Long Live Summons!

Chapter 144: [Is there really a dragon? ]


If there was only one teleportation scroll, maybe the mercenary captain wouldn't make a choice, because he couldn't leave his brother who was with him forever.

However, at this time in Yue Yang's hands, there are more than a dozen teleportation scrolls.

This is enough for him to bring his most loyal and trustworthy brother, and leave this dangerous situation that is almost certain to die safely.

"I understand that what a person gets should match his ability. You are strong, and you will get more... I decided to choose the second option and accept the deal. As a team leader, I hope to be able to put Take out all the brothers in the regiment, maybe you will not be satisfied with just getting a dragon fruit with a hard shell, if you need it, I can stay and be your guide... My request is that you open a way and let me Brothers, you can leave this ant nest, at least you can disappear in front of me safely. I hope you can let me fulfill the final duty of a regiment leader, can you?" Surprised request.

He was actually willing to stay, as a hostage and guide, in exchange for everyone's chance to escape.

For this alone, he is a qualified leader.

A burly black man immediately objected: "Leader, no one can let you stay, I will stay, and you will take everyone away!"

"Shut up, what you have to do is to listen to the deputy team, and be very careful when you go out, so as not to cause murder!" The mercenary leader and another middle-aged man with a slender figure and wise eyes shining with wisdom nodded each other. Nodding, he exchanged the burden on his back with the middle-aged man, and then raised his voice to Yue Yang: "As long as my brother walks to the ant road, then I will take you to the place two floors down, where we are, find With this hard-shelled dragon fruit, maybe with your ability, you can discover more secrets... get more!"

"Aren't you afraid that I will snatch it?" Yue Yang asked with a slight smile.

"A real strong man is proud and looks down on the common people. Of course, he will not be as greedy as a bandit and a horse thief. If you want to snatch it, you can kill us just now. Why wait until now?" The regiment leader shook his head.

"Open the package, first let me see the 'hard-shelled dragon fruit'." Yue Yang didn't make a move, not because of the pride of some strong man, but because he wanted to further find out the location of the hard-shelled dragon fruit, hoping to find more secrets. This kind of hard-shelled dragon fruit is different from ordinary dragon fruit. It only grows on the edge of the hot springs in the crater. It is said that it was born from the poisonous saliva flowed out of the giant dragon. If it is used to prepare the Martial Spirit Pill, it can stimulate the warrior's potential.

If it is said that a Beast Spirit Enlightening Wisdom Pill costs a thousand gold, then Wu Ling Pill is a priceless treasure.

The contract summoning book is, after all, the exclusive property of a very small number of people.

But stimulating the potential of the human body is what any warrior needs.

Some people, when faced with a bottleneck, can't get over it for the rest of their lives. If they take a Martial Spirit Pill, they can immediately stimulate their potential, break through the bottleneck, jump to a new level, and even continue to break through.

Three hundred years ago, there was a martial artist who was still a novice apprentice when he was in his 40s after training hard.

However, after taking a Wuling Pill, he immediately stimulated his physical potential and broke through the novice apprentice... In the end, this idiot who was ridiculed by the world has reached a level that the world can hardly look up to. By'! This martial artist who was previously known as a fool by the world is also one of the two gods of war who protect the country of the Great Xia Kingdom, the "Ascetic Saint". Although it is impossible for everyone to become a saint after taking the Wuling Pill, it is true that this ascetic saint has aroused his potential because of the Wuling Pill, and was able to achieve his current achievements in a completely new way.

If he didn't take that Wu Ling Pill, he might really be an idiot for the rest of his life.

Martial Spirit Pill is a hundred times more difficult to prepare than the Beast Spirit Qizhi Pill. Just the main medicine of the hard-shelled dragon fruit makes the world feel like a splitting headache.

It's not because the hard-shelled dragon fruit grows by the hot springs of the crater, nor because most of its sides are the nests of giant dragons, but because the hard-shelled dragon fruit is ripe once in a thousand years!

