Long Live The Emperor!

Chapter 34: I sat in the snow, picked up flowers and smiled


The next day.

In a large mansion in the imperial capital.

The bachelor twirled his beard and said with a smile: "Last night, Eunuch Mei came to report the news. This morning, His Highness the Seventh Prince really left the east gate and went to the direction of Leiyin Temple in Xumi Mountain. This trip takes three days. It seems that Your Highness is truly surrounded by no friends, surrounded by enemies on all sides, and ambushed on all sides."

"Whoever made him endure so much has a big conspiracy. It is normal for everyone to betray relatives and leave. Then I will do something when he leaves."

"No need..." the grand maester smiled, "he can't come back."

After thinking for a while, the bachelor added, "Even if he comes back, the vanguard generals used by the emperor to stabilize the imperial city have also arrived. What can he do on his own? What's more, there are nine princesses here, and he can kill them. It’s impossible to kill even the Ninth Princess, hahaha!”


"It's better to be still than to move, and it's better to be loose than to be tight. Anyway, the overall situation has been decided."

"Master He is still smart, hahaha."

The sky was full of wind and snow, Xia Ji took Beikong's relics, dressed in black plain clothes, and rode out of the east gate of the imperial city, heading straight for Mount Xumi.

It was almost noon when he arrived at Leiyin Temple.

Dusting off the snow from my clothes, I hiked up to the fifth peak of Mount Sumeru.

The gate of Leiyin Temple is closed, and there are no pilgrims coming and going.

Xia Ji immediately expressed his luck.

"Xia Ji, the seventh prince of the Great Shang Dynasty, has been invited to come to pay homage to the mountain and read books!!"

The powerful voice broke through the wind and snow, enveloped the entire Leiyin Temple, and then rolled around and spread out, clearly entering the ears of every monk in the temple.

After a while, the Zen door opened, and two novice monks stood on both sides, looking at the seventh prince with unkind expressions. This prince killed Beikong and destroyed Wenkong's Zen heart. How could they have any good intentions

When Xia Ji saw the door open, he stepped in directly. The two novices hurriedly closed the door.


The door is closed, isolating the world inside and outside.

In Leiyin Temple.

The abbot was wrapped in cassock and holding a Zen staff, standing in front of the Main Hall. The golden Buddha behind him looked down at the young prince who was walking towards the entrance step by step.

"Amitabha, Your Highness killed my senior brother Beikong and destroyed my senior brother Wenkong. Why are you still here?"

"I have an appointment with Wen Kong. If I win, he will lend me the Secret Treasure of Tathagata. If I lose, the Zen staff, rosary, and relics will be returned to him. He loses, so I come as promised.

As for Beikong, if he had no great karma, he would not die at all. "

"I was about to ask Your Highness, where did His Highness's magical weapon come from?"

"What does this have to do with the abbot?"

"I heard that His Highness transformed the golden Buddha's hand with a magic weapon. This golden Buddha's hand is a medium-grade magic weapon recorded in Leiyin Temple, but it has been lost for a long time. I am just curious as to why His Highness has it."

"Do you want to rob it?"

"Amitabha, if Your Highness doesn't want to say anything, I won't force you.

Originally, Lao Na was planning to exchange the secret treasure for Brother Kongbei's magical relic. Now that His Highness is here, Yuan Zhi, please take His Highness to the Sutra-Tiding Pavilion to view the secret treasure. "

"Yes, abbot." The little novice monk responded hurriedly, "Your Highness, please come with me."

Xia Ji raised his hand and threw Beikong's rosary and Zen staff relic.

The abbot took it and said "good".

The young novice led the way, and Xia Ji followed him deep into the temple.

Passed through a door.

Double doors.

The snow flow dispersed and was faintly misty. After a while, Xia Jixuan's clothes were stained with a lot of white, but his body was full of true energy, and all the white snow automatically bounced away as soon as it fell.

Behind the triple door, the young novice monk pointed to a small attic in the distance and said, "Your Highness, this is where it is."

Xia Ji raised his head and glanced at the words "Tibetan Scripture Pavilion", nodded slightly, then opened the door and walked into the attic. But as soon as he entered the attic, he frowned. There were many bookshelves in the dark, but even without lighting a lamp , he can also distinguish one thing:

There is not a single scripture on the bookshelf, they are all empty!

