Long Live The Emperor!

Chapter 147: The new king is dead, and the day has changed


Next, Xia Ji and King Tianjiao walked through this large-scale stage play with professional actor qualities as if they were going through a process:

Act 1:

The disciples of the Su family fought fiercely against the evil dragon spirit, but they could not resist the evil dragon king and secretly assassinated him.

According to the agreement, King Tianjiao helped Xia Ji kill nine children of the Su family, except Su Ze.

Act 2:

Xia Ji was "furious" and flew down from the Seven Star Altar to avenge the children of the Su family. He raised his sword and dropped it.

According to the agreement, he helped the Heavenly Dragon King kill all the evil dragon spirits and also saved Su Ze. Su Ze burst into tears of gratitude.

Act 3:

Xia Ji returned to the Seven Star Altar, and the dark clouds in the sky broke, and the tsunami on the thousands of miles of coast also receded. The whole world looked like it had been washed after the apocalypse. Many fishing villages that were about to be submerged seemed to have felt his presence, and moved toward Changlong. Kneel down in the direction of Feng Qixing Altar.

Lei Lu, Qing Wang and others were really shocked and bowed to each other.

Act 4:

Xia Ji floated away with Su Ze, sighing and saying, "I don't know how rampant these demons are, they actually killed my Su family's children." Su Ze saw the whole process, and he was still frightened at this time. While thanking Xia Ji, he said This disaster is inevitable, and he will definitely explain it to Mr. Feng.

After completing the assembly line-like show.

Xia Ji returned to the manor on Jinghu Lake and continued to live in seclusion, while Su Ze returned to the Su family to report.

Autumn has arrived.

The murder is getting closer and closer.

Xia Ji read books and carved rosary beads every day, and in the early morning of one day, the fetal spirit of Wanli Mist was also "born". The entire area around Jinghu Lake was covered by heavy fog, which lasted for seven days and seven nights.

Perhaps because of the spread of the immortal's name, the area outside Jinghu Lake became busy with traffic. At first, only talented ladies and dignitaries who visited immortals and sought enlightenment came to look for him.

Later, many common people and even businessmen and knights came from thousands of miles away to worship him at the manor outside Jinghu Lake, as if they regarded him as a living god.

Climbing the Seven Star Altar to perform a ritual will ward off natural disasters and floods. What is this if not a god

Jinghu Lake was originally quiet, but now it has become as lively as the center of the imperial capital.

Originally it only smelled of green leaves and red flowers, but now it smelled of incense.

Originally there was dust on the ground, but now there is a lot of incense ash.

The most important thing is that these people came to worship once and would worship a second time.

More and more strange word of mouth spread.

"Jinghu Immortal is very effective. Since I worshiped the Immortal, my business trips have been extremely smooth, and I have never encountered a robber again."

"It's really effective."

"Last time I prayed for my daughter, but within a few days my daughter gave birth to a big fat boy for me. I am here to fulfill my wish."

"No matter what you do, it is always right to come and pay homage to the immortal first. Every request will be granted, and I am here to fulfill my wish today."

"Immortal, please give me one..."

In fact, Xia Ji did nothing, but the reputation of "Jinghu Immortal" Feng Nanbei had spread throughout the Southern Dynasties.

Firstly, he showed his "miracle" in front of everyone, and secondly, Ru Mengxue helped build momentum. When King Qing was building momentum for himself and Lei Lu's wisdom, he had to bring the wind north and south.

After coming and going again, the name of Jinghu Immortal was like the sun rising in the sky.

There were no subsequent arrivals from the Su family, and Xia Ji didn't know An Rongrong's current situation.

He returned to the palace several times.

Sure enough, the calamity of fire has come from the west,

A large number of foreigners were displaced and rushed to the Central Plains, followed by a lot of chaos.

Xia Xiaosu was anxiously dealing with all this, accepting those who were willing to surrender and killing those who were unwilling to surrender. She settled those people. But what is strange is that the Su family did not subsequently send people from the Eleventh Realm to attack them.

Xia Ji took action several times as King Shenwu, creating the illusion that "King Shenwu was always in the palace", and then returned to Lake Manor.

During the full moon of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Xia Xiaosu was still very busy, almost exhausted.

Xia Ji waited until midnight before the queen hurried back and had a reunion dinner with him, thoughtfully.

Xia Ji didn't take it seriously either. This wasn't alienation, but that she already had her own way.

Late autumn time.

Ru Mengxue succeeded in taking the throne, and Tang Qing married her as his concubine. The wedding was grand. Lei Lu, the lord of Juye City, sent someone to invite him to witness the marriage, but he refused.

Life was simple and uneventful.

