Long Live Summons!

Chapter 150: [Little Flower Witch]


The devil's trident easily pierced Yue Yang's left arm.

At the moment when he pierced through his chest, Yue Yang swung his arms to drive the Demon King's Trident outwards, and at the same time turned sideways, avoiding the fatal blow that was about to pierce his heart, rubbing his body against the edge of the Demon King's Trident, and ruthlessly pushed forward, with the Xiantian Sword in his right hand A burst of anger aimed at Zijinhou's eyes.


Marquis Zijin took it hard with his right hand, his innate qi pierced his palm, and blood spattered violently.

However, his strong fight blocked Yue Yang's counterattack.

One trick for another.

Hand for hand.

The result of the battle of wits, strength, and ruthlessness between the two sides was still a draw, with Yue Yang and Marquis Zijin having their respective arms damaged.

Marquis Zijin's mouth suddenly opened, and unexpectedly spewed out a gust of flame, scorching Yue Yang who was close at hand. He is not a human being, and has more means of attack. Spraying magic fire is unexpected by Yue Yang, and it is also a strange trick for him to secretly calculate Yue Yang. Yue Yang, who instantly turned into a fire man, did not retreat an inch. Speaking of ruthlessness and cunning, human beings have never been worse than demons. How could Yue Yang's attack methods be so single? He raised his foot and kicked heavily on Zijinhou's chest, his boots were broken, and a golden sword aura also came out, piercing Zijinhou's evil heart.

When the innate body-breaking invisible sword energy enters the second layer, he can shoot out sword energy from hundreds of points all over his body. Now Yue Yang has reached the third layer of innate body, and he is already proficient in using both hands and feet.

Marquis Zijin was hit by a sword in his heart, screaming in pain, his voice was earth-shattering, and with a wave of his big hand, Yue Yang's body was blown away.

Behind him, a mysterious beautiful woman flashed with frost in one hand and lightning in the other.

Both hands hit Zijinhou's ears hard.

There was a loud bang.

Zi Jinhou, whose heart was injured, was hit hard, half of his body was scorched black, and half of his body was frosty.

This was Yue Yang's intentional fight against Zi Jinhou, after distracting his attention, the mysterious beauty made the most tacit cooperation, and this was also her most powerful attack.

But Zijinhou, who was so severely injured like this, still stood tall. He frantically waved the devil's trident, and sent the mysterious beauty flying out.

"Kill you all!" The heavily injured Zijin Hou went completely crazy.

After being severely injured and insane, he lost the ability to control the space. When chasing Yue Yang, he was unable to use teleportation again. A blow to Yue Yang missed, and Zi Jinhou, whose speed was affected by the electric shock and frost, let Yue Yang hit his face with the round slash of the Ember Demon Blade, and he was so frantic that he jumped like a thunder, and the demon fire on his body shot up to the sky. Seeing that the opportunity had come, Yue Yang beat the dog in the water hard, raised the Ash Demon Blade, and slashed at the furious and roaring Zijinhou crazily.

Aren't you dragging

It was you who cut it!

The special kind of magic fire summoned by Marquis Zijin originally wanted to form a pair of magic armor for defense, but he didn't expect that Yue Yang's quick attack would slash it to pieces, and instead let him steal the opportunity and attack wantonly.

The furious Marquis Zijin immediately responded with heavy punches.

He punched back at Yue Yang's chest, and Yue Yang swung his blade and slashed his body wildly without retreating an inch.

Trading knives for fists... Who is afraid of this!

Yue Yang also became ruthless, he couldn't be hurt by chopping with ashes before, but now every time the seriously injured Marquis of Zijin was slashed, there would be a deep bloodstain on his body.

Similarly, this guy's terrifying punching force also made Yue Yang dizzy, staring at him.

Both of them are suffering, hoping to persevere until the final victory...

At this time, combat power is no longer important, the most important thing is willpower and tenacity, whoever can persist to the end will win!

The strength of the sword light and the fist complement each other, and there is a rumbling sound.

Blood was scattered all over the ground, and it was impossible to tell which blood was whose.

In the chaos, the two were entangled like lunatics, attacking each other desperately like lunatics, without any defense or dodge at all.

As long as the willpower is slack, then you will fall, and then you will be killed by your opponent, becoming a loser... You must grit your teeth and persevere, and persist until the opponent falls!

The mysterious beauty got up, holding her ancient book in her trembling little hands, and staggered over, ready to help Yue Yang with his last strength. The blood sickle demon who was also scarred and scarred also regained his strength at this time. It strode over, swung its sickle, and violently attacked the mysterious beauty who had exhausted her spiritual energy many times and was exhausted. Several times, it was dangerous and almost cut her in half.

Yue Yang was in a hurry, he left Zi Jinhou who was in the middle of the bombardment, and hurried to rescue.

The blood sickle was raised high, and it was chopped down heavily.

