Long Live Summons!

Chapter 121: [Big Harvest]


After defeating the Lich Sog, Yue Yang couldn't relax his vigilance, because there was also a Gold Level 7 Reaper Mantis.

Although the current Reaper Mantis is definitely the weakest time.

However, after all, it is a gold level seven war beast. If it wasn't a mother-to-be, then even the Frost Dragon that evolved from the fusion of the zombie dragon and the demon crystal ice soul ball would not be its opponent, and it wouldn't be in such a mess at all. Yue Yang looked at it vigilantly, and the Reaper Mantis also looked at Yue Yang vigilantly, as if it could sense the danger of Yue Yang... Since the beginning, it hadn't taken the initiative to attack Yue Yang, but it couldn't judge his strength. Humans are not prey among their own prey.

After removing the frost condensation, the Reaper Mantis did not leave immediately, but fell on the ground in pain, producing countless foamy white substances.

There are many little golden eggs in the white foam, but all the little golden eggs are broken.

The female Reaper Mantis searched over and over again, as if she wanted to find an unbroken egg. At this time, her eyes showed a kind of mother's natural eyes, as if she felt despair and grief for her dead offspring.

It carefully searched through the white foam with its arm scythe, as if hoping to find an intact egg.

However, all the golden eggs were frozen and shattered.

None are perfect.

The mother of the Reaper Mantis was still not reconciled, she searched repeatedly, and scratched in the white foam over and over again.

Its kind of eyes touched Yue Yang's heart. Originally, he had thought about taking the opportunity to attack and kill the death mantis to obtain the magic crystal in its body. But seeing this hopeless and sad look in his eyes, he couldn't bear it. Yue Yang is actually not the kind of man with a soft heart like tofu, even if a living person dies all over the place, I believe he will not care too much. However, when he saw a praying mantis that was said to eat males as food as long as they mate Mother, seeing an animal with such sad eyes, so desperately looking for offspring that didn't freeze to death, he was deeply touched!

Some people, although they are human beings, may not be able to match this praying mantis mother.

The Reaper Mantis finally despaired, and uttered a scream so sharp that the ears could hardly hear it, fluttered its wings extremely sadly, flew up, and flew around the white foam three times in the sky, and suddenly screamed more sharply, and the golden wings flew up. Fan, disappeared without a trace.

"It's a pity..." Yue Yang found that there were at least dozens of golden eggs the size of ping-pong balls here.

This is the battle beast egg of the gold-rank Death Mantis!

Now let the demon crystal ice soul ball freeze, and it will all shatter.

After the Reaper Mantis flew away, Yue Yang didn't care to sigh too much, put on the Lich Ring for the first time, felt it carefully, and found that he had to clear out the remaining consciousness and contract of Sog with innate qi, To use this treasure.

Yue Yang estimated that even if it was his innate ability, it would take at least ten days to completely clear it.

Can you use it now

what to do

When he saw the little metal beast with a bulging stomach and a frost dragon magic crystal come back, he immediately handed over the witch ring: "Help me get it, find a way to get rid of Sog's remaining consciousness and contract, let me tell you, If you dare to eat it, I'll smash you to pieces and sell it for scrap!"

As if the little metal beast didn't hear Yue Yang's words, it opened its mouth wide and swallowed it in one gulp.

"You are forcing me to take action, see if I don't beat you to death..." Yue Yang was extremely frantic, preparing to kill this greedy ghost with an innate sword energy.

"Bah! Bah, bah!" The little metal beast opened its mouth, and spat out the Witch's Ring, and spit out a few more mouthfuls of sewage, as if it had eaten something disgusting.

"Ahaha, I was wrong just now, but I actually plan to praise you! You are such a good boy, yes, you won the second-class merit, Xiao Wenli is more obedient, Xiao Wenli, you are the first-class merit, no, it is the special merit !" Student Yue Yang saw that the remaining consciousness and contract on the Witch's Ring had disappeared, and immediately smiled, and coaxed the little metal beast with words of coaxing children, and stretched out his hand to caress its metal head.

If the little metal beast could speak, it would probably say to Yue Yang, 'I despise you, I have never seen a master like you'.

It's a pity that it can't speak, and can't express its contempt.

At best, I had no choice but to obediently turn into a belly-protruding wristband and return it to classmate Yue Yang. It would be unlucky to catch up with a master like Yue Yang.

Student Yue Yang immediately put on the Witch Ring again, and with telepathy, he found that there were tens of cubic meters of space inside. It was filled with all kinds of corpses and bones, and he was so disgusted that he quickly threw out all the corpses and bones, piled up as high as a hill.

After hesitating for a moment, he chopped off the horns, teeth and claws of the frost dragon and put them in.

The dragon skin is too rotten, otherwise, Yue Yang would still want a dragon skin.

