Long Live Summons!

Chapter 89: [The banshee screams]


The shadow of the bull rushed towards the four demon generals. She had absolutely no fear and was not affected by any external factors.

Yue Yang stayed in the protective shield, calmly connected with her with his mind, and tried to use combat skills on the shadow of the bull to fight against the enemy for the first time. Of course, it is impossible to use innate combat skills, and Yue Yang will not use innate combat skills in front of Marion without the certainty of killing. You know, Marion has a golden tome, the summoned beast does not know how many flying dragons, even if all the flying dragons are dead, he can use the teleportation scroll to escape. To kill a demon leader who has the tome of summoning, unless it is in the battlefield of death, otherwise Not too possible.

To kill Marion, you must wait for the opportunity, wait for him to leave the shield...

Not to mention innate combat skills, with Yue Yang's current manipulation skills on the bull shadow, even the Yue family's spear skills can't do it.

Barely, Yue Yang was able to control the shadow of the bull to use the 'crushing stone hammer' that was as bad as the world's most scumbag 'slashing iron knife'.

Compared with the previous attacks of the Bull Shadow, this has been a great improvement, at least, now she will no longer clumsily swing her arms and hit the opponent as before. Now, under Yue Yang's control, she has a solid foundation, her footwork moves forward and backward freely, and her arms are waved differently, which is just right. Although the moves she uses with both fists are the crushing stone hammer method, the power she exerts is that someone else uses the crushing hammer method. More than a hundred times the power of the stone hammer method.

Facing the shadow of a wild bull who is not afraid of death and moves to attack is nothing, but this weird and invincible beast can also fight!

The four demon generals played very depressed!

Accidentally, another demon general was hit and fell to the ground...

There was a tall and thin demon general who was the fastest, and he pierced the heart of the shadow of the bull with his sword.

In his consciousness, the bull shadow is a humanoid war beast, which can be killed by stabbing the vitals, but he did not expect that she was originally a phantom, and it became like this after the body was seized, and her body was still half-lived , there is no such thing as a general war beast weakness at all.

Besides, the bull shadow is still a life guardian beast, even if the body is destroyed, it will be fine, and when the energy is exhausted, she will just return to the bronze book to rest.

Unless classmate Yue Yang dies, she will never really die.

After the sword hit, the tall and thin demon general spun his sword fiercely, intending to forcibly crush the heart of the shadow of the bull.

A cruel smile appeared on his face!

However, as soon as his smile appeared, it froze.

Because he saw the shadow of the bull with the sword in his heart stretching out a big hand without incident, grabbing his arm like iron clamps. Another heavy punch hit General Gao Shoumo's elbow hard. The demon general who was trying to break free screamed, and his entire arm was immediately scrapped. The shadow of the barbarian bull remained unmoved by the fierce slashing by the other three demon generals. With a head shake, it hit his forehead with a bang.

Amid the shocking impact, the three demon generals all heard the sound of their companion's skull shattering.

In the 'gravel hammer method' of ten copper coins, there is no such blow as head regret.

Yue Yang made a little adaptation, using the bull's head as a hammer head, and the actual combat power is not bad.

Although the gravel hammer method does not have a headbutt, it has a violent swing... The original technique is to swing the hammer backwards from a distance, and hit the opponent's head with the help of the huge inertial force of the swing.

Yue Yang made another small change. He asked the shadow of the bull to swing General Tall Slim Demon's entire body, throw it backwards like swinging a hammer, and then reverse the force to smash it hard! The next thing is simple, Yue Yang let go of the mind control, let the bull shadow directly use instinct. The shadow of the barbaric bull jumped up high, and the giant bull's hooves trampled like a "big stone smashing a crab to death"!

Now, not to mention Yue Yang, even the three companions of this Demon General, no one thinks that this guy can survive...

Since the shadow of the bull has a little wisdom, it seems that he knows how to use weapons.

But she couldn't tell what was a weapon, so she grabbed the body of the tall and thin demon general and threw it at the other three demon generals whose faces were pale with fright. Only half of the bloody corpse was left!

