Long Live The Emperor!

Chapter 166: Things began to take an unknown turn


Xia Ji and Su Tian appeared on the land outside the pass.

Although it is March now, spring has been delayed in coming to the north.

The sky is light gray,

There are still scattered light snows falling.

Thousands of obstacles, beacon towers, and majestic passes are all still covered in silver.

Su Tian opened her eyes wide and scanned everything, her eyes filled with curiosity about "the future of living in this world".

Xia Ji thoughtfully put a black cloak on her.

Su Tian took advantage of the situation and fell on him.

Xia Ji suddenly asked: "Is it beautiful?"

Su Tian said: "Beautiful. But what if it's a thousand years later? What if it's ten thousand years later?"

Without waiting for Xia Ji's answer, Su Tian continued: "I guess the mountains will turn into woodland, the sea will turn into mulberry fields, the flying snow will still fall, and the sun will still rise, but what remains unchanged is that everything in the world will still be the same beauty. But if If this beauty lacks my testimony, what does it matter to me whether it is beautiful or not? So, North and South, after you and I have completed reproduction, I will concentrate on becoming stronger and pursue immortality and freedom. Don’t you think? "

Xia Ji was silent.

Su Tian raised her head and pointed to the sky, "Look, the sky is so gloomy, but outside the sky is the vast sea of stars. Don't you think this world is like a small cage, trapping us in it, and those The stars are terrifying cosmic monsters. They look at us from outside the cage, observe us, suppress us, and do not want us to transcend. However, we all want to coexist with heaven and earth, and we can pay any price for this, right? "

Xia Ji remained silent.

Su Tian turned around and hugged him tightly, and said softly: "North and South, what you see can be false, and what you hear is not true."

Xia Ji asked calmly: "Who are you?"

"Su Tian."

"You don't sound like a girl."

"You are immature and you still blame me?"

"what on earth do you want?"

"Have a baby with you."

"Believe it or not, I will..."

"Come on." Su Tian raised her face and puffed out her chest, not afraid at all.

Xia Ji pretended to reach out.

But Su Tian was faster than him. She instantly knocked down the man in front of her, then straddled him, pressing her hands on his chest to prevent him from getting up.

Xia Ji flipped over and moved to the upper position, pressing her shoulders above her chest with both hands.

Su Tian twisted her body again,

The two of them twisted together and rolled on the sand dune.

Dust is flying, snow is flying,

Until Xia Ji completely straddled her,

Su Tian twisted her waist again,

But Xia Ji was very depressed,

The two looked at each other breathlessly.

a long time.

Xia Ji suddenly said without any clue: "My mother was very good to me, but she died young."

Su Tian said: "I have heard of the Six Paths Jedi. The dead may not be unable to be revived. As long as she is still alive in your mind, you can find her by the underworld."

The two looked at each other quietly.

Su Tian's expression suddenly changed. She grabbed Xia Ji's wrist coquettishly and moved it down slowly. Xia Ji hurriedly pulled away her hand. Su Tian took the opportunity to straighten up, then stood up from the ground and dusted himself off. dust, then grabbed Xia Ji's hand and said: "We came early, the other four major families should not have arrived yet... Well, why don't I take you to see the other families quietly."

With that said, she pulled Xia Ji and ran.

It looked like an adolescent girl eloping with a boy.


Su Tian took Xia Ji to visit the entrances of the other four major families outside the pass.

The entrance to the Zhou family is hidden at the bottom of the desert.

The entrance to God's house is hidden in a black stone that is immobile in the ground.

The entrance to Wu's house is in the shadow of a sand dune. No matter how it changes, the sand dunes will always pile up at night and cast a shadow.

The entrance to the Lu family is actually in a ball of air, but without someone to guide you, you will never find that ball of air no matter how hard you look.

Night falls.

Su Tian suddenly started to take off her clothes.

She took off her clothes until she was exposed to a large area of snow-white skin, and she took off her clothes until only her clothes were left.

Then, she wrapped herself in a black blood-edged cloak and threw another one to Xia Ji.

"This is the Wu family's family uniform. It has the Wu family's specific aura on it. You will not be attacked if you enter the Wu family."

Xia Ji was really disturbed by the behavior pattern of the woman in front of him. Everything this woman did should have been discovered by him after all the hard work, but now, this woman gave him everything he wanted. he.

He couldn't refuse this gift because he wanted to know where the entrances of other major families were in his dreams.

Su Tian has everything a man can imagine, and can satisfy the feelings of all men and women, whether it is physical or mental.

