Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 82


As a result, Ji Haochuan saw Zhong Yi looking closely at the laptop on the side with the video turned on, and asked, "How is this episode? Is it okay?"

Unlike the gentle Hua An, Ding Runnian was unshaven. He stared at Ji Haochuan who hadn't recovered from his daze for a long time before saying a word.


Everyone in Ji Haochuan was dumbfounded: "... Are you a partner in cheating me to audition, or is it true?"

Zhong Yi glanced at him: "In order to trick you into auditioning, I had to find Yu Jin to kiss, and then buy a trending search, how did Liang Sili get used to you so dare to think?"

Ji Haochuan: "..."

The male protagonist in the continuation of "Logical Aesthetics" is a subversion of the first one. He is neither as upright as his father, nor as tough as his father. Hard-spoken.

Even when Zhong Yige, Ding Runnian and Hua Anti Yu Jin were also pushed in, the two on the other side of the video shook their heads, saying that his image was too decent, and that his face was that of a very masculine, good boy with a sense of justice.

But Zhong Yi said to the point: "It is because the image was too positive before, and the sudden reversal made the popularity even higher."

As soon as these words came out, the two hesitated again.

Zhong Yi: "He will go to the audition, you can take a look when the time comes."

Hearing this, Ji Haochuan, who knew that Zhong Yi didn't take the initiative to kiss others, was immediately stuck. Before that, he only thought that Zhong Yi was forced to kiss by someone, and it happened to be photographed, but why did Zhong Yi help? People are saying good things.

As soon as the video was hung up, Ji Haochuan couldn't help but went up to ask for proof: "You...why did you help that Yu Jin?"

Zhong Yi: "Does this count as help?"

Ji Haochuan frowned: "Isn't this called a help??"

Zhong Yi looked at him silently for a few seconds, and then said straightforwardly, "Yu Jin and I have no story for a long time, do you understand?"

Ji Haochuan, who was poked at the center, moved his Adam's apple: "The hot search..."

Zhong Yi dismissed it lightly with one sentence: "There will be no follow-up."

But Ji Haochuan suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and said in surprise: "Could it be that you have already planned to find Yu Jin to play the male lead, and now you are just borrowing him to hype up and use the star to bring popularity to "Aesthetics 2", right?"

He has been with Zhong Yi for a long time, and he has been more or less fascinated by Zhong Yi's "thunder tactics", and unexpectedly he can make up one for you for nothing. The story is better than a bunch of screenwriters. It is not difficult to believe it or not.

As a result, Zhong Yi looked at him with confusion in his eyes, and asked, "I need a celebrity to bring heat to my plate? Is it not enough for me?"

Ji Haochuan: "..."

you win.

On the way back home, Ji Haochuan relied on the fact that he had sent Jiuxin Leo home, and knowing his home address, he decisively killed him, thinking that if he didn't clear up the matter for Leo quickly, the child would really die. The kind that was completely led into a ditch by him, and he couldn't even crawl out.

But even if he had predicted Leo's state, he was still frightened by the person who opened the door in front of him.

The guilt in Ji Haochuan's heart reached its peak the moment he saw Leo's eyes were bloodshot.

He stood choked up at the door for a long time before he recovered his voice. All the rhetoric he had organized all the way was broken at this moment, leaving only a trembling sentence: "Leo, don't cry..."

My heart aches when you cry.

After the hot search came out, not only did Zhong Yi not hear from anyone, he even felt a sense of calm and ease.

Everyone seemed to avoid disturbing him during this sensitive period to avoid suspicion, exactly the same as when the incident between him and Zou Chao was first reported.

There were a few mocking smiles on the corner of Zhong Yi's mouth, it might be part of human nature to try to cover up.

But in fact, this kind of revelation is only for the layman to watch the excitement, and only the insider can see the way.

Those who invited Liang Sili to renew the booth saw this group of photos, and immediately understood like a mirror in their hearts that their "bribery" of Zhong Yi had failed. Didn't go in, it's not yellow or something.