Unknowingly, he had integrated ten thousand skill beads, and carved out three strings of three thousand worlds that could be turned into a Buddhist kingdom on the palm of his hand.

He tried several times to fuse the ten thousand skill beads, but he still lacked a chance and could not succeed.

The Black Dragon Codex is a dark golden skill bead, driven by the energy of a small black dragon. It can not only transform into a black dragon to attack, but also wrap the black dragon around itself for defense. It has more functions and is stronger than the golden Silver Dragon Codex. .

Winter has finally arrived.

On a snowy day.

The Immortal of Jinghu Lake walked out of Jinghu Lake with the little Taoist boy and came to Tianyu Mountain.

The weather was so cold that there were no people along the road.

"What are we doing here?"

"Waiting for someone important."


"The founder of the dynasty for the next thousand years."

This is the time to make an appointment.

Xia Ji built a thatched cottage on the top of Tianyu Mountain, where he read books and carved rosary beads every day, enriching his trump cards all the time.

Han Lang was not idle either. He was carving a token weapon every day, but his speed of making tokens was much slower than Xia Ji's.

The two waited at the top of the mountain for another seven days.

Han Lang asked: "Why hasn't the new king come yet?"

Xia Ji: "Wait a little longer."

So, the two waited for another three days.

Xia Ji felt a little weird in his heart.

"You wait on the mountain, I'll go look around."

After saying that, Xia Ji took one step forward and headed down the mountain as if he was crossing the sky.

I don’t know if it’s fate or destiny.

He found the body of a young man in the grass at the foot of the mountain. The young man had a majestic appearance and a strong back and strong waist. He was really extraordinary.

With a thought in his heart, he took out a drop of blood from the corpse, and then grabbed a jade bottle from the storage space.

Raise your hand and suck.

A drop of blood also flew out from the mouth of the bottle. The blood was said to belong to the founder of the Shang Dynasty.

This is the method that the family told him to verify the new king. People who are destined to be the same will naturally attract each other.

The new king was not randomly set up by them, but was calculated by the ancestors that "the son of destiny will come to Tianyu Mountain this winter", so Xia Ji only had to wait in advance, wait until he did the test, and then pass the test.

at this time,

The two drops of blood were held in Xia Ji's palm, floating quietly in the air.

Xia Ji breathed a sigh of relief. Apparently, he had thought too much.

How could the Son of Destiny die like this

He probably hasn't come yet.

However, this thought just passed through his mind,

The two hanging drops of blood that were not related by blood suddenly moved, moving faster and faster, and now they were glued together, shining with some mysterious light.

Even Xia Ji was stunned for a few seconds.

He quickly sent the blood drop into the jade bottle.

He drew a living talisman in the void and then hit the boy in front of him, but it was useless.

He continued to draw, five lines in a row, and they penetrated into the young man's body.

If the Six Paths of Life Talisman is removed, as long as the person is still breathing, he can be revived.

However, the boy was indeed dead.

Xia Ji stretched out his hand and found that his neck was broken.

He continued to investigate and found a small cloth bag in the young man's arms, but it was empty. Apparently, money had been stored there, but it had been stolen.

Did you encounter bandits

Xia Ji looked at the sky in astonishment.

God, are you kidding me

He closed his eyes and thought carefully. Tianyu Mountain is close to the East China Sea. If he had not saved the people and retreated the tsunami, the place would have been submerged by the sea long ago, and there would be no people at all.

But just because the tsunami had receded early, people still lived here, and this place was in a chaotic zone, so there were still bandits and bandits roaming around to commit crimes.

So, a bandit who shouldn't exist in the original timeline showed up, snatched away the Son of Destiny, and even killed people to silence him

The aristocratic family was right, he was indeed an anomaly.

Now he, an anomaly, has accidentally killed the Son of Destiny

When Xia Ji touched the body, it was still warm.

He suddenly let go of his consciousness, and after a brief search, he felt someone peeping from the southeast.

The man who was peeping was tall and powerful, with a gray turban on his head and an iron rod tightly clutched in his hand. He was lying behind a tree covered with snow on the gray ground.

When this person saw someone coming again, he was ready to rush over.

But as soon as he moved, he was grabbed by a shrewd little man beside him.

"Look carefully, this time it's not a fat sheep."

"Why not?"

"Look at that aura, it's totally high... Where's the person? He was there just now, why did he suddenly disappear?"

The shrewd little man was shocked.

When he came back to his senses, the man who was far away suddenly appeared next to him.

The burly bandit reacted quickly. He grabbed the iron bar and danced with a strong wind, expecting someone to hit him, but the person didn't move at all and let him hit him.


The iron rod hit hard, and the burly bandit felt like it was hit by a ball of thunder and lightning, and the terrible power was reflected back from the iron rod.

Click click click.

