Long Live The Emperor!

Chapter 32: Those who are extremely evil are reckless men


At this time, in a large house in the imperial capital.

Completely different from the "frozen bones in the snow all over the city, and the starved bones by the water under the bridge", here, mountains of delicious food are spread out, and sweet wine flows into rivers.

Among the mountains and rivers, dignitaries in rich and colorful clothes were chatting and laughing, as if all the disasters had nothing to do with them.

The man in charge had a dignified appearance, a calm temperament, and a somewhat frivolous agility in his eyes, which made him appear extraordinarily clever and intelligent. When people took one look at him, they couldn't help but secretly say, "This man is a shrewd man, absolutely brilliant." Don't bully others." And the temperament honed by the years is like hundred-forged fine steel, wrapping up the sharp edge of cleverness.

Even if he is just sitting, it makes people think that he must be a big shot.

This person is a bachelor, He Feng heard.

He stayed, not because he was abandoned, but because he had the same mission as the chief steward, to ensure that the prince died in battle, and then took the secret order with his confidants out of the east gate.

The bachelor is drinking wine. This wine is sweet and mellow, shaped like amber. When it is shaken, it is like the slow swaying of a beauty's gauze. It makes people intoxicated and can't help but kiss the fragrance. But unfortunately, the matter has not yet been decided, and the real beauty is missing. Being together is a bit disappointing after all.

Looking around again, although the colleagues around are drinking and drinking, but because the beauty's red sleeves are missing to add fragrance, it really lacks a lot of elegance and interest.

He Fengwen raised his glass and said, "Come here, I respect you all."

Everyone toasted in return.

Drink up one cup.

The man in rich attire beside the bachelor suddenly sighed and said, "When will your Majesty be able to return to the capital? It's hard for us veterans to wait."

He Feng heard: "Come on, it's not the Seventh Highness..."

"Your Majesty the Seventh Highness is just the most unpopular prince.

According to me, he deserves to die this time. If the king wants his minister to die, he must die, not to mention that he and your majesty are not only a king and a minister, but also a father and son.

Your Majesty asked him to die here and be a filial son and loyal minister, but he chose to be unfaithful and unfilial, haha. "

"If His Majesty Seventh Prince dies on the city wall, he will still be able to obtain a posthumous title, and he will die as the marshal of the world's soldiers and horses.

The royal family came to the front line in person and died on the front line. He was a hero who could ignite the anger of the entire Dashang Dynasty and serve as a guide for the king to reorganize the country in the coming spring. However, these Seventh Highnesses did not want to be such a hero. It's a pity, it's a shame. "

"I think this boy is tolerant by nature and has extraordinary talents. I don't know when he developed a powerful ability. He can defeat the Frost Giant by himself and reverse the crisis."

"Oh, Mr. Wen thinks that the defense of the imperial city is the result of Xia Ji alone? Are the 50,000 elite soldiers guarding the imperial city and the many common people just decorations

Xia Ji is a reckless man. To whom can he show his forbearance? What is the purpose of his forbearance? I am the Great Shang Yang Yang Emperor. What is he going to do? Does he think that he is destined by destiny and that he is the center of the world

Everyone has a destiny, and his destiny is to die in the imperial capital, at the top of the city, to prepare for the coming year. He goes against nature and does not know what is right or wrong. He is really a man without a king and a father! "

"What Sir Bi said is true. These people are unfaithful and unfilial. They act against nature. They don't know what to say. They think they are invincible after practicing a few skills and having some adventures. In fact, they are just clowns.

If I were him, even if I let the mob instigate me these days, I would only appease the mob and would not kill the mob indiscriminately at this time;

Or send someone to speak for him among the refugees. Doesn’t he have the brains to think that we don’t have instructions behind the many mobs

Fortunately, I still had a lot of back-ups left, just waiting for him to appease me and for him to send people to sneak in with the refugees, but these back-ups were actually not used...

Really, ridiculously stupid, pathetic, and pathetic, hahahahahahaha. "

"I don't know how many people were like this guy in ancient times, but as a result, they all died a bad death. This guy is nothing more than that, no different from those reckless men who died in the past.

Sirs, don't think too much. In my opinion, this man lacks strategy and has fallen into our trap. If the people's hearts are compared to a frying pan, what he does is like putting fire into the pot.

