Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 75


The invitation was sent out, but Zhou Rui waited for a while before receiving a reply.

To be honest, he was a little shocked by the synchronization of the two people's gods.

If you don't reply to the message, you don't reply together. If you want to reply to the message, not to mention the accuracy to the second, it is also close to the front and back, and the content is not bad.

If Zhou Rui hadn't been sure that his brother couldn't possibly have anything to do with this surname Z, he would almost have thought that the two were negotiating.

This is a tacit understanding, maybe... it is really possible to see the right eye

For the meeting on Sunday night, Zhou Rui began to bathe and change clothes, shave, and style his hair early in the morning. I tried half of the wardrobe for the clothes I was going to wear, and the remaining half was not pajamas, it was a special item for wearing back to my hometown during the Chinese New Year.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org

On the way to 1977 by taxi, he even brags with people in "All Members 1".

- "Tonight, I'll have a big bloodletting in Shan'er, entertain 1977, wait for my photo"

- "Brother Shui is a parallel importer, call Dad quickly"

Brother Shui expressed that he was in a stable mood, and replied.

- "You talk about it after you meet the person first, and you will blow the cowhide if you brag about it"

- "There is no witness or material evidence, so what you say is unsubstantiated (Tan Shou.jpg)"

- "Your father will benefit the society today and show you (smile.jpg)"

Zhou Rui was not shy at all. After sending the message, he confidently put the phone back in his pocket, completely oblivious to who was the one who spoke up in the group afterwards.

The moment he stepped out of the taxi, he began to prepare for the battle, paying special attention to his words and deeds, just as if he didn't see the veiled eye contact of the bartenders who said "the vomit is coming again", and concentrated on preparing for the Hongmen banquet. shame.

When it was almost time, Zhou Rui kept looking at the door, but the person surnamed Z didn't expect it, so he first expected Boss Zhang to come.

Zhou Rui raised one hand and was about to signal to others, when he saw Zhong Yi coming in right behind Zhang Xingzhi.

Zhou Rui: "?"

Zhou Rui: "???"

What happened to these two people? Isn't Zhang Xingzhi the only one he called

Is Zhang Xingzhi out of his mind? Come out on a blind date and bring your old friend

When the two came to the front, Zhou Rui couldn't sort out his weird expression. He felt guilty that he was caught on the spot when he introduced his mistress to someone.

If you don't agree to someone else, why don't you let Zhang Xingzhi find another new love at ease

When Zhong Yi sat down on the seat Zhang Xingzhi dragged away for him, he was not polite to Zhou Rui at all, and teased in a familiar tone: "Why is Mr. Zhou looking at me like this? It seems that he doesn't want to see me."

Zhou Rui choked for a moment, he couldn't really tell the truth, so he could only say awkwardly: "Oh, I'm just a little surprised, I didn't expect Teacher Zhong to be willing to give me this face."

Zhong Yi looked at Zhang Xingzhi unintentionally, with a sly curve on his lips: "Didn't I agree to give you a face later on, why did it happen by accident?"

What Zhou Rui could say, Zhou Rui could only look at Zhang Xingzhi resentfully.

Wang Shan, who didn't know the truth, couldn't stop complaining in his heart, are you two finally a good person now? If one agrees, does it mean that both have agreed

In 1977, the three looked at each other silently.

Trying hard to restrain his inner embarrassment, Zhou Rui waited to see if the person on the phone replied to his message. Zhong Yi and Zhang Xingzhi were on the opposite side to accompany him without urging him.

It was half an hour before the appointed time, and before the fourth person appeared at the door, Zhong Yi blinked and said, "Is there anyone at our table who wants to come? Give me a call and ask?"

There were still a bunch of people waiting for his photo in Meng 1 group. Zhou Rui was worried that he would be humiliated by the pigeons, but also worried that Z would really come. He asked him how he should explain to others that there was an extra person.

Right now Zhou Ruina is full of thoughts, looking at the door, thinking about something, subconsciously said: "I don't have his phone number, and the message I sent hasn't returned to me yet, is there a traffic jam on the road..."

Zhong Yi raised his eyebrows, and slowly took out the phone from his pocket, and said while typing: "Will you take a look again?"

Although Zhang Xingzhi didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, he still knew what he should know - he watched Zhong Yi number by number, and entered his mobile phone number in the Weibo private message chat box.

After pressing the send button, Zhou Rui's phone vibrated.

But Zhou Rui is absent-minded now, running the train with his mind full, even Zhang Xingzhi is occupied by Zhong Yi, and the person he promised to introduce to Z is gone. If Z is really beautiful, he will sacrifice his life to accompany the gentleman and sacrifice himself. I thought of it all, but I didn't notice the problem at all. I was a little surprised to see that someone took the initiative to send him the mobile phone number: "Hey, it's really here."

