Long Live Summons!

Chapter 154: [Fight, heroic partner! ]


Yue Yang's guess was correct, there was also a massacre at the entrance of the ant hole.

Countless mercenaries swung their knives and slashed wildly in the melee, some slaughtered, some defended themselves, and war beasts bit together. Everyone went crazy, they all wanted to kill the enemies in front of them and survive. However, more people were killed by others, severely wounded and fell to the ground, with severed hands, stumps, and human heads all over the ground. The corpses of war beasts were scattered all over the mountains and plains, and there was a disgusting smell of blood.

Among the fighting crowd, screams sounded from time to time, and one by one, the corpses were overturned in the blood.

The beasts roared, the swords clashed, and the sound of fighting resounded through the mountains.

"You are all crazy, the golden ant eggs are not on us at all, you are all crazy!" Some mercenaries were involved in the battle innocently.

In the face of frenzied killings, they had no choice but to take up arms and kill to protect themselves.

The same goes for Yue Bing, Ye Kong, and Fatty Hai.

hours ago.

The five of them were resting outside the ant hole, waiting quietly for Yue Yang to come out. Unexpectedly, after a while, the mercenaries at the entrance of the hole suddenly started to commotion. According to the news, it is said that three mercenaries carried packages containing golden ant eggs... So, all the mercenaries carrying packages became the targets of greedy mercenaries. No one is spared from the soldiers. Yue Bing, Ye Kong and the others began to retreat to a high rock, unwilling to participate in the death fight of these mercenaries, but within ten minutes, they were discovered by the people below. The mercenaries rushed up.

They are already red-eyed and kill anyone they see.

In order to create more chaos, some mercenaries who had ulterior motives to stir up chaos even pointed at Yue Bing and shouted: "The golden ant eggs are on that little girl's body!"

As a result, the crazy mercenaries scrambled to kill each other, and the war beasts climbed everywhere.

It is no longer possible to escape from the battle.

Yue Bing and Ye Kong originally wanted to teleport back to Hope Town, but after displaying the teleportation scroll, they found that the teleportation scroll had failed.

Both the settlement camp and Hope Town had space interference, and the destination could not be teleported... In the sky, hundreds of mercenaries riding flying beasts landed in darkness.

Apparently, the mercenaries in Hope Town also started to hear the news.

Even if it can be teleported back now, I am afraid it is no longer safe!

I didn't think that this kind of thing would happen before. The teleportation scrolls on Yue Bing and Ye Kong were all recorded in Hope Town or the settlement camp. Only Yue Yang had a teleportation scroll that could be directly sent back to Shangjing... Besides, Yue Bing is also unwilling to abandon her brother and leave now. If her brother who went deep into the anthole does not come out for a day, she will not leave here for a day.

In any case, she had to wait until her brother came out.

"Don't force me to kill!" The little girl Yue Bing was kind-hearted, at first she just summoned two hundred-year-old tree guards to intimidate the enemy, and knocked away the mercenaries who climbed up, without using heavy hands. But gradually, the powerful leader among the mercenaries found that this little girl was amazingly powerful and very tricky, and he was convinced that there were golden ant eggs in her backpack, so driven by wrong judgment and greed, the mercenaries The attack became even crazier.

On the ground, in the sky.

Countless attacks came like raindrops.

Arrows, wood and rocks, poisonous sand, smoke, flames, frost, lightning and other means of attack are omnipresent.

There are shooting with strong bows by mercenaries, aiming with crossbows, stone-throwing by brute force, poisonous sand and smoke by insidious people, and fire-breathing, frost and electric shocks by war beasts... A century of Bronze Level 5 Under the raindrops of blows, the tree guard was covered in bruises. But they kept fighting, and with them guarding the little girl Yue Bing, no one could jump one step beyond the thunder.

Yue Bing couldn't be more merciful, all the thorns, thorns, and entanglements she controlled were released, and all the war beasts that attacked were killed.

Within 30 minutes, there were dozens of greedy mercenaries and nearly a hundred war beasts, causing the hundred-year-old tree guards to take down the rock and die unexpectedly... The mercenary's crowd tactics are different for Yue Bing who has a shield. The Summoner of a Bronze Level 5 War Beast has no effect.

However, they retreated for a while to rest, and when Yue Bing's shield time ended, they rushed up again frantically.

Fatty Hai summoned the shield and lasted for ten minutes.

Yue Bing very much hoped that his brother could come back at this time. With his brother here, the mercenaries would definitely retreat. However, Yue Yang was still searching for the volcanic hot spring lake underground at this time.

The shield quickly disappeared, and Fatty Hai's shield reached its limit and disappeared.

Driven by temptation and profit, the mercenaries climbed up countless times, full of murderous intent, and vowed to capture Yue Bing.

