Long Live Summons!

Chapter 48: [Three-Headed Chimera]


When Yue Yang teleported to the Aries Palace, he found that it was a giant island suspended in mid-air.

Below, is the endless abyss.

Yue Yang picked up a stone and threw it down, but there was no echo for a long time.

As soon as he left the teleportation area of the rune spar pillar, a golden light rose from the soles of Yue Yang's feet, forming a pale golden shield on his body.

Big Big Wolf is also shrouded in it, but it is different from Yue Yang, it can go out from the shield, and when Yue Yang takes a step, the shield also moves.

"This is the same as playing a dungeon in an online game! However, existence is reasonable, forget it, I'd better go and see what the three-headed Chimera is like!" Yue Yang didn't study the power and law like a scientist He is in control of all this, not to mention Tongtian Tower, there are many unexplainable mysterious phenomena on his own body.

He didn't want to think too much, and summoned the shadow of the bull, so that the shadow of the bull, which would never really die, went forward first to find out the road conditions.

Walk through a straight avenue that is nearly 100 meters long, and then cross a huge gate with stone pillars.

Behind, a huge complex of buildings.

Dozens of war puppets roamed around the dark building complex.

These war puppets are about three meters high, made of unknown metal, with sheep's heads and human bodies. They reacted aggressively to Yue Yang's appearance, and immediately surrounded them. On their sheep's head painted with strange rune patterns, there was a pair of eyes inlaid with rubies, with red light shining like flames. Yue Yang had fought with rock puppets before, and he knew the shortcomings of these puppets. They have no life, no intelligence, and only know how to attack the nearest enemy. It is very difficult to fight recklessly, but with a little strategy, they can be played in the palm of your hand. .

Yue Yang didn't let the Bull Shadow start a fight with them, but kicked Big Big Wolf's ass, signaling it to use its body as bait to lure these fighters away.

The speed of the battle partner is very slow, the movement is slow, and it only knows to attack the nearest enemy. If it is just to distract them, the fast and flexible Big Big Wolf is completely competent.

Big Big Wolf saw the slow movement of the sheep-headed war puppet, and felt that these metal frames were easy to bully, so he rushed up immediately.

With a playful attitude, jump around in front of each war puppet to attract their attention.

He even raised his legs arrogantly, pouring some urine on the giant legs of the war puppet from time to time.

"Fool, take them far away, don't waste my time!" Student Yue Yang was very dissatisfied with Big Big Wolf's arrogance, this guy is a typical bullying villain. When passing through Yulong Valley, let it lead away the swarm of insects at the front. It pretends not to see the ferocious monster insects such as nest spiders and bird mantises. After biting wildly, he was even more unceremonious when he saw the eggs, and ate them happily. If Big Big Wolf hadn't caused trouble everywhere and angered a large number of insect swarms, the passage through Yulong Valley would have been smoother.

If it wasn't for Yue Yang's secret rescue, Ye Kong, Li Qie, and Li Jiao's brothers would have already become the bug's dinner.

When Hui Tailang heard that Yue Yang was angry, he restrained himself a little, pulled himself together, and distracted the group of war puppets.

Yue Yang came to the entrance of the building complex and found that there was still a battle waiting.

At the huge entrance, there stood a group of mob creatures, goats, whose eyes also shone with red light.

These guys are creatures. Although they are not smart, they are definitely not so stupid that people will leave as soon as they are attracted. They held black iron spears as weapons in their hands, and before they shouted and besieged, they would summon a green light to each other to bless each other.

If Big Big Wolf confronts these Moyuan creatures, it will definitely not be able to reap the benefits.

But the bull shadow is an exception, Yue Yang transfers the power of the giant shadow to the bull shadow, and immediately, she becomes a humanoid tank.

She rushed over rumblingly, waving her big hands, and smashed and beat the goat-headed monster.

The two-meter-tall goats looked like dwarfs in front of the three-meter-tall bull shadows. Their spears can't seriously hurt the bull shadow with hard skin and strong defense. Besides, the bull shadow is not a living entity, but a semi-entity. The bull shadow completely ignored the sheep-headed monster's attack. She didn't know how to use weapons, and she had no concept of weapons. The monsters smashed wildly, and beat the group of sheep-headed monsters to pieces.

