Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 93



Zhang Xingzhi stretched out his hand to Zou Chao who was in the position.

Zou Chao was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Zhang Xingzhi to greet him so formally, then he quickly got up from his seat and shook his hand: "Hello."

When this person was far away, Zou Chao felt that he was tall. Now that he stood closer and looked at him again, he was half a head taller than himself. His handsome face was expressionless, but he didn't let him You feel offended.

Zhong Yi patted the bench beside him: "Sit."

Zou Chao could clearly sense that as soon as Zhang Xingzhi appeared, Zhong Yi never took his eyes off him.

Zhong Yi stared at the blue shadows in the eyes of the people around him and joked, "Why do you even have dark circles under your eyes and rush to make a pair with me?"

Zhang Xingzhi paused, and said in front of Zou Chao: "I had a fight, I can't sleep well."

"Tsk." Zhong Yi raised his hand and pushed the half-eaten food in front of him, asking, "Haven't you had lunch yet?"

Without waiting for anyone to answer, Zou Chao raised his hand and asked the waiter to bring the menu to Zhang Xingzhi. During this time, he made a little gesture towards the waiter.

There was a sneer at the corner of Zhong Yi's mouth, he just stared at the menu and said to Zhang Xingzhi indifferently: "He invites you to order as you like."

I said in my heart that I haven't seen or seen this person grow a bit in these years, this kind of trick is also worth using, and one day you will all see the big house he earned by himself before you will know how powerful it is.

This French restaurant has two versions of the menu, one with Chinese and English graphics, and one with pure French. Just now, Zou Chao gave the waiter a code to ask them to bring the French version.

In fact, except for that face, Zhong Yi's object is a bit too plain from head to toe, which is worse than the Yu Jin I heard about a while ago, and he can't find any bright spots, which makes people very unconvinced.

As we all know, the French often have the enthusiasm to eat a dinner from seven o'clock to twelve o'clock. Although the general procedure is only an appetizer, main course and dessert, a grand meal can have as many as eleven courses at most. The products are very complicated, and many authentic French menus are not accompanied by pictures. There are densely packed on a thin piece of paper, and the visual impact is enough to cause headaches, let alone ordering from unintelligible French.

But Zhang Xingzhi looked at it seriously, and the French waiter who was waiting for his order was waiting for him to speak.

Zou Chao was preconceived, and subconsciously took Zhang Xingzhi's silence as the embarrassment of not being able to understand the menu, but was ashamed to speak because of face. Just looking at the car he drove and parked outside, he knew that this was an ordinary university. Teacher, maybe this is the first time I even entered such a high-end French restaurant.

As a result, he was about to pretend to find that the waiter had brought the wrong menu, and helped him to order the meal himself, when Zhang Xingzhi said to the waiter at the table: "je voudrais une carafe d'eau."

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The standard and beautiful French stunned the French lady for a moment before she realized it. After answering, she quickly served a can of water for the guest.

Zhong Yi's arms were still on the back of Zhang Xingzhi's chair: "Do you mean to let them get into the water?"

"Well, French food is the same as Chinese food. Drinking water or sparkling water will be served before the meal." After speaking, Zhang Xingzhi ordered everything he wanted from the menu under his command.

It seemed nothing special, but his demeanor was far from the impression Zou Chao had when he first saw him. The waitress hadn't heard anyone order in her native language for a long time.

Zou Chao began to feel a little interesting, and said with great interest: "Ms. Zhang can also speak French?"

Zhang Xingzhi's answer was very down-to-earth: "I only know the basics."

Zhong Yi blinked: "Could it be that you only learn one language when you go to one place?"

"No, I can only learn English in places where it is not convenient to use it." Speaking of this, Zhang Xingzhi was a little bit dumbfounded.

One is that the French themselves are quite repulsed by English, and the other is that what he passed was only a corner of France at that time, and even the waiters in the service place could not speak English clearly, and he was forced to learn it.

Zou Chao raised his eyebrows: "Ms. Zhang likes traveling very much?"