In the sky, there are also flying war beasts circling around, waiting for an opportunity to attack. Some mercenaries riding war beasts shoot down with hand crossbows insidiously... In order to protect Yue Bing, who was severely overdrawn in spiritual energy and spirit, Ye Kong broke out, and he First, he summoned the strengthened Vajra Demon Ape to strengthen himself, and then summoned the Hercules Unicorn Immortal to protect Yue Bing with its almost invincible defense...

After Ye Kong instructed Yue Yang, the power of the combat skill 'Golden Monkey Stick Technique' was increased several times, and with the blessing of the strengthened war beast King Kong Demon Ape, he beat all the mercenaries who climbed up to the ground.

An hour later, Ye Kong exhausted all his energy and was severely injured and fainted.

The strength of the Li Brothers is weaker. Although Yue Yang's guidance on combat skills has made great progress, their power in group battles is limited.

After all, their war beasts are too weak, and they don't have much blessing for their bodies.

After losing the cover of the Hercules Unicorn Immortal, the Li brothers persisted in the mercenary sea tactics for fifteen minutes, and then they were knocked down the rock by the mercenaries rushing up like a tide. Emergency rescue came back, but he was seriously injured and coughed up blood, dying. When little girl Yue Bing saw this scene, she was not intimidated by her stubborn personality, but ran away violently.

Yue Bing summoned the tome again, summoned the century-old tree man warrior guard for the second time, and swept away frantically, knocking down all the mercenaries and war beasts in Xiayan.

A mountain wall collapsed due to repeated heavy blows and spikes from the century-old tree guards.

After the collapse, a dark and bottomless cliff behind was exposed.

There are mercenaries in front, and the cliff behind.

Yue Bing was in a desperate situation.

When the mercenaries discovered this, they became even more crazy, clamoring for a strong attack.

Physically exhausted, mentally exhausted, and the triple blow of reality's desperation, Yue Bing's young heart could not bear this kind of despair.

After gritting his teeth and fighting hard for ten minutes, Yue Bing collapsed to the ground.

She screamed 'brother...' before falling to the ground and passing out

Shouts echoed from the mountains.

At this moment, Yue Yang was fighting with Marquis Zijin on the volcano, never thinking that his sister was in a desperate situation, waiting for his rescue.

Fortunately, Hui Tailang, who was sent by Yue Bing to look for Yue Yang, finally came back.

It had already fought countless battles with tens of thousands of red fire ants in the anthole, and even went down several layers of antholes, but failed to find the owner, and finally returned without success... Facing the team that only had Fatty Hai standing still, Big Big Wolf completely broke out , the hellish black flames on it exploded, soaring into the sky, like a demon king descending, and like a wind and cloud, it slaughtered hundreds of war beasts and hundreds of mercenaries climbing up...

An hour later, no less than 300 people and 500 war beasts fell under its fangs and claws.

When it returned to Fangyan and stood guard in front of Yue Bing, it was already wounded everywhere, and the blood seeping from its body dripped onto Fangyan like raindrops.

It has killed an unknown number of level 5 war beasts and even level 6 war beasts. The mercenaries who came from Hope Town and the powerful warriors hidden in the crowd exhausted all means. Hypnosis, contract, temptation, freezing and lightning... all failed to stop it, and finally made Big Big Wolf slaughtered under Fangyan. Going back to Yue Bing's side again, Big Big Wolf's battle power has been overdrawn to the limit, it has not lost to any war beast, but the war beasts that are constantly besieging overwhelm it with numbers, Big Big Wolf is defeated by numbers!

Although it killed all the war beasts on Fangyan for the last time and raised its head to guard Yue Bing again, it has reached its limit and can hardly even stand up!

"The two-headed dog is finished, let's go!"


"Whoever gets the golden ant egg will be rewarded with a thousand gold."

"Kill them and avenge the brothers, whoever rushes up the rock first, then I will reward that chick to him, go!"

For those mercenaries that swarmed up like ants in front of them, Big Big Wolf roared angrily: "Wow!"

Just when Big Big Wolf struggled to stand up and prepare for the last fight, suddenly a fat hand rested on its head: "What are you worrying about, people are not dead yet, when will it be your dog's turn to be loyal? Watch carefully!" , and I, Young Master Hai! If my young master Hai fails, you can jump off the cliff with Yue Bing on your back, and you must not let her fall into the hands of mercenaries! And Ye Kong and the others, you have to help They are free, only the men who died standing in battle, not the men who were captured while kneeling!" Fatty Hai tore off his shirt, and shouted with a distorted face: "You idiots, don't you just want golden ant eggs? Lao Tzu Let you have enough!"

He threw all his and Ye Kong's packages into Xiayan, causing the mercenaries to scramble and fight for a while.

