Long Live The Emperor!

Chapter 137: Two hundred thousand sacrifice


Xia Ji stepped on the heavy tsunami and climbed up the stairs.

In the tsunami, the demonic figure lurked into the deep blue-black water and disappeared from sight in an instant.

Immediately, the sea water that had already roared started to boil again,

The water foam is surging into the sky, hitting each other wantonly, constantly shattering and reforming.

Under the deep water, I vaguely saw an extremely powerful giant shadow, pushing against the waves. From deep to shallow, and from shallow to shallow, a ferocious dragon spirit head was revealed. It broke out of the water and crashed into Xia Ji with a huge momentum!

Although An Xun was embraced by this strange boy, she did not think about the relationship between men and women at this time. She was horrified in this environment that had no overlap with her life, and her head was buzzing.

Is this young man an immortal

Her eyes widened, and she suddenly saw the roaring demonic figure rising into the sky, and she subconsciously screamed: "Be careful!!"

The last sound of the word "心" has not been finished yet.

The demonic figure has been shot out from the huge tsunami wall with violent water pressure, followed by a hurricane. This brutal collision can destroy solid houses and mountains, and the power it carries can even destroy a person directly. Small villages also have possibilities.

An Xun was so scared that he closed his eyes.

But the impact didn't come...

The world seemed to have entered some kind of brief tranquility.

She opened her eyes curiously,

The young man holding her just opened his right hand and blocked the Jiao Jing's forehead with his open palm.

The dragon spirit stopped moving.

The force that was terrifying to An Xun was wiped out with just one stop.

How can it be

An Xun couldn't help but turn his head to look at the young man's face, but in the mist, the face was hazy, and he could only see a few strands hanging from the temples mixed with pale black hair, which looked a bit weathered.

Xia Ji asked coldly: "Why do you want to cause floods and cause chaos in the world?"

The Jiao Jing's eyes were as wide as a water tank, and then it suddenly twisted its body, but as soon as it twisted, it felt severe pain, and it let out a roar that pierced its eardrums.

The roaring sound waves hit the air film around Xia Ji and flowed to the surrounding area.

Its long beard has been completely grasped.

Xia Ji said: "Stop the tsunami."

Jiao Jing let out a disdainful snort.

Xia Ji pulled it out suddenly, all the long beards were pulled out, blood spurted out,

The dragon spirit twitched and roared as if it had been touched by high-voltage electricity. It instinctively twisted its body to escape back into the water.

It failed to escape back into the water,

Because it still has a trace of reason in this severe pain,

Reason made it see the black knife in front of it,

Let it see the young man in front of it swallow a mouthful of heaven and earth energy,

The sword and Qi exude an awe-inspiring intimidation.

Xia Ji said again: "Stop the tsunami."

The Jiao Jing water tank-sized eyes glanced at the knife, and suddenly let out a long roar,

As it roared, many little monsters in the water suddenly stopped adding fuel to the fire. Instead, they began to work together to resist the tsunami, causing the huge waves to be stopped and gradually slowed down. Although it had not completely subsided, there was only Put in the time and effort.

In the fishing village, people who had fled to the highest place for refuge saw such a scene and began to hug each other, cry bitterly, and then look at the figure on the high place and kowtow.

"Thank you, Immortal."

"Thank you, Immortal."

After Jiao Jing finished all this, he looked at Xia Ji longingly, and his eyes the size of a water tank looked at the girl in Xia Ji's arms in a humane way.

An Xun:? ?

Xia Ji understood and raised his hand to throw An Xun back. With his current strength, it was easy to control objects.

An Xun exclaimed "Ahhh" in mid-air, and soon landed among the villagers.

An old man in the village hurriedly pulled An Xun and said, "Quickly thank the immortal."

Although An Xun was still confused, he still followed him and bowed down.

Shouting "Thank you so much, Immortal",

But she felt strange in her heart, that immortal was so young.

Xia Ji stepped on the water waves, looked at Jiao Jing and said calmly: "It's okay to say it."

Jiao Jing tilted his head in a humane manner.

Xia Ji thought for a moment, then straddled himself and rode on the dragon spirit.

The dragon spirit fell into the water and swam slowly towards the deep sea. After swimming for a while, it opened its mouth and said human words: "Master, please stop meddling in other people's business."


"Master, you have such a high level of Taoism. You should know that the killing calamity is coming, and many things between heaven and earth are changing. I am Xiaojiao, and I am just following orders."

"What fate?"

"Catch men and women whose yang and yin have not been broken, boys and girls can also be caught."

Xia Ji had a guess in his heart, "How many to catch?"

"Two hundred thousand."

