Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 87


"The one who stuck with you is a newcomer here, and it has nothing to do with me." A deep male voice said on the other end of the phone.

But Zhong Yi didn't buy his account at all: "Then you let him live."

Zou Chao: "... not good."

Zhong Yi said in a tough tone: "What's wrong? How many levels have you passed him? Can he not listen to you?"

Zou Chao still said in that unhurried tone: "He is acting according to the regulations, and you are indeed playing around the edges."

"I don't even know when you started to talk about the rules." Zhong Yi was really about to be laughed out of anger, "You also know that it's a side ball, and it's called a side ball if you can pass the side. I'll just say it, and I will have a meal with you It's my limit."

In the office, the man's fingertips on the table suddenly froze, and he changed his words: "Then have dinner, I will determine the seat."

Zhong Yi agreed very generously: "After eating, please take care of the people under you."

"Okay, tomorrow night?"

Zhong Yi paused, because he really didn't really want to have dinner with this person.

But Zou Chao laughed slowly as if he had read his mind, and the dull subwoofer came from the other end of the phone: "There is no difference between noon and evening. Teacher Zhong can also have breakfast if he wants to."

Zhong Yi said coldly, "Don't call me Teacher Zhong."

Yang You'an and Ji Haochuan on the side saw that Zhong Yi's complexion suddenly turned dark, and they left a message to send him the address and time, and hung up the phone.

Yang You'an didn't know who the call was for, but Ji Haochuan heard it.

He is still "holding a grudge" against Zhong Yifang and Yang Youan's entry into the group, his father's confession attitude has been forgotten by him, and he muttered, "You're still eating a fart while holding onto others, Isn't it over if you just do the work, it's such a trouble..."

After hanging up the phone, Zhong Yi was still a little angry. Hearing Ji Haochuan's words, he was about to piss people off, when Liang Sili said in front of him: "You know what? If you drive people to a dead end and kill them all, who will dare to talk to you in the future?" you?"

What seems to be a reprimand is actually a lighter defense.

Zhong Yi didn't bother to expose it, so he waved to Yang You'an, who was obediently listening in the whole process, and introduced him to the director and screenwriter. By the way, he also stuffed one side of the script into his hand, saying that now he would temporarily pick a section from it and improvise it. Show them, so that children do not feel too stressed.

Seeing that Zhong Yi treated Yang You'an so gently, Ji Haochuan was not happy again, and just wanted to yell "Why?" when Zhong Yi hit his face with a backhand script: "If you want to join the group, just be honest." Look at the script, what you are going to do next is the two scenes on the third page."

Ji Haochuan who was holding the script was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that Zhong Yizhen would arrange a role for him.

Before he opened the script, he thought that such a thick stack of scripts contained all the scenes in the whole movie, but when he opened it, all of them contained the names marked on the cover, which was quite a lot.

Ji Haochuan checked back and forth several times, and said in astonishment, "...Did you give me the wrong script?"

Zhong Yi: "Do you think I'm as stupid as you?"

"Then...there are so many roles, is it really me?" Ji Haochuan's tongue was about to tie up, he wanted to get in, but he hadn't taken an acting class, so how could he really act, "What does this Xiao Xiaotian do... "

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As soon as he heard the name, Yang You'an, who had already started to study the fragments of the script, immediately raised his head, his eyes were full of astonishment.

Zhong Yi dislikes Ji Haochuan's habit of first flipping through the middle of a book without even taking a glance at the table of contents, and then opening his mouth to ask questions: "The biography of the character is at the beginning, flipping through it twice and looking ahead will kill you ?”

Then Ji Haochuan was shocked, staring at the huge "male protagonist" in the biography, his eyes almost popped out, and turned to look at Liang Sili with disbelief: What are you doing? Why didn't you tell me? ?

Liang Sili shrugged: I just found out not too long ago.

Ji Haochuan: I just want to serve tea...

Zhong Yiming looked at the details and said: "Now if you dare to go back on your word and tell me that you can't act, you don't want to get a penny from your father anymore. Go find your Zhang Liao to raise you."

Hearing this, Yang Youan's eyebrows twitched again after reading the script.

Everyone knows that Teacher Zhang's younger brother has a good relationship with Ji Haochuan in the group, but he really thinks that they are just brothers...

Ji Haochuan is really timid this time. The hero of "Aesthetics 2" is such a heavy burden. Without diamonds, how dare he take on porcelain work, not to mention messing up Zhong Yi, how can he kill him? First of all, he can't bear the responsibility , can't do such a big thing for him.

There was no more arrogance on the child's face, and the frowning brows were full of bitterness and hatred. If you don't give up at this time, when will you wait

Ji Haochuan squatted down beside Zhong Yi's table with a stern face, and said cautiously: "Actually, I don't have any obsession with appearing on the screen. I'm just curious to see what the crew leader is like. Just throw me in the logistics team..."

