Long Live Summons!

Chapter 129: [Hercules Unicorn]


The earth collapsed, the rocks collapsed, deep fissures spread rapidly on the ground, and the soil raised a huge hill.

The dull, nauseating sound of squeezing, as well as the thud of rocks rolling and falling to the ground, lasted for a long time.

The black-winged insects in the sky were intertwined with the blood-sucking mosquitoes, buzzing and vibrating.

Because of the double coercion of the Big Big Wolf and the giant monster, they fled in all directions, forming a swarm of continuously deforming insects like dark clouds, floating back and forth, as if they were unwilling to leave easily.

Big Big Wolf's original calf-like body has become more and more solid, with muscle blocks bulging, and the body's bone shape is evolving, remodeling, and slowly expanding and becoming larger. Every time the black flames on its body burned, its stature grew by one point. In the end, Hui Tailang let out a long howl, his sharp claws pierced into the ground, and a huge pillar of black flame exploded from his body, soaring into the sky.

The black-winged insects and blood-sucking mosquitoes all over the sky fell to the ground one after another under the shock of this long howl, forming a strange rain of insects.

"The domineering coercion of the king?" Yue Yang can only sense such a fierce coercion on the Golden King Beast. If an ordinary beast king has the devil-like aura of Big Big Wolf, it is not worth mentioning at all.

The Big Big Wolf is not a golden king beast yet, so it has such an aura. Is it related to it absorbing the evil energy of the Demon King Hashin

Ye Kong and the others stared dumbfounded. Big Big Wolf's figure surged in the raging flames, and finally turned into a huge monster comparable to a bull, full of demonic energy and terrifying.

It raised its head up, reaching a height of three meters.

In the two bloody mouths, the wolf teeth were as thick as daggers, and thick smoke was blowing out from the mouth and nose, and the flames were hunting.

On his body, black flames burned strangely on the shiny black fur, and slid across the body surface, making Big Big Wolf look more domineering, as if a demon king had descended.

At first, Yue Yang thought that Big Big Wolf would grow another head and become the legendary "three-headed hell dog", but then he found that it was only enlarged. He took a closer look with his discerning eyes and found that it was still a two-headed wolf, but it had already grown. Successfully transformed from Bronze Level 5 to Silver Level 4.

Although this transition is not an increase in level but a decrease in level, it is a complete leap in terms of combat power and potential.

The transition to the silver level is the beginning of hope.

If Big Big Wolf is promoted to Bronze Level 6, then it is doomed to be only a coolie beast in the future.

However, now it has successfully upgraded to a silver-ranked beast, which undoubtedly opens up a new door of hope, and a whole new realm is waiting for it. Yue Yang is also more confident and patient to cultivate it, the silver level has been successfully transferred, will the gold level be far behind? According to Big Big Wolf's new aggressiveness, as well as its original wisdom and spirituality, it will at least be a golden king beast, or even higher...

Yue Yang suddenly had a crazier idea in his mind. If one day he got the corpse of the Demon King and let Big Big Wolf eat it, what would it become? Of course, this can only be an idea for the time being, but hope is not ruled out!

"Howling!" Big Big Wolf was full of arrogance and fighting spirit to the extreme after he transferred to another level.

It jumped in front of Yue Yang, and roared like thunder at the super giant monster that was getting out of the soil, without giving in at all because of the opponent's super giant body.

With a bang, the monster that had been burrowing into the ground for a long time finally rushed out of the ground.

To Yue Yang's surprise, this monster is not an elite monster, but an ordinary monster. Its volume is like a hill, and it looks a bit like a unicorn of the insect type, but what is strange is that this hill-like unicorn has three horns, half-moon-shaped giant pincer-like hard horns on both sides, and a middle horn It has sharp horns like a spear, a hideous head, and a black armor-covered back like a steel hill. If compared with ordinary war beasts, it is really terrifying, even mammoths and war kodo beasts are nothing compared to it!

When Fatty Hai saw it, he was so frightened that he fell to the ground: "My God, such a big dung beetle?"

Ye Kong also had a bit of trembling teeth: "Is this a level seven monster? Fortunately, it's not an elite level, it's just an ordinary level seven, otherwise we're all finished!"

The long-haired MM disagreed, and immediately retorted: "What kind of eyes do you all have? It is obviously a two-pronged rhinoceros beetle of level eight, also known as the God of War worm, and people usually call it the Hercules unicorn fairy! It is a unicorn Xian, different from the dung beetle, the dung beetle is a kind of beetle, its scientific name is dung beetle, and most people call it dung beetle or dung beetle!"

"Level eight?" Fatty Hai cried in fright when he heard it.

