Long Live Summons!

Chapter 77: [Flower fertilizer]


Only a fool would fight recklessly with more than a dozen demon generals, not to mention that there are tens of thousands of monsters behind.

Yue Yang immediately rushed to the nearest Hydra larvae, he was going to hug one alive, and then summoned the Bronze Book, and under the protection of the protective shield, he used the teleportation scroll to escape back to the ten thousand-year-old oak tree. In the case of being unable to attack, it is very difficult to single out an adult Hydra, but it is no problem to take down a Hydra juvenile.

Is it just that General Demon will let Yue Yang leave as he wishes

Almost as soon as Yue Yang moved, all the Demon Generals moved!

Yue Yang discovered that Moyuan's teleportation items are different from those in Longteng Continent. Warriors in Longteng Continent mainly use teleportation scrolls, which need to be unfolded and summoned with aura.

The last time he patronized and escaped, he didn't see clearly, this time, Yue Yang saw clearly. The black objects thrown by more than a dozen demon generals at the same time turned out to be small black balls the size of fists. Before it touches the body, it will shatter silently and turn into a black beam of light. Within the spreading range of the black beam of light, all targets will be instantly teleported to the designated place. If Yue Yang was not greedy and insisted on hugging the nine-headed monster hatchling, then with his agility, it would be difficult for those teleportation balls to hit him, but now... clinging tightly to the nine-headed monster who was still struggling and refused to give in Yue Yang, the monster-headed cub, found that he was teleported to a desperate battlefield again, and this time, the enemy he had to face was no longer one, but five demon generals.

After the five demon generals entered the battlefield, they were determined, they thought it was impossible for this human man to leave alive, and they all discussed together how to ravage Yue Yang.

Yue Yang couldn't understand Mo Yuan's language.

Moreover, even if he can understand, he has no time to pay attention to it now.

The Hydra larva in his arms was struggling desperately. Although it was a larva with only three heads, the body of the little Hydra was bigger than a bull, and its three long necks were comparable to a giant python. The head of the little nine-headed monster is bigger than that of the giant python, with strange horns and buccal fins on it, and a mouth full of sharp teeth like small knives, biting wildly, making Yue Yang's classmates flustered.

"Hahaha!" The five demon generals burst into laughter when they saw such a funny scene.

They suddenly felt that this young human man was not attacking the Demon Abyss, but was chased and killed by the nine-headed monster all the way, and fled here for his life.

The only thing I still can't figure out is how does this kid have a teleportation scroll to the ancient battlefield? Could it be that he has been to the ancient battlefield before

The five demon generals even suspected that if they stood by and ignored this young human being completely, he probably would not be able to survive and would be swallowed alive by the nine-headed monster. In the previous human beings entering the Demon Abyss, this kid is the weakest and most ridiculous one. I have never seen such a fool among human warriors!

Yue Yang used his strength to strike a crazy one-hundred-eight punches with eight fists, and with great difficulty, he finally knocked out all three heads of the little nine-headed monster.

Over there, General Mo laughed so hard that he couldn't straighten up.

"Humans, do you want to laugh us to death? Compared with your strength, the method of laughing us to death may really be more effective!" The tallest demon general stood up and spoke the common language of Longteng Continent fluently. , this opening, the other four demon generals couldn't help laughing again.

"Can I surrender?" Yue Yang asked, and the demon general opposite him laughed wildly, tears splashing down his face.

This kid wouldn't think this is a tavern, would he

In the battlefield of death, one must die before leaving, otherwise, even the devil can't leave, the ancient law is supreme.

The shortest and strongest Demon General nodded seriously: "I allow you to surrender, before you die... hahaha!"

Student Yue Yang saw that there was nothing he could do. It seemed that Longteng Continent and Moyuan were really sworn enemies, and it was impossible to live in peace. The time-traveling man changed from a supporter of pacifism to a war madman within a second. His philosophy has always been that if he can fight, he will not fight. A fight will kill the opponent! Yue Yang summoned the Bronze Tome, and then summoned the golden tattoo that was still digesting the arm of Demon King Hasin, allowing it to take root on the ground.

"A novice apprentice? Tattoo?" The five demon generals on the opposite side were dumbfounded, as if they saw a lunatic. How dare a novice apprentice come to the Demon Abyss to fight at this level

"You can prepare slowly, and let us know when you are ready!" the highest demon general said very generously.

"Even, you can choose the method of death, dismemberment, hanging, flooding, burning, etc., you can choose any one, or you can think of a new, unique and unique method of death, no problem! By the way, How do you write your epitaph? Is it okay to write 'Be careful, my idiot will be contagious'?" The shortest and strongest Demon General also looked serious.

"Honestly speaking, you are the first opponent I won't gain a sense of honor after defeating..." the winged Demon General sighed uncontrollably.

"I'll sleep for a while, you guys kill him, and then call me!" The General Demon, who was as fat as a monster insect, simply lay down.

"Since you don't want to do it, let me do it. I will never show mercy to human beings!" The thinnest and only Demon General who didn't wear magic armor but wore a strange tight black robe came out more and more. A burst of black air rose from his withered face, and red light flashed in his eyes.

The ghost-claw-like hands waved continuously, summoning a silver book with a slight black air.

In the Silver Book again, a ball of red light was summoned.

Say something.