The venom flying dragon that had lost its head before was also put in. Without the skin of the frost dragon, a fresh flying dragon skin was made to make up for it a little. With the Ring of the Lich, it is much more convenient for Yue Yang, all the things that look good on the battlefield are put in it. For example, the headless horseman's black giant sword, the golden armored puppet's golden sledgehammer, the corpse of the blood-winged demon guard, and the long-handled blood axe were all stuffed in.

I can't use it myself, so I bought it for Fatty Hai Dafu at a high price, and it shouldn't be a problem to squeeze him out. These are bronze-level magic soldiers, not street goods.

Then there are the skulls of Sog and Ruben, which are also installed.

Theoretically, these two guys have already died, but because their bodies have turned into undead, as long as Yue Yang goes to the academy to learn the secret method of deciphering the memory of undead, then all the secrets stored by these two skulls will be saved together. One presented in front of Yue Yang.

Yue Yang was a little hesitant, should he put the pile of white foam that started to condense into it

This thing was eaten by Big Big Wolf, maybe it was a tonic.

However, thinking of the sadness of the Reaper Mantis, Yue Yang couldn't bear it... Forget it, after all, he once fought side by side with the Reaper Mantis, and now it seems a bit unreasonable to feed the corpses of his son and daughter to the dogs! Xiao Wenli suddenly picked up a broken golden egg and handed it to Yue Yang, blinking her big eyes as if she wanted to say something.

"You mean this can still be saved?" Yue Yang's heart moved, he became ecstatic immediately, and asked anxiously.

"Yeah!" Xiao Wenli nodded cutely.

"What a good boy! Bah!" Yue Yang took a look, picked up Xiao Wenli in surprise, and kissed her tender little face fiercely.

Although the egg is broken, it's not serious. I have innate qi, so maybe I can still be saved.

Yue Yang hurriedly tried his best to send innate qi to the cracked egg, but he found that the effect was not very obvious, and the egg barely responded.

With his current ability, it seems that there is no way to save this frozen egg. Although Xiantian Zhenqi is excellent for healing creatures, it is not very effective in repairing broken eggs, and now there is very little Xiantian Zhenqi left in Yue Yang's body. The most important point is that Yue Yang is the strongest at using Xiantian Zhenqi in terms of attack, but he is actually not very good at using it for healing.

If it was the big loli in the dream, she might be able to save the broken egg.

Xiao Wenli saw that Yue Yang was sweating profusely, and worked hard for a long time, but it still had no effect.

She raised the Frost Twin Blades, and lightly stroked Yue Yang's finger, causing a trace of blood to ooze from Yue Yang's fingertip... A miraculous sign appeared, as soon as the Death Mantis' egg touched Yue Yang's blood, it immediately seemed to be alive. After absorbing it, about three seconds later, the pink egg burst into golden light, the broken cracks quickly disappeared, and finally turned into a complete egg.

Yue Yang was dumbfounded, he didn't know that his blood had this magical effect.

The Bloody Queen was also extremely curious, staring intently at Yue Yang's injured finger, suddenly grabbed it and sucked it vigorously.

"You blood-sucking witch..." Yue Yang felt that he was sucked by the bloody queen, and his whole body became weak. Blood and innate qi rushed out from the wound. A burst of golden light flashed on her body, as if her strength had increased greatly. She flew around excitedly, as excited as if she had obtained some peerless treasure.

Although she didn't level up, Yue Yang felt that after absorbing her own blood, the bloody queen's power suddenly increased a lot, and she almost climbed to the fourth gold level again.

But let her suck her own blood to level up, classmate Yue Yang is not so great yet.

He hurriedly healed the small wound on his finger with his true energy, and put the little golden grain into the pile of gradually condensed white matter, wrapping it up in a ball.

I hope it will turn into a cute little golden mantis when it hatches later! Student Yue Yang felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart, he successfully saved a life! Although it is not a human being, it is still a baby!

Yue Yang packed everything up and found that after the battle state was completely over, a beam of light more than ten meters high flashed from the Silver Book... This time, it wasn't the upgrade of the Silver Book, but that Yue Yang was finally promoted from a high-level novice apprentice to a low-level warrior. This promotion is of great significance. Student Yue Yang used to be able to summon only one battle beast per day, but now that he has been promoted, he can summon two! The most important thing is that after student Yue Yang's level has been upgraded, his talent of wisdom eye has also been upgraded, and now he is a level three wisdom eye... Student Yue Yang is so happy that he is almost in tears, and he is a big step closer to the see-through eye that sees through MM's clothes!

Forcibly put away the bloody queen flying all over the sky, Xiao Wenli also hibernated obediently, student Yue Yang turned over the bones of the surrounding corpses, and found that there was nothing available, a little disappointed, finally exploded the golden armored puppet unwillingly The broken core machinery was put away.

It is estimated that if any miser in the world is allowed to clean the battlefield, he will not be able to find anything useful.

