Long Live Summons!

Chapter 58: [Two-headed magic wolf? ]


The Nine-Headed Monster's egg was obtained, but what made Yue Yang faint was that, for some unknown reason, the egg that was obtained after so many hardships broke. There was a tiny gap in the eggshell, and although no egg whites flowed out, the egg should not be able to hatch the Hydra.

Just like that, student Yue Yang's dream of getting rich was completely shattered with the appearance of this small crack.

Two hours of hard work and danger to lure the enemy made the Hydra family exhausted after chasing them, and in the end they got only a broken egg... Yue Yang really wanted to smash this egg hard, smashing it to the ground!

"Do you think I can't do anything like this? I, I ate you!" Yue Yang finally decided to turn grief and anger into appetite.

Back under the ten-thousand-year-old oak tree, lit a fire, and roasted this nine-headed monster egg, which may be worth thousands of gold coins. After eating, belching, and stroking his belly, Yue Yang felt luxurious for the first time in his life. . If there is a second choice, Yue Yang will definitely not roast it and eat it, there is really no other way. In contrast, Hui Tailang, who was exhausted and barely alive just now, ate happily and smiled happily. For him, this nine-headed monster is a super supplement!

After Yue Yang roasted and ate the nine-headed monster egg, he waited and waited, but Yue Bing hadn't arrived yet.

Ye Kong and the Li brothers were also missing.

He simply climbed up a big branch of the 10,000-year-old oak tree, fell asleep, and hoped that Sister Jianling Yu would come out to comfort his wounded heart, but she never disappeared. When Yue Yang was practicing kung fu in his dream, because of his unhappiness in his heart, his breath was oppressed in his chest, and his mind was hard to integrate into the world. The sword energy that he usually casts easily could not break out of his body, but accumulated instead, gradually feeling like a violent explosion . This is the first time Yue Yang has encountered such a situation, if he doesn't vent out the turbulent breath in his chest, he might be in danger...

what to do

Should I stop practicing immediately, or should I regain my peace of mind and return to the previous state of practicing

Is this kind of vision related to eating Hydra eggs? Are these depressed energies stored in Hydra eggs? But when I was eating, why didn't I find it

A flash of understanding suddenly flashed in Yue Yang's heart: Since this energy affects him, why don't he drive it out of his body, and take advantage of the force of the explosion to force it out of his body? This may be a hurdle in training, a test, but also an opportunity to break through!

Thinking of it this way, Yue Yang's spirit was greatly shaken.

Raise your hands, put your fingers together, make a seal with your ten fingers, and unite your heart, shape, and energy into one.

All the energy in his mind was concentrated on his hands, and the energy accumulated in his chest was almost ready to explode. With a loud shout from the bottom of his heart, he raised his head and roared.

The entire spiritual world is shaken, if the galaxy is shattered, if the universe explodes... A sword energy formed by the two hands is instantly condensed into the strongest point, like a thunderbolt breaking a prison, like a king kong, like a thunderbolt blasting into the air, and finally erupts, gushing out out.

This two-handed sword energy, which had been accumulated for a long time, was half a meter long, and suddenly burst into the air!

The power is ten times that of the usual sword energy.

For a long time, Yue Yang couldn't believe this fact.

Yue Yang found that after sending out this sword, his whole body felt like his spiritual energy was crazily drained. He felt his legs go weak and dizzy. The consumption was even more than the last time Queen Vivien Leigh sucked his true energy!

"Oh my god, I accidentally comprehended a new sword intent, a new sword move... Although the accumulation time is very long, and I can only use one sword, this is really comprehended by myself! I, I am not dreaming, am I?" Student Yue Yang was so happy that he couldn't find North.

"Although I can only use one sword with all my true energy at present, it is very powerful. If I face a powerful enemy in the future, I may use it!" Yue Yang is very happy that he has realized the new move. Most importantly, this One trick was created by himself after he realized it, which made him feel particularly successful and excited for a long time, but it was still difficult to suppress the excitement that surged from the bottom of his heart.

I don't know if it's because this sword qi vented out the depressing energy in his chest, or because his mood improved. In short, Yue Yang suddenly became happy, feeling that the sky was clear and his body was light, like a tiger roaring in the mountains and forests. , Dragon Dance for Nine Heavens with pride.

If Sister Sword Spirit Yu saw her progress, she would definitely be happy for herself too!

Student Yue Yang fell asleep happily...

In the dream, he didn't see it.

The energy of the sword energy that he shot out with his closed fingers did not disappear, but formed a pale black energy cloud.

The ten-thousand-year-old oak tree burst into green light, and there was a burst of light green light rain, which bathed Yue Yang in the light rain, and the light black energy air mass melted quickly, and it quickly burrowed into Big Big Wolf's body as if it had life. mouth. However, the green light rain from the ten-thousand-year-old oak tree has been lingering for a long time, and the countless light and rain energies silently merged into the bodies of Yue Yang and Big Big Wolf... Yue Yang slept peacefully, as if nothing had happened, but Big Big Wolf's body deformed rapidly, his skin bulged, The muscles twisted, the bones mutated, and finally, an extra head was magically grown between the necks, turning into a two-headed wolf...

