Long Live Summons!

Chapter 152: [Getting started with Pharmacopoeia]


Just as Yue Yang stretched out his wolf hand and was about to reach out to the mysterious beauty, suddenly there was a thunderbolt in the sky.

Then, a dragon chant resounded throughout the space.

On the tranquil surface of the hot spring lake, countless waves boiled, forming a huge vortex.

Yue Yang stared at the sky dumbfounded. At some point, there was a silver-white dragon-shaped creature flying around the sky. Its graceful figure undulated, its long tail reverberated, and its movements were extremely graceful... Ten seconds later, the silver-white dragon The shape creature lowered its head and swooped into the vortex of the lake, without any shock or sound.

"My kidney, is there really a dragon in this world?" Student Yue Yang was stunned, not knowing how to react for a long time.

"Little human boy, I'm not a dragon, I'm a dragon, almost the same, but slightly different." A masked woman wearing a white robe, a silver ring on her head, and a silver veil so she couldn't see her real face appeared in front of Yue Yang , and frightened him again.

This woman's face is as smooth as jade, but her hair is full of neatly combed silver threads.

It seems very old, but not old.

The temperament is hidden, a unique classical and elegant style, giving people an extremely pleasing feeling.

Yue Yang hurriedly withdrew the wolf's hand that was reaching out to the mysterious beauty, and while pretending to be a good boy, he asked: "Are you?"

The masked woman with silver hair but no old appearance made a gesture gracefully, Yue Yang couldn't understand what it meant at all, but thought it was useful, and kept it firmly in his heart. The woman said softly: "Little human boy, you can call me Grandma Chi. I used to be the owner of this lake, but because the Marquis of Zijin came to ask for the pharmacopoeia that I kept, he resorted to violence when he didn't agree with each other. He was also asked to imprison him in the dimensional space with treasures. If he hadn’t left Longteng Continent, the treasures would have failed, and I wouldn’t be able to get out now! Young human genius, thank you for saving me, I don’t have anything external to thank you , why don't you drink a cup of dragon fruit pulp!"

The masked woman who claimed to be Granny Chi summoned the Platinum Book.

And summoned a group of holy brilliance, covering Yue Yang and the mysterious woman.

Yue Yang only felt that there was a hot current penetrating through the top of his head, traveling through the meridians, and felt that his whole body was bathed in brilliance. The skin on the outside and the bones inside were so uncomfortable that people wanted to groan. A kind of reborn vitality quickly gathered in the body .

Skin wounds heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The bruises from the blows on the body and the burns from the magic fire are also constantly improving, the swelling is reduced as before, the bad skin falls off, and the new skin is as tender and smooth as a baby.

In addition to being unable to eliminate the fatigue after the battle, even the aura in the body has recovered a lot.

Yue Yang jumped up from the ground, until now, he still can't believe that his serious injury can recover so quickly.

The mysterious beauty who was seriously injured and fainted also slowly opened her eyes, but because her body was weak, her body was still unable to move.

"It seems that your tattooed flowers will take a long time to end the battle. Perhaps, you can take your companions to my residence to rest first, and wait until you fully recover before leaving!" The masked woman finished speaking, turned around slowly, and walked to the lake.

Yue Yang rolled his eyes, quickly picked up the mysterious beauty, and followed closely behind.

The wolf wolf villain pretended not to notice, and secretly touched the mysterious beauty's still bulging Xiangyu Xuefeng after being restrained. On the surface, of course, he had an appearance of 'I am a good boy, and I have never done anything'. When hugging the mysterious beauty and bending down to pick up her ancient books, Yue Yang took the opportunity to lean down and sniff her body fragrance, and found that the fragrance was so sweet and refreshing that his heart almost didn't melt.

The mysterious beauty rolled her eyes in reproach. She has never seen such a person. He is clearly a wolf, but still pretends to be a child. I can't stand him!

If she could move her hands and feet, she would have knocked him away with a single book.

The masked woman who claimed to be Granny Chi walked slowly in front, and the lake split open automatically, revealing not the bottom of the lake, but a wall of lake water, and at the very front, there was a blue water gate.

While hugging the fragrant body of the mysterious beauty, Yue Yang reached out to touch the water wall curiously.

If you touch it with your fingers, it will produce ripples like the surface of a lake...

After passing through the water gate, Yue Yang found himself walking into a strange world, not very big, maybe about the same size as the bottom of the lake, but completely different from the bottom of the lake, there is no water here, but when looking at the surrounding water walls, you can see fish swimming Come and swim. There are all kinds of plants here, as well as many gentle animals, such as turtles that crawl slowly, or small crabs that slip quickly. This is not the same world as the bottom of the lake, but you can see everything at the bottom of the lake and on the surface of the lake, even the little tattooed flower witch outside is sleeping soundly on the flower bed, while the rest of the tattooed flowers are constantly sucking the blood of the blood sickle demon. The blood and energy can also be seen clearly.