Xia Ji took a deep breath, and even he couldn't help but ask: "Two hundred thousand?!"

In his impression, when he read books in his previous life, he saw that the mountain spirits and sea monsters needed sacrifices, but the sacrifices were usually done every year. If they were not offered in time, the mountain spirits and sea monsters would become angry. Two hundred thousand dollars was too unreasonable. .

Jiao Jing said: "Yes, it is two hundred thousand. Therefore, we took advantage of the flood season in midsummer and were ordered to use the roar to flood the surrounding fishing villages first, plundering the men and women in them, and see if we could collect the number of two hundred thousand." "

Xia Ji was silent.

Jiao Jing continued: "If you, the real person, can cultivate to such a state, you must see more things than the little dragon. The world is free and vast. The real person can go anywhere, and you can get rid of the little monsters everywhere, but this time you can Can’t move.”

Xia Jidao: "A hundred miles further upstream, there is the Dragon King Temple. The real dragon is hidden in the Dragon King Temple. Aren't you afraid?"

Jiao Jing said: "Master, don't embarrass Xiao Jiao. Xiao Jiao is also one of the many Jiao dragons who follow orders."

"Heavenly Dragon King?"

Jiao Jing was stunned for a moment. It is impossible for ordinary real people to know the name of Tian Jiao King. The young man in front of him looks young but can say it outright. He must have reached that level. He is more respectful and does not dare to disobey at all, so road:

"Since you know about King Tianjiao, you should also know that King Tianjiao is in charge of the East China Sea and the sea. Xiaojiao really doesn't know about the rest, and Xiaojiao is not qualified to know."

Xia Jidao: "Go back and tell King Tianjiao that I will wait for three days at Feisheji, thirty miles north of Wucun, for him to come and see you."

"Little Jiao..."

"Give this thing to King Tianjiao. It will naturally understand who wants to see it."

As he said that, Xia Ji took out a colorful shell from his arms. This was a token given by the Su family along with the secret records of the demon clan. King Tianjiao happened to be a demon in the Su family alliance, and it would come to see him.

The dragon spirit didn't dare to disobey, so she put the colorful shells into her mouth, then turned around and swam towards the coast, put Xia Ji down respectfully, and then dived back to the bottom of the sea, towards the deep sea.

Xia Ji stood on the beach, looking at the sea water that had not yet receded, and suddenly took a deep breath. This is the "air swallowing technique" in the "Jingming Tao Technique". It can be used on weapons or used directly. It is a kind of A means of temporarily borrowing the power of heaven and earth on a small scale.

The air and wind around him suddenly stopped, or were sucked into his body by his breath.


A thunderous explosion.

Xia Ji spurted a substantial storm from his mouth. He pointed his fingers on his lips to fine-tune the direction, and his head slowly turned.

As he turned, the storm swept out of his mouth, quickly spreading from a point into a huge wind group, rushing towards everything in front of him.

The sea water suddenly stopped spreading under the impact of the storm. The little water monsters in the water looked at the young man blankly, and many of them were blown somersaults on the bottom of the sea by the storm, and then flew away. of.

Blow it all in one breath.

Xia Ji used this "qi-swallowing technique" again and suddenly took another breath of the air of heaven and earth. Others might have been able to take one breath, but his true energy was so powerful that he only consumed a small amount of it.


Continue to point your fingers on the side of your lips, turn your head,

The storm rolled wildly, pushing back all the waves that were still crashing on the other side.

A thick python monster was suddenly blown out of the waves. The python monster was still swallowing a person in its mouth. The man was dressed as a fisherman and was still kicking out with his feet upright. He was still alive.

The python demon was startled and suddenly wanted to dive into the water again.

Xia Ji pressed his cheeks and narrowed his lips,


The storm turned into an extremely sharp "arrow",

The arrow pierced the python demon's head with a whooshing sound.

Xia Ji continued to lower his head and suddenly closed his mouth tightly.

Adjust the angle slightly and open it again.


A wind cannon erupted from Xia Jizui.

The wind cannon hit the python monster, crushing it immediately, and the fisherman in its mouth was spit out. The fisherman was already dying, and his body was corroded, but his life was not completely exhausted, so he was still struggling in pain instinctively. .

Xia Ji raised his right hand, and the invisible judge's pen floated out of the air, and life and death were revealed.

He used his strength to outline a "life talisman".

The talisman appears,

He put away his pen,

Clap your hands,

The talisman flew towards the man.

Xia Ji did not stop and continued to spend his energy to outline the "life talisman".

Not long after, two more rays came out and penetrated into the man's body.