The three demon generals found themselves in a complete tragedy.

The summoned war beast is useless to this female bull. Whether it's the 'Weakening Demon Moth', or the 'Bone Suction Maggot', or the 'Manic Scarlet Ant Bee', they have no effect on this bull shadow at all. The trawl spider and the tarantula spewed out silk webs, thinking they could trap the shadow of the bull, but no one knew that a ball of flames spewed out from her mouth and nose, and all the spider silk was burned, and the larger and slower tarantula couldn't escape , screamed, and was instantly killed by the 'Death Stare'.

Today, student Yue Yang's character is good, the bull shadow exploded twice in a battle with death stares, his mood is extraordinarily comfortable!

However, this is the beginning of the nightmare of the three demon generals!

Although knowing that there is a chance of this kind of instant kill beast skill, and the chance is extremely small, who dares to say that the next unlucky person is not himself

On the other side, the aurora in the hands of the city lord Luohua, who had been saving for a long time, blasted towards the evil spirit troops.

The blazing white light flashed, and instantly killed dozens of long-horned ghosts. Even the demon blade slayer and the silver-spotted flying dragon who couldn't escape were destroyed by the aurora, and they fell to the ground, wailing incessantly.

Marion was so angry at the passive battle situation, but he had to face the formidable enemy Luohua City Lord, and he couldn't get away.

He also summoned a spin-horned flying dragon that was several times larger than ordinary flying dragons, and was about to swallow the shadow of the bull. Seeing that City Lord Luohua was accumulating spiritual energy again, he quickly sent it and the Corrosion Flying Dragon to attack City Lord Luohua, preventing her from This opportunity brings out the power of the six-tailed fox. He knew that as long as the six-tailed fox transforms, then the combat power of the Luohua City Lord can increase several times with the boost of the six-tailed fox.

If she was allowed to save another aurora, even if her shield could hold up, all her flying dragons would die!

"You kill him immediately, don't worry about that female barbarian, this kind of war beast that is not afraid of killing must have a time limit, and consumes a lot of spiritual energy, you cut his shield, let his spirit Intensify the shock, the female barbarian will naturally Will disappear, without the female barbarian, he is nothing worth mentioning!" Marion yelled.

"Yes, hurry up and kill me, I can't wait!" Student Yue Yang sincerely invited.

The bull shadow does have a time limit. Her existence time is slightly shorter than the previous ten days, but there is no problem in summoning it for five or six days. If Marion finds out about this abnormal time limit, he will probably vomit blood and die of anger !

Marion really wanted to control the Spinning Horned Wyvern to go there, swallow the female bull in one gulp, and end the war on Yue Yang's side.

However, he was worried that City Lord Luo Hua would take the opportunity to cast an aurora to kill his most powerful spinner dragon.

In his eyes, Yue Yang, the little thief holding the bronze book, can't match the hand of City Lord Luohua with ten more, so let the three demon generals grind this little thief to death. The key point of the battle is how to take down City Lord Luohua. As for the severely traumatized Bloody Queen, even if she couldn't die, she probably wouldn't be able to recover her combat power for a while.

Although he hated the incompetence of the three subordinates in his heart, Ma Deang still had to use them to do things now.

And he knows very well that it's not that his subordinates are incompetent, but that they have experienced a great battle before. If several of his subordinates' war beasts hadn't died in battle while besieging the Bronze Level 7 Demon Blade Slayer before this, then their combat power is not enough. Not to the point of scum.

"Chop slowly, I'll take a nap first, wake me up after chopping the shield!" Yue Yang ignored the actions of the three demon generals chopping the halo shield. Not to mention comprehending the mind of nature, even before, the mind in the innate realm would never be affected by a small shock. This trick may be effective for ordinary warriors, but it is useless for Yue Yang.

He moved a stone, lay down, and comfortably pillowed on the stone, with his hands behind his head, crossed his legs, and shook them.