For a long time, the group of red light made a monster-like hissing sound, which made people's hair stand on end.

Yue Yang's eyes turned cold, he felt the energy of this group of red light burst out a thousand times, if Hui Tailang pounced on the center of this group of red light, he would definitely be blown to pieces. Fortunately, Yue Yang knew that the trip to the Demon Abyss was dangerous, so he didn't take Big Big Wolf to the Bloodwater Demon Abyss at all, but left it at the bottom of the ten thousand-year-old oak tree, letting it wait for Yue Bing and Yi Nan. Set the teleportation target on the ground, and if something goes wrong, then you will never be able to return to the Demon Abyss. Therefore, for double insurance, Yue Yang also recorded a teleportation target on Big Big Wolf's body.

The red light exploded rumblingly, the fiery gale spread extremely quickly, and the shock wave made the halo shield protecting Yue Yang tremble, which shows how powerful it is.

The ground cracked, and red lava poured out on the ground.

The black-robed demon general's skinny ghost claws lightly pressed on the silver tome, and there was another chanted call, and a ball of fire was thrown on the ground where the lava gushed out, and a raging fire immediately ignited. The location where the lava gushes out is not very big, only about ten meters away, but under the blessing of the fire, the area rapidly expands, and finally forms a stream of flames, flowing everywhere.

Elemental summoned beast? Has such power

Yue Yang couldn't help frowning, the Demon General with the Summoning Tome was indeed difficult to deal with.

Fortunately, it seems that only this thin ghost has the Demon General who has the Summoning Book, and none of the other four!

The black-robed demon general on the opposite side is the real enemy. Even though he repeatedly showed weakness, he still did not despise him. It seems that this guy will be his formidable enemy, and he will be the most difficult one among the five demon generals...

Through General Demon's attack, Yue Yang can discover many things.

These demon generals understood the weaknesses of human war beasts very well. Human war beasts were mainly beasts or birds. They couldn't survive, let alone fight in this lava stream and raging fire. If you bring Big Big Wolf with you, it is probably just a decoration! On the contrary, many monsters in Moyuan are not afraid of flames at all, especially the monsters of the hell family. The burning flames are not only not killing them, but they are like ducks in water, which will only double their combat power.

"Let's go up and play together, sometimes it's quite interesting to tease the little bugs!" The tallest demon general summoned a ball of black flames on his giant sword, and walked out proudly, striding in the flames, without a trace. Damage, leaving only a line of burning footsteps.

"I hope this kid won't die too soon!" The shortest and strongest Demon General swung his sharp axe, summoning a skull to bless the axe.

Extremely fast, the ax transformed into a terrifying skull axe, the magic eyes were shining with green light, and a group of fly-like black spots were constantly circling the skull axe, which looked disgusting and weird.

The two demon generals who were winged and obese like demon insects behind them did not move, but watched the battle with smiles on their faces.

They didn't think that the young human in front of them could defeat the combination of the three demon generals, let alone under the blessing of the elemental war beasts 'Lava' and 'Hell Flame'. A novice apprentice can only summon one war beast. That kid has already summoned a thorn flower, and it is impossible to summon a second war beast. Although the thorn flower is a plant-type war beast, it is more restrained from the creatures of the mob, and it is a gold-level thorn flower, but the thorn flower's level is too low, it seems that it will not exceed the second level, and it is still a growing larva... for what

Summoning the stabbing flower is simply a dying struggle!

"It seems that I have to be more careful, the thorn flower spit has always been very powerful!" The tallest demon general laughed sarcastically.

"I said, old friend, look clearly, it's impossible for this thorn flower to spit, it's still digesting, I'm really surprised, what did it eat? Why is it going to war, and it hasn't finished digesting yet?" The shortest The strongest demon general and the tallest demon general cooperated with each other and came to besiege.

Their original intention was to slash Yue Yang's shield with the flame sword and skull axe, intimidate his mind, and tease him by this.

As for the attack power of the thorn flower, they completely ignored it.

Seeing these two guys walking over with a sword and ax in their hands, a mysterious smile suddenly appeared on the corners of Yue Yang's lips.

"Huh?" The black-robed demon general on the opposite side has been paying attention to Yue Yang's expression. He thinks this young human's performance is very clumsy, but he never showed fear and despair, which is too abnormal.

Could it be that he pretended to be weak on purpose

This thought flashed in the mind of General Black Robe Demon, especially when he saw the mysterious smile on Yue Yang's face, it was like a lightning strike.

Before he could yell to remind his companions to be careful, Yue Yang had already dodged and flew out from the halo shield.

Shooting like a meteor...

No one saw Yue Yang's movements and figure clearly.

When he reappeared, the two demon generals behind him had already crashed to the ground.

"What a flower fertilizer!" Yue Yang leaned over and dragged the two demon generals who were stabbed in the heart and bleeding profusely into the mask shield, quickly summoning two golden thorn flower branches. The branch of the golden thorn flower opened its huge mouth, and forcibly swallowed the two still struggling demon generals, together with the burning giant sword and the skull axe, alive. Tightly connected, the energy obtained during digestion is continuously transmitted to the main body.

"ah… "

This turn of events was like a bolt from the blue, shocking the remaining three demon generals dumbfounded.

Those are the two demon generals, how could they be devoured by the tattoos without the ability to resist? What, what is going on here? What did that young human do just now