Long Live Summons!

Chapter 135: [Fire of Nirvana]


Elder Tiansuo suddenly sensed that the danger that could not be found with the heat energy of the war beast came from above his head.

With a loud roar, he mustered up all his strength.

Under the blessing of the electric attribute war beast, the sword flashed like a thunderbolt, crackling, and countless arcs scattered. Regardless of whether it was Yue Yang, the Bloody Queen, or other beasts that attacked from mid-air, Elder Tiansuo, in short, he put out a pair of determination to die together!

One knife, torn apart.

There is no enemy without me!

Yue Yang looked at it and couldn't help admiring it in his heart. If Elder Tiansuo is the scum of scum, Yue Yang absolutely agrees, but if Elder Tiansuo's combat skills are scum, Yue Yang dare not underestimate him. This Elder Tiansuo is definitely the one with the strongest combat skills among all the enemies he has seen. If he hadn't been in the dream world and had undergone super special training from the big lolita, then Yue Yang would not be able to deal with it as easily as he is now.

Elder Tiansuo's combat skills should be compared with Big Lolita's. One rides a bullock cart and the other drives a Ferrari. Although they both walk on wheels, they are not at the same level at all.

Therefore, classmate Yue Yang, who made Big Lolita fight so hard in the dream, can deal with Elder Tiansuo quite easily.

Of course, if Yue Yang were to take this knife, he would definitely not take it hard.

The dark gold phantom completely ignored it.

The thundering sword light struck his illusory body, and the dark gold phantom, whose lower body was melted by the golden rune pattern, blocked the sword with just a slight pause.

The final slash that shattered the heavens and the earth, fell on the body of this dark gold phantom, like a mud cow entering the sea, completely useless.

Yue Yang saw that his heart was pounding wildly, his hair stood on end, this was too terrifying...

Elder Tiansuo's such a powerful blow was completely ineffective, but the golden rune pattern could easily melt the body of the dark golden phantom. Compared with this, the difference is too far, right? What level of powerhouse would the powerhouse who created the golden rune pattern be? It is unimaginable that the golden rune patterns have been sealed for so long and still have such power!

The dark gold phantom made a move.

With a casual blow, Elder Tiansuo hit the iceberg's boat, extremely fragile, flew back upside down, and fell heavily to the ground.

The dark gold specter with only half of its body left but still super terrifying in strength floated down slowly, summoned something, and threw it on the body of Elder Tiansuo. Elder Tiansuo was suspended, but his body could not move. slaughtered by the opponent.

Yue Yang saw that the dark gold phantom stretched out his hand, and pulled out the two enhanced war beasts alive from Elder Tiansuo's body.

There was a flash of black light, and the two enhanced war beasts died instantly.

With two sounds of 'bang bang', the two enhanced war beasts had no time to restore their original bodies, and they exploded into two bloody and broken corpses. As for Elder Tiansuo's life guardian beast, the Dark Gold Demon Shadow couldn't seem to get it out, and he didn't try again, maybe because he felt that such a low-level beast was completely harmless. He grabbed Elder Tiansuo's throat with one hand, and stretched his other hand deep into Elder Tiansuo's mouth, and he didn't know what he wanted to do...

Could it be that he wants to take Elder Tiansuo's body and rebirth

If this guy is reborn, how much of his combat power can he recover? How will I fight next

A completely unfamiliar enemy with unknown strength, and a sealed peak powerhouse.

In this battle, Yue Yang himself felt a little numb...

However, another kind of fighting spirit that a man would never admit defeat burned high in his heart. Yue Yang has always longed for an extremely powerful enemy to challenge himself to defeat! After defeating warriors like Rock, Wuyi, and Xiehuo, Yue Yang didn't feel satisfied, nor did he feel a sense of accomplishment. He felt that he should trample stronger enemies under his feet.

His original target was the Demon King... But now it seems that the Dark Gold Specter in front of him may not be under the Demon King.

Fortunately, he has no body yet, otherwise there would be no need to fight this battle.