The mysterious beauty held up the ancient book, and opened a page of the ancient book with trembling jade hands. A ghostly woman rushed out of the book, opened her mouth, and a ball of frozen air sprayed on the blood sickle demon, and then disappeared invisible.

The Blood Scythe Demon froze for a few seconds, but the magic fire on his body soon burned again, and the Blood Scythe still slashed down.

The spiritual energy in the mysterious beauty's body has been exhausted to the limit, and she is unable to fight anymore.

She slowly closed her clear eyes, waiting to die.

At the moment when the blood scythe slashed down, Yue Yang managed to catch up in time, hugged her with one hand, and waved the blade with the other to relieve her strength.


The blood scythe, which was not completely removed, cut a deep wound on Yue Yang's shoulder and back. Forms a very exotic bright red color. However, neither of them paid attention to this, and both were panting exhaustedly.

The successive bitter battles exhausted both of them.

Not to mention them, even Marquis Zijin, who is so powerful that people are desperate, urgently needs to recover his physical strength now.

The Blood Scythe Demon came striding forward, brandishing the terrifying Blood Scythe, attacking Yue Yang endlessly.

However, its body was also severely injured. Affected by the injury, it hadn't taken two steps, staggered, slipped and fell, slid down the slope for more than ten meters, and finally stopped its figure by hooking the blood scythe on the rock.

The blood sickle demon wanted to struggle to get up, its sharp claws scratched at the gravel on the ground, struggled several times, but failed to get up in the end, it was in a state of embarrassment.

While speeding up his recovery from his injuries, Zi Jinhou picked up the Demon King's Trident that fell on the ground just now, preparing to give Yue Yang and the mysterious beauty the final blow.

"Without plant-type war beasts, we can't fight... I can still use the last 'breeze', I'll send you away! I can't fight now, but in a few years, you will definitely be able to defeat him, and then you will avenge me! "The mouth of the mysterious beauty under the veil was bleeding profusely. She pulled off Yue Yang's veil, looked at Yue Yang's face, and suddenly a peaceful smile appeared in her eyes: "You look pretty good, and your mouth is also glib. Yes, no wonder it can fascinate so many girls..."

"Beautiful sister, you can tease me, but remember to be responsible!" Yue Yang was exhausted, leaving only one mouth.

If the bad hand could move, he would definitely stretch out his wolf claws and molest the mysterious beauty.

But now I have no strength.

"Want to leave? You have only one way to die!" Zi Jinhou has recovered some of his strength, he leaped from the sky, holding the devil's trident high in both hands, and stabbed down fiercely, preparing to kill Yue Yang and the mysterious beauty Pierce each other.

"It's hard to have a two-person world..." Yue Yang cursed that Zi Jinhou, who was disturbing his sexual life at this time, would rot his penis. He hugged the mysterious beauty and rolled over, avoiding the prick. Unexpectedly, the blood scythe demon threw the blood scythe over. The mysterious beauty screamed coquettishly, turned over, and pressed Yue Yang under her body. The blood scythe easily penetrated her fragrant shoulders and pierced into Yue Yang's chest.

"What I owed you just now, I will pay you back now!" The mysterious beauty was dying, but there was a smile in her eyes.

"Let me take you on the road..." Zi Jinhou grinned grimly, and the demon king's trident stabbed at him. Although Yue Yang tried his best to roll over, the demon king's trident still pierced through his thigh, and even penetrated the calf of the mysterious beauty.

The blood of the two of them mixed together again, turning into a strange and incomparably bright red.

Yue Yang smiled at the dying mysterious beauty: "Now, you owe me one more time."

The light in the mysterious beauty's eyes began to fade, and she tried to raise her voice, but it was still as weak as an ant's voice: "You... really want... to die with me?"

Before the question was finished, she fainted.

Yue Yang was so frightened that he was half dead, and finally stretched out his bloody hand, checked her breath, and found that she was still breathing, and then touched her bulging chest, and found that although the heartbeat was weak, but it was beating continuously, he breathed a sigh of relief. Yue Yang lightly opened the mysterious beauty, covered in cuts and bruises all over his body, he struggled to stand up, and shook his head at Zi Jinhou who was grinning triumphantly: "If it was just me fighting alone and suffering such a serious injury, maybe I would have died sooner or later." Just die, but I have a war beast that shares life, you want to kill me, it's just a dream!"

Marquis Zijin was startled when he heard this.

A rainbow light floated from Yue Yang's body, and Xiao Wenli, who was pale and trembling all over, appeared in front of Yue Yang.

As soon as she came out, she immediately swung the double frost blades and attacked Zijinhou.

As soon as Zijinhou's demon king's trident was raised, it was immobilized by her binding talent. The double blades of ice and frost pierced deeply into Marquis Zijin's demon heart, and Xiao Wenli poured infinite white light into Marquis Zijin's demon heart... In the sky, Yue Yang flew down like a bloody dragon, his ten fingers combined into a sword, and then shot In the blood hole on Zijinhou's forehead, overlap the previous sword wound, and then send a more ruthless spiral sword aura to Zijinhou's brain.