The corroded flesh and blood on the fisherman's body grew back like a miracle. His hands and feet, which were twitching instinctively, suddenly regained consciousness. He opened his eyes, screamed "waking up from a nightmare", and then swam towards the shore. , seeing the young man on the beach, he hurriedly knelt down and shouted with tears on his face.

"Thank you Immortal, thank you Immortal for saving my life!"

Xia Ji ignored him and continued to blow the storm.

In this way, after about half the time of burning incense, the entire tide was blown back by Xia Ji.

Xia Ji also felt a little tired.

He stuck the black knife in the beach,

Sit down cross-legged,

The bright clouds in the distance have not dispersed,

Looking sideways upstream and downstream, I saw that the huge waves were still coming. This was caused by many dragon monsters.

The dragon comes from the water,

What's more, there are countless sea monsters adding fuel to the fire,

Such an attack that relies on the power of heaven and earth is simply unstoppable.

At this time, the head of the fishing village had already brought many people over. Thousands of people knelt down behind the young man in darkness, shouting in unison.

"Thank you Immortal for saving my life."

The village chief added: "Can the immortal leave his name so that we can worship him in the temple and pray for you?"


Xia Ji fell back, lying on the beach without the grace of an immortal, looking at the iron-gray sky, and then asked: "Village Chief, is there any An family in the village?"

The village chief was stunned, and everyone was also stunned, and they all looked sideways at An Xun.

The village chief said: "Yes, there is a family."

"The An family will stay, and the rest will disperse."

The village chief did not dare to disobey, so he respectfully stepped back, and the villagers followed him.

Wu Lian was also in the crowd, looking at the beautiful and charming figure of the young girl left behind, and then at the immortal in the distance, with a strange light shining in his eyes.

But just as the fishermen walked away, the village chief grabbed Wu Lian's clothes and slapped him across the head and face.

Wu Lian covered his face and felt that it was swollen, but when he saw that it was the village chief, he was angry but did not dare to get angry. He could only ask: "Dad, why did you hit me?!"

The village chief roared: "You evildoer, what are you thinking about?!"

"I...I didn't think about anything."

"Sophistry? You are my son. If you move your butt, I will know what you are thinking. I tell you, there are many women in the world who have anything to do with that immortal. Stay away from me and don't even think about it. Stop thinking about it, otherwise I will definitely break your legs and make you unable to go anywhere."

Wu Lian nodded in fear, "I... I know."

The village chief patted his cheek and said, "Nie Zhan, say it again."

"Dad, I really know." Wu Lian cried.

The village chief stared at him for a while and then said, "This time it's true."

Xia Ji looked sideways at An Xun and asked curiously, "Are you the only one in the An family?"

An Xun half-knelt in front of him and nodded carefully in response.

Xia Ji looked at the girl, raised his hand, and a breeze rushed out, blowing away the girl's hair on both sides, revealing a beautiful face.

Xia Ji looked at this face and suddenly felt a strange emotion. When he thought about the fact that the eldest princess had asked him to take good care of the An family before she left, his strange emotion suddenly turned into speculation.

An Xun looked embarrassed and lowered his head.

Xia Ji said: "Come to me."

An Xun passed over obediently, still lowering his head and saying nothing.

Xia Ji suddenly grabbed her left hand.

An Xun yelled "Ouch", his breathing quickened, his chest heaved, and he felt as if a restless deer was bumping against him.

Then, her body was like lightning,

I couldn't help but let out a sweet cry,

The pain comes,

The first drop of blood was shed,

But immediately, a strong feeling of comfort spread throughout An Xun's body,

She seemed to have forgotten even her fatigue, and let out a soft cry of comfort.

Xia Ji took a drop of blood from her fingertips and injected a soft stream of Qi into her meridians to help her recover. Then he stood up and walked a few steps forward, turning his back to An Xun.

A drop of blood popped out from his finger,

Two drops of blood stand in the air,

Soon, a mysterious force pulled the two drops of blood towards the center, and then they collided and fused together.

Xia Ji's suspicion in his heart has been confirmed.

The eldest princess is the bloodline left by the Su family, and An Xun should be her only remaining relative. The eldest princess is frightened every step of the way in the Su family, walking on thin ice in the abyss, and cannot come to the world in person, so she entrusts herself with help .

Xia Ji's voice became softer: "Where are your parents?"

An Xundao said: "Twelve years ago, my sister disappeared at the seaside. My mother was very sad and died a few years later. And the year before last, in order to earn more dowry money for me, my father went to the deep sea to fish for Bering shrimp. Then he didn’t come back.”

Xia Ji said: "What is the name of your missing sister?"

An Xun said: "An Rongrong."