Long Live The Emperor!

Chapter 104: Holding the coin of life and death in his hand, he sits high on the Fengdu platform


Xia Ji saw a strange vision appearing before his eyes,

This was the first time he had received initiation other than "skill beads".

The dark hall is like a huge evil ghost, crawling on this cold land. When you look up, you can see the turbid yellow river flowing quietly in the distance, so vast and boundless that you can't see the end at a glance.

On both sides of the turbid yellow river, there are red and bright flowers. These flowers dotted along the river, instead of giving people a feeling of beauty, they show a kind of sadness and terror, which makes people shudder.

"The initiation actually includes a scene?"

Xia Ji said to himself, "These are probably some memory scenes related to the inheritor's lifetime."

If it were other people, they would have been shocked by the environment here that was not like the human world, but for Xia Ji,

He was just here for a walk.

If it were anyone else, they would definitely wonder why they suddenly came here. Wasn't it that they were in the house just a moment ago

But it's nothing to Xia Ji,

This is just a ray of his own soul entering the spiritual world of the inherited mask.

The composition of the Yuan Shen is the external god plus the true god.

To put it simply, the outer god is the Buddha's Zen method that Xia Ji obtained, and the true god is his own thoughts.

The role of the Yuan Shen was not reflected when his realm was low, but at his current state, without the power of the Yuan Shen, it would be almost impossible to improve his skills.

And even if you get a lot of power by luck, you won't be able to exert your full strength.

You can tell this just by looking at Xia Qi. A peerless sword energy that can crush mountains and rivers was suddenly used by him and turned into a joke that he could only swing two feet.

"This is the kingdom of the dead. Did such a place really ever exist in the world?"

Xia Ji looked at the turbid yellow river, "Is this the underworld?"

He looked at the red flower again: "Is this the flower of the other side?"

He turned his head and looked at a very high rock, "Is that Wangxiang Terrace?"

He relaxed his mind and followed the path. He couldn't help but secretly complain in his heart.

This feeling is just like "the automatic path finding function when playing web games in my previous life",

He didn't need to know the way at all, there was a force pushing him to where he should go.

He came to the palace area,

Towering halls appeared in front of us,

He counted silently,

At the fifth palace, he stopped and walked inside.

The palace was empty, except for a table in the middle.

There is a bloody book on the table.

He walked up, raised his hand and pressed it on the book like a signature.

The booklet started to flip, and the first page was turned.

Then suddenly disappeared,

At the same time, a strange force penetrated his soul, turning him into a meteor and returning to the entrance of this illusion in an instant.

Then this power rushed into his body, meridians, and blood along his soul, making every part of his body familiar with this power.

He has known this power for a long time.

"Life and death are thin."

"It turns out that the talisman used by Gu Chen..."

Xia Ji picked it up casually, and a page of strange talismans appeared out of thin air.

The talisman is entwined with the terrifying power of life and death,

From the outside, Xia Ji looked like Yama in hell, flipping through the book of life and death.

"It's just a mere talisman of Yama's order. In other words, it's a borrowed power, not its own power."

With a flick of his finger, the talisman disappeared.

"But this is already a golden mysterious skill, or at least a mysterious style."

He twisted his fingers again, and another flying knife appeared. He felt it for a while, then casually dispersed it, and murmured:

"It's not as strong as my God-Slaying Flying Knife, and my God-Slaying Flying Knife can also be attached with multiple magic signs."

"Is this the inheritance of Yama in the underworld?"

He only felt a little disappointed.

But at this moment,

He suddenly noticed that the bloody book of life and death still existed in Yuanshen.

The book of life and death is in an open state,

But I only turned the first page.

Xia Ji's thoughts flashed and he wanted to turn to the second page.

But this small book has an unimaginable heaviness, as if something is pressing heavily on the book, like a seal that is suppressed in one place, and it must not be broken, and it must never be broken.

Mortals can only stop here.

Because the next page is not the realm of mortals. How can mortals be qualified to see it

Xia Ji became more serious.

The spirit in his mind turned into a golden river. This river is still growing. Apparently every tributary that merges into this river has become the water source of the river. All the people who have been imprinted with his spirit will actually respond. Give him some mental strength back.

Dahe turned into a huge hand and turned to the second page.

There is no hindrance.

The second page was opened abruptly.


As a new page opens,

The second inheritance broke into Xia Ji's mind.

He carefully experienced this new inherited power, and at the same time compared it with the power he already possessed.

"It's actually reached the level of the red skill bead, this is ridiculous."

With a thought in his mind, he grasped the sky with his right hand,

In the void, a mysterious bloody judge pen appeared between his fingers.

He pondered for a moment, appreciating the power he had just gained.

Then, he muttered words,

The brush moves like a dragon and snake, the rigidity is like iron painting, the charm is like silver hook, from top to bottom,

One by one, "Fu head", "Yan Luo", "Fu belly", "Fu foot" and "Fu gallbladder" were written out.

