Long Live Summons!

Chapter 59: [Who dares to touch my sister? ]


"You guys, are you finished?" Yue Bing glared angrily at the few people in front of him.

They were all teammates from his previous regiment and classmates from Shangjing College, but now, they have become attackers besieging him.

In fact, Yue Bing was attacked by the enemy, and it was not a matter of a day or two. Almost every two or three days, hired mercenaries would use "three-three battles" to attack themselves. In the Tongtian Tower, as long as someone challenges and refuses more than ten times, the warrior must agree to a battle every day, and cannot refuse, otherwise the battle points will be deducted. Once the battle points become negative, then they will be expelled by the law of Tongtian Tower , the deportee needs to complete at least ten courage tasks before returning to the Babel Tower.

What's more serious is that if the contract warrior of the Summoning Tome is summoned, once the battle points are too low, the rank of the Summoning Tome will be reduced.

If you keep refusing to fight, then it is possible for the Summoning Book to drop from gold and silver to bronze!

Three-three battles were originally relatively fair tactics.

Among the two teams, each sent three people to fight one-on-one. Both sides could make tactical adjustments against the enemy's beasts. There were many ways to play. It was the fairest and most exciting battle in the world. Not to mention mercenaries, this relatively fair 'three-three battle' is also adopted in the selection competitions within the academy, the elite group arena between academies, and even the youth heroic competitions between countries.

Of course, from the surface, Sansan's battle was very fair, but to Yue Bing, it was a disaster.

Because she has no teammates and is alone.

Others sent three people, but she could only fight alone, and the opponent kept using ice and fire attribute beasts that restrained her plant-type beasts.

Under such a difficult situation, it is almost impossible for Yue Bing to defeat the enemy with one enemy and three complete opponents in the battle. What's even more despicable about the enemy is that they have been hiring mercenary fighters to harass and attack Yue Bing, consuming her aura and summoning quota, so that she has been unable to summon more than two war beasts, and can only summon one war treeman each time...

With such suppression, how can Yue Bing be undefeated if he fights again

"What, have you been attacked in the Blackstone Labyrinth? Sorry, we don't know about it! We just miss Yue Bing and want to learn from you!" A man with a long, thin face and squinting eyes stood in the queue. Come out, laugh shamelessly.

When Yue Bing was doing the trial task in the Blackstone Labyrinth just now, he was still two levels away from reaching under the ten thousand-year-old oak tree to complete the final 'Heart of the Oak Tree'. Five mercenary fighters came up from behind. They cut the ropes first and destroyed her 'suspension bridge mission'. Then when she fell into the water, they launched a despicable attack and summoned a giant snake of the water system to attack Yue Bing who fell into the water. In an emergency, Yue Binghan used the precious teleportation scroll, gave up the trial of the Black Stone Labyrinth, and returned to the Warriors Guild. Unexpectedly, just after teleporting back, he saw his former teammates waiting in front of him. Before he had time to react, they used challenge cards continuously. Shameless three-three battle.

The five mercenary warriors just now were definitely hired by them.

Yue Bing didn't know what he did wrong, let them suppress him like this, after entering Tongtian Tower, he almost never stopped fighting.

No matter what they say, they are also their teammates and alumni of the same academy. When the tutor is there, they are polite, but they did not expect that as soon as the tutor left, they would immediately show their faces of hypocrites...

In the usual trials, I always let my war tree people work as coolies, while they hide behind their backs to take advantage of it.

Since the breakup that day, the mercenary warriors hired to attack him have never stopped.

If I hadn't hid in the trial ground by myself, I'm afraid there will be constant challenges every day!

"Shentu, I don't know why you do this, but since you want to fight, then fight, let's just have a one-on-one fight, everyone wins or loses according to their own ability, if you lose, never come to me again, and if you lose I lost, and I also disappeared in front of you!" Heiyi Yue Bing was very angry in her heart, and she faintly felt that this endless harassment attack was related to herself. They don't want themselves to improve, they don't want themselves to become stronger, and they don't want their trials to succeed, so they adopt this despicable and shameless method to exploit the loopholes in the laws of the Sky Tower, so that they are always in a state of defeat, unable to upgrade the Summoning Book, unable to improve The ability and level of the guardian beast of life.

"I'm sorry, the challenge was proposed by Xu Xian, and it has nothing to do with me!" The tall man in the team who spoke was the captain of the Rose Squad, the eldest son and grandson of the Shentu family, Shentuhao.

