Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 97


"'Big era' is a word that sounds very vague. When you see this, your first reaction may be the panorama of modern architecture. There is a stereotype about this word. It would be a little strange to try to interpret it from a new angle. Know how to do it." Zhang Xingzhi is now under the tutelage of Zhong Yi, and he is already very good at giving lectures, "So first, I will talk about two common words in our daily life, but they are also relatively vague words as examples."

Among the topics Zhang Xingzhi listed for them, one was "Sharing" and the other was "Love".

The shooting ideas given by the students below are similar, and they are similar to what he expected. If they jump out a little, they are not completely let go.

Zhang Xingzhi said: "Actually, the key to solving a problem is not to skip steps. When you get a problem, first start with the problem itself. What is 'sharing'? Do you ask children to give their toys to other children as 'sharing'? not called."

"'Sharing' should mean I gave it to you, but it is called sharing if I have no loss. For children, his ten toys are ten houses, which is the one hundred thousand yuan in your small coffers. Only when you give a friend a house, or 10,000 yuan is called 'sharing', can you ask your children to give away their toys to others."

"What is 'love'? Is it called 'love' when a man and a woman are intimately placed together?"

"Emotions need to be cultivated. If girls have to dress up carefully every time a boyfriend and girlfriend meet, it only means that your boyfriend doesn't love you enough. Even if your parents pay great attention to this aspect, it is impossible Under the same roof, we meet every day and insist on only showing the most exquisite side of ourselves."

"Even if there is, it should be the first year."

Zhang Xingzhi did not give the children the absolute content of the shooting of these two examples, he simply taught everyone how to think about problems.

"The topic of last year's competition was 'Water'. Most of the works that the students submitted were natural scenery with water, and even scenic spots and historical sites. But the two works that won the highest award in the end were carrying buckets downstairs at night. One is a worker who brings water, and one is a fisherman pulling a net in his hometown port."

A well-polished theme is better than blindly pressing the shutter.

No matter how good the technology is, it can be trained, it's just a matter of how long it takes, and in the end, it must be the cultural heritage.

This is true of all industries, not just photography.

Logic determines your width, aesthetics determines your height.

"Logic itself is a kind of aesthetics, but aesthetics itself is also a kind of logic. Exploring the relationship between the two will be a lifelong topic for everyone."

Not to mention those kids, Zhong Yi couldn't help but want to praise.

He touched his blow-dried hair, turned over and changed to lying on Zhang Xingzhi's legs, and said, "Mr. Zhang is very good, not only handed in my homework, but now also handed in the answers of my make-up exam. "

People who are good at thinking are not necessarily interesting, but people who are not good at thinking are not necessarily interesting.

Zhang Xingzhi paused, and decided to tell Zhong Yi: "Later, I gave them marks and commented on the final works."

"'Logical Aesthetics'?" Zhong Yi became interested again, "Have they all handed in?"

Zhang Xingzhi: "Basically, I handed it in not long after I came back. I wanted to show it to you, but you kept ignoring me."

"Tsk." Zhong Yi raised his hand and scratched Zhang Xingzhi's face, saying unreasonably, "Then I'll take care of you now, show me now."

Zhang Xingzhi said peacefully: "It's a bit troublesome to turn on the computer."

Zhong Yi raised his eyebrows: "You can just say what you want."

"Sleep with me for one night, and I'll show you tomorrow morning." Zhang Xingzhi's knuckle-knuckle fingers touched Zhong Yi's eyes.

Tomorrow night, the whole group will charter a flight to Arnimai. If he releases Zhong Yi to go home today, Zhong Yi will definitely not sleep well, and he will not sleep well on the plane tomorrow.

"That's it? I didn't even intend to leave today." Zhong Yile said, "I'll give you another chance, and you propose a new one? Otherwise, I feel like you're at a loss."

But Zhang Xingzhi refused, saying, "No, that's it."

The end-of-term review in class that day was still the old rule, and the works were projected on the big screen and executed publicly one by one.

But this time there is one more link than before - the work explanation - that is, their understanding of the topic of "logic aesthetics".

"How is it? Is there anyone with a particularly high score?" Zhong Yi was actually looking forward to it.