And at the same moment he stepped into the attic, the ground lit up.

A huge golden swastika emerged from the ground, and his foot happened to step on the center of the swastika.

This 卍 is huge, each arm wheel is nearly a hundred meters long, rotating slowly, lighting up the entire attic, and even the snow outside the attic, making the Leiyin Temple on the fifth peak of Mount Xumi shine brightly. The light breaks through the night sky.

At the same time, a strong sense of restraint came through. Xia Ji lowered his eyebrows and saw that Sanskrit chains had emerged from the ground at some point and wrapped around his body, making him unable to move.

"I didn't come uninvited, but I followed the agreement. Is this the way Leiyin Temple treats guests?"

With a calm question, nine rounds of scorching sun appeared around Xia Ji, and immediately the nine suns were suspended in the sky, merged into one, and turned into a scorching energy after the collision of stars, circled layer by layer, and swept wildly towards the surroundings. .

All the bookshelves, coffee tables, and wooden pillars were smashed into pieces by this vast force, and they fled wildly into the distance!

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom! ! !

Amidst the explosion, the Scripture-Depository Pavilion, which was empty of books, had been completely exploded by his energy and collapsed into ruins.

But even with such powerful energy, it could not loosen the chains that bound him.

Obviously, this is not a bound body.

Xia Ji didn't intend to use this to free himself from the restraints, he just wanted to see his surroundings clearly.

Now, without the obstruction of the house, everything is clear. There are four old monks sitting on the edge of the swastika, and there are many monks sitting outside the old monks.

All the monks lowered their eyebrows and lowered their eyes, holding wooden fish in their hands and chanting Buddhist sutras. The sound of the wooden fish turned into golden dust and went towards the golden swastika on the ground.

"Your Highness, it's useless. Just stay on my Mount Sumeru for a while."

The abbot walked slowly holding the Zen staff, stood in the distance and looked at the prince who was tied up in the center, smiled, then saluted with one hand and said "Amitabha".

Xia Jidao: "Is this the Xuan Formation Disk?"

The abbot said: "Your Highness actually recognizes it. Yes, this is the demon-suppressing array of my Leiyin Temple. Once you enter it, you can't help yourself. So, can your Highness tell me clearly now where your Highness's magic weapon came from?" ? This belongs to my Leiyin Temple, and should be returned to its original owner."

Snow is falling.

On the dark mountain top, there are many ancient temples.

In the center of the golden light, the young prince was restrained. There was no anger or hatred between his brows, only calm.

He asked lightly: "I just came down to Mount Sumeru, and you passed the judgment to the palace. Today I came to Sumeru as promised, but you used this array against me. Why?"

The abbot said calmly: "His Seventh Highness is a dead person and should have died on the city wall. The royal family died fighting on the city wall, which made the whole country angry. Then naturally, His Highness's brother avenged His Highness, reorganized the country, and regained the imperial capital.

However, His Highness went against the will of heaven and actually resisted the invasion of the ghosts. It is really a pity. At this time, I was just trying to bring order to the chaos. "

Xia Jidao: "Monk didn't help defend the city or fight against the aliens, but he blamed me for defending the city?"

Abbot: "Every drink and every peck is destiny. This is a great catastrophe for the imperial capital. Both Lao Na and the great and small commanders of the Tiansi Supervisory Bureau have completely determined that this is both a great catastrophe and a great prosperity. This is destiny, and no one can violate it. After this disaster, Dashang will usher in unprecedented glory in the hands of the new king, and defeating Guifang is just the beginning!

However, His Majesty Seventh Prince disrupted all this.

Therefore, I am not unmerciful, but very merciful. His Highness thought he had defended the city, but he blocked this opportunity for great prosperity. "

Xia Ji looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "So, I shouldn't defend the city? Should I let the aliens massacre the imperial city

I shouldn't live, but should die on the city wall? "

Abbot: "The destruction in Your Highness's eyes is the new life in my eyes. Reincarnation and death, how can there be new life if there is no destruction?"