Yue Yang thought to himself, should he take advantage of the Dark Gold Phantom to seize Elder She Tiansuo's body, and use his third-level insight to see through it, so as to find the weakness of this guy

Yue Yang was about to summon the sacred tome, first set up the shield to defend, and then tried to deal with this dark gold phantom that had been sealed for many years.

But before he raised his hand, he suddenly felt sleepy and couldn't help yawning.


How can I feel sleepy

Yue Yang realized that something was wrong, raised his eyes to look at the Dark Gold Demon Shadow, and found that this guy's magic eyes were twinkling like stars.

In an instant, it seemed that a light boat sung by a fisherman's song lasted through the night sky.

It is also like a breeze, gently blowing over the late willows, intoxicating the passers-by walking on the embankment.

Yue Yang's last feeling was that there seemed to be a seductive voice in his heart calling him to move forward. In the haze, he couldn't help but follow him, trying to find out that strange voice that sounded in his heart...


Xiao Wenli noticed something unusual, the white orchid-like catkin radiated thousands of rays of light in an instant, covering Yue Yang.

On Yue Yang's body, there is something invisible.

It struggled very slightly and hissed.

However, Xiao Wenli increased the power of light purification, allowing it to quickly melt away without a trace.

Although the weird monster that attacked Yue Yang without anyone knowing it was purified and killed by Xiao Wenli, Yue Yang still fell to the ground with a 'boom'.

His sanity is clear.

But the body seemed to be hypnotized, unable to move at all.

He couldn't see anything with his eyes. In the endless darkness, he could only sense in his heart that Xiao Wenli was saving him. She seemed to be using energy to purify his body... Strangely, Yue Yang found that everything was normal. The congenital zhenqi circulated smoothly in all the veins of the body, and the things that made him drowsy after the sneak attack had been driven away, but he still couldn't open his eyes, and couldn't wake up normally.

Yue Yang was very anxious.

He can be 100% sure that this is the Dark Gold Phantom playing tricks!

Although I don't know when he made the move, nor what method he used, but I must have been tricked!

What kind of war beast can silently hypnotize itself? Why couldn't even Xiao Wenli notice it

Yue Yang is very strange, this feeling is similar to falling into a dream, the only difference is that the dream world can be controlled by him at will, but now he can't do anything...

How can I wake up

Can I enter the dream world in this uncontrolled space, and then come out of the dream world

Yue Yang's mind turned like electricity, thinking of a way to crack it!

Compared to Yue Yang, the incomparably powerful Elder Tiansuo just now is even more miserable.

He was like a little bug, held in his hand by the mutilated half-body dark gold phantom. Originally, the Dark Gold Demon Shadow wanted to tear Elder Tiansuo into pieces, but when Xiao Wenli summoned the Diamond Book to protect Yue Yang, his expression changed, so he quickly stopped, put the poor Elder Tiansuo down, and stretched out his shadowy hand , penetrating into Elder Tiansuo's forehead, as if to detect the memory in his mind.

The dark golden shadow seemed to be more and more surprised.

He has no mouth, but he 'speaks' strangely through the resonance of the air.

"Such a young innate strong man? How strange, little snake demon, your master only has the silver tome, and you are his life guardian beast, how can you have a higher diamond tome than him? It's really hard work, only a thousand years have passed , why everything is messed up... Take a closer look, the three of you are completely different guardian beasts of life, it's incredible! This kid is quite weird, I should have summoned his soul back. Yes, how could it fail? I have never encountered such a situation... Could it be that such a young human kid can fight against me in will? Could it be that human beings have been fully revived? During these years of my sleep, in the end What happened?" Dark Gold Phantom seemed surprised, muttered to himself, and kept shaking his head.

He seemed to be very distressed, and he couldn't understand all the mysterious phenomena on Yue Yang's body.

Finally, the Dark Gold Phantom shook his head: "Forget it, don't think about it, let's get your body in order first, and kill this dangerous kid quickly, it's too dangerous, such a young innate strong man, let you grow up, then Got it?"

His half body gradually melted into Elder Tiansuo's body.

If Yue Yang is awake, then he can see that Elder Tiansuo is not dead yet, the whole person is still awake.

Elder Tiansuo is not dead, but now his body is completely controlled by others, and his entire body is occupied, taken over and controlled by the Dark Gold Phantom.