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and countless people died tragically under the sword.

In the chaos, the package was torn to pieces.

Except for clothes and dry food, I didn't find any golden ant eggs...

The mercenary leaders all suspected that the fat man hid the golden ant eggs, and more mercenaries deeply hated Yue Bing, Ye Kong, Brother Li and Big Big Wolf. This team killed too many people, and they almost killed themselves. Brothers, they are already crazy, no matter what, they will destroy this team. The mercenary leaders were of course willing to kill to the end. They felt that no one could survive except themselves. Only the living could get the golden ant eggs, so no one could be allowed to live except themselves!

Stirring, motivating, ordering, heavy rewards, promises, etc. were spoken out of their mouths, with the purpose of letting the mercenaries take down Fang Yan, who had been fighting fiercely for hours.

The purpose is to let these cannon fodder die and win the final benefit for themselves.

"Come on!"

The mercenaries climbed up desperately, and they were already jealous.

At this time, Fatty Hai did not summon the tome, but took out a black spar, and chanted a long paragraph of summoning words.

Black light filled the air, covering the earth like night.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" A frightening roar resounded like thunder in the darkness.

The valley is also roaring.

In the center where the black light dissipated, there was an ugly monster that made people vomit, and a monster that made people tremble, appearing in front of the mercenaries. Huge head and shoulders, huge body, tree pole-like legs and steel-like arms, jet-black claws, longer than a dagger. On that ugly face, there were sharp fangs that pierced beyond the lips.

What kind of monster is this, no one has seen it before.

However, this horrifying monster can speak out human words, and a mutated human voice resounded from the bloody mouth: "Have you never seen a handsome guy? You should all be damned, so go to hell!"

"Is it a human or a monster?"

"It seems to be Beamon, but I've never heard that people can become Beamon! This doesn't seem to be a strengthened beast. What the hell is this?"

"Kill it!"

The mercenaries panicked. Although there were a large number of them, and the number of mercenaries from Hope Town was continuously increasing with flying war beasts in the sky, panic still quickly permeated the crowd.

The monster that the mercenaries thought was Behemoth raised its claws, and Yu Gaoyan jumped down. With just one claw, the bull head of the third-level bison king was swept away.

Countless throwing axes and boulders fell on it.

The terrifying Beamon monster only hurt but not hurt. It roared and became even more crazy. It swung its claws towards the place where the crowd was densest, and started a bloody massacre...

two hours later.

The terrifying Behemoth monster was exhausted, and after killing hundreds of war beasts and hundreds of mercenaries, it finally fell under the rain of blows from the mercenaries. Just as dozens of mercenaries were about to surround it and cut off its head, suddenly, the ugly Beamon monster sat up and said, "I won't play with you anymore, I'm tired, go back Rest for a while!" Surrounded by mercenaries, it rushed from left to right, and made a bloody hole, trying to climb back to Fangyan... Arrows rained down, piercing the back of the Beamon monster.

Among them, those who shot huge arrows to kill Beamon were all powerful warriors hidden among the crowd.

The Beamon monster is like a hedgehog with arrows on its back.

It was exhausted and could no longer climb the rock.

In the end, it struggled to plunge its claws deep into the rock, hanging upside down like that, hanging on the cliff five meters below Yue Bing's body, motionless.

No matter whether the mercenaries shot arrows or threw stones, its body only shook slightly, and it didn't respond any more.

The Beamon monster may have shed all its blood, or it may have died long ago!

Big Big Wolf stood up and howled sadly.

"Ah woo... ah woo..." Its shrill voice caused echoes from the mountains.

"Golden ant eggs, this belongs to us now! Brothers, come on, grab the golden ant eggs. Whoever climbs up that square rock the fastest will be rewarded with a hundred gold. Whoever finds the golden ant eggs first will be rewarded again." A reward of one thousand!" Almost all the mercenary captains offered the same reward.

Then, chaos broke out again.

Ant-like mercenaries climbed up Fangyan.

Many people fell down in mid-air because of fighting each other, or because of cold arrows...

A small number of people who climbed up did not care about searching for golden ant eggs, and attacked the nearest mercenary first.

Big Big Wolf ignored those mercenaries who climbed up to fight each other, it dragged Ye Kong and Li brothers to Yue Bing's side, and lined them up side by side. It howled sadly, dripping blood and tears on the rock, a The wolf head dragged Yue Bing onto his back, and a wolf head poked towards Ye Kong's throat.

Before jumping into the abyss with its hostess on its back, it wants to get rid of its companions first, lest they be captured.

Just when the wolf teeth opened, ready to bite Ye Kong's throat, in the distant canyon, a purple meteor appeared, pierced the sky, and shot angrily...