Long Live Summons!

Chapter 126: [Death Class]


When Ye Kong, Fatty Hai and the Li brothers came back, they were stunned to find that on Yue Yang's bed lay a sleeping beautiful sister Yu.

In front of the bed, there is a little panda girl who is shaking a pair of little feet and eating sweets with a smile on her face.

"What's going on here?" Ye Kong was stunned, taking down a sister Yu so quickly? The speed of picking up girls is simply a miracle!

"I picked it up on the side of the road!" Yue Yang explained casually.

"Brother, where did you pick it up?" From Fatty Hai's tone, he seemed to want to pick one up too.

"It's just downstairs." Yue Yang rarely spoke the truth.

"I won't kill me, I'm going to commit suicide..." Fatty Hai burst into tears, and hit his head hard on the wall. He felt that he had spent two years in the academy for nothing, and he didn't pick up a lost little loli in the past two years. This kid Fortunately, he had just been here for a day, and he picked them up, and both Sister Yu and Luo Li were picked up!

Comparing people to people, it makes people mad!

Fatty Hai felt that if he stayed with this kid for a long time, he would cry to death, if not mad.

Moreover, it's the kind of person who dies of dehydration after crying dry of tears... This kid's luck is too inferior. Could it be that he is the illegitimate child of Goddess Luck? Why is all the luck in the world shrouded in him? Fatty Hai really wanted to put three big bowls of vinegar in front of him, and then drink it all up in one go, maybe that way his heart would not be so sour, and he would feel better.

Niu Niu, the little panda, sucked her fingers cutely, looked at Fatty Hai with her big eyes blinking, and suddenly said something shocking: "Brother, this fat man is a fool!"

"Ah, she can still talk?" Ye Kong and the others are going to faint, another talking beast

"I'm not a fool, tell you, I'm a super smart smart person, I can easily count to a hundred at the age of eight, I can write my name at the age of nine, and I haven't wet the bed since the age of ten, how about it Am I amazing? Little sister, my name is Hai Dafu, everyone calls me Hai Dashao, but I am your elder brother’s boss! Come, come, I’ll give you candy too!” Hai Dafu happened to have a pack of maltose, He bought it specially to please Yue Bing.

The little panda girl Niuniu looked at the amber-like maltose and was a little moved.

But she shook her head in the end: "Mom said you can't eat fool's food, otherwise you will be stained with foolishness, so I don't want to be a fool!"

Fatty Hai fell to the ground with a bang.

This blow is really too big!

If the Li brothers hadn't pulled him, he would have committed suicide by jumping off the building. Ye Kong burst into tears with a smile, praised Niu Niu again and again, and gave her a thumbs up: "Yes, you are right, idiots are contagious!"

The little panda Niu Niu suddenly showed an extremely frightened expression, it seemed that she was really afraid that Fatty Hai's idiot would be contagious.

Yue Yang hurriedly comforted her who was so frightened that she was about to cry: "Brother Ye Kong is teasing you, it's okay, idiots are not contagious, don't be afraid, niuniu, eat candy!"

For the maltose that Yue Yang handed over, Niuniu couldn't wait to take it, put it into her small mouth happily, ate it for a while, then tilted her head, and asked suspiciously: "Is it true that idiots are not contagious?"

Fatty Hai burst into tears: "Even if it's contagious, I'm not an idiot... I'm dead!"

At the door, the old fox walked in with little girl Yue Bing, and said with a smile: "Students, what are you talking about? It's so lively. Hey, Niuniu, why are you here?" Putting on an attacking posture, showing her small white teeth and warning: "Old man, stay away from my mother, you are the most annoying perverted old man who likes to peek at other people's changing clothes!"

Everyone looked at the old fox, as if seeing the world's number one pervert.

The old fox was extremely embarrassed, but fortunately he had a thick face, otherwise he would hug Fatty Hai and cry bitterly.

"Aha, it was actually a misunderstanding. How could an honest gentleman like me do such a despicable and shameless behavior? A person like me who is highly respected and clean is not to mention peeping. , try to teach students by precept and example, take morality as a teacher, and take oneself as a model!" Before the old fox finished speaking, Yue Yang had already found a color version of the secret art of eroticism on him.

"Master Vice President, who is highly respected and self-sacrificing, is it convenient for you to explain what's going on?" Yue Yang asked sincerely.

"This is for confiscating students!" The old fox reacted super fast, and his face was extremely thick, and he didn't change his face when he lied.

"Then what about this girl's tube top?" Yue Yang took another pink women's tube top from the old fox's sleeve.

"The wind was blowing on the ground, and I was just about to return it to the owner!" The old fox responded freely, with an upright look on his face, as if it was a crime for others to suspect him.

"Your Vice President is indeed worthy of being a moral model among our students. Admire, admire!" Yue Yang stretched out a thumb to the old fox, and the old fox immediately shook his head and waved his hand: "It's all just a false name. As an upright gentleman, I have always I denounce the corruption of the social atmosphere, and I feel even more distressed about the degeneration of young people. Unfortunately, my ability is limited and I can't do more. I can only set an example, hoping to influence more people. Today, in addition to leading the way for Yue Bing, I also inform You, classmate Titan, due to your outstanding performance, you were successfully selected as a member of the death class of the 'Journey to Hell', I hope you will have a good time while studying and improving!"

"Are you abusing your power to retaliate against me publicly?" Student Yue Yang asked this question with a bright smile.