In order to make the scene look good, everyone talked nonsense illogically, making fun of Liang Sili and Zhong Yi's relationship.

Liang Sili smiled brightly, and said generously: "Mr. Zhong may indeed be too tired recently. He probably likes Xiao Yu quite a lot. Let's do it next time if we have a chance."

At the same time, the news that Yu Jin intends to compete in "Aesthetics 2" spread in the circle immediately, dissuading many people from tempting.

As soon as Ji Haochuan left that afternoon, Zhong Yi was ready to go to bed, but Zhang Xingzhi, who promised to lure him into the group, didn't respond until he turned on Do Not Disturb on his phone.

Closing his eyes, Zhong Yi couldn't help thinking, if it was one-on-one with the secretary, even if Zhang Xingzhi didn't like to explain, Master Reliu should be able to explain the simple cause and effect by himself, right...

Zhong Yi woke up and fell asleep until night when Liang Sili came back and woke him up.

He was taking a shower in the bathroom, while Liang Sili was sitting on the toilet outside to report the current situation to others. It was all miscellaneous human affairs.

That night, the two went to the crew of "Aesthetics 2" by car together.

Next, another tough battle.

Faced with a lot of material and actors who were constantly auditioning, Zhong Yi, wearing glasses, sat in the seat closest to the door of the room, and accompanied Ding Runnian and Hua An in the middle of the table for a whole night, until the next afternoon, at a quarter did not stop.

During the period, there will be various executions of docking work with Zhong Yi outside the door.

As time went by, more and more people joined the group, and more and more functional departments began to operate. Zhong Yi was doing chores while keeping an eye on the auditions in the room to ensure that Ding Runnian and Hua An were not sure. When you have an idea, you can give accurate and effective opinions.

Mr. Liang, who is ignorant and inexperienced, doesn't have to do much when he comes to the team. He just checks the company's business a little bit, and then takes care of making a few cups of hand brewed for Zhong Yi, and everything will be fine.

When Zhong Yi came out of that room, Liang Sili had already dozed off in the lounge for several sleeps, he was sober, and he could directly serve as Zhong Yi's driver.

It's just that Liang Sili thought that Zhong Yi was going home, but he heard that Zhong Yi leaned on his back to defecate and reported the address of 1977.

Liang Sili: "?"

Liang Sili subconsciously thought that Zhong Yi was going to find Yu Jin: "Shouldn't you just go home and catch up on sleep?"

Seeing his thoughts, Zhong Yi took off his glasses, rubbed his sore eyes and said, "I'm not looking for Yu Jin, I have an appointment in 1977, just send me there."

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org

Liang Sili: "Zhang Xingzhi?"

Zhong also didn't intend to hide it: "Barely count."

Liang Sili was silent for a second, then turned the steering wheel and said: "Okay, drink less, call me to pick you up anytime you want to go home, or go directly to the hotel opposite and get a room to sleep."

Zhou Rui arrived more than ten minutes earlier than the agreed time, and specially picked a booth next to the glass wall of the main entrance—to facilitate the surveillance clock.

According to the status of hot searches in the afternoon, it is reasonable that he should call Zhang Xingzhi to come together, but by accident, Zhou Rui still kept the appointment with Zhong Yi from himself. He was afraid that people would not be able to bear it, so he planned to help his brother test the depth of the water first. .

Zhou Rui had an intuition. He had been wavering for so long, and he didn't know which direction to go to persuade Zhang Xingzhi. His heart might settle down tonight.

To be honest, Zhou Rui prepared Zhong Yi to come out of the opposite hotel on foot, and even thought about how Zhong Yi would bid farewell to the little wolf dog.

In the end, Zhong Yi just got out of a private car, and was still in the unambiguous back row.

"Pay attention to your eyes."

With that said, Liang Sili, who had stopped the car, raised his hand and threw the eye drops he had bought in advance on Zhong Yi who was in the back row.

"It feels like you are forcing me to use all kinds of things to continue my life every day." Zhong Yi laughed amusedly.

