Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 88


On that morning in 1977, Liang Sili himself didn't even think that he could go there with such an understatement, as if he really lost his mind on Zhong Yi, and he relaxed his mind and planned to help Zhang Xingzhi.

After sitting down, he asked Zhang Xingzhi two questions, about understanding Zhong Yi and himself.

As expected, Zhang Xingzhi couldn't answer any of them.

But both of them knew that the reason they couldn't answer was not because they really didn't understand, but because the word "understand" was not accurate.

Zhang Xingzhi frowned contradictoryly, saying that he knew Zhong Yi was a joke, because Zhong Yi had so many pasts that he had never been involved in, and even Leo knew more and more details than him, how could he believe it? Oral understanding.

At most, he could call him understanding Zhong Yi, even if Zhong Yi did anything, he wouldn't be surprised.

Conversely, he clearly understands himself, but now he suddenly can't understand himself. How come there are so many impulses that are not like him, including asking Leo to ask him exactly what he wants to say to himself? Also what.

"It's hard." Looking at the tightly wrinkled "Chuan" shape on the tall man in front of him, Liang Sili raised the corners of his lips inexplicably, "I just can't bear this hardship, so I will go in to find you that day and let you Take the drunk Zhong Yi home."

Zhang Xingzhi was taken aback for a moment, and from Liang Sili's endless words, he immediately remembered the night of the principal's birthday party.

Combining the opening of the previous two questions, Zhang Xingzhi originally thought that Liang Sili would be the same as Leo and Dean Jiang, but the result seems... just the opposite

Liang Sili also got straight to the point, raised his glass and said, "If you really think you like Zhong Yi, then do as I say."

Zhang Xingzhi didn't say anything.

Liang Sili leaned on the back of the chair and poured all the whiskey in his hand into his stomach: "Believe it or not, it's up to you."

Those people in the circle thought he relied on how to squeeze out the two shrewd elder brothers above him, and how did he rely on to keep Zhong Yi? Is it really the so-called exchange of interests

Even he and Zhong Yi can't be eternal friends, the exchange of benefits is a joke.

"No one knows Zhong Yi better than me, including himself." When he said this, Liang Sili stared straight at Zhang Xingzhi, his eyes were full of confidence, which was very different from usual, A few words can feel his great confidence, which makes people unconsciously convinced.

But Zhang Xingzhi just paused: "So you plan to help me now?"

He was mentally prepared for Liang Sili's "true face". All things should be fair, and any success will not happen by accident. There must be a reason for Liang Sili to sit in this position.

"I'm helping you now, just because you are on the same side with my interests for the time being." Liang Sili found a hint of laughter on his calm face, his tone was calm and objective, and he didn't hide it at all, "Although I don't want to tell You, but I really have to admit that Zhong Yi has already begun to miss you."

"If he decides to give up now, I will lose a lot of money, not only me, many people will lose a lot of money, Zhong Yi's reputation will also be affected, and Zhong Yi will be affected, which means that I and Ladbrokes will be affected."

"But if he waits until you put on the camera and regret it at the last second before shooting, I will lose even more." Liang Sili helped Zhang Xingzhi pour water into his wine glass, and concluded, "So I help you, too. helping myself."

There is no doubt that Liang Sili knew Zhang Xingzhi would fall into this situation very early on. He knew Zhang Xingzhi from the night he came out of the venue when he saw that Zhang Xingzhi didn't need him to go in and look for it.

Restraint must be temporary, as long as the liking lasts, the possessiveness will last.

Zhang Xingzhi silently drank the whiskey mixed with water in his hand, and said with certainty, "Do you want me to be more proactive?"

"It's useless to just take the initiative. There are too many people who take the initiative to him." Liang Sili lowered his eyelids and said, "But there are not many people who can make him do multiple-choice questions. You can force him to do whatever he usually forces you to do."

No matter who he is facing, Zhong Yi will definitely let the other party do multiple-choice questions, just like a ritual to confirm that he can control the situation.

Liang Sili: "If you don't force him, it's impossible for him to really respond to you."

Since that day, Zhang Xingzhi has been hesitating.

He knew in his heart that the method Liang Sili told him was correct, because they all knew that the key issue was not Zou Chao or not Zou Chao, but if he continued to try, he would really force Zhong Yi to sentence him, and there was no room for maneuver. No more, so he wasn't sure.

