Long Live The Emperor!

Chapter 149: The Ice Emperor's win over


The eldest princess opened the door, with a heart-wrenching expression, and began to transmit the message,

But her voice was completely different from the expression on her face, and she even smiled: "Your acting skills are not bad, how did you practice it?"

Xia Ji didn't hide his voice at all, as if he didn't want to talk quietly about anything with the woman in front of him.

He said sternly: "Elder Princess, it's good that you have shown me the kindness of knowing me, but I, Feng Nanbei, will repay this kindness!"

With tears in her eyes, the eldest princess continued to transmit: "How can you pay it back? Why don't you treat me to a nice meal? No, one meal is not enough, why not treat me to a lifetime meal?"

Xia Ji responded nonchalantly, with a righteous look on his face and said: "A one-sided statement?! Does the eldest princess think that I, Feng, have no eyes? I will find out about this matter. If Feng wrongly blames the princess, he will bear the blame." "

The eldest princess turned her head away, biting her lip, her expression was charming and lovable, but her voice came with a smile: "When you are carrying a thorn, can I bring my own whip and candle?"

Xia Ji's voice transmission: "Be serious. In addition, Nanjiangfang in the south of Juye City has good taste. You can try it. Be sure to order the grilled fish. The chef's skills are outstanding."

The two were communicating, but the scene seemed extremely silent.

The atmosphere is like frozen ice cubes,

Revealing strangeness,

With the cold,

Goodbye Jun Feijun, already a stranger.

Finally, the eldest princess stopped transmitting messages. She seemed to be completely disappointed with the man in front of her.

She sighed softly, then showed a charming smile: "Feng Nanbei, I forgot to tell you that Su Yi is Su Bingxuan's cousin."

Xia Ji whispered: "So what?"

The tears on the eldest princess's face have disappeared. She can encounter betrayal and suspicion, but she will not lose herself. She stepped forward, stretched out her hand to straighten Xia Ji's hair, and said with an undisguised smile: "I heard People say that Nanjiangfang in the south of Juye City has good taste. I'll wait for you tonight. I'll treat you to a treat, and you can take care of me and wash away the dust, okay?"

Her voice was as soft as sweet honey, making it impossible for men to refuse.

Although Xia Ji hadn't refused yet, he had already closed his eyes and lowered his head.

The eldest princess continued: "Since ancient times, true and false, false and true, can't be seen from the surface. Maybe you misjudged me, Su Yueqing, yesterday, but today, you misjudged me again, but I still It's me, I'm never afraid of others misunderstanding me. The pure will be pure and the turbid will be turbid. If a few words can alienate you and me, then I, Su Yueqing, really look down on you."


The eldest princess's temperament has changed. She is no longer like a annoying kitten, but has become a noble swan. She turned around and took two steps, and said softly: "Tonight, I will wait for you."

At the same time, the message was transmitted: "It's up to you, don't come, I only order for one person."

From an outsider’s perspective,

After the eldest princess said these five words, she seemed to be waiting for something, but the emperor just closed her eyes and did not reply a word.

The eldest princess didn't wait any longer. She had already left the place and even left the manor's protective formation. When she arrived at the shore of Jinghu Lake, more than ten people surrounded her and crowded her into a luxurious golden car. The carriage went far away.

Xia Ji walked to the edge of Jinghu Lake and stood there for a long time.

Before he knew it, Su Bingxuan was standing beside him.

The first sentence he said: "I have many cousins, it doesn't matter if I have one more or one less."

Then he said the second sentence: "I have very few left and right arms. If anyone wants to cut off one of them, I will fight to the death with that person."

After resolving the eldest princess's provocation.

Su Bingxuan gently patted Xia Ji's shoulder and said nothing more, "Nan Bei, tonight I will take you to see the real prosperity of the world."

Xia Ji shook his head, his pupils were like ice that had not yet melted.

Su Bingxuan laughed loudly and said: "This woman is very clever, she can change the situation, and she is my enemy. I admire her secretly in my heart. But I have found out clearly that she is not from the Su family, but I don't have enough evidence to persuade her." Just serve other people.

It's perfectly normal for you to be seduced by her few words.

It doesn't matter, you and I had misunderstandings in the past, but today we have settled our misunderstandings, and we will be brothers to each other in the future. "

The Ice Emperor walked to the lake and opened his hands: "The great catastrophe has begun. It is a great danger and a great opportunity. In the past, the Su family could not live for three hundred years, but now we have a chance to live for thousands of years! North and South , such a great opportunity, don’t waste it on the love between your children.”

The ice in Xia Ji's eyes seemed to have melted slightly. He glanced sideways at the Ice Emperor and said, "I'm not going anywhere."