Zhong Yi put down his phone and asked, "What are you calling here for? Are you introducing him to Zhang Xingzhi?"

Zhou Rui has spent so long in psychological construction, and it is worthwhile. He still remembers everything that Dean Jiang told him before, and he didn't tell his brother.

Zhou Rui immediately straightened his back and said, "That's right, anyway, you don't want our family Zhang Xingzhi, why don't you allow him to have another spring?"

Zhong Yi didn't say anything, just smiled with a good temper: "What's wrong with that, does it look good over there?"

Zhou Rui immediately forgot who was still questioning the rumor that he was so powerful, and said forcefully: "It looks good, of course it looks good, if it is not good looking, whoever introduces it to Lao Zhang!"

Zhong Yi raised his eyebrows and nodded leisurely: "So...do you look better than me? How old are you? Where are you from?"

The three consecutive calls immediately choked Zhou Rui, who had never seen anyone, and dialed the phone number sent to him while pressing Z in his hand, and forced his swollen face to pretend to be fat: "Wait for someone to come You will know if you have a look for yourself, check the household..."

It's just that before Zhou Rui could say "口", he was interrupted by Zhong Yi's cell phone that started to vibrate crazily on the table.

Both Zhong Yi and Zhang Xingzhi thought that this should be more or less stated clearly, but in the end Zhou Rui's imagination was far beyond their expectations.

After all this, he failed to get the number plate of the truth, and even continued to hold the phone to his ear, listening to the "beep" inside, pointing to the phone on Zhong Yi's desk and saying: "Mr. Zhong, you have a call, directly Take it, it's okay."

Hearing this, Zhong Yi finally couldn't bear it any longer, and leaned back in his chair and burst out laughing. Even though this matter was indeed a bit unbelievable, he was still moved by Zhou Rui's IQ. Did he really win the German IF Gold Award

Zhong Yi folded his arms and laughed, "How many times does it take you to remember my surname Zhong?"

At first Zhou Rui didn't get the point at all: "Why don't I remember your last name..."

Until Zhong Yi completed his address: "Teacher Wang Shaner."

Zhou Rui: "...?"

Zhou Rui: "???"

Only then did he realize something, and glanced at the screen of the phone in his hand that was displaying a call, where the name of the contact he had just saved—"zhong" was written in a large size.

Only then did Zhou Rui reluctantly connect the call with Zhong Yi's cell phone on the table. He hung up hesitantly, and then watched Zhong Yi's cell phone stop instantly, and finally understood what happened now.

Zhou Rui's face turned green at that moment.

But Zhong Yi didn't laugh at him, and leaned closer to him and whispered: "I'll tell you another secret, there is a cute little brother sitting at a table behind you, and he has been staring at you for a long time."

Zhou Rui: "?"

He is still a little immersed in the shock of Zhong Yi is Z, and he turned his head subconsciously when he heard these words.

With just one glance, Zhou Rui's hairs stood on end.

Zhang Xingzhi was also looking at the child who was looking straight in that direction: "Is he an adult? So you are also interested in high school students."

Zhou Rui blurted out his rebuttal, and his mind almost stopped: "I have a hammer interest in him! Shit, why are you following here!"

"Tsk." Zhong Yi shook his head as if he was watching a show, "The whole world is about to hear about Wang Shan, and today I have an appointment with someone to take pictures, so I can know the location after a little inquiry."

Although Zhou Rui had rehearsed countless times at home how to strangle that brat to death the next time he saw him, but when the real encounter happened, Zhou Rui, who was at a loss, just wanted to run away.

No more time to chat nonsense, Zhou Rui wanted to get up and leave as soon as he slapped the table. His first reaction was to go to the group to investigate the responsibility, and he was accurate to the person. As a result, he just clicked into the group chat on the way to escape, and there were only a few words in his eyes.

- "I don't know about the mountain, but if I still have the life to see Z, I should be cut off by my brother."

- "Be confident, remove should, who made him foolish, he didn't even notice that there was a fierce 1 in our group (hee hee hee.jpg)"

Zhou Rui: "!!!"

He really wanted to drag this group of people out and shoot them, who the hell pulled them into this group! Because of the small number of people in the group, don't you need the consent of the group leader to pull people! He said, how can this goddamn little brat follow me here! ! !

In the end, it's the age difference that's at play here, and it's impossible to refuse to accept the old.