He has lost the support of the people, and he has nothing in the palace. Apart from the ninth princess who will marry the Turks next year, what friends does he have

Let me put it bluntly, if this guy wants to rebel, who will accompany him

And this son's thoughts are really very simple. Doesn't he just want to take advantage of this period to recruit more subordinates, such as General Deng? Haha, it's ridiculous, it's really ridiculous. "

"My lords, if it weren't for this son, the entire imperial city and even the refugees from the west would have suffered an unprecedented catastrophe, with countless deaths. After all, he was guarding the country's gate..."

"Tsk tsk tsk, Mr. Wen is a rising power after all. Our big business has a vast territory and tens of billions of people, so what if a few million die? As long as the country's foundation remains unchanged, then there will be a breeze blowing in our face."

"Lord Wen, please don't forget that this world belongs to one person. Everything is determined by destiny, and if you go against the will of heaven, it will bring about greater catastrophe."

"Wen Mou knows..."

Everyone has another drink.

After hearing this, He Feng smiled and said: "His Royal Highness Seventh is indeed too stupid. The Beikong Divine Monk from Leiyin Temple saw that he had a Buddhist connection, so he went down the mountain to enlighten him and asked him to give up his worldly connection and become a monk. But he actually Killing the Beikong Divine Monk is a self-inflicted crime.

However, we need to be careful and pass it on layer by layer, so that all the people in the imperial city will be on his opposite side. "

"Grand Bachelor, when will Your Majesty be able to..."

He Feng smiled and said: "Please be patient and deal with the situation in front of you. After your Majesty returned to the Southern Dynasty, he was taking advantage of the opportunity to gather all the forces and invite hidden scholars to do something big. It is said that Now one has been invited.

What's more, His Majesty's vanguard army to stabilize the imperial capital will soon arrive. "

"Grand Maester, I have something else I want to say to you."

"It doesn't matter if you compare yourself to adults. There are all trustworthy people here, so it doesn't matter if you speak frankly."

"Xia Ji, a reckless man, actually sent Eunuch Mei to secretly investigate us. It's a pity that he was cut off by my subordinates. But what's interesting is that Eunuch Mei, whom Xia Ji considers to be his confidant, actually secretly expressed his intention to surrender to us. What we mean.

It turned out that even the confidants of the reckless man did not believe that his master could succeed. It was ridiculous that the reckless man was still complacent. "

"Well... You must not act rashly, sir. Who knows whether this is true or false.

However, Eunuch Mei was originally an eunuch under His Majesty, and his right arm was crippled by His Majesty the Seventh Highness. The lack of hatred in his heart must be false, and the reason why he surrendered to His Majesty the Seventh Highness must have been frightened by his methods. , I thought deeply in my heart, and wanted to double the life of this slave, but now I see that the Seventh Highness is going his own way, so I am afraid, so his surrender may not be false. "

Academician He twirled his beard, rolled his shrewd and intelligent eyes, and then smiled and said, "Don't reject him, just let him monitor the Seventh Highness, but be careful not to let the Seventh Highness follow this line and catch him." your turn."

"Grandmaster, please don't underestimate me. Although I keep saying that Xia Ji is a reckless man, I have never looked down on anyone, especially this man who is good at forbearance, defeated Guifang, and possesses the legendary strength of a strong man. Prince, I can’t possibly despise you anymore.”

"That's good, don't show up, don't let anyone find out, and even pretend to help him if necessary."

"I am familiar with all of this. When it comes to force, a thousand old men are no match for him, but when it comes to means, hahaha."

Everyone looked at each other and smiled.

The flying snow was so majestic that it finally submerged the entire imperial city at nightfall. It swept and accumulated, accumulated and swept again, and finally continued to rise above the ankle.

Xia Ji lit a green lantern.

In the light, the Ninth Princess was still reading a book.

"The husband dragon is an insect, soft and can be carried and ridden; however, there are scales under its throat, and if a person has a baby, he will kill someone..."

Xia Ji glanced at her, with only gentleness in his eyes, and then sat under the snowy eaves.

Since the book here can only provide white and green skill beads, making magic weapons can obviously provide greater benefits.

He quietly carved the rosary.

He needs more rosaries.

Because the power of the magic weapon is related to its quantity.

Since one hundred and eight can be turned into a ten-foot golden Buddha palm, what can one thousand and eighty Buddha beads evolve into

When he was tired, he breathed a sigh of relief and looked sideways in the direction of Huaqing Lake.

The bait has been empty for a long time, are those strange fish about to take the bait

Since you haven't taken the bait yet, let's help them tomorrow...