Student Yue Yang was still sighing, because he was still feeling sorry for the rotten dragon skin and the giant dragon skeleton that couldn't fit into the Lich's Ring... They are all good things, they can't be taken away by themselves, it's too wasteful!

Another five minutes passed, and there was a flash of purple-black light in the space.

The swordsman Yujie was holding the gray-robed man's skull in a cloth iron bag, and she appeared on the high pile of corpses. She was very surprised when she saw it: "What's going on?"

"It's hard to say." Yue Yang found that the girl's clothes were neat and her hair was not messed up, and asked: "Your Highness, you didn't let this lecherous old guy molested you?"

"You mean him? I entered the duel space, and before he could call out the beast, I chopped him to death with a single sword... Poorly weak guy! However, there are time and space restrictions on entering the duel battlefield, and it takes at least one hour to return to the original place. Location, if I use the teleportation scroll to leave, then it’s okay, but I decided to wait and see your battle... You seem to have experienced a fierce battle? Frost dragons have it, yes, you little big pervert is still very powerful What about the dragon crystal?" Swordsman Yujie asked curiously.

"What? You're still asking about the dragon crystal? It was the Frost Dragon killed by the Reaper Mantis. You asked me for the dragon crystal? I didn't get it!" Yue Yang was telling the truth.

It was indeed the Frost Dragon that Death Mantis killed, and he did not take the dragon crystal.

The one holding the dragon crystal is a small metal beast.

Swordsman Yujie heard, hey, this kid didn't seem to be lying to herself, so she couldn't help feeling a little bit sympathetic to him: "Don't be too sad, forget about the lack of dragon crystals, next time I have a chance, I'll steal a dragon crystal from the treasury for you." You, as compensation, but you have to keep a secret for me. It’s really good, you killed all these zombies and skeletons? Very good! I never thought that the black-robed necromancer could summon so many undead summons Beast, let alone thought that you did such a good job... If that's the case, let's forget about what happened before!"

"I said, touching your chest is a natural reaction! I didn't mean it!" Yue Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and she finally stopped being angry.

"What? I said I forgive you. It was because you took the opportunity to grab my hand just now... touched my chest, and I will never forgive you. You definitely did it on purpose! Don't mention it again, otherwise I won't be able to suppress my anger, and I can't help but cry." The sword will kill you!" When the swordsman Yujie thought of the boy's wolf claws and the evil smile on his face, she became furious.

"You really hate me, just push me against it... I promise not to resist!" Yue Yang muttered in a low voice.

"What did you say?" Swordsman Yujie's ears are super sensitive, and Yue Yang's whispered words can be heard clearly, but she pretended not to hear.

"I said you look better than Huajiao, handsome and pretty, with a better figure, tall and slender, with protruding front and back, shaped like a sable, with a curvy back, no temper, and a smile when you speak..." Yue Yang's ability is one sentence The words can make people roll their eyes, but he doesn't have to stop for breath.

"It's hard to imagine. I heard Yue Bing say that you are bored at home like a saw-mouthed gourd. You have been dumb for more than ten years. Why did you suddenly change now?" Swordsman Yujie began to seriously criticize him, but recalled Speaking of it, this kid was really funny, he couldn't help laughing, and he really showed a sunny smile: "What are you going to do next? Go to Tongtian Tower to practice? How about we form a team and do the task of World Tree together !"

"I'm sorry, Your Royal Highness, I'm illiterate and have never been to school, so I have to go to the academy for two years, otherwise I won't be able to hold the pen if I want to write you a love letter." Learn the basics by heart.

Now the strength is not without, but the foundation is blank.

Yue Yang can kill a Lich now, but he doesn't know the herbs on the roadside or the beasts around him.

The lack of basic knowledge affects progress. For example, if I knew the possibility that the demon crystal ice soul ball can fuse with the zombie dragon to evolve into a frost giant dragon, then Yue Yang would have already started to kill the zombie dragon with the death mantis, at least cut it off. Its neck, in this way, even if it evolves into a zombie dragon, it is still a headless frost dragon...

There is also a lot of knowledge in Yue Yang's mind, because the lack of basic knowledge prevents him from further research and improvement.

For example, he knew that there was a panacea that was more advanced than the Beast Spirit Qizhi Pill, but Yue Yang didn't understand the names, ingredients, and formulas of each medicine, and even if he knew it, he couldn't refine it.

After spending a few months to go to the academy to catch up on basic knowledge, Yue Yang believes that his strength will have a qualitative leap by then.

As for the beauty of the college, that's fine by the way.

The premise is that there are really beautiful girls in the college and they are still pure virgins... others have used it, and Yue Yang is not very interested. In the past and the moon, I lay on her fragrant lap and listened to her explain the basics, while stretching out wolf paws to touch...

That kind of sexual life is the ideal sexual life of Langlang!