Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 92


The first person present to speak out was Director Wang, Zou Chao's chief leader.

Holding the wine glass that he hadn't had time to put down, he said to Zou Chao, "Little Zou, hurry up and pour wine for Mr. Zhong, what are you doing in a daze."

Not to mention the others, even Zhong Yi was stunned for a moment, this was the first time someone called him "Mr. Zhong", and it was from the mouth of an old man who could decide many lives and deaths with one sentence.

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Zou Chao was only silent for a while, then got up and gave Zhong Yi his seat, and said, "Mr. Zhong shouldn't be convenient to drink. I'll pour tea for Mr. Zhong."

Zhong is also sensible, so he won't really kick his nose and face when he is followed.

Right now, neither humble nor overbearing, he sat down among a group of people he had never met before, picked up the tea poured by Zou Chao, and respected Director Wang, saying: "I never thought that the news that I was hired back by my alma mater to be a visiting professor spread to Director Wang." It's in my ears, I'm really flattered."

"Humble, who doesn't know that Mr. Zhong bravely retired from the limelight of "Logical Aesthetics" and went abroad for further studies? Now that he is hired back by Peking University, he should be called 'Teacher'." As he spoke, Director Wang amiably averted his gaze Turning to the person standing beside Zhong Yi, he said, "Your spirit, Xiao Zou, you have to learn from others, the future generations are fearful hahaha."

Open your eyes and talk nonsense.

Who doesn't know that the generally accepted saying is that "Aesthetics of Logic" was created by Zhong Yi's luck, and going abroad for further study is a deserter's act of exhaustion.

But here are all people who can read their faces. When they heard what Director Wang said, the flatterers naturally rushed forward enthusiastically, as if they really didn't see the marks on Zhong Yi's body.

"Hahaha let Xiao Zou help Teacher Zhong drink today's wine."

"I've heard that there is a handsome guy among our rough old men. It's better to see it than to hear it."

"There are still too many old things on our table, you two young people just talk more, ignore us."

To put it bluntly, after that night, Zou Chao was punished the next day and was immediately suspended from his job. If it weren't for the strong family relationship, he would definitely not be able to reinstate him later.

On a bigger scale, the review atmosphere in the entire industry has been well-regulated because of Zhong Yi's desperate fuss. No one would have thought that Zhong Yi would play such a big game as soon as he came back from abroad, including Zou Chao naturally.

No matter how powerful the family is, no matter how many things can be suppressed, the most important thing is face, not to mention the Liang family behind Zhong Yi.

As soon as the old man of the Liang family heard about what Zhong Yi had done, he immediately drew up a contract and handed over the head of Ladbrokes to Liang Sili.

For this reason, Zou Chao was asked by his family elders to visit Zhong Yi's house to apologize during his suspension - that is, Liang Sili's house.

At that time, Zhong Zhong was still taking blocking drugs, and he didn't even want to get out of bed every day, and his spirit was very poor.

Some people told him that Zou Chao didn’t wear the condom just for fun and wanted to scare him. After all, he had that orientation and wanted to “humiliate” him. If you really have a problem with your body, you will lose your job directly, so Zhong Yi can completely avoid taking medicine, and his body can't stand it.

But Zhong Yi only said: "I simply think he is dirty."

This word reached Zou Chao's own ears the next day, or rather, it spread throughout the circle.

What can Zou Chao say, Zou Chao can only suffer from being dumb, after all, it is true that he did not wear the condom first for the last time.

During this period of time, his head was about to hurt to death. It was obviously just a very ordinary time for fun, so why did it become like this.

"I didn't know who you were when I opened the room with you. I didn't know who you were when you took a shower in the middle, and the business card fell out of your pocket. I didn't mean to deceive you in advance." He later sat on Zhong Yi's bed. Bian Ru explained.

But Zhong Yi didn't buy it at all, and repeated what Zou Chao said to him at that time, asking: "'You don't really think that you can pass the trial by climbing into my bed, do you?' Did you say it yourself?"

Zou Chao: "..."

He had just blocked someone else's film, so naturally he would have doubts in this regard after discovering Zhong Yi's true identity.

In order to bribe them to pass the trial, what can't be done, this kind of method of cutting first and playing later is not uncommon.

So when Zhong Yi denied his statement, he thought that Zhong Yi was being stubborn, and seeing Zhong Yi's hands on the head of the bed, he pulled his hair and forced him to raise his head high.

"I'm sorry, I really misunderstood. I said those words just because it was exciting..." Zou Chao regretted what he had said to Zhong Yi at that time, the kind of regret that made his intestines regret.

With the basis of mistakenly thinking that Zhong Yi delivered the goods to his door, Zou Chao opened his mouth on the bed, and he couldn't control himself now, and the gentleman among strangers disappeared completely. Although it was not forced, but Just, you're welcome.