"Stop talking nonsense, Yue Bing, you can refuse the three-three battle. The young master has money, and there are plenty of challenge cards. You don't have many points, right? Haha, if Xu Xian doesn't kick you out of the Tongtian Tower, you won't be called 'Ghost Eye'" "Prince'." The long, thin face with a pair of sneering eyes smiled sinisterly, everyone knew that on the surface this guy looked like the Shentuhao brothers, but in fact he was a dog under Shentuhao's subordinates, and their entire family was dependent on the Shentu family for survival .

"Okay then, let's fight!" Yue Binghan glanced at the two people standing behind in the line.

If Xu Xian is a member of the Shentu family, then these two people should be regarded as members of the Yue family.

They are the children of the Lin family, and they have always been collateral families attached to the Yue family, but they have never helped themselves, and instead often made troubles... Could it be that the fourth house does not even have a standing position in the Yue family? My family has already moved out of Yue's castle, why is the second bedroom so suppressed

Yue Bing suppressed the anger in his heart, summoned the tome, and then summoned his life guardian beast, the war tree man.

A pale golden light flashed, and a dark green war treant about three to four meters high was summoned.

It has been upgraded to Bronze Level 3 and has always been Yue Bing's guardian. If it hadn't been for such a powerful it to guard silently, I am afraid that the little girl Yue Bing would have been killed long ago, and there would be no bones left in Tongtian Tower.

"Call Phobos..."

Xu Xian used one of the most disgusting tactics in the battle, and the surrounding mercenary warriors were in an uproar.

This kind of tactic can be said to be a taboo among Tongtian Tower warriors. In the Tongtian Tower, there is a rescue rule. When a warrior is in danger in battle, his companions can rush to rescue him and quickly join the battlefield, even if he is in a duel. This rule prevents warriors from causing a large number of deaths due to mistakes or heavy injuries in battle, and no one to rescue them... As long as the situation is critical, warriors can use the rescue card to ask their companions to join in quickly to deal with powerful enemies together.

After Su Xian, who was hanging his eyes, summoned Phobos, he asked Phobos to throw fireballs at the War Treants.

The elemental Phobos completely restrained the war treants in terms of attributes. The fireballs thrown by them exploded with great power, and they had the effect of mind tracking. It was difficult for ordinary war beasts to dodge. The only disadvantage is that almost all elemental beasts have a strict quantity limit when casting elemental skills.

Phobos' fireballs can only throw up to five at the target.

Xu Xian controlled Huowei, threw five fireballs on the War Treant, and then directly controlled Huowei, letting it rush towards the War Treant whose body was burnt black and whose branches and leaves were on fire, and then let the War Treant He was hit hard with one blow, then took out his emergency rescue card and asked for two companions to rescue him. After the two companions jumped into the battle mask, he summoned his strongest beast, Ghost Tooth and Evil Eye...

This kind of shameless behavior made the onlookers very despised. If any of the mercenaries did this, even if they won, they would be beaten to death alive.

However, the group of people in front of them were wearing the neat uniforms of Shangjing Academy, and it could be seen that they were all the elites of Shangjing Academy who came to practice.

Although the mercenaries were not used to private fights between classmates, no one was willing to help Yue Bing in this effort. These student elites are generally the children of major families, or have the support of major families, and it is definitely not a good thing to turn against them.

"Hehehe, Yue Bing, aren't you pulling? Why don't you single out the three of us and try? Aren't you a child of the Yue family, one of the four major families? Are you showing the prestige of a child of the Yue family? Shout out, look here But who can come to save you, didn’t you say that your good-for-nothing third brother is a genius? Didn’t you keep falling out with us because of him? You shout, you call him to help you! Hahahaha!” Su Xian smiled smugly.

Yue Bing really wanted to punch that cheap face hard.

But she didn't turn back, gritted her teeth, and silently commanded the war trees to fight.

Five minutes later, the War Treeman, who was covered in fire, fell to the ground... Although it was a third-level bronze, it finally fell to the ground after being besieged by the opponent's three types of beasts with the three opposing attributes of ice, fire, and gold.

The result of the battle was one against six, and the war treeman defeated five war beasts whose attributes were incompatible, and finally fell under the white pupil ray of Ghost Yaxieyan.

In this battle, even though You Rong was defeated!