The Ice Emperor smiled. It seemed that Feng Nanbei was still unwilling to express his position. He should not accept the invitation from the eldest princess or himself. This is what a person should really be like, so he did not force it and just said: " I understand."

Xia Ji turned around and left, leaving Ice Emperor alone standing by the lake, his eyes moving slightly.

late at night.

Xia Ji didn't go to anyone's banquet.

He sat on the long fishing trestle of Jinghu Manor, drinking strong wine and admiring the winter moon.

The cold air of winter passes over the lake surface, biting people's bones and causing endless loneliness and loneliness.

The wine has a cooling property. After entering the throat, it burns the warmth of life, and then even the heart becomes cold.

The moonlight gradually faded away, and another heavy snow fell from the sky. The cold weather seemed to drive people back to the house.

Xia Ji returned to the house,

The interior of the house is extremely luxurious,

But it's empty.

He was like a tired traveler, unloading a heavy burden. However, even the sound of footsteps would be extremely harsh. Apart from the sound of falling snow, he was the only voice left in the world.

"Ah… "

Xia Ji let out a breath of white air, rubbed his hands, and prepared to take a bath and go to bed.

However, he suddenly frowned because there was someone behind him.

A young girl.

Beautiful girl.

The hair on the temples is slightly messy,

Skin color pink,

A pretty face looked over nervously.

And as if she was too nervous, she trembled with fright and shook off the sheet, revealing the boundless spring scenery underneath.

The girl hurriedly grabbed the quilt with both hands, and hurriedly pulled the quilt up to her chin as if she was frightened. A pair of eyes looked at Xia Ji with fear and expectation.

The originally cold and lonely house seemed to suddenly have warmth, and other sounds besides footsteps also increased.

"My lady...I...slave..."

The girl changed three modal words in a row, and then continued, "Master, please have mercy on this slave, ah, no, don't have mercy on this slave."

Xia Ji: "Did Su Bingxuan ask you to come?"

The girl looked confused, obviously not knowing who Su Bingxuan was.

"Did the Ice Emperor ask you to come?"

The girl was still confused.

"Do you know where this is?"

The girl was still confused.

Xia Ji then asked: "Who are you? How did you get here?"

The girl said: "My name is Nan Fengrou, and I am number one on the Hundred Flowers List. Tonight was supposed to be my wedding night... but the wedding was just taking place, and I was robbed here. No, it was not robbed, it was I came here willingly. I just ask the master to pamper this slave for one night."

Xia Ji immediately understood that this was the Ice Emperor's method to win over him, but this method was really... unique, and it fully satisfied people's desires.

"You spend the night and leave tomorrow."

Nan Fengrou suddenly thought of "what would happen to the whole family if she could not serve the man in front of her properly." She suppressed the pain in her heart and flattered her with a sweet smile, "Tonight is Rou'er's wedding night, since If your husband is not here, Master will accompany me to Wushan Yunyu, okay?"

Xia Ji sent a message: "Does it mean that if you don't accompany me, the family will suffer disaster?"

Nan Fengrou was stunned for a moment, and then said: "It's Rou'er who wants it."

Seeing her stunned, Xia Ji understood from the bottom of his heart that the aristocratic family was really unscrupulous in their actions. The world was completely their back garden. These so-called beauties and eldest ladies of the aristocratic family were just born in the back garden. Flowers are available for picking.

I now have three choices:

One, go to bed, this is how you enter the Ice Emperor camp.

Second, he begged for her favor and owed the Ice Emperor a favor.

Third, no matter what, the Ice Emperor would really send people to destroy her entire clan.

Ice Emperor is sure that he is a person who values love and justice, so he will never choose the third one. Then, no matter how he chooses, he will always be the winner.

And if he really had any feelings for this girl, the Ice Emperor would snatch her away directly and let her follow him as a slave, thus joining his camp again.

Xia Ji wanted to understand this and went to take a shower.

Nan Fengrou waited nervously.

Xia Ji put on her nightgown and sat beside the bed, "Go a little further in."

Nan Fengrou immediately rolled into the bed.

Xia Ji raised his hand, drew a line in the center of the bed, and then started to sleep.

Nan Fengrou stretched out her hand tentatively, but as soon as her hand touched the invisible line, she felt shocked back by a powerful infuriating energy. She was secretly shocked.

Where exactly are you

What kind of existence is this man who needs to sleep with him

What is that mysterious force that can suppress the husband on the Heavenly List with just one move, and even make his father, the head of the Yinanfeng family, dare not be angry or speak out

You must know that his father, Nanfeng Changkong, is a legend in the world. His every move and every move has become a Dharma. He is so dominant that no one dares to touch him. Even the city lord or the powerful people from all over the world will give up some face.