Big Big Wolf didn't wake up, but it seemed that he could feel incomparable pain in his sleep, humming in a low voice.

Under the shroud of light green light rain energy, after a long time, Big Big Wolf's body mutation finally gradually calmed down, and slowly returned to its original appearance, as if the strange appearance of the two-headed wolf had never appeared before.

In his sleep, Big Big Wolf yawned comfortably.

A very faint black air mass was like a bubble, floating out of its mouth... The black air seemed to have exhausted its energy, and under the last burst of green light rain, it suddenly disappeared and disappeared into nothingness . The brilliance of the huge canopy of the ten thousand-year-old oak gradually dissipated and returned to silence. In the dark night, Yue Yang and Big Big Wolf slept soundly, one master and one servant, completely unaware of what had happened.

On the first day, Yue Yang woke up and saw that Yue Bing hadn't come yet. After eating breakfast, he was going to take Big Big Wolf to go to Bloodwater Demon Lake to steal the nine-headed monster's eggs.

But accidentally took a look, and found that Big Big Wolf seemed a little strange

Then he drew his true energy into his eyes, concentrated his eyes, and was shocked when he saw that this big gray wolf was still an iron-spine demon wolf yesterday, how could he become a two-headed demon wolf today? If Big Big Wolf still wagged his tail flatteringly, then Yue Yang would have suspected that someone had changed his Big Big Wolf!

Big Big Wolf hasn't been upgraded, it's still at Bronze Level 4, but it's strangely transformed and alienated.

It changed from an iron-backed demon wolf to a two-headed demon wolf... But it obviously only has one head? How could it be a two-headed demon wolf

Could it be because he ate the eggs of the nine-headed monster

Is it the energy of the nine-headed egg that alienated it into a two-headed wolf? Yue Yang was sweating profusely, thinking that fortunately he also ate the nine-headed monster and didn't turn into a two-headed monster with two heads, otherwise he would really want to cry without tears. people make fun of! It seems that not everything can be eaten indiscriminately! Now that Big Big Wolf has become a two-headed demon wolf, will it become a three-headed demon wolf in the future? Don't turn into a nine-headed demon wolf, otherwise it will really make people sweat...

"How do you feel? Are you feeling unwell?" Yue Yang touched Hui Tailang's head, feeling that it only had one soul that could be signed, and it didn't include any Hydra souls. However, the demonic energy in its body was very strange. Demon King Hashin's evil spirit is mixed with two new energies, one is chaotic and weird, and the other is natural purity. The three energies form an ingenious balance, each assimilating one attribute.

Among them, the demon king Hasin's evil energy is the strongest, assimilating the strongest fire attribute in Big Big Wolf's body.

The natural pure energy is next, miraculously assimilating the dark attribute, and transforming the original dark attribute, which was extremely corrosive and destructive, into an incomparably serene life energy, that kind of energy that is as calm as still water, giving the whole body of Big Big Wolf Provides an indescribable vitality of life...

Yue Yang couldn't figure it out, how could the dark attribute be transformed like this

Where does this natural pure energy come from? Who gave it to Big Big Wolf? Could it be that a passing fairy saw Big Big Wolf being bullied so pitifully by him, so he gave it some energy

Thinking about it like this, Yue Yang is really sweating!

However, Yue Yang can determine the third energy, the third chaotic and strange energy should belong to Hydra, this energy assimilated the metallicity in Hui Tailiang's body.

Although Big Big Wolf didn't raise its level, Yue Yang felt that this guy had become much stronger, and in the near future, when the three energies were completely fused and truly integrated, then Big Big Wolf's strength would have a huge increase soaring...

"Big Big Wolf, show me two heads!" Yue Yang wanted to see what it would be like if Big Big Wolf turned into a two-headed wolf.

"Wow!" Big Big Wolf didn't know that he still had this kind of ability, and lowered his head in low self-esteem.

"What a born idiot, he doesn't even know what he is capable of?" Yue Yang was very speechless towards Big Big Wolf. For the sake of being as confused as Big Big Wolf, he is probably the first one in the entire Longteng Continent. This guy really doesn't want to fight Not a weapon', Yue Yang was about to kick it fiercely, when he suddenly felt a bloody figure staggering towards this side in the far distance, he took a closer look and found that it was Ye Kong.

Suddenly, Yue Yang's heart sank.

Ye Kong was covered in blood, and another person came here, so they and Yue Bing might be in danger...

Yue Yang flew towards Ye Kong, held Ye Kong's bruised body, and asked anxiously: "How did you make it like this? What happened?"