Inside, the decorations are very similar to human dwellings.

The masked Granny Chi invited Yue Yang and the mysterious beauty to sit down. There was a cute little monster that Yue Yang couldn't recognize. It held a silver plate in its little paws and presented two cups.

Yue Yang glanced at it, it was very timid, it turned into a cloud of white smoke and disappeared.

Granny Chi pointed a finger, and there was a small white jade pot, and she poured a cup of fragrant white milk milk for Yue Yang and the mysterious beauty very gracefully.

At this time, the mysterious beauty recovered a little bit of physical strength, she pushed away Yue Yang's bad hand that supported her, sat up with difficulty, and nodded her thanks to Granny Chi on the opposite side. But maybe because of Yue Yang's presence, the mysterious beauty still didn't say her name and family, but made an exquisite gesture with ten light-white jade fingers, which seemed to represent a certain identity.

Regarding this, Yue Yang still didn't know anything about it, so he first memorized the gesture in his heart.

As long as someone who understands it is found, it is impossible to believe that the identity of this mysterious beauty cannot be found... Yue Yang thinks that maybe City Lord Luo Hua will know what these gestures represent.

For the beauty's shallow sip and careful taste, Yue Yang swallowed a small cup of white milk into his stomach with the speed of Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit. He felt a kind of cool air coming out of his intestines and stomach, dissipating into aura, filling his whole body, and there were waves of waves that cleanse his body and stimulate his potential. Shout out 'cool'!

"Since you like it, let's drink another glass!" The masked Granny Chi added another glass to Yue Yang, and immediately poured another glass for the mysterious beauty.

"Thank you, Granny Chi..." The mysterious beauty was very polite, and quickly bowed to thank her.

But the time-traveling man didn't. He knew that dragon fruit juice was a good thing, so he was not polite at the moment: "It would be even better if I could have another cup!" She was so annoyed that she almost picked up an ancient book and smashed him on the head. Fortunately, she has no strength now, so classmate Yue Yang escaped.

The silver masked Granny Chi didn't care, but admired Yue Yang's honesty and straightforwardness, with a smile on her brows: "If the three cups of dragon fruit juice can give me a little thank you, I will be the happiest."

For the third cup, Yue Yang was reluctant to drink it.

He was going to take it back and give it to Yue Bing or Yue Shuang to drink.

Yue Yang reckoned that this was the most essential fruit pulp in the hard-shelled dragon fruit. Drinking it with an innate body like himself would have such a great potential to develop, let alone Yue Bing and Yue Shuang, so he was determined to make it This dragon fruit pulp was brought back to the two sisters.

While Grandma Chi was chatting with the two mysterious beauties, Yue Yang moved the cup under the table, secretly conjured a small bottle from the Lich Ring, and filled it again. Even that cup was washed with water from another bottle for two hours. Install it all over. This kid's actions were sneaky, and the mysterious beauty sitting on the side was really dizzy. Since it's fine to ask for two drinks, he still pretends to be back? It is estimated that the shameless person who eats and takes in the legend is talking about this kid!

She actually underestimated the shamelessness of the time-traveling man.

If it wasn't for the fact that there wasn't much whey milk poured out of the jade pot, student Yue Yang even wanted to steal the jade pot back.

"You guys are amazing, you can defeat Zijinhou at such a young age." Grandma Chi told Yue Yang about the results of defeating Zijinhou on the lava of the volcano, but she smiled and shook her head: "Zijinhou is very cunning, he should not die, he just borrowed the help of falling into the lava of the volcano. The lava is used to make a false impression to deceive you. Because the demon kings are all of the blood of hellfire, the fire and high temperature are beneficial to them, not harmful... He is not dead, but seriously injured, so he temporarily fled back to the magic abyss Go, given time, he will definitely return to Longteng Continent, you have to be very careful about his future revenge!"

"Ah!" Student Yue Yang was dumbfounded when he heard that, wouldn't he die if he fell into the lava? This Marquis of Zijin is simply weaker than the life of a cockroach!

"I finally figured it out now, why Zijinhou couldn't even beat us? Besides, he only summoned a blood sickle demon at the seventh level of gold, and didn't summon a life guardian beast. It turned out that he had fought with you, Granny Chi, before. The combat power has been greatly reduced..." The mysterious beauty came to her senses and suddenly realized.

"No way?" Yue Yang sweated profusely.

But think about it, the statement of mysterious beauty also makes sense.

If Grandma Chi hadn't fought Zijinhou before, which reduced Zijinhou's combat effectiveness, this battle would be hard to say!

