Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 84


Zhang Xingzhi received Leo's news at twenty-four o'clock in the evening. At that time, he was reading the news sent by the children in the class.

In order to quarrel and interview with the secretary, Zhang Xingzhi reached a consensus with the head teacher of the video transmission during the day on a solution. It is not convenient to talk about it online, so he can only hold a class meeting with a group of children in the afternoon.

The students who were the first to speak badly on the video channel were the ones who scolded through Moments. Now they have to use Moments to apologize publicly. As for their photography side, all public comments must be deleted. The academy also took aim at this matter For him and Zhong Yi issued relevant clarification announcements, explaining the reasonableness of "Master of Heat Flow".

Everything that should be done has been done, or in other words, everything that can be done has been done, but obviously this clarification announcement with the official seal has changed nothing, and public opinion has never been a matter of common sense.

The rumors about him and Zhong Yi have been spread for a long time, and now the students ridiculed the dispelling of rumors as a cover to save the school's face, it is a face project, many people ridiculed those students who really believed in the tree hole as honest people .

If it was just Zhang Xingzhi who was being treated badly, Zhang Xingzhi felt that there was nothing wrong with it, but now the situation has escalated in an all-round way.

There is no need for Zhang Xingzhi to search for information everywhere, just looking at the various screenshots sent by the children in the class full of righteous indignation is enough for him to frown - all are Zhong Yi's personal information.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org

The students searched Zhong Yi's various encyclopedias and interviews in all directions. Even the only photo of him and Liang Sili hugging on the red carpet that had been published on the Internet was also turned up, and some of them were picked up. There are forums for those so-called insider tips.

That's what Yang You'an told him at the beginning: Zhong Yi has a very close relationship with Liang Sili, and he relies on sleeping to get the upper hand.

Zhang Xingzhi saw Zhong Yi's many achievements, so many years of hard work, and all of them were labeled as negative and ridiculed at once. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is cyber violence, but the students have subtly controlled the scope of the violence within the campus, as if This can change the nature of the incident and pretend it is just a small thing.

Not only him and the 19 photography students, but even Dean Jiang, who was away on a business trip and couldn't come back, couldn't help but call the secretary several times in a row, asking him to contact the administrator of the tree hole and work overtime to get those All the messy things have been deleted.

Zhang Xingzhi had been procrastinating on not pulling Zhong Yi into the group because of this incident, but now seeing the message Leo sent him, his temples were throbbing.

What Leo sent him first was a location.

It's not anywhere else, but the hotel opposite 1977 that was the hottest search during the day.

- "Zhong Yi spent the night here with someone today"

- "Anyway, I have already received two slaps, so I can't suffer in vain"

There was another photo following behind, but the night was too dark and the photo was taken in a hurry. In the photo, apart from Zhong Yi's figure, he was slightly recognizable, and another pose was touching him intimately. It could only be seen that he was taller than Zhong Yi. men, and nothing else.

The few messages seemed simple, but only Ji Haochuan knew that Leo was far less chic than what he typed out.

To be honest, when he knew that Leo decided to give it a go, he really almost thought that Leo really liked his brother, until he saw that he was gritting his teeth and wanted to do the "little man" to the end Rio.

Ji Haochuan later found out that Leo was a little older than him, but he spent many years with nature, had very little social experience, and was very stubborn.

If it's just for the person he likes, with Leo's disposition, it's far from being able to do this step.

Only relatives.

Only the most cherished relatives are the existence that cannot be left alone no matter what.

- "I hate Zhong Yi, but I don't lie"

- "Brother, if you still insist that seeing is not believing, you can come and find someone yourself"

These are the last two messages Zhang Xingzhi received from Leo.

With the school's affairs on one side and Zhong Yi's affairs on the other, Zhang Xingzhi's mood was rarely complicated.

He held the phone and looked at it for a long time, not knowing how to respond - he didn't respond to the picture Leo sent him at noon.

Leo waited in the car for about half an hour before he heard back, his brother said.