The five characters are all secret words, and outsiders cannot see them clearly or understand them, so they think they are ghostly talismans. However, this talisman coincides with some mysterious power between heaven and earth.

The Taoists say that "all things carry Yin and hold Yang, and the Qi of the air merges into harmony." This means that the two Qi of Yin and Yang collide and combine to form all things. Whether all things are synthesized in this way is irrelevant, but Taoists have the ability to borrow the Qi of heaven and earth. But it is very strong, and Fu Lu is one of the representatives.

If an ordinary Taoist priest wants to draw a talisman, it is very laborious. He must set up an altar, clear away distracting thoughts, concentrate his thoughts, purify his mind, body, face, hands, and mouth. He must also prepare many sacrifices before he can be spiritually focused. When you are extremely concentrated, start writing, otherwise what you draw will only have appearance and no effect. What's more serious, it may even be harmful, because if the talisman cannot be restrained, some evil spirits will enter the talisman.

But for Xia Ji,

Seems easy,

He doesn’t even want yellow paper;

Just this judge's pen, sketching in the void,

After drawing one talisman, he waved his hand and started to draw the second one, and so on.

After one stick of incense,

He has already drawn fifteen talismans.

The fifteen talismans were not yellow paper, but appeared in the void in front of him. Compared with the previous single talisman that contained life and death, there were many varieties and different functions.

Xia Ji waved his hand and the judge pen disappeared.

He stood up, with fifteen talismans surrounding him.

When he moves, these talismans also move.

When he stops, the talisman also stops.

As soon as he thought about it, these talismans all took on a form that "ordinary people can no longer see with the naked eye".

This gave Xia Ji a feeling of "there was something called a divine aircraft carrier in a game he played in his previous life." Now he is an aircraft carrier, and these talismans are small planes surrounding him, or exploding bugs.

He nodded, feeling that he had taken another step forward on the road to becoming a mage and a summoner.

When he came to the courtyard, he immediately saw the crooked-neck tree in the courtyard.

A thought in my mind,


A talisman flew out directly,

The crooked neck tree was suddenly enveloped in the air of death. Its life had been deprived of and it was withering rapidly. The green leaves on the leaves quickly turned yellow at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the plump trunk also became like an octogenarian. More and more wrinkled.

It's not poison, it's not corrosion, it's basically giving the tree death, and there's no way around it.


Another talisman flew out,

It seemed that Yama originally wrote the word "death" on the book of life and death, but now changed it to "live". Suddenly, the crooked-neck tree that was not yet dead stopped withering.


Another talisman,

The crooked neck tree has withered and turned yellow, its crumbling leaves have begun to turn green, its wrinkled trunk has become more plump, and its originally few branches have begun to bloom again, making it look unusually lush.


Another talisman,

The talisman drew a strange trajectory in the air, and then slipped into the ground silently.

Not long after, a dark shadow emerged from the ground. The shadow had a vague face and a strange shape, giving people a cold and creepy feeling.

When the shadow saw Xia Ji, he "knelt down" directly.

Xia Ji didn't know how it made this difficult action, but this weird shadow did kneel down, showing respect and surrender.

Before in Fuyu Mountain and Ruyun Peak, he had seen the shadow of the mountain evil driven by Yama, but the black shadow in front of him might be one level higher than that evil shadow. How high was it

At this moment, the birds chirped,

Xia Ji saw a cute sparrow landing on the crooked neck tree, chirping happily and singing a song.

He waved his finger and pointed at the sparrow.

sparrow:? ?

As if given the order, the black shadow flew out and penetrated into the bird's body.

sparrow:! ! !

When he opened his eyes again, the pair of bird eyes had become extremely terrifying. He looked at Xia Ji sternly, as if waiting for his order. Apparently, the black shadow had temporarily occupied the sparrow's body and could control it to do anything. .

After waiting quietly for a stick of incense, the black shadow seemed to have reached its limit. It could no longer bear the yang energy and retreated from the sparrow's body, crawling back to the ground.

The sparrow's legs weakened and it fell from the tree. The whole bird seemed to be seriously ill and about to die.

Xia Ji shot out a talisman, and the sparrow suddenly regained its vitality.

sparrow:? ?

It flew up happily.

Xia Ji looked up at it.

One talisman after another was shot out.

The sparrow is dying for a while, and full of energy for a while. In the end, it is at a loss. Who am I, where am I, what am I doing

It wasn't until all the Xia Ji talismans were used up that the sparrows flew away. Ah, what an unforgettable day.

Xia Ji stood under the eaves and muttered a summary.

"Three kinds of talismans,

The talisman of life can save you as long as you are not dead;

The death talisman can kill as long as it is alive;

The ghost exorcism talisman can control the ghosts condensed by the evil spirits, and even allow the ghosts to temporarily seize the body. However, all living creatures have yang energy. This kind of seizing the body will not last long. The sparrow can only hold the body for one stick of incense. If it is replaced, Not to mention adults, ordinary ghosts may not even be able to enter, unless they are serious ghosts. "

Thinking of this, Xia Ji took out the Judge's Pen again and drew the talisman quietly in the void.