Zhong Yi's old spirit is here: "It's late, the acting teacher has already found you. From tomorrow on, you and Youan will go to the show together."

"I really… "

"Two hours a day."

"No… "

"Time is taken from your rehearsal schedule, and the teacher will go to the film and television base to teach you."

Finally, Ji Haochuan couldn't take it anymore: "I just have one question, why do you have to get me and Yang Youan together?"

Zhong Yi replied calmly: "I just have one question, why do you have to care so much about Yang You'an? You don't even want to call Liang Sili 'Dad' a few more times, and you still dislike your ex-mother?"

As soon as these words came out, the air was suddenly quiet.

Then there was a sudden burst of laughter, Ding Runnian and Hua An were directly laughed crazy by Zhong Yi, the "former mother".

Subconsciously, Ji Haochuan cast his eyes on the other two parties, with a strange look on his face, he really never thought about why he bothered Yang Youan so much...

Faced with a crowd of people staring at him, Yang You'an, who was staring at the script, didn't dare to raise his head. His face was blushing, and he was about to bleed from the base of his neck to the tips of his ears. Even Liang Sili was slightly embarrassed. Feeling so guilty for dumping someone for the first time.

With this scene, Ji Haochuan suddenly stopped, he was stunned and didn't know what he was thinking, he didn't read the script well, he only realized that there was no physical performance now when Yang Youan started to act, there was only one chair in the whole room, and a table.

Ji Haochuan would not admit that although he said he couldn't act, but if he was put together with Yang Youan, he felt that he would be much smarter than that silly Baitian no matter what.

But the premise is that he thought that Yang Youan was a dance major in school. In terms of acting, the two started from scratch on the same starting line. Who would have thought that Yang Youan seemed to be so talented in acting? He just didn’t read Yang Youan’s script. You can also feel what kind of character this is.

Even Liang Sili was a little surprised, he used to watch only dancing, this was the first time he watched Yang Youan act.

This scene may be regarded as a "bitter scene" for other characters, but for Yang Youan's character, it is just a very ordinary day.

Without a word of previous explanation, the child sat at the table and roughly pulled up his trouser legs. Layers of irregular clothes were piled up at the joints, revealing the white inner legs, which stretched out stiffly. The other leg without trousers was kept bent normally.

Ji Haochuan has never read the script, but he can understand Yang Youan's appearance at a glance.

This is exactly the same as when he broke his leg and broke his knee before. He can only straighten his leg when he sits, and he can't bend it when he gets up and walks.

Seeing this meaning, it will be easier to understand next.

Yang Youan sat at the table and made a movement of twisting the bottle cap. Judging by the height, it was much shorter than mineral water. The index finger and thumb are pinching together in the void, holding something, turning around to get it to the knee, but as soon as he bends down, his arm touches the edge of the table, as if the surrounding space is a bit cramped, and the chair cannot be moved away. He could only roll up his cuff with the other hand awkwardly.

There seemed to be nothing on the exposed forearm now, but Yang Youan raised his elbow and looked at the part that had just hit the corner of the table for a long while. When his fingers touched, the center of his brows all wrinkled together, but he simply rubbed it. After a few strokes, you have to continue to bend over to deal with your knees.

This way, it couldn't be more obvious, the thing Yang Youan pressed on the wound should be a cotton swab, but the one just unscrewed on the table can only be iodophor.

Ji Haochuan originally thought that Yang Youan just touched his arm on the table, and there was no need to make such a series of movements to express the pain, until he saw Yang Youan stand up straight to change the cotton swab, and when he wanted to bend down again, his body jerked violently. Stiff, as if some muscle in his lower back was pulled, he slowly stopped all movements due to the pain.

The three people who had read the script behind the long table knew that it was time to look in the mirror, but they didn't have props on the scene.

All three of them want to see how Yang Youan plans to deal with it. After all, in film and television works, the lens can include the front and back images at once through the mirror, but now it is more like a stage play. If you show them the back view, there will inevitably be trade-offs.

Yang Youan limped slightly when he got up from the chair, but he didn't go to the chair as planned in the script space, but changed the position of the "mirror" without authorization, and stood directly in front of their long table, turned around, flirted He lifted up the hem of his clothes, revealing his slender waist, and then slowly turned his head to look at them, with no expression on his "looking in the mirror" face.

The silent eyes were gloomy, humble and downcast, and the cautiousness seemed to be acting in his true colors, but with an indescribable gloom and bitterness.

Liang Sili was stunned, and Ji Haochuan was also stunned.

After the whole performance, there was not a single line, not a single tear, and even the scene props were not restored. Just like that, Yang Youan was stripped naked and thrown in front of several people.

Ji Haochuan couldn't believe his eyes, how could Yang Youan show such a look...