Zhang Xingzhi said concisely: "Yes."

For the same question, when Zhong Yi asked it, he explained a few more sentences, but now that someone else asked it, Zhang Xingzhi only had one word in total.

Zhong Yi rested his chin on the other hand, looked at the person in a good mood and curled his lips and said, "Is it the place to ask Liang Sili? Why did you figure it out in one night, and dare to come to me after a quarrel?"

Zhang Xingzhi avoids the important and ignores the trivial: "Liang Sili said that you will go back to the group for a meeting this afternoon, and I will go too."

Zhong Yi raised his eyebrows, and tapped his fingertips on the side of his face: "I just can't figure it out, how did you two get together?"

This is a question that Zhang Xingzhi can't answer. He can't tell Zhong Yi that the two of them met in 1977 to see him.

So the honest man who didn't want to lie and deceive others chose to use offense as defense: "Don't you want me to come?"

Zhong Yi couldn't help but also didn't answer the question directly, he just said: "Okay, anyway, you just want to know about me and Zou Chao, and now he is right in front of you, so you can ask him directly."

Zou Chao: "?"

"I can only ask Director Zou to cooperate with the work again, and tell me what stupid things I did back then." Zhong Yi took the time to look at the person sitting opposite him, expressing that he was not worried about being rejected at all, "Wait Director Zou is about to find a partner, so he may feel a little bit more empathetic, but the check-up procedure is more complicated."

Zou Chao: "..."

He really didn't want to mention his embarrassing black history to others. If he hadn't misunderstood others at the time and done something too much, he wouldn't have been so miserable in revenge.

So, why on earth is it possible to report to such an extent? He was sure that Zhong Yi was paying back the little trick he just made to embarrass his partner...

On the trending search, as soon as the keyword that Reliu praised Chinese photographers came out, the various classes of Quanzhou Communication University were blown up. Yang Youan only saw it during the intermission of class.

Recently, he and Ji Haochuan have been taking acting classes during everyone's lunch break. The acting teacher Zhong Yi hired for them was not well-known, but very professional, the kind of professional that Ji Haochuan could feel miraculously.

Because there are only the two of them as students, no matter whether it is the exercises in class or the homework after class, they have to work together to complete it. There is no room for choice. The number of times is too high, although Ji Haochuan still has the look of a dead duck not admitting it. , but Yang Youan can already clearly feel that the relationship between the two is harmonious.

Right now Dan Huayan is back after Leo finished chatting with his brother, but his mood is still low. Ji Haochuan is struggling to send messages to Leo repeatedly, and when he can’t wait for a reply, he sees Yang You’an next to him holding his phone and swiping with great interest. Without stopping, I subconsciously wanted to go over and have a look: "What's wrong?"

"Teacher Zhang is on the trending list!" Yang Youan was very excited.

Ji Haochuan: "?"

He didn't realize who "Teacher Zhang" was at the first moment, but he suddenly remembered it after hearing Yang Youan's muttering behind him.

"Teacher Zhong is too powerful..." Yang You'an was still in admiration, thinking that the officials had climbed over the wall to speak out, so who would dare to slander her now.

Ji Haochuan hesitated for a moment: "Mr. Zhang... Is Zhang Liao's brother?"

Yang You'an nodded: "You go to the hot search!"

"What does he have that are worthy of the hot search..." Ji Haochuan said puzzledly, and turned the hot search list from the top to the bottom, frowning, "I didn't see it, what's the hot search? Don't you fall down already?" ?”

Yang Youan glared at him: "It's not lost, it's the third... the second!"

Ji Haochuan: "??"

After he turned it up and took a closer look, he matched Zhang Xingzhi with "Master Reliu".

Ji Haochuan was wondering what kind of Master Reliu is worthy of the hot search, but when he clicked on it, his scalp went numb when he was shown by the popular science in the comment area.

He read those few words word by word, as if trying to make him unrecognizable: "Reflow International Photography Competition is one of the most professional photography competitions in the world, 'Reflow Master' is an invitation to a photographer... Highest praise?"