Xia Ji's spirit can't help but fluctuate,

I can't help but think "How wonderful it would be if she really was an ordinary woman",

Or think, "If she pretends to be fake, then I can be conceited."

But what this woman showed now was no longer in the realm of acting. Every cell in Xia Ji's body could feel her sincerity, sincerity, and her deep love for him.

At the same time, Xia Ji himself also developed an expectation to reproduce with her, which was difficult to suppress.

This can only explain one point.

The woman in front of him was at least on the same life level as him.

Males and females are attracted to each other only if they are at the same level of life.

But there's a problem.

Xia Ji knew what he had been through and what kind of trump cards he had, so why should the woman in front of him do so

Is there such a woman in the Su family

have no idea.

Is there such a person


He recalled the scene he had seen in the genealogy:

Gold gathers on it,

Red is densely packed across almost half of the family tree.

And black, only in the bottom few lines...

However, the only name in the first line is black.

No need to think about it, that name is the ancestor of the Su family.

If there really is someone in the Su family who has the same life level as himself, then it can only be the ancestor of the Su family.


Inferring from this, Su Tian is the ancestor of the Su family.

So quickly, are you going directly to the king

But this inference brings a lot of problems.

The first question is motivation.

But he couldn't estimate the motives of a monster that had lived for thousands of years.

While he was thinking about it, Su Tian said: "Why are you dazed? Quickly change your clothes. I will take you to the first level of the Wu family for a walk."

Xia Ji looked at the shadow printed by the sand dune and suddenly shook his head: "I don't want to see it."

Su Tian: "Are you afraid?"

Without waiting for Xia Ji to speak, she smiled and said, "Are you afraid that I and the Wu family will ambush you? Do you want me to swear a poisonous oath?"

Xia Ji looked at this person who had been with him for several months.

A mysterious woman who has gone from blind date to "acquaintance" and even to mutual attraction.

In his impression, when the ancestor of the Su family came out of seclusion, wasn't there a vision of heaven and earth, lightning and thunder, and the ancestor shouted "You dare, thief" from a distance, and then appeared with a bunch of magic weapons

Then he either suppressed it or was temporarily repulsed. After the hatred escalated, he suppressed it again, and then brought out the old ancestor behind the ancestor, the old ancestor, etc.

Sure enough, none of the novels I read in my previous life were consistent with the real situation...

What is the situation now

Su Tian stretched out her hand and shook it in front of him: "What are you thinking about again?"

Xia Jidao: "Su Tian, let's have a spar."

Su Tian said plausibly: "My Dharmakaya is just a little variegated dragon. I will crush anyone who comes, and I have never fought with a master. Sir, you are experienced and want to compete with me. Do you want to bully me?"

Xia Ji didn't talk nonsense to her. With a smile, he turned his right hand and pulled out the white sword Wanli Shengyunwu.

The extremely concentrated mist exploded instantly,

With him as the center, it was like a tsunami rushing towards all directions.

In the moonlight,

on the dunes

Thick fog rolled in, and his figure disappeared in a few moments.

Su Tian said: "Sir, what's wrong with you?"

"Have a discussion."


Su Tian also took out a weapon. Her weapon was very strange.

This kind of weapon is called a flying hook.

But the other end of the flying hook is a knife.

The black hook and the knife are connected by a chain of unknown length.

Su Tian holds the hook in her right hand and the handle of the knife in her left hand, very much like the old masters in the world of low-level martial arts.

Xia Ji deeply understands the principle of "the weirder the weapon, the faster you will die." No matter in this world or in the stories he read in his previous life, he has never seen a BOSS use such a weapon.

Su Tian said: "Sir, I will take action first."

After saying that, she made a cooing sound, and the black hook in her hand suddenly came to life, heading towards Xia Ji in the mist, accompanied by a silver dragon.

Xia Ji tilted his head slightly, and the black hook and silver dragon dharma image passed directly through the side of his head without hurting him at all.

And at this moment,

Xia Ji's right arm has completed its deformation, covered with black scales, and the palm has become larger, like a basin. The white knife held between the five fingers is completely pulled by a flow of air, and it does not even touch the skin.

Bang! !

He stepped on it, making a loud sound that exploded on the ground. The yellow sand rolled and tried to escape in all directions with the thick fog.

The endless air flow is like the anger of the deep sea. When the deep pit suddenly appears, the sky is filled with gravel and smoke.

And in this completely blurred world, a figure dragged out the afterimage slowly and quickly, and slashed at the woman opposite with a white knife.

The blade is covered with a silver dragon, and the black dragon has a dual appearance. Between the roars of the two dragons, the power is overpowered and released.

