Long Live Summons!

Chapter 138: [Grandma Wuteng]


When I returned to the academy, I found Fatty Hai, Ye Kong, and Li brothers with swollen faces waiting for me, and even the students in the death class did not leave.

Seeing Yue Yang coming back, the old fox was the first to meet him.

"Student Tai Tan, are you alright?" The old fox was most afraid of losing Yue Yang, the most potential student. Seeing him come back safe and sound, he felt very happy, and asked softly, "How is the situation?"

"There are two Tiansuo elders, the matter is still under investigation, I don't know much about it!" Of course Yue Yang wouldn't tell him too much, and just said it lightly.

"This matter seems a bit strange..." The old fox is so smart, he felt suspicious when he heard it.

However, the old fox didn't mention this matter, but turned around, praising Yue Yang for being brave and witty, and not chaotic in the face of difficulties. In the end, the old fox also announced that each student would be rewarded with one more credit and ten gold coins, and even temporarily decided to treat everyone to a surprise meal. Immediately, the old fox's cost-effective performance made the students in the death class cheer.

The classmates who didn't know Yue Yang, although they were curious, didn't come to ask.

The long-haired MM and Princess Qiming gathered around, especially the little princess Beibei, who flew into Yue Yang's arms and burst into tears.

The situation of the battle has been unknown before. After waking up, the students in the death class found that they had been sent back to the academy. Because Yue Yang was still missing, the old fox had been waiting for news. Many people believed that Yue Yang, who participated in the battle, had died. Only Ye Kong and the others firmly believed that Yue Yang can return safely. Like the little princess Beibei, although she is good at studying, she is a child after all, and she is afraid of holding back hard. When Yue Yang comes back, she immediately burst into tears... However, because classmate Yue Yang is very good at coaxing little Lolita, a few words , Little Princess Beibei made Yue Yang laugh again.

"I've said it before, you will definitely come back safely. Who are you? You are the brother of my young master Hai. With my super luck covering you, it will be difficult for you to have any accidents!" Fatty Hai Yelling triumphantly.

"..." Ye Kong didn't say a word, but nodded to Yue Yang firmly.

Yue Bing just found out about this, and when she heard the news, she came here, with a pale face, she threw herself into Yue Yang's arms, hugging her brother tightly, fearing that if she let go, her brother would disappear like a light smoke. Not only Yue Yang, but also everyone chattered and tried to persuade her. In the end, the little girl Yue Bing looked at her brother again and again, and found that his brother was fine, so she was relieved.

Yue Yang always felt that someone was watching him from a certain place, but with his ability, he couldn't sense where that person was hiding.

Who is this person who is watching him in the dark

Could it be the drunk cat Yujie

Just when Yue Yang was about to use his wisdom eyes to search everywhere, the eyes that were secretly watching him disappeared, as if he had noticed Yue Yang's search behavior earlier.

Forget it, there is no malice anyway... Yue Yang was very surprised that this Ivy Academy Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, not only the old fox and the drunk cat, Yujie, are good people, but also the person who secretly watched him is also an unfathomable powerhouse. The college that has been handed down over the years really has some foundations!

Because of the incident of Elder Tiansuo, the death class did not continue the mission as before, but took a break temporarily and moved freely.

Miss Yue Bing sent a letter to Yue Yang, which was sent by Yinan.

The handwriting is beautiful, although it is deliberately large and some strokes are aggravated, it still cannot conceal the beauty of the woman's pen. Yi Nan said in the letter that he is receiving training from his aunt, and he has no way to go to the academy for the time being, and he will meet Yue Yang later.

The chick Yi Nan couldn't come, which made Yue Yang feel a little regretful. He didn't know how to pick up girls when he was studying, and he couldn't spend time and love each other. That would be such a waste of opportunity.

Together with little girl Yue Bing, Yue Yang decided to go to Granny Wu Teng's class first.

Granny Wu Teng is a well-known planting master, and most importantly, she has rich basic knowledge, which is unmatched in the academy.

Originally, Yue Yang thought that there would be many students attending her class, but when he arrived, he found that except for two students, only himself and Yue Bing came to attend the class. After waiting for a long time, it was Ye Kong who brought Fatty Hai who was still dozing off. Maybe it was because of the basic knowledge class, almost no students came, only those two weird students, one was as thin as a monkey, but his war beast was as fat as a pig; Like zongzi. Both of them are very diligent, and they are constantly copying before they have classes.

Because they are freshmen, no matter Yue Yang, Yue Bing, Ye Kong or the Li brothers, they don't know these two weird students.

Fatty Hai, the only one who was familiar with the situation, was chasing after the beautiful woman in his dream again, so Ye Kong had no time to open his eyelids, so Ye Kong could only smile at the two weird students to show his friendliness.

The two students hurriedly waved their hands to signal Ye Kong and the others not to sit too close, for some reason.

"Students, I am my mentor Wu Teng..." At first, Yue Yang thought that Granny Wu Teng was an old woman with a benevolent face and a doctor's mother-in-law, but he was completely wrong.

Granny Wu Teng is a woman in her 40s to 50 years old, with a ruddy complexion, delicate skin, and clear eyes.

Except for a little crow's feet in the corners of the eyes, she doesn't look old at all.

Although her clothes are simple, she has extraordinary temperament.

Her whole body exudes a special temperament that combines reason and wisdom, as if nothing in the world can move her, her expression is calm and gentle, as if there is no wave in an ancient well.