-"Knowing that you are not lying, go home early and rest"

Zhang Xingzhi went to bed that night, and did not ask Zhong Yi for any confirmation, nor did he send a message, let alone make a call.

Didn't sleep well, woke up at four in the morning.

Zhang Xingzhi lay on his big bed where the second person had slept, stared at the ceiling for several seconds, and finally decided to get up.

The person who advised Leo to go home early last night and not care about it, but he turned in the direction of 1977 in his morning run the next morning.

It takes 20 minutes to drive, but it only took Zhang Xingzhi more than half an hour to run there.

He didn't know what he wanted to do when he came here. In 1977, the door didn't close until eight o'clock in the morning, so he silently took off the towel on his shoulder and went in. He chose a place near the door, and the glass wall was facing the hotel door across the street.

It was actually only six o'clock at that time, and the sky was full of light.

Liang Sili had been separated from Yang You'an ever since, and he hadn't bothered to find a new love. Last night, after seeing off Zhong Yi, he lay down on his back and went to bed early, so Ji Haochuan's questioning of him was only seen by Liang Sili when he opened his eyes the next morning. Yes, there are more question marks than one sentence.

- "Why can Yang Youan join the group and I can't?"

- "Didn't you two break up???"

- "Zhong Yi stuck me, let that little fairy Yang You'an go?"

To be honest, it was the first time that Liang Sili himself, as the leader of the main investor and the main prosecutor, knew that Yang Youan would join the group.

Of course, it's not that no one told him, it's just that he was used to delegating professional matters and didn't bother to ask.

So he clicked on and browsed all the neatly blocked work groups before he realized that last night when he was sleeping and snoring, Zhong Yi and the others had roughly The casting has been booked for seven or eight.

On the back of the form, which was a male supporting role, there was Yang You'an's name impressively written on it.

In the work group, Liang Sili turned to four o'clock in the morning, and Zhong Yi was still replying messages in the group, but it was actually only five o'clock now.

After thinking about it, Liang Sili still tried to call Zhong Yi.

Sure enough, the other end was connected quickly.

Zhong Yi's voice was a little nasal: "You woke up so early?"

If Zhong Yi is sleeping, the phone must be on Do Not Disturb, and it is impossible to get through.

Liang Sili frowned: "You stayed up all night again yesterday?"

"I have something to say, cough, cough, something." Zhong Yi turned his head and coughed twice as he said that. He turned on the desktop computer on the hotel table to work as soon as he returned to his room yesterday.

Only then did Liang Sili realize that this person didn't go home last night because he couldn't sleep anyway, so he simply found a nearby hotel to save time and effort.

His face was ugly: "I'll pick you up now."

For two full days and two nights, this is Zhong Yi's forty-eighth hour.

"Okay." Zhong Yi's voice was completely hoarse, "I'll wait for you at the hotel entrance."

But he said so, but he actually knew that he couldn't rest yet. The group had only started for less than two months, and there were still a small number of castings that hadn't been cast, so the time was tight.

According to Liang Sili's idea, he wanted to bring Zhong Yi back and put him on the bed to sleep, but as soon as he reached the intersection closest to the hotel, he received a call from Zhong Yi.

"You haven't gone out yet, have you? Don't come here." Zhong Yi obviously didn't think that Liang Sili's movements could be so agile, thinking that it would take him a long time to get out of bed, "Hua An and the others called me, I will take a taxi to go to the set by myself."

Liang Sili couldn't help it immediately: "Why did you go to the film crew again???"

After a long silence, Zhong Yi stood at the door of the hotel and said dumbly, "Zou Chao."

Liang Sili was also silent for a while, and asked, "So soon?"

Zhong Yi rubbed his forehead: "Well, it's faster than we expected, but they can't run away. They must be stuck there. It's a matter of time."

The temperature at six o'clock in the morning in Quanshi was lower than Zhong Yi thought. He only had a very thin long sleeve on his body, and he was so cold that he turned his head and sneezed twice.

Liang Sili: "... what do you think?"

Before answering, Zhong Yi closed his eyes and took a deep breath of the cool morning air, and said, "I've come this far, and I don't have a choice."