How awesome is that Zhang Xingzhi? ? ? I can't see it at all...

As if hearing his inner voice, Yang You'an said cheerfully: "Yes, Mr. Zhang is really very professional! Didn't Zhang Liao tell you?"

Ji Haochuan: "..."

Ji Haochuan, who had not received a reply from Leo so far, felt instantly shot by an arrow in the knee, but it was impossible for him to admit it.

"What's there to say? Leo himself is very good, and he doesn't bother to show off his brother!" After a few days of acting lessons, Ji Haochuan now opened his eyes and talked nonsense without even choking him. Because the relationship between the two of us is not good enough" they both did not call themselves.

Fortunately, Yang You'an didn't pay much attention to it, and his attention was quickly shifted from himself to his WeChat, which was constantly chattering all day long.

Ji Haochuan couldn't understand why so many people like to chat with Yang Youan, but in fact, Yang Youan sent almost the same message to every message box, just to relieve the excitement in his heart, he insisted on not copying and pasting, and must type each message by himself .

- "I said that Mr. Zhang and Mr. Zhong are innocent, you still don't believe me!!!"

At this point, Ji Haochuan, who had no friends and could only squat beside him and stare blankly, started to come up with tricks again. He raised his hand and sent the screenshot of the hot search to Leo.

- "So what happened when your brother called you over to chat with you that day?"

- "Don't you still believe it?"

After sending, Ji Haochuan stared closely at the place where Leo's comment name was displayed at the top of the chat box, and he couldn't help but clenched his fists in his heart when he saw that it jumped into "typing...".

But there are only two words in the bubble that pops up at the other end.

- "I believe it"

Ji Haochuan could feel Leo's depression through the screen. He was a little puzzled. According to the first-hand information from his gossip with Liang Sili, after Leo finished chatting with his brother, did Zhong Yi and Zhang Xingzhi really quarrel? Wrong.

- "Then why are you still so unhappy"

Leo didn't know what was going on with him, he did what he wanted to do the most, but he couldn't feel the joy of breaking up the success at all. Instead, because his brother was unhappy, he also became depressed.

If Leo told Ji Haochuan this mental journey, Ji Haochuan would definitely tell him the answer bluntly: because you have family affection for your brother, and you don't really regard Zhong Yi as a rival in love at all.

But now, whenever Leo thinks that Ji Haochuan lied to him, he becomes very angry.

- "."

Ji Haochuan: "?"

Leo just gave him a full stop? What does a period mean

Ji Haochuan licked his lower lip, and tentatively said.

- "Did I accidentally do something to offend Wuli Leo gg?"

- "Why are you being so cold to me now?"

But there was no movement on Leo's side. Ji Haochuan scratched his head anxiously. He asked Zhu Hong about Leo's coming today, so he was a little relieved and decided to ask him again in person. They have to go together for the script, and what Ji Haochuan is thinking about is this afternoon, so he can get a result no matter what.

In the end, Leo yelled at him blankly: "Don't ask, if you ask, you will never believe your nonsense again, even if you don't say who you are, you are a big liar."

Ji Haochuan: "?"

Ji Haochuan: "What am I? I'm Ji Haochuan. You've seen my ID card..."

Ji Haochuan, who couldn't figure it out, felt that he had been wronged, but it was Yang You'an who was next to him who told the truth, and said in astonishment: "So he doesn't know about your relationship with Mr. Liang?"

Leo: "???"

Ji Haochuan: "!"

Only then did he realize that he hadn't found the right opportunity yet, and told Leo that he was Liang Sili's cheap son, and just as he was about to speak, Leo stared back with his eggy eyes.

Leo said in disbelief: "It turns out that Yang You'an knows all about it, but I don't know qaq!"

Ji Haochuan: "..."

Ji Haochuan: "No..."

"Obviously I trust you so much qaqq!"

"I… "

"If you believe me one more word, I'll strangle you to death qaqqq!"

"Strangle me? You can't do it..."