Xia Ji let out a breath, and the monk in front of him revealed an important piece of information.

He said, "Whether it is Lao Nian or the big and small commanders of the Supervisory Tiansi, they have completely determined that this is both a great disaster and a great prosperity. This is the destiny, and no one can violate it." There is so much hidden in this sentence Too much stuff.

He even began to suspect that the emperor's evacuation, or even the death of the prince and one hundred thousand soldiers at Fenglang Pass, was far from simple.

Xia Jidao: "Then let me ask one last question. Who is this new king that the abbot said will bring unprecedented glory to Dashang?"

The abbot said: "His Highness will see it. After all, he only asked Lao Na to imprison His Highness and never asked Lao Na to kill His Highness. Now it's time for Your Highness to tell you where this magical weapon of yours came from, right?"

Xia Ji looked up at the sky, "Abbott, does he know how the magical weapons of Leiyin Temple were produced?"

The abbot said: "It was made by many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the Great Thunder Sound Temple in ancient times with great wisdom and perseverance."

Xia Jidao: "Then do you know what great wisdom and perseverance are?"

The abbot said calmly: "I don't know, I am not a Buddha or a Bodhisattva after all."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xia Ji suddenly said: "Then I will teach you."

These four words were extremely calm, but they were as loud as the Arhat ringing a bell in the Cloud Palace, ringing in the ears of the monks.

The abbot showed a surprised look and took two steps back. He saw that the seventh prince of Shang in front of him was completely different from before. His thumb and index finger were clasped together as if they were still as green mountains, and the rest of his fingers were relaxed and natural like floating clouds in the sky. It turned out to be I pinched the Tathagata's Dharma mudra.

"Listen to what I have to say."

The sound was like thunder, booming through the snowy night.

The lingering sound gradually subsided, and Xia Ji's Zen thoughts all over his body were like the blooming of twelve lotuses, vast and boundless, like a great river and sea flooding the surrounding land for miles.

The raging wind and snow touched his heart and fell quietly;

Hundreds of Buddha statues in the ancient temple moved to his heart, and they started to hum in unison;

The little beast in the snow sensed his affection and actually stuck its head out of the cave and clasped its paws together to look at the top of the mountain.

The shadow of a golden Buddha appeared from behind the prince.

The insteps of the Buddha's feet are placed on the two thighs, the soles of the feet are facing the sky, sitting in meditation, holding the Dharma mudra with the hands, closing the eyes, taking the path of truth to achieve enlightenment, seeming to be sleeping but giving people a sense of extreme peace and tranquility.

On the four arm chakras of the huge golden swastika, the old monks and monks were still chanting sutras, but the chanting sounds became more and more rapid, and the brows became more and more furrowed.

The Sanskrit chains were tightly entangled, but the place they were entangled was no longer the Seventh Prince of the Great Shang, but the Tathagata Dharma.

There was great shock on the abbot's calm face, and great fear arose in his heart. He wanted to point at the person in front of him and yell "evil heretic", but he didn't dare, because the true meaning of Tathagata's panic was right in front of him, and the Buddha was there. How can I ask questions now

In the snowy weather.

Xia Ji is sitting cross-legged in lotus position. He is the Tathagata, and the Tathagata is him. He closes his eyes, and the Tathagata closes his eyes.

Suddenly, the Tathagata reached out and picked one among the snowflakes in the sky, and brought it to his nose. His closed pupils opened slightly, and suddenly, the Buddha smiled.

Picking up flowers and smiling.

The powerful and vast spirit spread out and poured into all the monks along the Sanskrit chains wrapped around him.

And these many monks sitting on the golden swastikas could not directly bear such a vast spirit. In an instant, their energy and spirit suddenly burned to the peak, and then became decadent very quickly. After a few breaths, they all had white eyebrows, wrinkled skin, and old age. Unbearable, his eyes were horrified.

The rotation of the swastika became slower and slower, and then shattered suddenly, and the chain also shattered in an instant.

With a thought, Xia Ji removed the shadow of Tathagata, looked at the abbot in front of him who had knelt on the ground in shock, glanced at the monks with white eyebrows around him, and asked lightly: "Do you understand?"