In the silence, without Zhong Yi doing it himself, Hua An and Ding Runnian clapped their hands. I really didn't see this skill in the previous video audition.

Yang Youan's performance is actually not perfect, there are traces of the performance, but it is better because the characters are full of emotions, especially when he looks back at them at the end, it shows that the child himself really understands this role. For this age, he has no experience. For a child, to be able to do this is pretty amazing.

Both of them lamented that Zhong Yi's vision was as bad as ever, and that this kind of treasure could be found.

But Zhong was also surprised. At first, he had an intuition that Yang Youan would be good at acting, but in fact it was only because he found that the child was not confident and even had a flattering personality.

Yang You'an himself didn't expect that he would perform so well, he put down the clothes he was holding in his hands, and put his body on his back to relax for a while before he calmed down.

Ji Haochuan was still in a daze during the performance just now: "Did you look in the mirror at the end just now... for the injury on your waist? Was he beaten? It feels like your whole body is hurt..."

When Yang Youan turned around, his eye circles were already a little red, and he was about to nod his head at someone, when he saw two lines of tears on Ji Haochuan's face at some point, and the tears that were still swirling in his eye sockets immediately faded away. Frightened back, he looked at the person and said in a panic, "You, why are you crying..."

Ding Runnian and Hua An: "?"

Everyone turned their heads in unison, only to see Ji Haochuan who had tears streaming down his chin and asked without blinking: "Am I crying? Why am I crying?"

Liang Sili paused: "...you are crying."

Ji Haochuan continued to shed tears, but insisted: "I didn't cry."

Liang Sili: "..."

He really couldn't figure out why he could give birth to such a crying bag...

Zhong is also used to it, he raised his eyebrows at Ding Runnian and Hua An, and put on a look of "Look, let me tell you".

The two were so happy that they couldn't help laughing, and they thought that one of the big boys was crying very well, and it was amazing that he could deceive himself to this extent.

"I just think that Yang You'an has no flesh at all. I'm so miserable..." Ji Haochuan struggled and struggled solemnly, not forgetting to turn his head and said to Liang Sili who was completely speechless beside him, "Did you let him eat? How can he be so thin? You can't abuse him every day..."

Liang Sili: "..."

Yang You'an burst into laughter instantly, and his voice was nasal when he spoke, but his emotions had already eased: "No, Mr. Liang is very good to me, and he didn't abuse me. I just don't have a good appetite recently."

Ji · Assimilated by Leo · Hao Chuan: "Could it be that she is pregnant, Liang Sili, you are responsible..."

Liang Sili: "?"

Liang Sili: "How about you wipe away the tears on your face before talking nonsense?"

Everyone immediately burst into laughter, only Yang You'an was still concerned about the previous matter: "Will it look bad if I'm too thin? If I need to eat more for the camera, I will work hard."

Hua An: "No, you can just eat normally. The current body shape is a little thinner, but it's just right for the character."

Liang Sili's thin lips moved slightly, if it wasn't for Hua An's mouth to stop him quickly, he would almost habitually let Yang You'an eat more as before, so that it would be comfortable to hug.

There was Yang You'an in front of him, and Ji Haochuan, who was already embarrassed, felt even more helpless for a while.

Especially when he stood at the place where Yang Youan was just now, and felt the pressure brought by everyone's gaze, he wanted to play tricks and retreat. On the one hand, he didn't want to be compared to Yang Youan, and on the other hand, he felt that he couldn't afford to lose this person.

Zhong Yi looked at Ji Haochuan who was swaying in the middle and said teasingly: "You just act with the strength you are begging us for now, there is no difference, it is exactly the same."

Ji Haochuan's section is a scene where he steals a small steamed bun from someone's breakfast stall and is caught by the boss on the spot, and pretends to be pitiful to trick the boss into letting him go.

"That's so strange..." Ji Haochuan was in despair, "And why am I acting like I was caught? I have to beg someone else. This is not without real objects, it means that there are no real people..."

Everyone laughed again, and Zhong Yi calmly said to the two people beside him: "If I didn't know that the two of you hadn't had much contact with Ji Haochuan, I would almost feel that the two of you were modeled after him. It's as strong as it is."

As soon as the words were finished, Zhong Yi's cell phone rang, and with a few people tossing around with Ji Haochuan, he got up and went out to answer the phone.

After getting Ji Haochuan done, the recent work has almost come to an end, and I can take a break.

There was no surprise, what Zhong Yi received was to send money to them, he sent the person to Liang Sili in a few sentences, and was about to go back when he saw Yang Youan coming out of the door.

Zhong Yi: "What's wrong?"

Yang Youan shook his head, the child's eye circles were still a little red, he scratched the back of his head awkwardly and said, "Did you find Teacher Zhang later, the school has been so noisy lately..."

Zhong Yi was taken aback: "Still arguing?"