Since he joined the group last night and came out today, he was held down and fed by this person, and he didn't know what kind of health care products they were.

Liang Sili raised his lips to look at the person: "After all, it's a cash cow."

Zhong Yi looked at him angrily, and put the eye drops into his pocket after dripping: "You go back to rest too, I'll sleep directly in the hotel tonight."

"Come to pick you up tomorrow morning?"

"Look, wait for my call."

No matter how big Zhou Rui's brain is, he can still see the obvious exhaustion from Zhong Yi's body. The blue shadow is very heavy, and it doesn't look like he just came over from messing around with others.

As soon as Zhong Yi entered the door, Zhou Rui stood up awkwardly from his seat, ashamed of himself for treating the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, thinking that maybe he was just kissed forcibly.

Zhou Rui: "Have you been busy at work recently?"

"Hmm." Zhong Yi sat down opposite him and laughed, "Why don't you sit at the bar this time, for fear that the bartender will beat you out?"

Zhou Rui couldn't hold back his face, he pursed his mouth and said, "Don't tell me if you see it..."

"Okay, let's start acting your part, and agree to help you consult about emotional problems." Zhong Yi raised his hand and called the bartender to order.

Zhou Rui didn't feel much at first, until he heard Zhong Yi say: "Then let's keep it simple, let's fry beer with whiskey."

Zhou Rui: "?"

Zhou Rui: "???"

When meeting Zhong Yi for the first time, the fear of being dominated by depth charges instantly swept Wang Shaner's heart.

But Zhong Yi said: "Don't be nervous, I'm just here to decompress myself."

"Okay, okay." Zhou Rui put his heart back into his stomach in a very hopeless manner. He didn't want to crawl out of the gate of 1977 drunk again.

Although in the end he still used alcohol to relieve his worries and became a drunk chicken, but that's all for later.

Meng Wang Shan, who was depressed right now, looked at Zhong Yi and said at the beginning: "I may have a high school boyfriend."

Zhong Yi laughed hard enough: "Are you still messing with other people's children?"

"It's a high school student who messed with me!" Zhou Rui now understands what it means to cry without tears, and said, "Why are children nowadays so scary."

If it weren't for the fact that this matter was too difficult to talk about, Wang Shan couldn't bear to talk to his friends in the circle, and Zhang Xingzhi couldn't even figure out his own emotional problems. table level.

Zhong Yi said with great interest: "Are you guys asleep again?"

Zhou Rui categorically denied: "That's against the law!"

"Although he is eager to try."

"Still encouraging me."

Zhong Yile: "So is it true that he is still underage?"

Speaking of this, Zhou Rui felt a stomachache: "There is no age on the ID card, but he insisted that the date on his ID card was written half a year late, and he is actually an adult."

Zhong Yi: "Then it still doesn't work."

"That's right!" Zhou Rui almost burst into tears, "If it was someone else, I'd directly open a house and teach him how to behave, but this is still a child, I'm so desperate..."

Zhong Yi was completely amused, holding the wine glass, he felt that his nerves that had been tense for several days relaxed instantly, and said with a smile: "Your setting is a bit exciting."

"He has pulled me to a point where I can't do anything but be beaten and teased passively." Zhou Rui drank the wine in his glass in one gulp, "This fucking brat can tease me, it's really because of his face Cheated."

Zhong Yi raised his eyebrows: "A few words, let me feel it?"

Holding the wine glass, Zhou Rui resolutely refused, poured another glass and said, "No, I still want face."

"Then you are trying to mess with Plato?" Zhong Yizhen didn't believe it at all, "Can you bear it?"

At this time, it's no longer necessary to ask Zhou Rui why he nodded his head to fall in love with a child, it was probably just a momentary obsession, just like he did with Zhang Xingzhi.

"Fart, I should play, of course I still have to play, just... just don't let him find out." Zhou Rui has been entangled in this matter for several days, and his intestines are almost knotted, "He always pesters me, he is very clingy , I don’t understand why you fell in love with me, I’ll play with my own, it seems that my conscience is a little bit hard.”