After a while, ten talismans were drawn and hung quietly around Xia Ji, spinning slowly.

Xia Ji pressed his hands to the earth.

Swish swish swish! !

All the talismans were shot into the ground, and soon ten black ghost figures emerged.

Xia Ji clasped his hands together.

Upon receiving the order, the ten ghost figures quickly merged together to form a big ghost that was five or six meters tall. The energy and yin energy contained in this big ghost had obviously been enhanced a lot, and it was possible to seize the power from this. It would be better to avoid or even attack directly.

Then he started experimenting again,

For example, what will happen if ten death talismans are used together, what will happen if ten living talismans are used together, how long will the talisman last, will it be effective if the scrawled talisman is used, what will happen if there are hundreds of talismans, etc...

After doing all this, he entered the "underworld" through the "transit station" that served as the entrance to the house.

The so-called underworld is actually a mezzanine space.

If you imagine the main space as an ever-expanding bubble, this mezzanine space is a "bubble within a bubble" or a "small bubble stuck to a big bubble" created by some accidents.

As Yama, he left a message in the underworld: gather here in one month.

The other six members will definitely come after seeing this information.

After integrating the power of the underworld, he wanted to find out where the family was.


"Brother, why haven't you come back yet?"

Xia Xiaosu was walking around in the palace, when a girl about one meter tall walked in with her bare feet.

"Xian'er, is there any news about my brother? Is he seriously injured after the battle and is he recovering from his injuries?"

Hu Xian'er said: "Your Highness didn't say much. He just said that everything is safe. Don't think about it. Let me, little princess, do what you want to do."

Xia Xiaosu breathed a sigh of relief, her brother was her only relative.

These days, she was focused on the recovery of the entire imperial capital, so her originally pale face looked even more haggard.

Her face returned to calm, and her petite body of 1.5 meters leaned back, overlooking the 1.1 meter Hu Xian'er, and the calm aura of an empress expanded, "You shouldn't call him your highness."


"The emperor is dead, so the names of prince and princess are no longer needed. Yesterday, Fengyun Tower just announced my brother's new legendary name to the world. Now my brother's title is..."

Xia Xiaosu calmed down and said word by word: "King Shenwu."

She looked proud and stood up and said: "In the battle at Fuyu Mountain, my brother killed countless people. Although he made countless enemies, he suppressed the world with one person's power, so that no one in the world dared to talk nonsense.

It was rumored that seven of the twenty heavens of the Buddha Sect went to surround and suppress the elder brother, but two escaped, two did not even dare to take action, and three others were killed by the elder brother.

It's a pity that I'm not with my brother, so I can't see with my own eyes how invincible he is. "

Hu Xian'er looked up at her. Listening to what the little princess said, her heart had long been numb. His Highness Seventh Prince... No, King Shenwu is too strong.

The two talked for a while, and Xia Xiaosu took out a memorial, "The Turks want to maintain the original marriage and want me to marry them. Their mission is approaching the city. What do you think we should do?"

Hu Xian'er thought for a moment: "Then... the mission was robbed by robbers before they arrived at the imperial capital?"

Xia Xiaosu said: "Just rush back."

Hu Xianer said: "The little princess is still kind."

Xia Xiaosu suddenly sighed: "I really don't know how valuable talents are when I'm not a master. I really lack everything now..."

After seizing Nangong He, Deng Gongjiu's fox, although proficient in the art of war, can only be regarded as an ordinary general, who can barely control his energy.

In addition, the Cabinet, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Heavenly Works, the Zhengqi Mansion, the Impermanence Mansion, the Tianxian Department, the Blackwater Tower, and the Tianjiansi Department, known as the Nine Ministries, are almost all empty.

Because all the talents from the nine tribes originally went to the south, now looking at the situation, they should all be under the control of the third prince, and the third prince has good relations with Confucianism, has strong soldiers, horses, and talents, and has a vague style of a new king.

Do you really want to fight him in the ring

Xia Xiaosu was a little confused.

At this moment, a maid shouted "Report" from a distance, then trotted over, looked at the princess's height, hurriedly knelt down, looked at Master Hu's height, and hurriedly lowered her head.

"Princess Qi, there is a girl outside the palace asking to meet. She said that she is from the Confucian sect and knows a little bit about the art of war. She wants to come and meet the princess."

Hu Xian'er said: "Ah~~~You only know a little bit, but you dare to come and see the princess?"

"Xian'er, you don't understand," Xia Xiaosu explained: "My brother often likes to say that he only knows a little bit about martial arts."

Hu Xianer:! ! !

Xia Xiaosu said to the maid, "Please come in. I'll wait for her in the study room. Xian'er, please come with me."