Didn't Zhou Rui say that it was resolved that day

These few days he was busy going, Yang Youan didn't mention this, he didn't even remember that Zhang Xingzhi hadn't pulled him into the group as promised.

"It was originally resolved, but everyone didn't believe it..." Yang Youan told Zhong Yi the truth about the school's practices and the students' reactions as he spoke, "My classmate said that Li Jiang almost told Zhong Yi about the evening class last night. The other classes fought."

"Who?" Zhong Yi suspected that he had heard wrong, "Is it Li Jiang?"

He thought it wasn't Wang Siheng who did it, but Fang Lu, and there were a few bigger ones in the class, so it wouldn't be Li Jiang's turn anyway.

But Yang Youan nodded his head heavily: "There are still people recording small videos. If it weren't for Wang Siheng and Fang Lu, Li Jiang would definitely have fought with them."

The few of them are very popular, they enjoy themselves in the grades, even if they cross the courtyard, they can still be called by their names.

Zhong Yiruo blinked thoughtfully, then patted Yang Youan on the shoulder to let him go back with peace of mind: "It's okay, I'll take care of it."

After Yang You'an nodded, everyone walked to the door, but he still couldn't hold back his steps, turned around and asked, "... Teacher Zhong, isn't he angry when he hears others say that?"

Zhong Yi raised his eyebrows and deliberately teased: "There's nothing to be angry about, maybe it's true."

Yang Youan was startled, then quickly shook his head, and said affirmatively, "No, you and Mr. Liang are not in the relationship they said."

"You trust me too much." Zhong Yi looked at the child in front of him, a little dumbfounded, "Why do you think Liang Sili has not moved me? Is it really because he is afraid of me?"

Yang You'an was startled again: "Isn't it...?"

He may be a little bit good at reading people's faces, but he is still a child after all, and he always sees these things in a fog.

Zhong Yi couldn't help laughing: "I think too much, the Liang family, interests come first, I want them to treat you well for the rest of their lives, nothing is more important than making yourself stronger."

"Become stronger, and then remain irreplaceable, the Liang family will love you forever." Zhong Yi also answered Yang Youan's first curious question by the way, "So what if thousands of people have mixed praise and praise for me?" , not to mention mixed reputation, it is thousands of people criticizing and scolding thousands of people, as long as no one dares to step on me, it is enough."

Especially when everyone's impression of him is that he did it on purpose.

It is a protective color, and it is also the way of survival that he found for himself.

Yang Youan stared and digested for a while, and then his face became red again, only then did he realize that his thoughts about Liang Sili had been exposed, and now Zhong Yi was teaching him.

Zhong Yi clenched his lips and said, "I'm just using the Liang family as an example, there's no other meaning to it, it's not rough."

The honest boy Yang Youan blushed: "The words are not rough..."

Before entering the room, Zhong Yi was still saying to Yang You'an: "When the time comes, Ji Haochuan will have to be brought by you, and there is not enough time for class alone. He has an awkward personality, if he loses his temper at you, you can just send it back, don't be afraid of him."

Letting Yang You'an perform such a scene in front of Ji Haochuan today is also to let Ji Haochuan carefully appreciate the gap between himself and others.

But Yang Youan laughed when he mentioned Ji Haochuan, and said sincerely: "No, he has a very good personality, and I am very envious."

Except for the fact that you didn't know your identity at the first meeting, you won't be afraid later.

It may also be true that Ai Wuji Wu said that he liked Liang Sili, but subconsciously couldn't hate Ji Haochuan.

When the two went back, Ji Haochuan was squatting beside Ding Runnian seriously listening to his play.

Zhong Yi dragged his chair away and sat down. Before he had time to contact Zhang Xingzhi, he received his message.

- "Are you free tomorrow night?"

The corners of Zhong Yi's lips curved immediately, what should he do if he has such a good heart.

He has recovered in the past two days, and thinks that tomorrow night will be a good time to relax.

- "As long as Teacher Zhang calls me, I'll be there when I'm not free"

Liang Sili understood when he saw the iconic smile on his face, stretched his neck, read the chat records of the two thoroughly, and said, "Aren't you going to have dinner with Zou Chao tomorrow night? Just promise him?"

"If you push Zou Chao, it's over."

When he said this, Zhong Yi didn't lift his eyelids, and with a flick of his finger, he found Zou Chao's name from the list, which shocked Liang Sili enough.

Zhong Yi has always pushed others for work, and I have never seen him push work for anyone.

Liang Sili carefully discerned the honest smile on his face for a few seconds, recalling the conversation he had with Zhang Xingzhi, he finally sighed inwardly with complicated emotions.

Zhong Yi probably doesn't know what will be waiting for him tomorrow...

Whether "Aesthetics 2" should continue or not may be decided tomorrow night.

The author has something to say: You An sighed: In fact, Teacher Zhong is really gentle...