Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 91


"Well, think about it."

After Zhong Yiying finished, he hung up the phone, his calm appearance was not at all afraid of being laughed at by the person opposite.

Zou Chao smiled and said, "I heard they said that you found a university teacher. I thought it was a joke."

Zhong Yi didn't answer: "Do you still have contact with Liang Siheng and the others? I thought they had no way to grab Ladbrokes, so you broke up."

Zou Chao did not shy away: "We are all friends."

"It smells similar, I understand." Zhong Yi straightened his waist after finishing speaking, picked up a knife and fork, and said disgustingly to the exquisite food on the table, "Why do you still like this kind of thing?"

Maybe it would be more happy to switch to a normal clock, but I am really hungry after a busy morning, and now I only put a little in each plate. In addition to the beautiful presentation, it is not as good as the junk food he ate with Liang Sili last night. .

But Zou Chao slowly pursed his lips and said, "Don't say that about yourself, Mr. Zhong."

Zhong Yi paused when he cut the steak, and raised his eyes to look at the person opposite, his eyes were full of awe: "I repeat, don't call me Mr. Zhong."

Zou Chao still laughed: "Everyone else can call, why can't I."

"Shut up." Zhong Yi didn't lift his eyelids this time, "Eat."

But even so, Zou Chao still spoke in that calm tone: "Why is his temper still so bad, Liang Sili can bear it."

As he said that, the man switched to Zhong Yi after cutting the steak in his cold dish. He looked dignified while waving a silver knife, and his movements were gentlemanly and natural, as if he had just met Zhong Yi yesterday, "I heard you Some time ago, I helped him go home to cover, he doesn't want to get married?"

Zhong Yi started to eat the beautifully cut things by Zou Chao: "It really can't be compared with your family who have to be stuck in the election every five years to have a baby."

The Zou family is a political family. Considering the tenure of the official career, the whole family is like an assembly line with well-established procedures. Once the most suitable opportunity is missed, it will be delayed until the next round.

Zou Chao didn't come to this position at the beginning because he didn't follow the time. In other words, he was abandoned from birth.

"The old man is still shrewd. He didn't want Liang Sili to get married." Zou Chao said, "I just wanted to tie you and Liang Sili together."

How could Zhong Yi not know: "Just treat it as a cooperating performance, and let's go through the motions."

Before stepping into the gate of Liang's old house that day, Zhong Yi had guessed the old man's intentions, that is, Liang Sili's two elder brothers were still in the dark.

At first, he was able to please the old man because of this, because he was good at cooperating with the performance.

"Tsk." Zou Chao shook his head with a smile in his eyes, "I am not wronged by someone as smart as you."

Zhong Yi glanced at him: "I didn't complain, why are you wronged?"

Those messy rumors about him started to spread completely from this man's mess.

"Okay, I'm not wronged."

Zou Chao always had a smile on his face, and without refuting, he lowered his head and carefully divided the steaks on his plate. The light from the floor-to-ceiling windows fell on his contoured face, and the tables beside him were all empty. , the waiter disappeared after serving all the dishes. The restaurant that was booked out was elegant and quiet, very quiet, and very Zou Chao.

In fact, what Liang Sili told Zhang Xingzhi was the truth, Zou Chao really suited his taste, otherwise he wouldn't have rolled on the bed at all.

Now that the rumors have been circulating for so many years, if they go out and explain that the two of them just saw each other and decided to have a one-night stand, it is estimated that no one will believe it.

"They all thought I used|strong. I don't know how long I've been regretting it. They obviously had so much fun and cooperated very well." Saying that, Zou Chao raised his eyes to look at Zhong Yi, whose eyes were full of flickering flickering Light.

"Then you tell them." Zhong Yi snorted and said with a smile, "I never said that I would never talk about s|m."

Just as Zou Chao knew that Zhong Yi didn't clarify because he wanted to protect himself, so Zhong also knew that Zou Chao didn't clarify because he couldn't afford to lose that person.

After all, I was young at that time, as long as I didn't touch the bottom line, I had no taboos in playing.

Zhong Yi really doesn't have any special interest in this aspect, but if he finds something that makes him happy, he is willing to try it.

In fact, not only did this person not force him at the time, he even discussed and explained the problem clearly with him before the start.

Zou Chao still remembers the scene when he asked Zhong Yi for safe words at that time. He lowered his eyes and smiled and said, "What happened later? Did you still tell others that there were no safe words when playing with others?"

"I'm not you, I have to play this to be cool." Zhong Yi now thinks it's funny.

That day was the first time he knew that he was drunk on rum, and after drinking it in the bar, he met someone who was particularly pleasing to him, so Zou Chao asked him what the word of safety was, and he was so excited that he threw a sentence like that There are no safe words.