Why did they already know how important this film was to them, and it was deliberate not to let it go; use…

It's just that these words fell into Zhong Yi's ears, but the taste changed. On the contrary, it seemed that this person knew who he was all along, and that he would come out to have a room with him just to humiliate him with this matter and trick him into bed.

Zou Chaoyue said that Zhong Yi's "shame and anger" made him more excited. Using all kinds of unsightly dirty talk to force Zhong Yi to admit that his current strong reaction is actually enjoyment, and it never occurred to him that the two hadn't decided on a safe word in advance.

In the end, I got dizzy, and it was really a coquettish ghost to die under the peony flower. I took the risk once, and then added fuel to the fire in Zhong Yi's ear: "I heard that your cleanliness seems to be very serious. I don't know if anyone has gotten into your ass before."

"When I see the co-pilot now, I think of your dirty things." Zhong Yi leaned on the bed, looked at the person next to the bed expressionlessly and said coldly.

It cannot be said that it was all Zou Chao's fault that things developed like this. He never stopped because he was greedy for a moment of spiritual indulgence and didn't make a safe word with others at the beginning. Strictly speaking, it was his own fault.

But it was precisely because of this that Zhong Yi was so irritated, more irritated than just being someone else's fault unilaterally, irritated when he thought about it, wanted to vomit when he vomited, and vomited his physiological shadow when he vomited.

It has been so many days, but when he raised the back of his neck, he still felt as if someone was pulling his hair.

Sometimes a good memory is not necessarily a good thing, "Zou Chao" is just a synonym.

Rather than saying that it is Zou Chao that he holds grudges against, it is better to say that it is his own luck that he holds grudges against.

So since then, Zhong Yi has been alerting himself all the time, not allowing himself to be even a little lazy, no matter how tired or collapsed, because there may be mistakes in the slightest.

If you don't want to suffer, you shouldn't gamble on luck.

"I'm sorry..." Zou Chao has lived so long, and he has never been so sincere and humble to anyone. He regrets that he was overconfident at the time and didn't force Zhong Yi to make a safe word.

After all, it is one thing to go to bed to pass the interrogation, but it is another thing to force it. The tacit cooperation of the two people in front gave him the illusion that his own standard clock could accept it virtually.

But as if to enhance his sense of guilt, Liang Sili gave Zhong Yi the medicine in front of Zou Chao.

Zou Chao wanted to persuade Zhong Yi not to eat, but because of Zhong Yi's words of dislike for others, he finally refrained from saying that he was not sick, and said: "I will take care of your project in the future. As long as you don't go too far, I'll try my best to let you pass by a little bit."

In short, the version of the werewolf in which Zhong Yi was sent to his door and prostituted for nothing, and then turned into anger and slapped him fiercely spread in the circle.

Zhong also didn't explain, because everyone saw the heavy price he made Zou Chao pay in the end.

Zou Chao didn't explain it because Zhong Yi took the initiative, at least he didn't take the initiative to find it on his own initiative.

As for Liang Sili, if the two parties don't talk about it, he won't talk about it. His well-known concubine is a ruthless person who only kisses him. No matter how you look at it, it's a matter of face and face. When he walks out, his back is straighter than before. up.

Later, Zou Chao gave an apology and was ready to leave. Finally, he couldn't help looking at the "hard evidence" that Zhong Yi placed on the bedside table and asked in a complicated mood: "...are you really not afraid at all?"

To put it bluntly, apart from the ugly face, their family can still hide this matter if they want to hide it.

But Zhong Yi just told him indifferently: "I haven't had time to check my resume yet. New media and media are my old profession. You can try to see if I can make this matter worse."

Zou Chao heard Zhong Yi say, "I'm never afraid of throwing all the eggs in one basket, because wealth and wealth come from danger."

This is the first sentence that Zhong Yi left him that day, and the second sentence is what Zhong Yi told Zhang Xingzhi.

"One day, I will achieve 'from now on, no matter how you walk, it will be downhill', and you'd better not go out at night."

In the restaurant, Zou Chao looked at the person in front of him with the same eyebrows and eyes as before, and said with a smile: "You really hold grudges, and you have ignored me for so many years. After the filming of "Aesthetics 2", it will be difficult to continue on the uphill road. "

Without room for improvement, of course it can only go downhill.

He has read the script, and as long as there are no problems in the review, they will be released as scheduled. Ding Runnian's standard is suitable for both tastes and tastes, and is suitable for all ages. Coupled with the word-of-mouth of the first film, there is no problem in breaking the box office.

Not surprisingly, it will be another masterpiece, winning an award is just the icing on the cake.

Zhong Yi closed his eyelids, and said with an unclear expression: "Let's talk after the filming."

When he said this, his mind was full of Zhang Xingzhi. In fact, until now, Zhong Yi couldn't completely convince himself to let go of his heart.

Perhaps as long as Zhang Xingzhi told him that he would not go to Alnima, he would immediately cancel the "Aesthetics 2" project.