If it is not ripe, it cannot be picked off at all, and it has no effect.

It would take thousands of years to wait for it to mature. It is estimated that human bones have already turned into mud in the grave... And once it matures, there are usually powerful monsters who hear the news and come to fight for it.

Under various difficult conditions, dragon fruit with a hard shell is one of the most difficult exotic flowers and fruits to be picked in the world's top ten.

"I can't open it, because once I open it, the scent will seep out, and then the red fire ants in the entire ant nest will go crazy. Respected strong man, I swear, please believe me, I dare to guarantee with my life, it is A dragon fruit with a hard shell, and it is an absolutely ripe fruit." The leader shook his head, he threw the burden high and landed in front of Yue Yang.

Yue Yang will never trust a stranger easily, but he has insight and innate sense of true energy.

As for whether the dragon fruit has a hard shell, he doesn't need to open the bag at all, he can tell it just by testing it.

As soon as the burden was picked up, Yue Yang found that there was a huge amount of energy stored in it... so strong that he could clearly feel it without induction.

Yue Yang put it into his Lich Ring unceremoniously, then lifted the Ash Demon Blade, and said lightly: "If you can keep up, then I can send you into an ant road, but don't expect I will send you out of the cave, I am not your nanny!"

Even though Yue Yang didn't have the heart to save people, the mercenaries on the platform were still very moved.

Now, it is already very difficult not to add insult to injury.

They took out the insect attractants one after another and threw them far away, hoping to attract more red fire ants to temporarily leave and make an escape route. More people are spraying ant water and insect repellent water on their bodies, and some people are smearing mud on their bodies, hoping that the effect of this water will last longer. The three men carrying golden ant eggs hugged the leader tightly. Several of the most loyal members of the regiment also took out their throwing knives, poisonous sand, daggers and other items and handed them to the leader, hoping to make the regiment A little more combat power, a little more hope of surviving...

Going deep into the ant's nest again, they don't need to think about how dangerous this trip will be.

Definitely a near-death move.

However, in order for everyone to be rescued, it is already the best choice for the leader to stay as a hostage and guide.

Yue Yang also threw the insect attractant bought in Hope Town far away, causing the ant colony to commotion, and frantically rushed to the place where the insect attractant was smashed, and killed the creatures that were stained with the insect attractant without any explanation. I'm afraid they are companions.

To them, peculiar smell means the enemy!

The purple flame of the Ember Demon Blade soared into the sky, and Yue Yang imitated Yue Qiu's 'One Cut Mountain and River' and exploded again.

Compared to when he was in the Yue Family Castle, Yue Yang's Saber Intent has improved a lot.

If it is said that Yue Yang's Yizhan Shanhe Que in the past was only similar in sword intent and completely different in style and power, but now, I believe that even Jun Wuyou and old man Yue Hai, who are very familiar with Yueqiu's combat skills, may admit it wrong... this one The power of the slash has at least doubled compared to before.

This is still Yue Yang's intentional suppression, and he didn't fully apply it.

"Get the hell out of here!"

Yue Yang found a giant ant guard crawling over with a dozen red fire ants. It seemed to smell something unusual here. Some of the mercenaries who jumped off the platform were injured, and the smell of blood followed. Following the fluctuations of the air, they spread out in all directions, causing many red fire ants to turn around and use their tentacles to sense. Yue Yang knew that if tens of thousands of red fire ants swarmed up, he would have no choice but to run away, let alone save people.

The purple flame of the Ember Demon Blade in his hand was even bigger, it exploded, and with a bang, it scalded the entire space.

The mercenaries felt that the heat wave was coming, and all of them were frightened.

In the end, fortunately, it was just a tendril of scorched hair, but it didn't catch fire as expected. They immediately worshiped Yue Yang's ability to control fire... because they all saw that the same explosion, the red fire ants in front and on both sides, made the purple flame burn After touching their whiskers, countless red fire ants rolled in the flames, in great pain.