Then Yang Youan silently watched Ji Haochuan coax Leo to watch all the way. As for why he was there, because he was also one of the participants who read the script. I heard that not only all the main creators were present today, but also many supporting roles like him. Among them were many seniors whom they had admired for a long time, and naturally Zhong Yi and Zhang Xingzhi would also be included.

As a result, Leo's mood was not clear, and when he saw Zhong Yi get off his brother's car at the door, it became even worse.

He did what he said, and he pinched Ji Haochuan, a second-hand dealer who had been inaccurate for a long time, on the neck. What about the quarrel? This doesn't look like a quarrel at all! !

Ji Haochuan himself was also confused, last night Zhong Yiming had a quarrel with his brother Leo, and then went out to eat barbecue with Liang Sili, even if they want to make up, this speed is too fast, what about playing? ?

The only happy one among the three is probably Yang You'an.

But before the corners of his mouth could be raised, he saw a tall and straight man coming down from the back row of Zhong Yi in the car.

The man was dressed in a casual suit that was exquisite and elegant. When Zhang Xingzhi turned his back and didn't pay attention, he raised his hand to support Zhong Yi's arm to avoid the passing vehicles on the other side.

The taxi driver was just about to ask who would pay the three handsome boys who had crowded behind him all the way after him and didn’t even get off the bus when they reached their destination, when they all burst into voices: “Why is he Touching people!?"

The expression of grief and indignation shocked the driver uncle.

Yang You'an and Zhang Liao didn't know, but Ji Haochuan knew Zou Chao for real. It was because of his special status that he passed by at his father's house back then, which he remembered firmly to this day.

This grandson has committed such a mess, and now he still has the face to find Zhong Yi

Leo got up and scanned the QR code as soon as he glanced at the price list, looking as if he was going to rush to fight in the next second.

Fortunately, Ji Haochuan had quick eyesight and quick hands, and as soon as he stepped out of the car, he hugged Leo's waist and dragged the child back, and said in a low voice, "What are you doing!"

Leo: "He touched the clock... Ugh!"

After making sure that the child didn't make any noise, Ji Haochuan let go of his hand covering Leo's mouth: "Speak softly!"

Leo was about to die of anger, and he didn't know why this man wanted to keep his voice down, so he did as he did anyway, and shouted again in a breathless voice: "He also qaq when he touches the clock!"

Ji Haochuan took a deep breath, and didn't dare to tell Leo that this person was Zou Chao: "He just asked Zhong Yi to avoid getting out of the car, and if you see clearly before moving, Zhong Yi quickly avoided it by himself, and didn't let him touch him. .”

Leo: "qaq? Avoid... that's not okay qaq!"

Ji Haochuan: "?"

Yang Youan: "?"

Ji Haochuan: "Why not? Doesn't it suit you to have a third party involved?"

Leo froze with a jerk, determined not to admit that what he was really upset about was someone sabotaging his brother's relationship.

Ji Haochuan was persuasive: "Right, so you are angry, it means that you subconsciously agree with Zhong Yi."

Leo: "..."

Ji Haochuan hurriedly struck while the iron was hot: "If you don't believe me, ask Yang Youan."

After speaking, he gave a look to the person standing beside the two of them.

In fact, Yang You'an didn't really understand why these two people had to squat behind the flower bed at the gate to talk, but he still nodded in agreement.

Ji Haochuan comforted Leo: "Don't be overly nervous, observe again, observe."

After the meeting at the company, Liang Sili got out of the car to the crew and saw three children squatting neatly behind the flower bed at the entrance.

For some unknown reason, he also wanted to go over to have a look. He asked, "What are you secretly|sneaking at?" Just halfway through the question, he was dragged behind the small flower bed by Ji Haochuan's slap, and squatted side by side between them.

Ji Haochuan said seriously: "Be careful, don't be discovered!"

Liang Sili: "?"

Liang Sili: "Why can't it be discovered?"

Ji Haochuan: "?"

Only then did he see clearly who he was arresting, because of Liang Sili's joining, the face of his ex-mother who was pushed aside was already blushing a lot.