Zhong Yi caressed his prickly cropped hair a little helplessly: "It's windy outside today, you can't go out, it's easy to catch cold."

"Hmm..." Half of Zhang Xingzhi's face was buried under the quilt, and the exposed ears were flushed red.

"Tomorrow is the last day of collecting wind. Don't think that I fell asleep last night and didn't remember. You said you would take me to watch the sunrise. What do you think about being sick?"

"Um… "

"Sleep until your grandma comes back to make dinner, you can take a hot bath and go to bed early tonight."

"Um… "

Zhang Xingzhi's nasal voice was thick and deep, and Zhong Yi's gossiping words filled his ears.

Zhong Yi told him to hurry up, otherwise no one would be working tonight, and asked him if he wanted to learn how to cook, otherwise he would have to rely on others for a meal.

Zhang Xingzhi didn't have the energy to talk too much, he would answer "OK" to everything Zhong Yi said, and fell asleep after answering.

With this ups and downs, more than half of the good two days of free dating time was wasted, but fortunately Zhang Xingzhi really got better after sleeping.

After he got up and took a shower, he felt much refreshed, his fever subsided, and his cold symptoms also eased, but when he arrived at the dining table and was about to sit down, Zhong Yi glared at him: "Can you add a coat to protect me a little for the afternoon?" results of your efforts?"

It was only when Zhang Xingzhi returned to the room and saw the towels and basins beside him that he realized what Zhong Yi said.

Looking at the people who sat back at the dining table, the old lady was not polite at all: "After a long time, I still blamed you wrongly? You two were not together last night, did you act separately?"

God knows how embarrassing she felt when she came back after playing a round of mahjong and saw her own grandson lying on the bed sneezing and snotting. It was the same night after drinking a bowl of medicine. Is there anything wrong

Probably because Zhong Yi really didn’t regard Zhong Yi as an outsider, the family gathered together at the table, and the old lady’s ridicule immediately went to infinity: "I only praised you in the morning, and you are too boastful. It seems that changing the name I changed it because I had self-knowledge.”

Zhong Yi, who was originally concentrating on eating, became very interested, and said obediently, "Grandma, what does 'also' mean in our Yunxian dialect? Zhang Xingzhi even refused to tell me what his real name was."

Zhang Xingzhi stopped suddenly with the chopsticks in his hand.

The old lady grinned and fed a few mouthfuls of rice, and asked, "Why do you think he chose this name for himself now?"

"Is it 'walking and stopping'? It should be the sentence in "The Book of Songs" that 'the mountain looks up and the scenery walks and stops'."

High mountains refer to noble virtues, and scenery refers to upright conduct.

The general idea is that praising his conduct and talent is like a mountain that people look up to, and people can't help but use his behavior as a code of conduct.

Zhong Yi blinked: "'Although I can't come, I yearn for it', the meaning is good, and it sounds good."

But the old lady still had that smile on her face: "That's just saying it nicely and bluffing people."

They in Yun County were late in adopting their daimyo, and their baby name was first written in the household registration booklet, and they would change their daimyo after they were ten years old.

When the old lady opened her mouth, she really didn't want to save any face for Zhang Xingzhi, and said, "Don't look at him as a big guy, but he was actually less courageous than our coquette at the beginning."

Zhong Yi almost choked the food in his mouth, and couldn't help laughing: "Ahem, do you mean Leo?"

"Yes." The old lady said, "Zhang Xingzhi was not talkative when he was young, and he didn't fit in with others. We elders were anxious, so we first called him 'Ye', which means 'Ye' or 'Xing' It's all right, the effect is remarkable, the wild is really getting wilder, and the walking is really getting better and better. In the end, he himself was afraid that he would grow crooked, so he added a "stop" at the end, always self-monitoring, telling You have to be self-disciplined and restrained.”

Zhong Yi didn't understand: "So it used to be called 'Zhang Xing', what's the embarrassment of saying that?"

The old lady laughed even more.

Zhang Xingzhi couldn't bear it at that time: "Grandma..."

But the old lady just pretended that she didn't hear her grandson's call, and even took off his last pair of underwear.

"He always felt that the name 'Zhang Xing' was degrading to the gentleman. He blamed us for putting the question of whether it was okay or not. It was strange for several years, but when he was ten years old, he went to change his name, and the one who was added was more than okay. , it’s still good enough to get the name of 'zhi' and 'zhi', and I slapped myself in the face, so I definitely don't recognize it."

Zhong Yi laughed like crazy at the time, and after returning to the room, he teased people: "I can't see it, our teacher Zhang is so young, so he started to care so much about whether he can do it or not? It seems to be better than the name Candy, huh? "

Zhang Xingzhi: "..."

Zhang Xingzhi: "You said this afternoon that you want me to work tonight?"

He admits to being a little annoyed.

But Zhong Yi pretended to be stupid: "What work, didn't you fall asleep this afternoon, what work can I let you do?"

Zhang Xingzhi raised his hand and picked him up: "I think I can work now."

"I'm not such a black hearted old... hey!"

Zhong Yi was thrown on the bed before he could utter the word "ban". Zhang Xingzhi said, "I agreed in the morning to tell you my original name in the evening."

Zhong Yi declined: "Actually, there is no need."

Zhang Xingzhi insisted: "Do what you say, Teacher Zhong taught you."

"Your grandma has already told me."

"Feel it again."

Then he told Zhong Yi about his name as promised, and told Zhong Yi again by precept and example, but this was not over yet, Zhang Xingzhi's retaliation continued until the next day.

Before dawn the next day, Zhang Xingzhi dragged the person next to him out of the quilt and said that he would take him to see the sunrise.

Zhong Yiren was going crazy, he was sleepy all the way on Zhang Xingzhi's back, he didn't know when he was on the cable car on Youdao Mountain, and when he opened his eyes, he was squatting next to Zhang Xingzhi, staring at the camera Looking at his three.

Zhong Yi didn't wash his face, and there were freshly baked bright red strawberries on his neck. He lay on Zhang Xingzhi's back and rubbed his eyes: "What's the matter with you three, the sun will come out soon, and you are still looking at me. Are you really going to shoot me at the end of the semester?"

The author has something to say: Mr. Zhong: tell a cold joke, Zhang Xing knows "stop"