This move is as cool as the legendary Vulcan who can control the flames in the world!

"What are you waiting for?" Yue Yang was shocked when he saw these guys, looking at him stupidly, furious in his heart.

"Yes!" The wise deputy head responded the fastest.

He stuffed something into the hands of the mercenary captain, and then immediately followed the passage opened by Yue Yang, and rushed forward with all his might.

A large group of mercenaries scrambling to get ahead followed, Yue Yang hacked several times in front, used the purple flames to push back the red fire ants, opened a road where red fire ants were sparse, and let the mercenaries run to the nearest ant tunnel. The deputy head and the black man who rushed in first had already fought with the red fire ants in the ant tunnel, and more mercenaries also rushed to help in order to survive.

The last one left was an old man with golden ant eggs on his back. He came over and took the ten teleportation scrolls that Yue Yang handed over.

"Ahao, I must come back, I must, if the family loses you, it will be broken up, you must remember!" The old man seemed to be the uncle of the head of the group, and he did not forget to give the head of the group before leaving. A scroll of teleportation.

"I'm fine, you guys go, go!"

The mercenary leader named Ahao was not polite, took it, stuffed the teleportation scroll into his bosom, and quickly ran to Yue Yang's side.

Without Yue Yang's protection, his chance of surviving in the sea of ants is zero.

Yue Yang saw those mercenaries swarming into the ant tunnel, those who were slower cried and asked their mothers to beg their companions to help them, but more people only cared about running away, and a very small number of people swam back and gave a helping hand. Mess up. Yue Yang slashed out a burst of fire, and ignited the tentacles of the following red fire ants, and the red fire soldier ants who were about to rush to the ant crossing were killed by the blade light, and it was regarded as sending them the last journey. I just don't bother to care about it... When he turned his head and looked at the mercenary leader, the mercenary leader named Ahao pointed at an underground cave where countless red fire ants crawled out with his trembling fingers, with a little bit on his lips. Trembling, he affirmed: "Just, just, just go in there!"

Yue Yang would not enter with a burden, he grabbed the mercenary leader and jumped back to the platform, handing over the map: "Mark it clearly on the map, and then you can go."


The mercenary leader named Ahao was startled when he heard this, can he survive

All of a sudden, I was so moved that I thanked him again and again, and hurriedly marked the route I had traveled on the map.

Finally, when he took out the teleportation scroll and was about to leave, he suddenly raised his head, looked at Yue Yang, and asked movedly: "Can you tell me your name?"

Yue Yang doesn't bother to pay attention to this guy, does he still want to seek revenge on himself

As for repaying favors, forget it...

The mercenary leader named Ahao gave Yue Yang a small object that the deputy leader gave him: "It is because of this that we got the dragon fruit with a hard shell. We kept it from you before because we were afraid You turned your back on your promise and refused to save us after you got the hard-shelled dragon fruit. We are villains, ashamed, I hope you have a lot of adults! Farewell, if I, Zhong Hao, can go back alive, see you someday, you There are mission orders, our Kuangsha mercenary group is ready to serve at any time!"

"Double dragon scissors? I've always wondered how you could pick the hard-shelled dragon fruit. So you guys, yes, with it, I don't have to work so hard with the golden dragon-slaying dagger... How many hard-shelled pitayas are there?" Yue Yang lightly tossed the small golden object in his hand, and put it away.

"We didn't know, because there was a dragon below! We didn't dare to get too close. We took one at that time, and when we heard the roar of the dragon, we ran away in fright!" When the mercenary leader thought about stealing fruit, he even hit him. Cold War, hastily unfolded the teleportation scroll and left.

"Is there really a dragon? Is it a giant dragon or a flying dragon?" Yue Yang's heart moved, if he could slay the dragon, then the harvest would be even greater.

Regardless of whether there are dragons below, be sure to check it out!