If it wasn't for Zou Chao being a novice with him, and knowing the seriousness in his hands, something really happened.

Zou Chao looked at him and teased: "For so many years, you haven't replied to my message."

"Who told you to lie to me." Zhong Yi concentrated on eating, "It's nothing to do anyway, let me tell you what you are doing."

"I said it was a misunderstanding." Zou Chao smiled, and his deep voice was as melodious as a cello: "I worked hard to help you through the back door, and I just wanted to exchange you for a message from me. It turned out that I was working hard in the wrong direction. I should have known If you can eat together, it should have been a few years ago."

Zhong Yiying has no psychological burden at all: "I don't blame you, I forgot to inform you, I just take hard things and don't take soft things."

How many people have lost their hair in order to relax the review by the higher authorities, who have lost their hair because they have money, and who can't say a word, just report a name and enslave others to help them do so many years of white labor, There is really only Zhong Yi.

Zou Chao: "I read what you reported two days ago, and you are not wronged."

"The card is back to the card, as long as you can pass it." Zhong also didn't care.

"Aside from other things." Zou Chao raised his hand to help Zhong Yi fill up the red wine, and said, "In the past ten years, the protagonist is a thief. What else have you seen besides "Golden Robbery"?"

Seeing that he finally got to the point, Zhong Yi's force value reached full level in an instant: "First of all, our protagonist is not a thief, but he did some petty theft when he was young to make a living. alright."

Zou Chao was amused by Zhong Yi's understatement of word games, and he raised his goblet to him and said, "If I remember correctly, I should make a living by child labor and petty theft, and it's not the first time I was caught. It’s been corrected, but the plot at the beginning of your movie is stuck at the time when he was caught and corrected, he is actually a repeat offender, and the whole street in the residential area knows that he is a thief.”

Zhong Yi moved away the wine glass that was about to bump into the person in front of him, raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't talk nonsense, we didn't report this."

"But the actual script is like this." Zou Chao said confidently, still holding the wine glass in his hand.

Zhong Yi paused for two seconds, and finally met the cup with this person, and said, "Since you've seen it all, I won't talk nonsense, just pass it to me."

Although everyone who has seen their script has signed a non-disclosure agreement, it is just a piece of paper after all, as long as the conditions are in place, there is nothing that cannot be obtained.

Nowadays, in order to seize the opportunity, various companies are preparing their own projects in secret, wishing to let you know a little bit until the final film is released, but they cannot have absolute secrets in this business. The real secret is that there is no script at all. .

The process of preparing the plate determines that you will continue to negotiate with the person you think is suitable, exchange information, have secrets, and fail to complete the project.

"You've overplayed the edge here," Zou Chao said to the point.

Zhong Yi did not show any weakness: "There is no express rule saying that I can't do this."

China’s film review is a mystery, except for the high-voltage lines that are fixed above the head, all other situations must be related to the plot before and after. The specific situation is analyzed in detail, the unspoken rules are complicated, and personal subjectivity is strong. The scale is basically based on the creative experience. It's just a matter of one thought, sometimes the relationship is not in place, and if people like Zou Chao are in a bad mood, they may hang up on you.

"And these are at most just character background settings, which don't take up much space at all. Later, the mistakes of the past will be corrected, and the son will inherit his father's career to fulfill the unfinished dream of the first part. The overall promotional theme is still positive. You just turn a blind eye. One eye, it's over." Zhong Yi said with reason.

Zou Chao just looked at him fixedly and didn't speak.

Zhong Yi's patience was completely exhausted, and he began to be unreasonable: "I don't care if others can do it or not. Anyway, I am Zhong Yi, so I can do it."

The second biggest rule of Chinese film review is to look at people.

As long as the cafe is big enough, the face is big enough. Maybe you write whatever you want, but other big-name directors and screenwriters just write whatever they want.

Therefore, there is only one possibility that the film will not pass the review, and that is that your status is not enough for your content.

Zou Chao finally couldn't help laughing, and said in a deep voice, "I've never seen anyone who is worse than you. He doesn't do face-saving projects at all, and dares to start a group without worrying about whether he can pass the record. Liang Sili is also big-hearted and trusts you. , if it really gets stuck, he will die."

Zhong Yi's lips curled up: "I seem to have told you the reason before, I'm never afraid to put all my eggs in one basket."

Zou Chao paused, and then continued: "Because wealth and wealth are found in danger."

Time seemed to go back to seven years ago.

Liang Sili had contacted the people at the appraiser early that morning. Zhong Yi couldn't take a shower, so he could only simply put on his clothes and go out with a hangover and stickiness all over his body.