Her level is not high, currently only Bronze Level 3.

Although the level is the same as that of the sheep-headed monster, its strength completely surpasses the sheep-headed monster, and even far exceeds the level of the third-level bronze. The Bronze Bull before the seizure had level five, but Yue Yang's 'Phantom' was only level one, which lowered the level.

Yue Yang thought to himself, if the bull's shadow increases in level in the future and improves in all aspects, it is estimated that these sheep-headed monsters will be even more vulnerable under her hands.

The only pity is that after spending a long time, I didn't see her use 'Death Gaze'.

It seems that the chance of triggering the death gaze is very small, and the cast is purely based on character!

These sheep-headed monsters and war puppets with sheep-headed bodies are just delaying time. The fighters who plan to challenge the zodiac are a little level. I believe that any challenger has the strength to take them down. However, if wasted on them Too much time, once the defensive shield disappears, the challenger's breakthrough is doomed to failure. Before getting the scepter of silence and the blind runestone to restrain the three-headed chimera, a warrior below level five wanted to defeat a three-headed chimera at the level of a golden king beast, and the fool knew that it was a dream!

The attack power of goat monsters is not high, but they are also defensive monsters with thick skin and thick flesh, which are difficult to kill.

And the resilience is good, even if you are beaten to the ground, you can stand up and fight again after a while.

Their eyes are completely bloodthirsty and frenzied, as if they have been hypnotized, and the shadow of the bull will not run away after being beaten to death, and will not retreat. As soon as Yue Yang discovered this problem, he immediately accelerated his forward speed, crossed the battlefield by himself, ran through the long passage, and entered the Aries Palace guarded by the Golden King Beast.

To the disappointment of Yue Yang, this Aries palace is completely different from the stone palace of Saint Seiya.

Here, there is suspicion of peddling dog meat.

The Aries in front of him is not a palace, but a huge arena.

The internal space of the arena is several times larger than that of a football field. In the center of the arena, there is a huge monster with a pale golden body, lying lazily on the ground and sleeping.

Its huge body is like a hill, but there are a pair of red fleshy wings on its back. Yue Yang can't imagine how it can fly with those thin fleshy wings. This monster is lazily lying on the field, sleeping soundly, Yue Yang can clearly see that it has three heads. On the left is a ferocious dragon head, unlike the oriental dragon, the head is like a western dragon, with thick fangs, red tongue that retracts, and poisonous saliva.

In the middle is a huge lion's head, the mane is burning with raging flames, and when the bloody mouth gasps and exhales, it will spew out a ball of flames.

On the right, is a white sheep's head.

This sheep's head doesn't look threatening, and it looks more holy and kind.

Under the white sheep's neck, there is still a small and exquisite golden bell. The three heads are completely different, and it looks very weird, but if you look closely, you will find that its existence is inexplicably reasonable. Yue Yang frowned as he looked at the huge monster emitting pale golden light. Even if this three-headed Chimera was sleeping, it gave him an indescribable sense of oppression.

It's powerful, there's no doubting it.

However, Yue Yang believed that the most powerful of the three chimeras was not the venom-tick dragon head on the left, nor the flaming lion head in the middle.

It's the Aries head that doesn't look threatening at all...

Although the King Beast of Gold Level 6 is far less terrifying than Hell Demon King Hasin, it can still give Yue Yang a strong sense of oppression. Big Big Wolf, who slipped in after getting rid of the war puppet, suddenly lost its arrogance just now. It looked at the hill-like body of the three-headed Chimera, trembling all over, and hid behind Yue Yang with a little fear.

Yue Yang kicked it, Hui Tailang pretended to be desperate, and stood in the same row as Yue Yang, but he refused to go any further.

Sure enough, it, a Bronze Level 3 Iron Spine Demon Wolf, could only watch the battle from the sidelines.

The golden thorn flower is still digesting the arm of the demon king Hasin, so he can't participate in the battle. Now only relying on the shadow of the bull and Xiao Wenli, this battle...

How to fight this battle