Su Tian originally wanted to fly out with the flying hook to dodge, but Xia Ji's speed was too fast. She subconsciously used her left hand to draw the knife. The Silver Dragon Dharma Appearance suddenly raised its head, and the powerful Eleventh Level blood energy also exploded.

when! !

In the loud noise,

She blocked the blow, but retreated sharply.

Xia Ji didn't take a step back, he continued to increase his strength.

every attack,

The noise grew louder and louder.

Su Tian was like a lone boat drifting in the angry sea, enduring the stormy attack.

Bang! !


The flying hook in Su Tian's hand was chopped off and flew away.

Xia Ji's knife carried terrifying power and fell on Su Tian's neck. Then the knife penetrated the skin and continued to cut in. Blood flew out, but when it reached the last trachea, the knife stopped.

The two looked at each other quietly.

The fog slowly dispersed.

Su Tian's body softened and she fell forward.

Xia Ji moved forward at the same time, opened his hands and hugged her.

"Are you not afraid at all?"

"I'm afraid."

"Can you be reborn after you die?"

"I don't."

"Are you...the ancestor of the Su family?"

After this sentence was asked, both of them fell into extreme silence.


Su Tian added: "It used to be, but now I am only nineteen years old."

Xia Ji really didn't expect people to be so honest.

He never thought that the confrontation between him and the ancestor of the Su family would be like this.


He didn't even think about what to do next.

Whether she was or not, she should have said no, not yes.

This answer had subverted all his assumptions.

So he tentatively asked: "You gave me twenty years..."

Su Tian said: "Retrieve the immortal demon fire, and I will see you."

Xia Ji:…

Su Tian was afraid that he wouldn't believe it, so she pointed at the white knife in front of him: "This knife is called Wan Lisheng Yunwu, I gave it to you."

Xia Ji:…

The next second, he immediately stood up and said respectfully: "Feng Nanbei has met the ancestor. I don't know his identity. It's very offensive."

Su Tian ignored him, sat on the sand, and glanced at him: "Don't talk nonsense. Help me stop the bleeding, and I will continue."

Xia Ji did not move.

Su Tian just looked at him.

After watching for a while, she lost too much blood and fainted.

Xia Ji could feel that he really fainted.

He sat in the moonlight, and for the first time in his life, he felt that the chess game in front of him had been completely blown away.

He didn't believe that the ancestor of the Su family would really die. If he fainted, he would faint.

After sitting for a while, he saw that the face was extremely pale and breathless. It was obvious that this ancestor was waiting for him to stop the bleeding. She even suppressed the healing power of the eleventh realm.

Xia Ji didn't believe it.

Until the ancestor's heartbeat almost stopped.

Xia Ji then stepped forward, drew a talisman, and hit Su Tian. The latter let out a soft groan, and his expression regained its composure.

"Ancestor, there are many offenses in the north and south." He pretended to be hesitant to touch the ancestor just now.

However, Su Tian opened her eyes slightly and said weakly: "Stop pretending, Xia Ji."

Xia Ji looked confused.

Su Tian asked: "Does the hatred between you and me lie in your mother's right, in the pain you have suffered, or in the different beliefs that you insist on like your half-sister

I said, the Six Paths Jedi can resurrect the dead.

You can torture me however you want with your pain.

As for faith, it’s just that you have never stood high and looked far away. Give me some time and I will show you the scenery of heaven and earth. If your heart is bigger and your sight is far away, you will naturally understand that the differences between you and me are actually just angles. different. "

Xia Ji:…

Su Tian said: "You want to ask why I defined you as an outlier before and now treat you like this, right?"

Xia Ji:…

While the two were talking, two figures suddenly appeared not far away, and then two more figures...

The man who came first was wrapped in heavy armor.

Each plate on the armor is painted with a skull and flower pattern.

The man said: "Is it the Su family? Why are you at the Wu family exit?"

Before the two of them could answer, a figure suddenly appeared from the other side, "It's Miss Tian'er. I didn't expect us to meet again so soon."

The figure of the visitor appeared in the moonlight. He was a man wearing a black cloak with blood edges. He had sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, and his pupils were like spots of paint, but he exuded a strange aura.

The man glanced around and suddenly said: "Were you attacked?"

He scanned again and saw the blood on the snow-white sand. He suddenly leaned over, put his finger on the blood and brought it to his nose to smell it, "Su Tian, who hurt you?"

Su Tian ignored him, looked at Xia Ji and introduced, "This is the Wu family, named Wu Jue."

Then, she looked at the handsome man and said calmly: "Wu Jue, this is my fiancé, Feng Nanbei. How I got hurt has nothing to do with you."