But as soon as Liang Sili helped the man to his co-pilot, Zhong Yi held onto the car door and vomited out in a "wow". Liang Sili supported him with the arms around his waist.

After Zhong Yi finally slowed down, Liang Sili hailed another car. On the way there, he wanted to take someone to eat something to fill his stomach.

Zhong Yi was still fine when he was eating, but the co-pilot vomited all over again as soon as he ate it. After the appraisal later, Zhong Yi continued to vomit whatever he ate all day long.

That night was supposed to be the time for them to have a chat with Zou Chao, but who would have thought that the two met each other a day earlier and had such an embarrassing quarrel, the originally scheduled dinner was naturally delayed.

Zou Chao changed to accompany his superiors with his colleagues, but he didn't know if it was true or not. Anyway, Liang Sili heard the news that Zou Chao had already let go, saying that if Zhong Yi could appear at the dinner table as scheduled tonight, he would It is up to the master to pass their film.

In terms of props, Zou Chao didn't do anything ruthless, but what he did was really ruthless. Not to mention not being able to get out of bed for three days, at least it was impossible for the next night.

After the appraisal, Zhong Yi went to the hospital for an HIV test. Although it was negative, there was a window period after all.

Zhong Yi couldn't trust Zou Chao, no matter how severe the side effects of block|blocker drugs were, he still gritted his teeth and took them.

Coupled with a night of cold, Zhong Yi even took a bath that day with Liang Sili's help. His back hurts and he can't stand upright, let alone sit. His muscles are sore, and he throws up whatever he eats.

So when Liang Sili heard that Zhong Yi asked him to inquire about the location of Zou Chao's colleague's dinner party, he was completely stunned: "No, the main thing is that I don't know if he said it himself, and even if he really said it, he If you don't want to talk anymore, what should you do..."

What Liang Sili didn't say in his mouth was that it's okay to cover the place with other things, you have marks on your neck and wrists, how do you go out in summer...

But Zhong Yi was very persistent, as if he was really stubborn, lying on the bed no matter what, Liang Sili had to bring him clothes, and he could hear the weakness just by hearing the voice, but he was still thinking about it: "I want that brick red shirt. .”

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Sitting beside the bed, Liang Sili's mind was in a mess. He just felt uncomfortable after being with Zhong Yi for a whole day, let alone himself. Zhong Yi didn't collapse, he collapsed first.

The words about giving up were also said by Liang Sili at that time.

The man rubbed his face dejectedly and said: "I really regret Zhong Yi now, I shouldn't have taken you on the pirate ship back then, otherwise we'd be fine..."

"It's just that you don't work on projects anymore, and I'll lie to Libo and do odd jobs for my brother and the others. It's more than enough to support you for the rest of your life."

"What I'm worried about is never that you walk in the same place, I'm afraid that you are like this now, you are really too open..."

But Zhong also said: "I know what I'm doing, Liang Sili, no one is forcing me to move forward, I just want my things to pass the trial, they deserve to be seen."

So Zhong Yi really appeared at the door of Zou Chao's box that day, standing in front of everyone as usual without any disguise.

The marks on the neck and collarbone are all exposed from the collar of the shirt with two buttons spread out, the wrists are even more naked, the cuffs are rolled up to the forearms, and the red marks are all shockingly exposed in the air.

What Zhong Yi held in his hand was a transparent file bag, which contained a stack of photos and a few sheets of A4 paper.

Zou Chao was dumbfounded at the time, and couldn't speak a word when he looked at the person with dark circles at the door.

Those sitting here are all his leaders and colleagues. Although no one has said it publicly, the news that he played a small producer last night still spread to everyone's ears. Everyone kept silent, but because of the His family's background and the basic etiquette of the people who eat melons are nothing more than that.

Under the eyes of everyone, Zhong Yi raised the "evidence materials" in his hand, and asked Zou Chao hoarsely: "If you say that if I sit at this dining table tonight, you will let me pass the trial, do you still count?" ?”

At that moment, everyone at the table was shocked by the slender figure at the door.

Zou Chao knew in his heart that he had never said such a thing at all, but due to the public opinion, Zhong Yi wanted to force him to death, and it was useless for him to deny it.

Riding a tiger is hard to get off.

The author has something to say: Note:

Security word: key word, which can be vocabulary, sound, action, etc., a communication method of sexual||abuse games, used to tell s that something may go wrong.

A good s will confirm the security word with m before the start, because m will often forget, but I am embarrassed to admit it. As s, a safe word is formulated in the game, but m is rarely used, which is the best state.

Emphasis: Because personal tolerance is different, and the gameplay is inherently fierce, so there is no difference between not setting a safe word and looking for death (? I started to teach some strange things again