The only thing left is that face.

That one is full of horror, fear, despair, helplessness... Countless expressions are kneaded together to form a creepy and strange expression. Yue Yang couldn't hear the words of Dark Gold Demon Shadow, nor could he see Elder Tiansuo's expression. He was still struggling hard, trying to break free from the dream.

Even if the opponent is a peak powerhouse, but he can't wait like this, can he

wake up!

Fight to the death with him!

Yue Yang shouted in his heart; wake up quickly, fight, fight, you absolutely cannot be easily killed by the enemy in a dream like this, wake up and fight, kill him, no matter he is a peak fighter or anyone else, he will be killed he…

Wake up!

As if sensing the cry from the bottom of Yue Yang's heart, the Bloody Queen and the Barbaric Bull Shadow strongly resisted the terrifying coercion of the Dark Gold Phantom, bursting out with soaring fighting spirit instead of retreating, guarding his side. Yue Yang's zhenqi circulated crazily throughout his body, and every time he circulated, he regained control of his body by one point, and his sanity and sense of body also strengthened by one point.

Xiao Wenli suddenly turned into a rainbow and disappeared.

"The Guardian Beast of Life will also defect? No, it's impossible!" The dark gold phantom that melted into Elder Tiansuo's body and was about to merge with Elder Tiansuo repeatedly called impossible. Yue Yang's eyelids were blinking, he felt that he was about to wake up, his whole soul was burning, shouting, a force he had never sensed burst out.

Dark Gold Shadow's face was distorted, as if he was extremely angry that Yue Yang could resist his will, reverse the situation of the battle, and regain control of his body.

A small human being can actually fight against himself

Suddenly, a colorful brilliance shot up into the sky.

In front of Yue Yang, a book that was crystal clear like a crystal appeared, shining with brilliance.

The colorful halo spread to Yue Yang's body, forming a unique colorful energy shield.

Countless rainbows swirl around, and a huge golden halo spreads out. Its momentum is like a scorching sun, and its light is like a vast moon. In an instant, the entire duel space is radiant with heaven and earth.

When the dark gold ghost saw it, he jumped up in fright and roared in despair: "Damn it, it turned out to be a sacred book, damn it, how could it be a sacred book... how could he have two books? No, It is impossible for him to have the sacred book! Ahhh!"

A huge pillar of fire soared into the sky from the sacred book.

Rotating continuously, spreading rapidly.

In an instant, there was only one thing left in the entire duel space, and that was flames, scorching flames.

The bloody queen and the bull shadow are in this clean and energetic flame, their bodies are constantly changing, reshaping, and evolving... On the other side, they are eager to get out of the body of Elder Tiansuo and escape back to the white jade beetle. The dark gold phantom summoned a black shield in desperation. However, in this clean flame, the black shield is as weak as smoke, instantly shattered, completely burned and purified by the flame.

There seems to be a pair of beautiful and incomparable creatures, circling each other in the flames.

In the space, the power of the flame immediately increases ten times or a hundred times again, just like the most powerful Nirvana fire in the legend, nothing is inflammable... It can hardly last for three seconds, the original extremely powerful dark gold phantom was crushed in despair. After completely purifying the body, only a burning soul remains, struggling in pain.

Before the pair of mysterious creatures flew into the sacred tome, they echoed each other with two sounds of heaven.

Just as the sound of heaven sounded, the burning soul body seemed to have reached its limit, like a bubble shattering, it shattered like a bubble, dissipated into thousands of streamers, and even the soul was completely annihilated and disappeared. .

A transparent bead remained and fell to the ground.

Besides, there is nothing left.

"Ahhh!" Yue Yang shouted loudly, his whole body leaped into the sky, like a dragon soaring into the sky, swirling down proudly. In one fell swoop, he broke through the shackles of his soul and successfully regained control of his body. It wasn't until this moment that he felt that he had truly controlled his own life.

It is because of adversity that you have insights, and breaking through difficulties is victory!

When Yue Yang came back to his senses from the wonderful realization of complete control over his own life, his jaw almost dropped when he saw the situation in front of him: "Why is it over? I haven't started the fight yet, who did it?"