What really made Zhang Xingzhi make up his mind was Zhou Rui's later texting about Trump about his little boyfriend.

- "Obviously I asked him to go out to play, but when I saw him go out to find someone with my own eyes, I felt uncomfortable again"

- "It's good to be angry"

- "I was so angry that I couldn't get up to play with my little brother for several days"

- "Ah... Lao Zhang, do you think I am sick? I feel like I'm going to die"

Zhang Xingzhi instantly thought of himself and Zhong Yi.

Obviously he was the one who told Zhong Yi that it didn't matter, he didn't have to care, but in the end he felt uncomfortable, and it was him who wanted more.

- "Then you tell him you don't want him out"

Zhou Rui returned quickly.

- "Then didn't I slap myself in the face??"

-"And like this, I'm the only one who goes out to find someone, so it's a fool"

Zhang Xingzhi paused.

- "Then you don't go out to find others"

- "?"

- "How rich is this! Half a year of abstinence, people are going to be exhausted!!"

Sure enough, people's situations are always similar, and Liang Sili was right after all.

Zhang Xingzhi thought about it and felt that it was unrealistic to ask Zhou Ruiren for half a year. The probability was the same as if he could make Zhong Yi agree to fall in love with him right now.

But he replied anyway.

- "Try first"

It is to encourage Zhou Rui, but also to encourage myself.

After Zhang Xingzhi sent these two words, he clicked on Zhong Yi's message box and typed in.

- "Are you free tomorrow night?"

That day he asked Liang Sili why he didn't come by himself since he knew Zhong Yi so well.

After all, they have been together for ten years, if Liang Sili doesn't like Zhong Yi, probably only Leo would believe it.

But Liang Sili said: "Because I'm not like you and Zhong Yi. I don't have the spirit of inquiry, let alone curiosity. If a problem is placed in front of me, if I know it must be bitter, I probably won't try it."

Timely stop loss is the best way to protect yourself.

He didn't know Zhang Xingzhi's doubts about "tolerance" and "request". He never believed those who said that love is restrained, but he didn't want to know the exact answer at all, because it was too painful.

Don't look at him like this, he just doesn't take the initiative to tell others, in fact, he has also read Nietzsche.

Zhong Yi and Zhang Xingzhi are people who know that if you want to be happy, you must accept misfortune. He is the kind of person who is afraid of misfortune, so he chooses to give up happiness.

It is the coward who abandoned desire in Nietzsche's mouth.

At least Liang Sili felt that being a coward was good so far, and he lost a few hairs, so he didn't have any troubles.

When the appointed time came, Zhong Yi wandered from the film crew to Zhang Xingzhi's house.

Even Zou Chao was pushed by him, not to mention those messy dinners, it was always wrong to push Liang Sili all the way.

Although the appointment was at eight o'clock in the evening, Zhong Yi subconsciously felt that he could have dinner at Zhang Xingzhi's house, and the corners of his mouth were raised all the way in the taxi, and he was in a good mood.

Later, he also gradually understood why he liked staying with Zhang Xingzhi, because the biggest difference between meeting him and meeting other people was that Zhang Xingzhi had little to no interaction with his circle, and getting along with him could be done without thinking about it at all. Those things that weigh on him like a mountain all day long are very comfortable.

Except that someone is sometimes bored and needs to pay more attention to himself.

As soon as he heard about the school's situation from Yang You'an that day, Zhong Yi went to Ostana.

For Zhang Xingzhi's reissue of the previous award, Reliu only made an announcement on their official account on the extranet.

Zhong Yi's request is very simple, let them immediately register and authenticate a popular official blog, and then move in the ins and outs of Zhang Xingzhi and post it again. At that time, he will find a few official media to forward the report, and he will not even buy a hot search. .

After the matter was completed, not only did Reliu owe him nothing, Zhong Yi would also conveniently pack and arrange the co-management rights of BOG and PD together, and would not bother them again.

Everything is ready, just wait to tell Zhang Xingzhi tonight, let him stop wasting his brain cells on this matter, I also know that their candy's little brains can't handle this kind of thing.

But when Zhong Yi rushed to the door of Zhang Xingzhi's house, he found that the man was not waiting for him at the door as he thought.

This was the first time he rang the doorbell of Zhang Xingzhi's house.

The door opened quickly, but there was no word on the intercom.