But the probability is too low, it's like telling Zhang Xingzhi not to shoot...

I can only endure it and see who will let go first, or it may just be like "what should I do" and it will all pass.

"But I really didn't expect you to fall in love with someone." Zou Chao quipped, "If there hadn't been that misunderstanding back then, maybe the person Liang Sili is jealous of now is me."

He can feel that Zhong also likes his style.

But Zhong Yi just supported his head and wiped out the foie gras on his dinner plate one bite at a time, saying bluntly: "There are no letters in my orientation, not even a quarter."

Zou Chao is smart, steady, and he is the same type of person when it comes to strategizing, but Zhong Yi is really tired of looking at letters every day, not to mention he still has a lot of sequelae.

However, no matter whether it’s because he doesn’t want to sit in the co-pilot, or he doesn’t like to look up at people, these sequelae are actually not due to Zou Chao, it’s simply Zhong Yi who can’t get along with him. disgust.

Not wanting to see Zou Chao is just a way of expressing anger.

Every time Zhong Yi heard his name, it was like replaying the events of the year in front of his eyes. If he didn't pay attention, his psychological discomfort would turn into physical discomfort.

On the premise of being prepared to meet, it is barely enough to maintain the frequency of seeing each other in six or seven years, but if you want to see each other every day, someone like Zhong Yi who is in the late stage of perfectionism and obsessive-compulsive disorder will find a way to kill him sooner or later.

"If it's you, I can do it normally." Zou Chao looked at the generosity of the person.

Zhong Yi said indifferently: "Accept."

He was just thinking that his stomach was full and it was time to go, when he looked up and saw a car parked outside the shop at some time on the side of the road.

Hmm... a bit familiar

Zou Chao is still reminiscing about the call he heard earlier: "I'm a little curious about what kind of person makes you willing to settle down. I don't feel like someone in the circle."

"It's said to be a university teacher, so why not?" During the conversation, Zhong Yi put on his glasses to see the license plate of the car outside, and asked, "Want to see?"

Zou Chao raised his eyebrows: "Yes?"

Zhong Yi: "Why not, I can do it now."

After the sound fell, Zou Chao saw the person facing him with his head propped up beckoning behind him.

Zou Chao was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head in the direction of Zhong Yi's line of sight, and found that outside the store a tall cut-length guy got off a small broken car, and was dressed in black from top to bottom. At first glance, he almost thought that what Zhong Yi was doing was not the university teacher, but the college students under him.

But Zhong Yi was not at all ashamed to pull Zhang Xingzhi out to meet people, looking at the people gradually approaching outside the glass, he dispelled Zou Chao's thoughts with one sentence: "I'm old, but I still like young people."

Zou Chao looked at the young people outside carefully, hesitating a bit: "How old... is this?"

When it comes to this, Zhong Yi is happy: "Five years younger than me, fifteen years younger than Liang Sili, it's my own."

Zou Chao: "..."

He is one year older than Liang Sili.

Inexplicably, there is an illusion that Zhong Yi has found a child to fall in love with, but Zhang Xingzhi is so young, he doesn't seem to be a generation away from him.

"You asked him to come?" Zou Chao nodded to the waiter at the door, and the person was let in there.

"How is it possible? I just said on the phone that the two of us had a fight last night." Zhong Yi raised his hand and dragged a chair from behind and brought it to his side.

Zou Chao: "?"

He can completely imagine who Zhong Yi would pat the table with at work, but he really couldn't imagine what it would be like if Zhong Yi quarreled with his boyfriend.

He looked at Zhong Yi incredulously: "Then why did he come by himself?"

Zhong Yi also looked at him incredulously: "Why didn't I know that your ears are so bad before, didn't you hear it before, and I came here when I thought of it."

Zou Chao: "..."

He seemed to understand miraculously why he wanted to find the younger...

The author has something to say: Note:

Perfectionism obsessive-compulsive disorder: severe enough to affect life will be regarded as a clinical disease, but this does not mean that Mr. Zhong is really sick.

ps: The hand speed is slow, and the daily shift is limited. I hope my geese understand

I have deleted the words that are too ugly and easy to provoke, because I feel that other than putting the whole book in front of you at once, other methods seem to be unable to solve the problem. Give me a chance, and I will really explain it after reading it slowly. clear (sigh

pps: Regarding hoarding articles, there is nothing wrong with hoarding articles itself, and it is indeed easier to be hoarded than casual ones.

It doesn't matter if you chase the goose reminders of the serials every day, but hoarding articles to remind you, and even sending me a private message, for fear that I won't see something, it makes people a little frustrated.

It was not a peerless good article that would appeal to the public, but it has been unable to beat others due to the accumulation of too much data.

Thank you Bawang votes, thank you for the nutrient solution, and thank you for all the geese jumping in the comment area, I really appreciate you!