"Actually, I have worked hard to cultivate you. If it is a waste like Fatty Hai, I will not care about him!" The old fox also smiled.

"I'm trash?" Fatty Hai was angry.

"No, I was wrong, you are not trash!" When the old fox said this, Fatty Hai's complexion improved a little. Unexpectedly, the old fox's next sentence made Fatty Hai faint in anger, because he said: "You are not trash. How can you be a waste? A waste is a hundred times stronger than you, you are simply the most scum of waste, if I were your mentor, I would have thrown you to the devil to feed ghosts!"

"You damn old whore, you are the one who told us to enjoy ourselves comfortably without having to do anything!" Fatty Hai was as angry as a dog, and he almost killed the old fox.

"I told you to die, why don't you go?" The old fox was indifferent, shrugging his shoulders: "If you want to prove that you are not a waste, you go to the death class with classmate Titan and participate in this year's trip to hell, how about you? Does this scumbag have the guts? Forget it, I don’t want to talk to cowards, please stay away from me!”

"Damn old whore, isn't it the death class? Why is this young master afraid to participate?" Fatty Hai was about to go crazy.

"I hope you won't exist in this world in the state of monster excrement..." After the old fox finished speaking, he put on an amiable smile and said to the little girl Yue Bing: "Student Yue Bing, starting tomorrow, you and Granny Wuteng Go to class, she is a famous plant master, I specially asked her to come out to guide you in this special enrollment, you have to work hard!"

"But, yes, I will work hard!" The little girl Yue Bing actually hoped to practice with Yue Yang.

"They're trash, it's not a pity to die a hundred. You are a genius, you can't die before you grow up, you have to work hard, you must become a strong person, and don't let everyone's expectations down." What the old fox said let Ye Kong and the others are sweating, why is there such a difference in the treatment of men and women

The entire Longteng Continent is patriarchal, but this Ivy League student, on the other hand, favors females over males.

Studying in such an academy, I really don't know whether to cry or laugh.

Yue Yang frowned, he felt that this old fox was not patriarchal, but 'teaching students according to their aptitude'. Like Yue Bing, who is obedient and obedient, he can invite the best mentor and teach them carefully; as for Fatty Hai, who is willing to enjoy himself, and Ye Kong, who has strong self-esteem, he uses the aggressive method. The harsher the old fox's words were, the more they would arouse Fatty Hai and Ye Kong's manly self-esteem.

This Ivy League academy is actually not as scumbag as ordinary people imagine.

As for this lecherous old fox on the surface, Yue Yang found that his third-level wisdom eye could not see through his true strength.

Among the strong males that Yue Yang has encountered so far, there are only two people who cannot be seen through at all. One is the old man in sackcloth from the Killer Guild, and the other is the old fox in front of him... Except for the two of them, it is Emperor Daxia For Wuyou, old man Yue Hai and others who are known to the world, Yue Yang can also see through a part of their strength, unlike the old man in Mai and the old fox who can't see through at all!

"Niu Niu, grandpa is gone, your mother is sober, let her go to the dean's sister!" The old fox flicked his sleeves, a white light flashed on his body, and disappeared in place.

"..." Ye Kong and the others might not be aware of anything, but Yue Yang was stunned.

The transfer speed is too fast!

It is more convenient and faster than Moyuan's teleportation ball!

This unremarkable old man, who looks like an old pervert on the surface, has mastered such a powerful space teleportation technique

It seems that it is not a fluke that this ivy academy has been able to compete with Shangjing Academy for three thousand years! Death class hell tour? Maybe it's fun too! Thinking of this, Yue Yang suddenly smiled.

The sober Yujie and the drunken her are completely two people.

As soon as she woke up, she beat everyone she saw with terrifying brute force and extraordinary speed. Classmate Yue Yang happened to be away, and he was learning the basics of the Beast Handbook with little girl Yue Bing. When he came back, he found that the boys in the whole building had been beaten to the ground by her, and there were injured and moaning students everywhere. It was a pig's head that had been beaten so swollen that its eyes could not be seen.

Ye Kong, who was beaten to hang on the clothes hanger in the corridor, handed Yue Yang a note.

This is not the drunken cat Yujie's, but the little panda Niuniu left it for him, with a very cute paw print on it.

She can't write, but she didn't forget to leave a small paw print on Yue Yang's brother... Yue Yang looked at it, and was really a little dumbfounded. Could it be that his charm is only effective for little loli

Yue Yang didn't have time to clean up the mess in the room, when suddenly a murderous voice sounded from downstairs: "All the students of the death class must gather, and from now on, they must arrive at the Black Stone Square within five minutes, all latecomers will be fined ten army sticks every minute, Those who disobey orders and deliberately fail to escape will be dealt with as deserters on the battlefield, and they will be punished by military law!"

"Really so strict?" Yue Yang wondered, isn't this Ivy League school for students to enjoy

He suddenly remembered what the old fox said, the ivy's purpose is to make the good students better and the poor students worse... This is the hell of the good students, and the paradise of the poor students!

When did you become a eugenic

Fatty Hai, who was lying on the ground half dead and dying, suddenly jumped up when he heard the assembly order, and pulled Yue Yang: "Hurry up, hurry up, this is not a joke, that guy is a bloodthirsty murderer, it is said that he has killed as many as possible with his own hands. Ten late students!"

"It's so scary? Knowing this, why do you still invite us to participate?" Ye Kong was dizzy when he heard it.

"Nonsense, if we die together, we are brothers!" Fatty Hai replied shamelessly.