Sensitive as Zhong Yi, he noticed that Zhang Xingzhi's mood didn't seem to be as relaxed as him, and on the other hand, he felt that he was a little overwhelmed and nervous due to the busy two days, maybe Zhang Xingzhi was cooking.

Zhong Yi went in through the gate, the corridor lights at the gate were all off, it was pitch black, it was deserted, it didn't look like he was preparing for a reception tonight.

Zhong Yi turned on the lights all the way up the stairs, from the hall to the escalator, and even when he passed the restaurant on the second floor, there was nothing but darkness waiting for him.

The closer Zhong Yi was to Zhang Xingzhi's bedroom, the stronger a certain premonition in his heart, it could not be said to be good or bad, it was just the intuition that his heart beat faster.

According to the routine, it is not impossible for Zhang Xingzhi to deliberately create a contrast in order to surprise him.

Don’t look at every time Zhong Yi teases that Zhang Xingzhi’s house is a big house that can walk for 20 minutes, but it’s not that exaggerated. Zhong Yi always mentions that he just hopes that this person will have a power bank at hand next time, and don’t make him wait for the message. too long.

This time Zhong Yi walked by himself, but it only took five or six minutes.

I found Zhang Xingzhi when he pushed open the door of this man's bedroom for the last time.

The room was dark, except for a working projector shining light on the wall.

To his surprise, Zhang Xingzhi was sitting cross-legged on the bed. Even though he came, his eyes were fixed on the projection without even giving him a corner.

Zhong Yi looked at the content projected on the wall and was amused. Is this a new trick of playing hard to get

If you want to pretend to be aloof, at least you can replace the carousel nude photos with someone else to look a little more like them—they are all private portraits taken by me and Zhang Xingzhi when I returned to my hometown.

Zhong Yi walked quietly on the carpet wearing slippers, bent his knees and climbed onto Zhang Xingzhi's big bed, sat next to him and looked at the photos and said with emotion: "You are really good at taking portraits."

Zhong Yi is not professional, but in his understanding, the quality of the portrait is greatly affected by the condition of the model itself. Whether it is beautiful or not is not the photographer's choice, so the most important thing is to grasp the characteristics of each person.

Zhang Xingzhi highlighted his lines very nicely, especially the nose bridge line from the brow bone, the root of the mountain to the tip of the nose. He likes it very much.

After these photos were taken, Zhong Yi didn't even have time to take a look at them. There were hot springs and beds, as if it happened yesterday.

"You also see it that way when I'm not around?" Zhong Yi teased.

Only then did Zhang Xingzhi give his first reaction after seeing him today, nodded and said, "I watch it every night."

Zhong Yi raised his eyebrows, leaned sideways on Zhang Xingzhi's body, and whispered in his ear, "It's true, I don't believe it."

Zhang Xingzhi: "Really."

"Then I'm here now, why do you still look at them? Don't real people look better?" Zhong Yi stretched out his hand and untied the knot tied on Zhang Xingzhi's sweatpants as he spoke, curling his lips and said, "I was going to eat first , it turns out you didn’t seem to prepare dinner for me, but yourself?”

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Only then did Zhang Xingzhi turn his head to look at him, and without saying a word, the calmness in those eyes made Zhong Yi stop first.

In the usual way, Zhang Xingzhi would move after a little signal, why would he need to take the initiative to this point, and the response he got was still this look...

"What's the matter?" Zhong Yi felt that all his anticipation was extinguished at this moment, especially when he found that the man in front of him staggered his gaze and lowered his eyelids, the premonition in his chest reappeared.

"I want to talk to you." After speaking, Zhang Xingzhi took Zhong Yi's hand and pressed it to his face, and said in a hoarse voice, "It's about the two of us."

Zhong Yi choked up immediately, his chest felt tight and he said: "...why do you like to chat with me now."

Zhang Xingzhi is, and so is Yu Jin.

But obviously, he could refuse Yu Jin, but he couldn't refuse Zhang Xingzhi.

"Do we have to talk now?" As he spoke, Zhong Yi's straight waist softened a little bit, his voice was full of exhaustion, "Can't we wait until everything is over before thinking about it..."

It's not that he couldn't guess what Zhang Xingzhi wanted to talk about.

But this time, Zhang Xingzhi, who always only said "yes", raised objections, kissed Zhong Yi's palm and said, "Sorry... I can't wait..."

I'm too afraid to wait until that time, you will run away.