Marquis Zijin's chest exploded, and a blood hole the size of a fist was shattered in his head, blood and white paste gushing out.

"If you want to kill me, you're a box lunch man at most!" Yue Yang wanted to pick up the Ashes Demon Blade to behead Zi Jinhou, but Xiao Wenli stopped him, as if worried that he would be backlashed by the Ashes Demon Blade. Moreover, she was particularly vigilant about the fallen body of Marquis Zijin, as if she was still worried that he was not completely dead. Yue Yang was shocked, wouldn't he be so perverted

Still not dead like this

I saw Zijinhou's body slowly deforming.

Countless demonic fires blazed up, his body grew rapidly, bone spurs and scales emerged continuously, and giant wings, curved horns, and sharp claws extended out. In less than a minute, Zijinhou turned into a demon prince covered in black flames of hell. He is much shorter than the Demon King Hasin, but he is two meters taller than the Blood Scythe Demon, and has a body of seven meters... Zi Jinhou's wounds all over his body have recovered, except for the terrible big hole on his chest that cannot be closed, and the blood hole on his forehead When it shrank to the size of a baby's fist, it stopped healing... It seems that the wound caused by the innate sword energy, even if it is as strong as a demon's body, cannot be easily recovered.

"For the first time, I was beaten by humans so much that I needed to restore my original body..." Zi Jinhou covered his head and moaned in pain: "Even if I kill you, my body cannot be restored. This battle is too bad, I hate it." This kind of battle! Hateful human beings, how do you say I should execute you to relieve the hatred in my heart?"

"I think you can reflect on your life when making flower fertilizers."

Yue Yang summoned the tome and began to summon the tattooed flowers.

As for Xiao Wenli, she summoned the Diamond Book first, and summoned the petrified Medusa and the Storm Mermaid.

As soon as the petrified Medusa and the storm mermaid came out, the blood scythe demon immediately showed a frightened expression, and it kept stepping back quietly.

Zi Jinhou's expression became tense, he never expected that Yue Yang would still have such strength at this point. He wanted to take the mysterious beauty as a hostage, but before he had this idea, the storm mermaid had already summoned a water dragon, which easily slid the mysterious beauty into her arms, and then gently put it in Xiao Wenli's diamond shield .

"I heard that the thorn flower is the most effective against demons. What a coincidence, I also have a plant!" Yue Yang spent a long time trying to gather a little spiritual energy and summon the thorn flower witch.

A dark golden light oozes out from between his fingers, shining brilliantly on the entire volcano, coating the surroundings with a layer of dark gold.

Dozens of bushes thicker than the mouth of a bowl drilled out of the ground one after another.

Among them are the first-level saliva-spitting tattoos, the second-level carnivorous tattoos, and the third-level giant tattoos and the fourth-level overlord tattoos with a face as huge as a round table. This is just a bush.

Then, there is a subplant that is almost as thick as a bucket.

Among the six subplants, two have turned into human-like thorn flower demons... The head, face and body resemble women, but their bodies are huge, five or six meters high, like green giants. Their hands and lower body are long thorny tree stems. The only difference from humans is that the eyes of these two tattooed demons are not open, and the expressions on their faces are stiff, as if they have no soul and sanity.

Then the main stem broke out rumblingly. Unlike the previous ones, the current main stem is more like a flower bed, or a huge flower cluster.

Huge green leaves and blood-red thorny flowers unfurl, flower beds bloom.

The dark gold is shining brightly.

A little girl with a petite body was lying quietly in the middle of the flower bed. When she opened her eyes, there was a chilling breath like a demon king... The blood sickle demon of the seventh level of gold actually made her, a first-level bronze The tattooed flower witch was trembling with fright.

Yue Yang noticed that this naked little tattooed witch was almost no different from a human little girl, except that there was a very thin green stalk behind her little butt, which was connected to the flower bed. She turned over, opened her eyes, and looked at Yue Yang with green eyes, as if she was very curious about him, then looked at Xiao Wenli, tilted her head, and finally looked at the petrified Medusa, the storm mermaid, and the fainting mystery Beauty.

Her small hand pointed to the mysterious beauty.

All the sub-stalks and bushes rose up automatically without wind, as if ready to devour the fainting mysterious beauty.

"Idiot, the enemy is over there!" Yue Yang was so angry that he managed to cultivate a tattooed witch, but she was a little fool... Wouldn't it be good to have a hot figure Yu Jie? Yue Yang wondered if he was cursed by Sister Yu, why all the Sisters couldn't get along with him, and all the little lolitas rushed over to pester him, this strange millet.


The tattooed little witch looks far worse than Xiao Wenli, she is so confused that she can't even tell who the enemy is.

She followed the direction Yue Yang pointed, and looked over in a daze. When she saw the Blood Scythe Demon and Marquis Zijin, her reaction was to drool directly.

Then, he sucked his little finger very hopelessly.

Excited, like a child seeing candy!