In the early days, people pushed the project away, but later, it was the project that pushed people away.

The clock can only move forward.

Zhong Yi said with a smile: "Actually, I'm still a little uncomfortable now, but I can continue."

With the red light above his head jumping to green, Liang Sili finally compromised: "... There are liver protection tablets in the crew, remember to take it after you pass."

"Okay, it just so happens that the lead actor's audition is also this morning, let's go at noon, you can pick me up from the set at noon." Liang Sili heard Zhong Yi say on the phone, "If you want porridge at noon, ask Chen Ji."

Liang Sili sighed: "Understood."

Almost as soon as the phone was hung up, Zhong Yi was patted from behind.

Zhang Xingzhi has been sitting in 1977 across the street from the hotel from the beginning to the end. Although he only glanced at him from a distance, he has already recognized him. The boy who is standing next to Zhong Yi and chatting happily with him is the one who chased after Zhou Rui that day. A high school student, and Zhong Yi was wearing the same outfit that was trending yesterday.

If it was before, he definitely didn't think there was anything wrong with the child, but now he saw Zhong Yi smiled and took the child's arm, pushed him into the car, and then sat in with him.

At that moment, looking at Juechen's online car-hailing car, Zhang Xingzhi realized that he, who had always been calm, couldn't sit still, even though the other party was just a high school student.

He didn't know how to answer Leo's news, and he didn't know when the kids in his class asked him if the person on the top search was Zhong Yi.

In fact, it's time to admit that the indestructibility he thought in his heart had long since cracked.

Not for high school students, not for Yu Jin, not for anyone who might spend the night with Zhong Yi, just because he can no longer be satisfied with the fact that Zhong Yi never promised him.

The person who kept saying that he could not care about it suddenly disappeared.

A question that has been suppressed in Zhang Xingzhi's heart has finally been put before him: if he likes it enough, is it infinitely tolerant or exhaustive

But he was not the only one who saw this scene.

Zhang Xingzhi was still staring at the already empty door of the hotel outside the glass wall without returning to his senses, when a deep male voice suddenly appeared next to his ear: "Didn't you tell him you were here?"

Liang Sili sat down opposite Zhang Xingzhi as he spoke, and saw that there was only a glass of lemonade in front of Zhang Xingzhi, and asked, "What would you like to drink?"

Just now he hung up Zhong Yi's phone and didn't turn around. Originally, he only thought that he had arrived at the door, so he simply took a look before leaving. Who knew that this glance not only saw Zhong Yi, but also Zhang Xingzhi who was wearing an out of place sportswear in 1977. arrive.

Zhong Yi stood at the door without even wearing glasses, so it was impossible to notice.

Zhang Xingzhi felt that he had guessed what Liang Sili wanted to do, and he said slowly, "Anything is fine, I can't drink."

"Then drink something casually." Liang Sili called the bartender over after speaking, "Two glasses of fast whiskey, and another glass of water."

Liang Sili, the little boy next to Zhong Yi just now knew that the child was going to school at first glance, and Zhong Yi was going to turn a corner to pick him up before going to the set.

But obviously Zhang Xingzhi, who was sitting opposite him at the moment, didn't know about it, and Liang Sili didn't intend to explain.

Since Zhong Yizhen felt embarrassed for this person, he simply made a mistake and gave these two people a strong dose of medicine. It was a decision, and it was also the last chance for Zhong Yi to repent, so that they, a large group of people, could do less wasted work.

Liang Sili is always better at stopping losses in time than being paranoid.

He looked at Zhang Xingzhi in front of him and said, "You don't think you know Zhong Yi well now, do you?"

In just a few days, a question similar to that of Leo fell into Zhang Xingzhi's ears, but his mood changed drastically.

"Or, do you still think you know yourself well?"

The author has something to say: Note:

Vegetarian drink: pure drink without any drink blending.

Adding water: can improve the aroma and taste of whiskey.

Teacher Zhong: You don’t want your car anymore? Just grab Zhang Xingzhi and drink

Mr. Liang: Don't worry about me, I just like to find a substitute driver.