During the time he went out to collect folk songs, he had seen the shooting level of 19 photography, which generally exceeded his expectations.

Zhang Xingzhi: "Except for one full score, the others just passed the passing mark."

Zhong Yi immediately raised his eyebrows: "I thought you would be more generous to the club, why are you so fierce."

The "honest man" Zhang Xingzhi, who couldn't see any clues at all, replied truthfully: "I have always been strict in giving points."

"Then who is that full score? Is it filming the two of us kissing the boy on the bus hahaha." Zhong Yi thought it was funny.

He was not in the class, but Zhang Xingzhi forwarded the photos to him later, and the photos were indeed neat and beautiful. Even if the content was not included, Zhang Xingzhi would not be surprised to give him full minutes based on technology alone.

But Zhang Xingzhi shook his head: "It's Wang Siheng."

Zhong Yi was stunned: "... Wang Siheng?"

"Wang Siheng?" Zhang Xingzhi sat in the corner and counted the names on the roster and found no one answered him. He turned to look at the children behind him and asked, "Where did Wang Siheng go?"

When it was the turn of the first two students, Wang Siheng was still sitting in the middle of the first row, and they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The tall, tall man at the bottom who had just received his execution and was brutally beaten smiled heartlessly and said, "Because he followed the same path as me, he thought he could get a high score, but it turned out that I only got 60, which may be because I was discouraged." Yi Leng decided not to lose that person, hahaha."

Zhang Xingzhi paused: "Did he also take pictures of Teacher Zhong and me?"

The boy nodded yes.

He is the student Zhong Yi said was the one who patted their bus and kissed.

Zhong Yi couldn't help asking: "Then why did you only give one score 60 and the other one full score?"

"Because Wang Siheng's works are well explained, and he has thought about it seriously." Zhang Xingzhi said.

As soon as the boys finished answering their Lao Zhang's words in class, Wang Siheng appeared at the door.

Facing everyone's attention, he shrank his neck and showed a sneer: "Are you all waiting for me? I'm sorry, I'm a little nervous. I wanted to play a small account, but I accidentally became a big one."

The whole class laughed.

Wang Siheng scrambled to the podium, found the point he handed in from many folders, and said, "Ahem, this is my final work."

After the voice fell, a "double selfie" appeared on the big screen, and the magnificent sunrise in the background instantly lit up the classroom, and all the students "huh" to their old Zhang.

This photo was taken when Wang Siheng missed the first moment of sunrise and walked behind Zhang Xingzhi and Zhong Yi.

At that time, Mr. Zhong, who sprained his ankle, was still carried on his back by Lao Zhang, with one arm around Lao Zhang's neck, and the other hand pointed at the direction of the sun and raised the mobile phone, but it was not to take pictures of the sunrise, but To take a photo of the two of you.

In Wang Siheng's photo, only the backs of the two can be seen, but the faces displayed on the screen of the mobile phone are clearly visible, and the radiant morning light envelops the two of them. Many people ridiculed them that Lao Zhang laughed when he took a selfie with Mr. Zhong, and they didn't get this treatment when they came together to take a group photo, and they were still separated.

But Zhang Xingzhi was very calm, and in the jubilation of the room, he was so calm that it was even a bit unpleasant.

He asked, "What about your explanation?"

The score he gave before was not high, not because everyone’s photos were not taken well, but because the explanation was too simple and superficial.

Wang Siheng cleared his throat twice, and said: "Just... my personal understanding of 'logical aesthetics', please don't laugh at me, I'm just thinking about it."

The boy who patted the bus and kissed was the first to respond from the bottom: "It's okay, it's time for the teacher's roll call in your first class. As long as you have 60, you won't pass the class. Don't panic!"

There was another burst of laughter in the class.

But Wang Siheng on the podium was not affected at all, and there was even a hint of seriousness on his face, and he said: "Before we start, let me ask you a question, do you think Teacher Zhong is usually a person who can take selfies? "

The class slowly fell silent, and everyone was shaking their heads.

Wang Siheng immediately turned his attention to Zhang Xingzhi: "Old Zhang, do you think Mr. Zhong will take the initiative to ask for a selfie?"