Fatty Hai couldn't imagine how terrifying the power of an eighth-level creature, even if it was an ordinary one.

What's more, this mountain-like Hercules Unicorn Immortal can be invincible on the battlefield just by relying on his size alone. What is a War Kodo? Compared with it, it is not even one-fifth of the volume. If the three giant horns of this Hercules Unicorn were hit, it would probably fly directly into the sky.

However, Fatty Hai cried in vain.

The Hercules unicorn didn't care about anyone's intentions at all, it crawled into the valley with a bang.

It turned a blind eye to even the Big Big Wolf that jumped on its back.

Everyone is surprised, what is going on? Didn't it crawl out to fight

Princess Qiming suddenly realized something in her heart, screamed, pointed to a direction in the valley and said: "It wants to eat the black-eared balls that are about to bloom... stop it quickly, otherwise all the black-eared balls will be eaten up by it!"

As soon as Yue Yang heard it, he quickly flew to catch up.

He raised the Ember Demon Blade, spurred the purple flame, and with the force of thunder, slashed on one of the hind legs of the Hercules Unicorn Immortal.


The sound of slashing was like a thunderbolt from the blue, shaking the entire valley echoing. But when everyone saw it, the Hercules Unicorn Immortal didn't respond at all, and still crawled forward without incident, not caring about Yue Yang's heavy slash at all. Everyone's jaws are on the feet, and their tongues are sticking out. What kind of defense is this

Even if an incomparably hard rock was hit by such a violent slash, it would definitely be shattered.

At least, it will leave deep knife marks on the stone.

But on the hind legs of the Hercules unicorn, there is nothing...

Big Big Wolf raised its sharp claws that could easily split gold and crack stones, and used the trick of bursting chrysanthemums taught by classmate Yue Yang on the most vulnerable tail of the giant unicorn, and gave it a hard claw... In the end, it still had no effect!

The iron rod in Ye Kong's hand fell to the ground with a clang, and he fell to his knees powerlessly.

The eighth-level war beast is also a Hercules Unicorn Immortal whose defense is so terrifying. If he wants to bite its shell and cause damage, it is simply wishful thinking. Of course, its weakness is the valves protected by the armor-like hard shell. It has as many as eighteen valves, but all of them are located in the abdomen, and it has an extremely hard exoskeleton breast plate and a hard shell that is stronger than metal armor. Double protection.

Yue Yang also frowned, he felt that this Hercules Unicorn Immortal didn't have too strong attack power, nor did he have a strong desire to attack.

However, its defense is too abnormal.

How to stop it from gnawing on those precious black-eared balls

It may be a good idea to attack the mouthparts or compound eyes of the head, but there are certain dangers.

If it hits with its three huge horns, it's no joke! Yue Yang used his true energy to send out the soaring purple flames, and was about to give it a final blow. If it really didn't work, he simply rushed ahead of it, took out part of the black ear ball, and saw if he could lure it away...

Seeing that Yue Yang was about to continue attacking, Princess Qiming quickly waved her hands and said, "Brother, don't attack. The Hercules Unicorn Immortal's defense is very strong, so attacks are useless. Moreover, it possesses terrifying strength, and can easily lift objects that are 800 times heavier than its body." Objects, if hit by it, they will be smashed to pieces. Beibei, you are most familiar with insects, do you know that the unicorn has any other weaknesses besides the valve?"

"I know, touching the unicorn's butt will make it crawl faster!" Little Princess Beibei's words made Yue Yang fall to the ground.

Maybe an ordinary unicorn is like that, but this guy in front of him is as big as a hill, will it work

Besides, touching the butt... This is too embarrassing!

Yue Yang's habit has always been to pick up girls by himself, leaving embarrassing things to others, he waved his hand: "Young Master Hai, come and touch its ass!"

Fatty Hai was shocked when he heard it, and stroked his butt, how could it be his turn to do such a good thing

He exclaimed, "Why me?"

Student Yue Yang replied very logically: "It's very simple, because you are the boss!"

Fatty Hai first screamed, and then said tearfully and aggrieved: "Why didn't everyone think of me as the boss when picking up girls?"

"Take it down first, it's easy to talk about picking up girls, you are the boss, everyone will let you go first! Hurry up, touch its chrysanthemum, take it down, you have to show the demeanor of the boss, you have to caress its chrysanthemum and smile. Words..." Yue Yang scolded Fatty Hai and ordered him to act immediately.

"Hee hee!" The long-haired MM and several children were all giggling.

"No, I don't want it, ah, what I mean is that I'm too fat to caress my ass which is nearly ten meters high, so there's nothing I can do!" He probably suffered a concussion at the very least, and besides touching the butt of the Hercules Unicorn in such an obscene way in public, if it gets out, then he still wants to pick up girls? Fatty Hai refuses to live or die, he would rather let Yue Yang tie him up and slice him into braised pork, and he will never lose face, no matter what he is a boss!