Zhong Yi and Zhang Xingzhi watched helplessly as Zhou Rui didn't even get out of the gate of 1977, but was caught and locked on the door, making the people who wanted to come in outside his house look at the sign above his head several times, wondering if it was him Wrong way, how could there be such an indecent thing at the door of 1977, what's more, they didn't come in directly, and the faces of the bartenders suddenly turned black.

The first time I came here, I vomited at the bar, the second time I brought someone with flu or heart disease, and the third time I came directly to make trouble at the gate.

This is finally unable to hide, ready to smash their signboard in the open? ?

Not caring about him anymore, Zhong Yi raised his hand and drank the wine placed in front of Zhang Xingzhi, propped his head and turned his head to look at humanity: "Okay, now I have successfully completed the task?"

He led the class that Jiang Duoduo asked him to lead, and he followed the Caifeng that Zhang Xingzhi asked him to follow. The things that should be given to the children are almost done quickly. They said that everyone should pass the test, but it was just to scare the children. Yes, I just want everyone to study hard, how can I really give him such a deadly task.

Zhang Xingzhi's voice was deep: "Are you leaving?"

Since he set off from Yun County and returned to Quan City in the early hours of this morning, he has been mentally prepared to return to reality. This week has been like a dream.

"What the hell is it that I'm leaving? You said it's so scary." Zhong Yi laughed, "It's not like I'll never see you again, but there's still a whole crew waiting for me to go back."

"Hmm..." Zhang Xingzhi pursed his thin lips slightly, and he and Zhong Yi looked at each other for several seconds before he spoke, "Can I call you?"

Zhong Yi was a little too cute by him, he couldn't help but said: "If you want to call me, can I stop you?"

Zhang Xingzhi said slowly, "I'm afraid it will be inconvenient for you."

Zhong Yi paused for a second, then moved his arms and took a big step towards Zhang Xingzhi's direction. He continued to raise his face and gave a "you know" ambiguous look: "How inconvenient can it be? As long as you don't catch up with me to sleep , is just doing|love me to pick up.”

When Zhang Xingzhi heard this, he couldn't sit still immediately, and Zhong Yi interrupted before he could speak: "I pointed at you to take pictures of me, so I won't kick you so quickly, it's just that the next paragraph Time will be very busy, please wait for me to contact you?"

Zhang Xingzhi stared at the pair of phoenix eyes with a smile that reached his eyes, and carefully discerned them for several seconds before responding.

Zhong Yi was surprised, how could such a big man be so cute.

He finally raised his hand to caress Zhang Xingzhi's knee facing him: "Mr. Zhang will pull me into your class, and they can ask me directly if they have any questions."

Zhang Xingzhi: "... won't it bother you?"

"There are so many people harassing me every day, it's not less than thirty." When counting the number, Zhong Yi also pointed Zhang Xingzhi's head on the spot, and said, "I've listened to their bluffing this week. got used to."

Zhou Rui on the other end was about to be tortured insanely at the door, and collapsed to the point of talking about Trump|Pu: "What the hell do you want to mess with? Don't you need to study in the third year of high school? Do things for me every day!"

It was the face of a special three-good student, with wide shoulders, narrow waist, long legs and long arms. Even if he knocked someone on the door, he still looked harmless to humans and animals. That day Zhou Rui was caught by this cute little girl. The milk dog's face is deceiving!

Of course, it was only at this time that Zhou Rui had to admit that the high school student seemed to be a few millimeters taller than him.

The younger brother looked at him with serious eyes and didn't say a word. He grabbed Zhou Rui's wrist and was about to lift his leg to take him away from 1977 when he was attracted by the frantically vibrating cell phone in his hand.

The group chatted a long time ago, saying that Zhou Rui mysteriously lost contact now. Either he was intercepted by that brother, or Z let him go. He didn't get any witnesses or physical evidence. He felt ashamed to face others. .

The younger brother said while still holding his wrist, "They wronged you."

Zhou Rui's mind is buzzing now, he certainly knows that he has been wronged: "Now is the time to care about this??? Brother, really, please go back and study hard, you are still hanging out at this late, you Don't your parents worry about you?"

"I told them that I came out with my friends." After the serious answer, the younger brother snatched the phone from Zhou Rui, saying that he would return his innocence.

Zhou Rui saw that he was going to use his mobile phone to make a voice call, and his soul was scared away. He wanted to grab it, but he was a step too late, and his arms were not as good as that of a parent.

The younger brother read it seriously to the phone word by word: "He didn't lie, he asked Z out, I saw it, and I can be a witness."

After finishing speaking, the younger brother turned his head to look at Zhou Rui again, and found that the person who was standing well just now had squatted against the door.

He didn't feel at all that his voice would leave Zhou Rui's old face completely empty, and he still asked people with concern: "What's wrong with you?"