First of all, Marquis Zijin’s Life Guardian Beast has never been summoned, and he is a majestic prince of the Demon Abyss. There is no reason why there is only a gold level 7 blood sickle demon and a silver level 6 ugly monster. There must be other powerful battle beasts. beast.

When Marquis Zijin was most in danger, he didn't even summon him.

It proved that his strength had been exhausted in the previous battle with Granny Chi, and he could even kill him, so he ran for his life in such embarrassment. However, thinking about it the other way around, it shocked Yue Yang into a cold sweat. If Marquis Zijin hadn't fought Granny Chi, but under the strongest strength, he and the mysterious beauty would have lost miserably under this guy's terrifying attack, right

After defeating and imprisoning Grandma Chi, Yu Li was able to fight him to that extent. This Marquis of Zijin is really a pervert!

"Actually, it's mainly you guys. I have a lot of special types of war beasts, and I haven't fought with the Marquis of Zijin for a long time." Granny Chi is relatively modest, but Yue Yang is not a fool. A dragon that can transform people, I can't even see it with my third-level insight. It would be no wonder if Granny Chi, who showed all her strength, did not kill Zijin Hou more than she did.

"Marquis Zijin's body has been destroyed, it may take a long time to recover, we still have time to practice and improve." The words of the mysterious beauty were actually meant for Yue Yang, to encourage him.

"One year, perhaps only eight or nine months, Zijinhou will be able to recover his body and return to Longteng Continent. As for fully recovering to his peak strength, it should be about a year and a half. Within a year, he should not treat you To take revenge, but to hide and restore combat power." Granny Chi said a time limit, one year, and Yue Yang felt a headache after hearing this.

One year, whether it is long or not, is not short.

No matter how fast you can cultivate your innate body-shattering invisible sword energy, it is still limited.

Unless there are many natural and earthly treasures like dragon fruit pulp that can be taken regularly to increase strength infinitely, then there is hope of defeating that perverted Zijinhou!

Granny Chi suddenly handed a book with an old and dull cover to Yue Yang, and said with a smile: "Maybe the Marquis of Zijin will come again, I don't like to fight, the best way to deal with it is to avoid it and not to fight, it might be a good idea to go out and travel." Way, or go to the Tongtian Tower and find some old friends to gather together. This 'pharmacopoeia' is useless in my hands, why don't you keep it!"

Yue Yang saw two dark golden runes on the cover of the ancient book, and guessed that it was the word 'pharmacopoeia'.

Reaching out to look through it again, I found that it was full of prescriptions and methods of refining medicine.

Most of the refining medicines are not ordinary refining, but are specially marked as "innate refining", and I suddenly realized why Grandma Chi gave it to me. I said it was innate, and this pharmacopoeia can only be mastered by myself. Useful.

However, Yue Yang was a little bit hesitant to take other people's things softly.

In case this mother-in-law Chi wants to offer some strict conditions, it's not easy for me to refuse her.

Maybe because she saw what Yue Yang was thinking, Granny Chi showed a smile on her brows and nodded slightly: "Grandma is old, if you can get the branch of life glow, the water of the river of immortality, the fountain of life, the wish epiphyllum and the dream Fruits and other medicines are used to refine the 'Pill of Immortality', so how about giving one to my mother-in-law?"

"Okay!" Yue Yang wrote a bad check when he heard it, this is not easy!

He immediately agreed, and hurriedly put the 'pharmacopoeia' into his arms, his hands were as quick as a thief.

The mysterious beauty saw it, and gave him an extremely coquettish white eye.

This trick is useless to Yue Yang, Yue Yang thinks she is flirting with him!

Saying goodbye to the hospitable Granny Chi, Yue Yang and the mysterious beauty went out of the water gate and returned to the shore. The mysterious beauty took out the teleportation scroll and was about to leave. I kicked in the ass, do you want to be irresponsible?"

The mysterious beauty sweated profusely: "Isn't that because you needed to confuse the enemy in that way in the battle? Besides, you also kicked him later, wouldn't the two be even? Well, you kicked me later to retaliate!"

When Yue Yang heard it, he quickly waved his hands: "It's not revenge, I was protecting you from getting hurt, I worked hard, and it's different from you deliberately kicking me. My parents said that anyone who kicks my ass will be punished." Compensate one of my daughters-in-law, you have to compensate me for kicking my ass, this rule cannot be broken." When he said such shameless words, the mysterious beauty almost fell to the ground, and said with a headache: "Then Why don't you think about it and kick him? Just because you have parents? Isn't his body precious? You are making trouble for no reason! No, you are shameless!"

"No, I'm very reasonable. I've decided that I'll pay you a husband too, if you need it!" Student Yue Yang smiled, smiling brightly and triumphantly. Of course, he also laughed wolfishly.

"Don't be stinky, who cares about it!" The mysterious beauty raised the ancient book in her hand and slapped him away.