Zhang Xingzhi felt as if he had guessed what Wang Siheng wanted to say, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he shook his head and said, "No."

"Yes, I don't think so either, but at this time, Mr. Zhong has indeed done such a thing, something he would never have done before."

Having said that, the class has completely quieted down.

Wang Siheng licked his lips, and continued: "Well, we all know that Mr. Zhong is a flashy and very particular person."

"We went out to collect folk songs, to save trouble, and we didn't have much luggage. Everyone was very back to basics, and so was Mr. Zhong, but Mr. Zhong's clothes were simple, exquisite, and high-end. It’s the same reason for girls who go out, no matter how tired they are the night before, they will insist on getting up an hour early to put on makeup the next day, and I can’t do it if I want to.”

The examples that seem to have nothing to do with the topic, but all the children listened carefully.

"This shows that the little fairy and teacher Zhong in our class are such people. You let them go out as casually as we do, they can't do it." Wang Siheng said, "Then I suddenly realized that, in fact, this It is the sentence that Mr. Zhong told us at the beginning, logic and aesthetics are the code of conduct that governs all our daily words and deeds."

"These two things determine that Mr. Zhong can't go out casually, nor is he a person who can take selfies. It also determines that I can willingly sleep in the doghouse where I never fold the quilt, but Li Jiang can't wait to fold the quilt twice a day."

All the children were stunned, they never expected that this cub would secretly think so many things behind their backs.

"I used to think that I knew what the movie "Aesthetics of Logic" was talking about, but I didn't really understand until today."

"Mr. Zhong's shot symbolizes that the logic and aesthetics in his inner core have changed, which prompted him to do something that he would never do before." As he said, Wang Siheng changed the subject and changed his previous attitude. Serious and serious, pretending to be joking, "I believe that all the guests here know that Teacher Zhong will take a photo with Teacher Zhang because he likes it. Falling in love is a process of mutual adjustment. The reason why I am a scumbag is just because I haven't met a person who makes me willing to change, not really scum, everyone understands."

The whole class: "?"

All of a sudden, all the 19 photographers cursed, and the class immediately returned to the state when he first came on stage, with a lot of "wow".

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org

But Wang Siheng is not afraid of dead pigs being scalded by boiling water early, and the cubs are used to it. Grinning his teeth, he threw out his own conclusions, and concluded by saying: "Logic, aesthetics, it may sound absurd, but in essence they are very everyday things. Teacher Zhong never took the initiative to find Teacher Zhang. The change itself I think is a kind of logical aesthetics, which should be recorded."

"Okay, in fact, I've been pushing so much in front of me, and I just translate it into adult words. Who can not cry for the beautiful love between Teacher Zhong and Teacher Zhang?"

"Hahahahaha." Zhong Yi was amused by Wang Siheng's last sentence. This is also someone who can speak, but it is not the same as Ji Haochuan's ability to speak. It is very funny, "So you gave him full marks?"

"Yeah." Speaking of this, Zhang Xingzhi also had a smile in his eyes, "And he sent me a message after class, saying that there is another sentence, and I am embarrassed to say it in front of so many people."

Zhong Yi was even happier: "There are also things he is embarrassed to say."

"Compared to literature and art."


"Speaking from a first-person perspective."

"Stop talking nonsense and speak directly."

"When my aesthetics becomes you, all logic no longer constrains me, because you are my logic."

Later, Zhong Yi happily paid the two agreed compensations to Zhang Xingzhi, and the two chatted for a while before going to bed.

Zhong Yi rested his pillow on Zhang Xingzhi's arm and asked him if the person who accompanied him up the mountain for Leo was ready.

Zhang Xingzhi nodded: "He happened to be near Arnimai recently, and we made an appointment to meet at the airport."

"I'm going to Arnimai tomorrow. Counting the days, I have to hand in the papers in two days. Teacher Zhang has to hurry up and answer the questions."


"The back door is open to this extent, don't make me too uncomfortable..." Zhong Yi almost said the last sentence in his mouth, and the posture with his back turned sideways made his expression completely invisible.

As soon as Zhang Xingzhi turned over, he clasped him tightly into his arms, and replied again: "Okay."