Hearing this, Zhong Yi finally waited for the right time to say what he had already prepared: "Then you can let him go out and find someone to have fun with, whoever you love, and let him settle his physical needs before coming back." fall in love with you."

Zhou Rui was silent for two seconds at first, then burst into a belch, and shouted: "That's right! It makes sense! Why didn't I think of that!"

All of a sudden, all the guests in 1977 looked over. The busy bartenders behind the bar were really twitching. They wanted to get Zhou Rui out if they didn't make any money from this man.

After finding the solution, Zhou Rui felt that he had understood the important matter in his mind. He raised his hand and wanted to drink two more cups, but Zhong Yi raised his hand and pressed the cup, saying, "Teacher Zhou seems to have forgotten something."

Don't get down to business, you can't get drunk yet.

Zhou Rui immediately said "Hey" and said: "Mr. Zhang, I remember it. Don't worry. Just two days ago, 19 Photography and 19 Video Biography had a fierce quarrel. Today, Lao Zhang was called by the secretary to talk about you. , but things are almost settled now.”

As he said that, Zhou Rui couldn't help asking: "Isn't Zhang Xingzhi's 'Heliu Master' the right way?"

Zhong Yi looked at people in a bad mood: "Don't you know your own friend?"

"That's different. Reliu is indeed the first time that four Reliu masters have appeared in one breath." Zhou Rui pursed his lips, "And Lao Zhang added it later, it's a bit strange..."

"Without Zhang Xingzhi, there would be no portrait shooters in Reliu this year, don't you understand?" Zhong Yi said, crossing his arms.

Zhou Rui was at a loss: "No..."

Zhong Yi paused for a moment, tried his best to hold his temper and explained: "If Zhang Xingzhi is the first one to present awards to him at the awards ceremony, what will happen to the people who will reissue the awards later?"

"Why, how is it..." Zhou Rui felt that he suddenly understood the feeling of taking the Zhongyi class that Mr. Wang Siheng told him.

Zhong Yi paused again: "No matter who you change to, your convincing power will be worse than Zhang Xingzhi's, and the difference is more than one or two points, because Zhang Xingzhi is the only portrait among the four."

Zhou Rui was enlightened: "!"

"So even if the other three are not masters of hot flow, Zhang Xingzhi is a certainty. After all, there is no reason to withdraw the award that has already been awarded, so the person who reissues it can only be Zhang Xingzhi." Zhong Yi has already said very well. To put it bluntly, "The organizer asked me to be a judge because they selected four this year and they don't know what to do."

Zhou Rui: "!!!"

Zhou Rui: "So I'm looking for you to help out with ideas?"

Zhong Yi was too lazy to answer his question, and just asked: "So, why did the children in the first two classes quarrel? Just because the video said that Zhang Xingzhi's 'Heliu Master' was obtained through the back door?"

Zhou Rui immediately showed an ambiguous smile: "If it's just arranging this, it's fine, the main thing is that the students follow Lao Zhang, so I don't want people to speak ill of you."

"Are you talking about me?" Zhong Yi was taken aback.

"No, when Lao Zhang saw those words and told me, he wanted to pretend he didn't know, and let the kid who took the photo go and beat up the video next door first." Zhou Ruiyou shook his head and said, "Blue face is a disaster. Mr. Zhong, kissing the little wolf dog is also trending today."

Zhong Yi handed the wine glass to his lips and paused: "Did Zhang Xingzhi see it?"

"He doesn't do these things, someone else does. His younger brother sent them to him." Zhou Rui frowned and thought for a long time, then said, "That kid's name is Zhang... Leo?"

At that time, the two didn't know that at this moment, the Zhang Leo they were talking about was just outside the door of 1977.

The author has something to say: Today's cute goose top pot lid small class

Fill in the blanks in the ancient poem: "When the stream cloud rises at the beginning, the sun sinks to the pavilion, ________________."