Just when Yue Yang was about to go crazy, he directly burned Fatty Hai into a roast suckling pig.

From the huge pit in the back, a Hercules Unicorn slowly climbed out...

This one was only ten times smaller than the previous one, and although it was as huge as a tusked mammoth, blind people could tell it was a juvenile war beast.

"Ordinary level four, this one should be able to bite!" Yue Yang slashed at the juvenile war beast fiercely with the Ash Demon Blade. Although the appearance was not damaged, the unicorn larva was injured. It entered the thick hard shell, and the purple flame of ashes penetrated into the body, scalding it to scream again and again.

As soon as the larva was attacked, the giant one-horned fairy immediately became angry, turned back viciously, and rushed towards Yueyang rumblingly, its sharp horns were like tens of hundreds of steel guns tied together, extremely terrifying , piercing towards Yue Yang's extremely small body in comparison. Seeing that this trick worked, Yue Yang immediately jumped to dodge it, and then made a round cut, which hit the back of the unicorn larva.

If he wanted to kill the hatchling, he had only to use his maximum strength to deliver a fatal blow.

However, in order to delay time, Yue Yang did not do that.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up and see if the black-eared ball has bloomed!" Yue Yang yelled at the stunned crowd, and then lured the giant unicorn to leave gradually. Big Big Wolf was also helping, jumping over from time to time, spraying a cloud of black flames at the head of the unicorn larva, and threatening it to retreat and leave the valley.

"There's still half an hour left, brother, hold on!" Little Princess Beibei's words almost didn't kill Yue Yang Khan, wouldn't he die from exhaustion after luring the enemy for so long

On a distant cliff.

In the darkness, the eagle-eyed man was turning around and leaving: "This idiot, he has brute force and no knowledge of war beasts at all!"

Half an hour later, when Beibei and the others finished picking the black-eared dry heart orchids that had just grown in the black-eared ball, Yue Yang and Big Big Wolf rushed back from a distance, and shouted at Ye Kong and Fatty Hai, "Which one of you wants to contract alone?" Horned fairy larva? Although it is not an attacking beast, it has super strong defense and is good for use as a meat shield. Who wants it? If you don’t want it, I’ll kill it and take out the magic crystal! Hurry up, that horned fairy The Behemoth will be back soon!"

Fatty Hai insisted on his own opinion: "As your boss, I will not contract war beasts other than gold king-level beauty war beasts, and besides, I have iron rhinos as meat shields."

"We don't want it, it's too ugly and too big!" The long-haired girl and the five children waved their hands and refused.

"Then I'll take it!" Ye Kong stood up, although it was an ordinary level 4, but the defense of the Hercules Unicorn Immortal gave Ye Kong the hope of rising. And he also understands that if there is no future, Yue Yang will not be merciful and will not kill, so he came back specially to let everyone find a way to contract the unicorn larvae.

"Don't you have a special liking for its chrysanthemums? I kind of expect you to caress the chrysanthemums of the unicorn larvae and smile and say nothing! Ah, well, I didn't say anything!" Fatty Hai thought He laughed at Ye Kong for a while, but when he saw that everyone was glaring at him, he quickly backed away in fright, and pretended to be "hit whatever you want, but it's best not to hit the face", so everyone reluctantly let him go.

Facing the nearly dying unicorn larva after being seriously injured, Ye Kong used five contract scrolls in a row, but all failed.

Cold sweat broke out on his head.

Little Princess Beibei handed him the last one. If the contract fails, then there is no hope.

Originally, it was normal for contracted war beasts to fail, but Ye Kong didn't want Yue Yang to be disappointed, let alone waste such a good opportunity created by Yue Yang.

"Calm down, it will definitely succeed! The giant unicorn is coming back soon, and Big Big Wolf and I will lure it away again. For five minutes, you spend the last five minutes meditating carefully, adjusting your mentality, and coordinating your body and mind. One, don't be nervous when controlling the aura..." Yue Yang encouraged, and then went to lure the giant unicorn with Big Big Wolf.

Of course, he actually had another purpose.

When luring the giant unicorn from a distance just now, he found a very weird plant bulb, not only ordinary monsters, but even the giant unicorn dared not approach it. Yue Yang decided to take advantage of Ye Kong's contract with the unicorn larva, and spend some time figuring it out, to see what this mysterious plant bulb is.

What could it be that can't be seen through with a third-level discerning eye

Yue Yang decided to summon the thorn flower, let it connect the plant bulb with fibrous roots, and then transmit the true energy there, and detect and sense it...