The mercenaries onlookers all applauded this little girl, Yue Bing. Her strength and fighting will far exceeded their expectations, and they were in awe.

"Challenge card! Three-three tactics, the target is Yue Bing!" A short man standing beside Shen Tuhao took out a challenge card with a smirk.

"Wow..." The mercenaries watching were dumbfounded.

It wasn't until today that they finally understood what it means to be shameless, what it means to kill everything without leaving any room!

Yue Bing's face was pale, she put away the war tree man covered in fire, and summoned a first-class thorn flower... Even if the thorn flower has no combat power, but there is still a breath, Yue Bing will fight to the end, never Admit defeat and never give in!

She can be defeated and die, but it is absolutely impossible for her to be humiliated by her family!

Protecting her family is the greatest wish in her heart!

"Don't kill that thorn flower easily, you have to torture her severely, ravage her, consume her spirit, let her overdraw, let her overdraw her spirit and aura to the limit, it is best to let her overdraw into an idiot! Hahaha!" Xu Xian yelled loudly, which made the mercenaries feel angry. A group of big men bullying a little girl like this, what kind of heroes are they

Shentu remained calm on the surface, but a cruel sneer appeared on the corner of his lips.

He summoned a third-level bronze manticore, which shocked the audience. Although the mercenaries looked angry, no one dared to move because of the terrifying manticore, and no one even dared to speak in support of Yue Bing.

Another five minutes passed, the dwarf had teased enough of his opponent, and with another wave of his hand, the war beast would tear the tattoo into pieces.

"Ah!" The war beasts died one after another, and Yue Bing, whose spirit was repeatedly impacted, covered his head and screamed in pain, his body went limp, and he fell to the ground.

"Victory, finally put this bitch down! Hahaha, brothers, let's go, ruin her face, and make her a completely unwanted widow!" Su Xian waved his arms triumphantly.

"..." The mercenaries felt chills after hearing this.

According to the rules of dueling, victory has the right to leave a mark on defeat that does not hurt life but serves as a lesson.

Generally, it is to spit on the other party contemptuously. Those who are a little bit arrogant will draw a turtle on the other party's face, or kick the other party a few times. The most excessive people will urinate on the other party. I didn't expect these students to want to ruin their appearance... Could it be that this little girl has a blood feud with them? Don't they fear retribution for bullying people like this

The mercenaries dared not speak out, but suddenly the crowd was squeezed away, and two bloody and wounded men rushed over madly, holding scimitars, guarding Yue Bing, and shouted hoarsely: "Unless we Dead, otherwise you don't even want to touch a single hair of her!"

Shentu's expression changed, and he secretly made a gesture.

Xu Xian nodded, rushed out immediately, and yelled loudly: "You two dog slaves dare to try to murder the master, we have to kill the people! Go!"

The mercenaries were completely convinced.

The children of these families are really terrifying. To be played to death by them will also bear the indelible reputation of killing the master!

Although the two brothers Li Qie and Li Lie who chased up to protect Yue Bing tried their best to protect Yue Bing, but they were already seriously injured in the battle with the five attackers in the Black Rock Labyrinth, and now they are facing the stronger An elite student from Shangjing, his body was bitten to pieces by a war beast in a blink of an eye...

"Are you trying to ruin Lao Tzu's good deeds with just two rotten mercenaries? It's ridiculous! Yue Bing, Yue Bing, now, who can protect you? Aren't you a genius? Aren't you arrogant? You drag Show me! I'm going to step on your genius right now, so what can you do? You let your good-for-nothing third brother come to save you... You let him come to avenge you! Little bitch, I Let you hit me, I will let you be arrogant!" After kicking Li Qie and Li Cut who had been stunned, Xu Xian raised his right leg high, ready to step on Yue Bing's chest fiercely.

Suddenly, a figure flashed from far away.

In an instant, the crowd was blown away.

When everyone saw it clearly, they found that there was a young man who was as angry as a mad lion. He grabbed Xu Xian by the throat, lifted the arrogant guy high, and with a thunderous force, he threw Xu Xian all over the place. The person smashed hard to the ground.

"Boom!" The audience was shocked.

The stone slabs in the field shattered, Xu Xian's head burst, and the blood on his back dyed the ground...

The person who arrived like an angry lion was Yue Yang, of course, he stared at Team Rose on the opposite side with death-like eyes: "Who dares to touch my sister?!"