His bones, starting from his hand bones to his entire body, were shattered by the force of this feedback.

Another shrewd bandit was dumbfounded.

Before he could react, he was grabbed by this terrifying person from a distance.

After a few seconds,

Xia Ji left the bandit in front of the young man and asked, "Tell me."

The bandit's expression changed drastically.

Xia Ji said: "Don't worry, no relatives or reasons."

The bandit then kowtowed and said: "Great hero, I have an old man..."


The cold and biting voice suddenly made the bandit tremble in fear. He then said: "This young man was hiking alone. My two brothers naturally robbed him, but my brother's attack was neither gentle nor heavy. He broke his neck with a stick."

Xia Ji asked: "Did he say anything?"

The bandit recalled, "If I had said..."

"Say it."

"He said a lot of crazy things before he died, saying that Ji Xuan was guided by the gods and came here to find people who could help him. He would never die, he would definitely not die."

As the bandit spoke, he took out a small cloth bag from his arms, "He...all his things are here."

Xia Jidao: "To be honest, I am the guard of this young master. Now that he is dead, I can't help you. There are many people in your village. If there are many, please introduce me to join them."

The little bandit said in shock: "There is no cottage, just the two of us..."

Xia Ji nodded, relieved, he could tell that the bandit was not lying, so he killed the bandit with a casual blow.

His last hope was shattered. The son of destiny was really dead, and the body was cooling rapidly.

What to do

He thought for a moment, then suddenly bent down and picked up the young man, and then quickly headed to the top of the mountain.

Maybe there is another way.

His heartbeat suddenly accelerated a little.

Xia Ji's body was like a strong wind, and it didn't take long for him to reach the top of the mountain.

Han Lang was sitting in the heavy snow carving tokens.

Suddenly there was the sound of hurried footsteps in his ears. He turned his head and saw the powerful immortal rushing towards him, with a touch of... anxiousness on his face

"Quickly, seize him!"

Xia Ji urged.

Han Lang:? ?

Xia Ji did not speak, but quickly wrote on the ground, "He is the person I was waiting for, but there was an accident and he died. Although he is dead, he must live, so you take his body immediately."

Han Lang looked at this line of words and felt his heart beat faster.

As a half-dragon who has been bathed in incense for thousands of years, he naturally knows what it means to be the founder of a dynasty for a thousand years.

But why do these destined children die

Xia Ji urged: "There is no time."

The half-dragon nodded. Before he was controlled by Xia Ji, he was only standing on the periphery of the killing calamity. Now, with this seizure, he has instantly entered the center of the killing calamity, but it is also where the greatest opportunity lies.

He pointed two fingers at the center of the corpse's eyebrows, and fluctuations in the soul were heard.


Han Lang let out a shrill scream.

Xia Ji stretched out his hands and hurriedly propped up the soundproof air mask. When he looked carefully, he saw Han Lang's eyes turned white and he looked in pain.

It is extremely difficult to seize the destiny's son and accept his fate, even if it is just to enter the corpse, because it involves unknown fate and luck.

Xia Ji waited quietly. He could feel the progress of the half-dragon through the contract. Although it was difficult, it was still progressing.

Gradually, Han Lang fell softly, and the boy who was originally a corpse began to twitch like a ghost.

After a long time...

The young man finally stopped struggling and opened his eyes extremely weakly.

Xia Ji took out a few precious life-saving elixirs from the storage space and put them into his mouth, and then Luck extradited them to help him recover.

Been so busy for a long time.

The half-dragon slowly regained his composure, and he smiled bitterly: "Fortunately, I have a thousand years of incense power, otherwise I would definitely die this time."

"Did you make it?"

The half-dragon nodded: "Successful. I can feel that there is infinite strange potential in this body, but all my own power is gone. I am also completely trapped in this body. From now on, I am really him. .”

Xia Ji had a strange feeling in his heart.

The Son of Destiny was killed by him, but there happened to be a half-dragon beside him who could occupy the body of the Son of Destiny. Another person wouldn't be able to do it.

One drink and one peck, this is the number.

Another example is the way of heaven to bring order out of chaos and bring everything back to its original line.

"From now on, you will be the True Dragon Emperor, even if you don't need the power of a half-dragon."

The two looked at each other.

There was a long silence.

Xia Ji continued: "From now on, your name will be Ji Xuan. When you entered the mountain, you received a stick from a bandit and forgot many things.

You come to the top of the mountain and worship me as your teacher. I will teach you the Little Black Dragon Qi and the Black Dragon Code, as well as all kinds of knowledge. "

The young man sat in a daze for a long time, and finally accepted the current situation.

Xia Jidao: "We still have a lot of time."

"What are you going to teach me?"

"Major course, acting."