If Yue Yang hadn't known before that, Granny Wuteng was once the mentor of Jun Wuyou, Old Man Yue Hai and Old Fox, and the students she taught were almost 200 years old, and she was at least 300 years old this year, then You must have thought she was a woman in her forties or fifties.

Granny Wu Teng was more free in class, she didn't call names, and she didn't read from the book, but explained based on her experience.

She stopped after talking about the basic knowledge of plant-type war beasts for ten minutes, and asked with a smile: "In addition to the plant-type just now, everyone can ask questions freely."

"I would like to ask about the relationship between war beasts and warriors. If possible, I also want to know about holy beasts and divine beasts." Yue Yang had many questions in his mind. Advanced cultivation of beasts, but more basic knowledge is completely unintelligible.

"War beasts, as everyone knows, are divided into ordinary, bronze, silver, gold, platinum, and diamond grades. Ordinary warriors, the most contacted are ordinary-level war beasts. Bronze-level and above are elite war beasts. After gold, we are also called kings, so there is also the saying of gold king beasts. As for platinum-level and diamond-level war beasts, they cannot be achieved through artificial cultivation, and they are very rare. We will not talk about them for the time being. , Generally, after reaching the strength of a seventh-level overlord, there will be a special mentor to guide everyone. Above that, there will be another realm... In the Dragon Continent we live in, under normal circumstances, there will be no more than tenth level. In other words, only normal-level war beasts can reach level ten. Moreover, most of the tenth-level creatures exist for special reasons, such as sea king whales, island turtles, ancient trees, etc... These Because of their huge size, long life, and no natural enemies in the natural world, creatures have grown up to level 10 smoothly. At the same time, because they have great strength and because they have no natural enemies, they rarely participate in battles throughout their lives, so The chance of evolution is very small, and it will be a normal level for a lifetime, and there is no possibility of mutation."

While Granny Wu Teng was speaking, the following two weird students were rustling and copying.

But Yue Yang pricked up his ears to listen, and he found that Granny Wu Teng was a very hidden powerhouse. On the surface, it seemed that she only had the strength of a fifth-level master. From now on, the old fox, Jun Wuyou, and old man Yue Hai, who still can't see through their strength, are many times stronger.

Yue Yang wondered if this Granny Wuteng was one of the seven innate powerhouses in the legend of the Great Xia Kingdom.

However, how could the innately strong attend classes in the academy

Without evidence, Yue Yang was not quite sure.

Of course, no matter who Granny Wu Teng is, Yue Yang feels that the knowledge she speaks is many times stronger than the rigid knowledge recorded in the book.

"If an ordinary-level war beast has a body like the Neptune Whale, it can be promoted to level ten without natural enemies. Our standard is set at ordinary level ten. At the bronze level, we all know that this is The most basic elite level, every bronze war beast of the same level is one level stronger than the common war beast of the same level, the higher the level, the greater the difference in strength. Let us give an example, the common three-level war beast , may be able to fight with Bronze Level 2, but when it reaches Normal Level 7, it will definitely not be able to fight with Bronze Level 6, even if Bronze is just an extra level... This is the growth gap between elite level war beasts and ordinary level war beasts .”

"In the Soaring Dragon Continent, bronze war beasts can only be upgraded to the ninth level of bronze. Generally speaking, they don't have any natural enemies. They can't surpass themselves for life, and stagnate at the ninth level of bronze. Because there is a certain meaning Generally speaking, the Bronze Level 9 has reached its peak, has already dominated one side, and is invincible, so they have no possibility of progress... , There are no natural enemies in nature. Although they are not as huge as super giant creatures like sea king whales and island turtles, they are also super giant creatures for humans. In their lifetime, the battles they may experience are very small, generally They are the leaders of the group, so they can reach the highest level of Bronze Nine."

"According to your words, silver is at most silver level eight, and gold is at most gold level seven, is that true?" Yue Yang asked.

"Yes, in the natural world, if no one cultivates them, the silver-level eighth-level and gold-level seven-level war beasts have no natural enemies in nature. They can prey on any creature except the same tenth-level creatures. But everyone should pay attention to one thing Because of the difficulty of evolution, there are the most ordinary tenth-level war beasts, and the fewest war beasts that can evolve and mutate to gold-level war beasts. If we say that there are more than a thousand ordinary tenth-level creatures discovered so far, there are still 7 gold-level war beasts in the current record. Not more than fifty, many of them are just legends, and no one can directly prove the existence of these at the top of the food chain..." Granny Wu Teng nodded affirmatively.

"Then in other places, are there creatures that exceed the seventh level of gold? For example, are there any in Tongtian Tower?" Yue Yang asked again.

"Yes, but those are not what we are going to explain today. After you have the strength of level seven, someone will tell you. Let's talk about the second question, that is, warriors. After the first-level Overlord, there will be another realm. When you reach that realm, someone will guide you to develop to a higher level..." Granny Wu Teng didn't mention the realm after the seventh-level, but Yue Yang can guess one thing, that is the innate , After the seventh level, start to practice innate.

"Can you tell me about the comparison of combat power between war beasts and warriors? Also, can you talk about holy beasts and divine beasts?" Yue Yang wanted to use this to understand his own strength, what realm he had reached, and most importantly, he wanted to know For a moment, does my battle beast, like Xiao Wenli, belong to a holy beast or a divine beast

"Okay, next, I will talk about the relationship between war beasts and warriors, and how to cultivate holy beasts and divine beasts!" Granny Wuteng's calm words immediately shocked the audience. Beasts and mythical beasts

This, how is this possible

Can holy beasts and divine beasts really be cultivated artificially