Zhou Rui couldn't hear the ignorance and innocence in this little boy's voice. Accepting the onlookers of the passers-by and the onlookers in the store, Zhou Rui was already ashamed and threw himself into self-destruction, so he hugged his head and said in despair: "You take me Let's go, as long as you stay away from the gate of 1977, you can go anywhere... "

Hearing Zhou Rui's sudden obedience to the strange request, the younger brother slowly blinked twice, and just as he was about to agree, he felt the phone in his hand ringing again.

The group was blown up because of his voice, he was either teasing Shan and getting stabbed, or he was asking what Z looks like and if he has any photos.

The younger brother glanced back at the bar, turned on the voice again and said, "Z is really good-looking, but it seems that he is indeed in a relationship with someone."

Someone asked him why.

The younger brother answered seriously: "Z is kissing a handsome guy with a short hair now."

Zhou Rui: "?"

Zhou Rui was full of blood for a second: "Kiss???"

He wanted to rush up and grab that scumbag Zhong Yi by the collar, and ask him if he was being a jerk, if he tricked Zhang Xingzhi into bed, why didn't he even let go of the innocent boy's first kiss!

As a result, he had just stood up from the ground, and before he could even take a step, he was carried away by the thin, tall, weightless kid on his shoulders.

Zhou Rui is so fucking stupid. In his whole life, he has never had the experience of being held on his shoulders like this. He is a serious 120 to 30 catties! ! !

That night, all the wine on the table went into Zhong Yi's stomach, Zhang Xingzhi didn't even touch a drop of wine, he took the steering wheel and sent him back to the apartment.

Before leaving, Zhong Yi opened the car door and was about to get out when he was dragged back to his seat by Zhang Xingzhi.

Zhong Yi thought that this man was going to kiss him again, but he couldn't believe that he was actually sucking on his neck, and his big hands grabbed him very tightly, as if he was afraid that he would run away.

Zhong Yi was a little amused: "Are you a dog, the mark left yesterday has not disappeared, and you are in a hurry to leave a new one today?"

When he let go of the person, Zhang Xingzhi's black eyes were bottomless, as if he wanted to suck him in, and looked at you deeply.

Zhong Yi teased: "It's like this before we get married. When we really get married, don't you have to hug me every day? Who can stand this?"

But Zhang Xingzhi didn't care.

In the end, Zhong Yi was so looked at that he couldn't help it, he offered to compromise and kissed someone on the forehead before sending him away.

Zhang Xingzhi parked his car in the garage, and was about to pull Zhong Yi into the group, when he saw everyone in the group talking and criticizing something in full swing.

- "No, I really can't bear it, just call out and fight, damn it"

- "I've seen those idiots in video transmission not pleasing to my eyes, I have a human mouth and can't speak human words"

-"Whoever insults me, Ah Zhong, will be shot to death (smile.jpg)"

- "Meet tomorrow night to wear a sack after class, see you soon"

-"I must bring toothpaste and toothbrush tomorrow, and wash their mouths one by one (bye.jpg)"

- "Give it to the master, the nine-year compulsory education only knows how to type on the keyboard"

- "All the girls are responsible for confiscating the electronic products on the opposite side to ensure that no evidence is left, and the boys are responsible for letting go of their arms (ok.jpg)"

Zhang Xingzhi looked at the stance of a group fight, stood at the door of his house and rowed upwards for a long time before he understood the matter from all kinds of swear words.

The reason is that a student in the visual communication class of 19 dissed their class on Moments because of Zhong Yi's flamboyant appearance, and he licked the dog. In fact, Zhong Yi's private life was chaotic behind the scenes.

This circle of friends was deleted soon after it was posted, but the picture was quickly cut off, and Zhang Xingzhi frowned after reading the original sentence. It's not dirty, but it's ugly, ugly.

As Zhang Xingzhi watched, he opened the door of his house in his hand.

They are all young girls and young men in their twenties, full of anger, and it is not easy for them to give up violent methods easily, unless there is a special explanation to them.

Zhang Xingzhi was engrossed in thinking about how to deal with this matter, and before he even had time to turn on the light when he entered the door, he was hit by a black shadow that suddenly jumped out in front of him, so hard that he couldn't even stand still, his back There was a muffled knock on the door of his own house.

In the darkness, Zhang Xingzhi looked at the person hugging his waist tightly in front of him in astonishment, hesitating, "Is it... Leo?"

Leo has been revealing his thoughts to him for many years, but this is the first time he has actually done something like this...

The author has something to say: ps: My stomach hurts so much during the menstrual holiday that I can’t stand it. I’d like to add two more words today. I’m applying for a day off tomorrow with my geese. See you on 2.2!