Of course, dragging is superficial, so it mainly confuses the enemy and absorbs the enemy's attention.

Yue Yang's real mind was to control the shadow of the bull to go straight to the monster blade slayer who was severely injured and fell to the ground in the aurora. Yue Yang doesn't know if this guy's magic crystal is useful to the bull shadow, if it is really useful, then the bull shadow may be able to upgrade. Moreover, there is a 'reshaping' skill that I haven't tried yet. This demon blade slayer also looks like a tauren, maybe it belongs to the 'bull' category!

At least, it is much more orthodox than snails and beetles, and they still look a bit like a female bull devil.

City Lord Luo Hua used a ball of light similar to an aurora, directly blasting the Corroding Flying Dragon into a Roasted Flying Dragon.

As soon as the nemesis fell, the three-tailed snow fox immediately transformed.

The body expanded more than ten times.

The six long tails flicked, and the strange fragrance wafted into the nostrils. It sprayed a whiff of lightly colored white mist fragrance towards the Wyvern. The huge body of the Wyvern hit the ground with a bang, and it was unable to lift off. The six-tailed fox goes to war. Although the six-tailed spirit fox is large in size, its speed is super fast. The six tails are like a giant whip, which makes the horned dragon howl in pain. Marion's expression changed, he ignored Yue Yang, and summoned a small flying dragon with wings burning with flames, commanding it to step forward to assist.

Marion and City Lord Luo Hua had a lively fight, but student Yue Yang was very leisurely.

He controlled the bull shadow to trample the silver-spotted flying dragon to death first, and then dragged back the whole body of the half-destroyed monster blade slayer.

The three demon generals didn't understand what Yue Yang meant by doing this, so they all backed away in fright... For the struggling shattered slayer, and the classmate Yue Yang who jumped up, they didn't have much compassion, Xiao Wenli's talent for restraint... Released, bound it completely, and then pierced its eyebrows with a golden dagger. The gold-level dragon-slaying dagger pierced into the head, and the bronze-level seventh-level demon blade slayer also fell to the ground.

"What the hell are you doing?" Marion took a moment to take a look during the fierce battle, and found that the three subordinates were looking at the thief stupidly, but they didn't make a move, and they were suddenly furious.

It would be fine if that kid hid in the shield, but now that he has walked more than ten meters out of the shield, why doesn't he make a move

He didn't have time to notice, even if Yue Yang walked out of the shield, the shield still existed.

Similarly, City Mistress Luohua couldn't distract herself from paying attention to Yue Yang's battle situation. She closed her eyes and meditated, preparing to overdraw her spiritual energy and save up the third aurora ball again. She could hear Yue Yang's voice, and knew in her heart that he was fine, she always thought that he was hiding in the shield and mocking the enemy, but she didn't know that he had won a complete victory.

The three demon generals trembled when they heard Marion's anger, and rushed up quickly. The target was not the shadow of the bull, but Yue Yang.

Just kill this weird little thief in seconds, then the battle is over.

Just as they were starting to flirt in their hearts, a golden glow suddenly shot out from the protective shield. It was the bloody queen who was seriously injured and stunned. She opened her light blue eyes and let out an extremely shrill scream...

Immediately, no matter if it was City Lord Luohua, Marion, or the six-tailed spirit fox and the spin-horned wyvern in the battle, they all fell to the ground in a daze as if struck by a thunderbolt.

Recently, the three demon generals were so screaming that their seven orifices bleed, and they fell to the ground one after another.

Yue Yang was shocked, he also heard the screams, but found that he didn't need zhenqi ear protection, and he was not affected by the screams at all.

Looking up again, he suddenly found that Marion's shield had disappeared. He didn't even care about instant killing the three demon generals who fell in front of him, and flew towards the stunned Marion like lightning. The Ash Demon Blade in his hand pulled a long tail of flame and a faint puff of smoke, and stabbed fiercely towards Marion's heart... The three giants? Demon leader? As long as you don't have the protection of the shield, then you are scum!