Looking at the young man who seemed to be sleeping soundly, Nan Fengrou suppressed his original humiliation and fear and looked at him curiously.

He is very young, with hanging black hair, a bit of gray that does not belong to his age, some stubble, and a strange magical power exuding from his whole body.

Nan Fengrou was the number one in the Jianghu Hundred Flowers List, so she had naturally seen thousands of men, all of them romantic talents and talented young heroes, but all of them combined could not compare to the mysterious young man in front of her.

She only felt that she was just a frog at the bottom of a well, and now she was forcibly brought to the top of the well, and then she got a glimpse of the real corner of the world.

"Are you still worried?"

The sound came suddenly, and Nan Fengrou was startled.

Xia Ji turned his back to her and said through a message: "If you are worried, just do it yourself and call it a night."

Nan Fengrou:…

She gritted her teeth, suddenly lifted the quilt, revealing her flawless white body, and asked: "Master, isn't this slave beautiful?"

Xia Ji didn't look back.

Hundreds of years of beauty turn into withered bones,

If you can't accompany you on this journey, don't leave any trace of love behind.

Therefore, he continued to say: "Call it yourself, just make it more realistic."

After saying that, he blocked his ears with Qi and fell asleep soon after.

Nan Fengrou couldn't help but laugh or cry. After thinking about it carefully, she started to scream. For a moment, the house was filled with spring scenery.

Xia Ji had a good sleep. Nan Fengrou looked at him with complicated eyes, combed his hair and put a shirt on him, and then asked: "Who are you?"

Xia Ji said: "Miss Nanfeng, just think of it as a nightmare. We will never meet again."

"I've never seen a man like you."

Xia Ji didn't answer, but said calmly: "The person who will take you back should be here this morning, so get ready."

After saying that, he stood up and prepared to leave.

A voice came from behind.


Xia Ji paused.

"Thank you."

Winter snow fell all night, covering five inches of the studio.

Xia Ji and Su Bingxuan sat opposite each other. The table was filled with exquisite meals. Each portion was very small, only enough for two or three bites, but they were all rare items.

The two of them had a good understanding and ate breakfast quietly.

From time to time, some silver shavings would fall off the eaves and be blown down by the wind.

But before they could touch the two of them, they were pushed away by a gentle force of energy.

After meal.

Serve tea.

Su Bingxuan waved his hand: "Exchange wine."

Here comes the wine.

Su Bingxuan poured a glass for Xia Ji, and then said, "Don't Nanbei like that woman?"

With just this sentence, Xia Ji knew that Su Bingxuan knew about last night's show and was forcing him to plead for mercy.

So, he whispered: "After all, I didn't grow up in Su's family."

Su Bingxuan laughed and said: "Okay! I just like your character. If it were anyone else, I would have comforted you carefully last night and then consummated the marriage with that woman.

There are very few people in the Su family who value love and justice like you. Don't worry, for your sake, I won't touch the Nanfeng family again. "

He raised it high and put it down gently. When forcing Xia Ji to think about whether to ask for mercy or not, he took the initiative to offer favors.

Xia Ji couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this Ice Emperor is truly a hero of a generation, and every move he makes contains his unique courage.

However, it is a pity that the two of them are on completely different paths. There has always been incompatibility between him and the aristocratic family.

Su Bingxuan said: "In a few days, according to the family arrangement, we need to go to the north. Firstly, we can let the new king gain more knowledge. Secondly, we can let him see the fire calamity. Thirdly, we need to face the fire calamity outside and take out the fire calamity. A wisp of demonic fire can enter the eleventh realm. It is now cold winter, and the fire tribulation has just begun again. It is the time to explore outside. The family is fully prepared for this matter. Although we are going to contact the fire tribulation, we will not An accident occurred.”

Xia Ji nodded.

Su Bingxuan said: "When the time comes, both she and I will go."

After saying this, Ice Emperor looked deeply at Xia Ji.

Xia Ji's eyes hesitated for a moment, then slowly lowered their eyes, but did not meet his gaze.

Su Bingxuan instantly understood what he meant, and then whispered softly: "North and South, people always have to make a choice. You value love and justice. I won't force you. I will give you a chance to repay this love."

Xia Ji closed his eyes, poured himself ten glasses of wine, and drank them all in one gulp.

Finally, he squeezed the wine glass slightly with his fingers and said slowly: "Thank you, Emperor."

Hearing these three words, Ice Emperor smiled.

He knew that at this moment, the man in front of him had already made his choice.

Xia Ji lowered his head.

He knew that at this moment, the Ice Emperor in front of him had begun to truly trust him.