Long Live The Emperor!

Chapter 435: Wolf monster on a rainy night


The glow was swallowed up by darkness, but there were no stars above the night.

The wind is getting colder and colder, and it is going to rain in the evening.

Xia Ji got up and went to collect the clothes hanging under the eaves.

Those are just two loose cotton clothes, one is mine, and the other should be... the wonderful thing in this life.

In fact, he and Miaomiao each only have two sets of clothes, one for wearing at home and one for going out.

Remove the sandwich cotton in spring and summer, and put the cotton back in autumn and winter. These two sets of clothes can be worn in all seasons.

When Miaomiao escaped from the palace with him, she was obviously in a hurry and only took some jewelry with her.

But the money from the jewelry pawn has been completely spent in these many years.

In this era of high food and meat prices, if Miaomiao hadn't mastered swordsmanship, both of them might have starved to death. Where would they have a house to live in

After Xia Ji collected his clothes, he entered the house. The house was about five meters long and six meters wide. It was divided into three narrow spaces by two coarse curtains.

A rough wooden table and a bench were placed in the middle. It was obvious that they were not purchased from the market but made from wood themselves.

Even Xia Ji's mind directly reflected the scene of the two siblings building the wooden table and bench.

In addition, the beds in the two small spaces on the east and west were also built by the two of them.

On the edge of the wooden table against the wall were neatly placed two porcelain cups and bowls, two pairs of chopsticks, an iron pot, a kettle, and two half-burned candles.

On the east side of the table, there is a Buddhist scripture, some papers, pen and ink, and half a palm-sized sesame cake.

Xia Ji's sleeping position was towards the east, so the east side of the table was also where he sat.

According to Miaomiao's idea, it would be warmer if she was in the east where she could get the sun early. As a martial arts practitioner and in good health, she didn't need this kind of warmth, so she gave it to Xia Ji.

Under the table, there is a small wood stove, a small bag of rice, and some dry firewood piled against the wall.

These are almost all the belongings of the two siblings.

Xia Ji didn't light any candles.

If you have nothing to do, lighting candles for lighting is really a waste.

So, he began to quickly check his body.

Sure enough, all the power disappeared again, and this body was just a mortal body.

It's just that... that faint trace of Taoist charm can still be faintly sensed, reminding him that "he can turn objects into part of his body."

"Sure enough, I guessed it right, this rhyme really came through."

When Xia Ji was checking his physical condition, he suddenly had a strange feeling. Following this feeling, he walked to a water tank in front of the house and looked at the shadow in the tank with the dim light...

At this sight, he was not only stunned for a moment.

Because his face at this time was exactly the same as when he was the ninth prince of Dashang.

It was unexpected and reasonable.


The wind passed.

The water on the tank was wrinkled, and his face suddenly became blurry.

Xia Ji turned his head sideways, and a gust of autumn wind blew, mixed with a chill that would make people's bones tremble.

The coldness caused the young man to shrink instinctively.

"It's going to rain."

"My body is extremely weak, so I can't bear the cold."

So, he hurried back to the house, first closed the two oil paper windows to prevent rainwater from getting in, and then closed the door.

In order to save money, he still did not light the candle, but sat alone in the dark, thinking about the future.

But no matter how he goes in the future, he must first wait for Miaomiao to come back.



The oil paper window rang twice, but then there was no sound.

After being quiet for about two or three breaths, the world suddenly became noisy.

The wind was like a trombone, the rain was like a light bell, and the whistling and rustling sound suddenly filled the land. The wind blew the trees, and the rain hit the withered leaves, which turned yellow all over the ground.

At this moment, he suddenly heard hurried footsteps outside the door,

The footsteps were not loud and had a certain lightness to them, but they seemed to be two people.

Immediately afterwards…

Just hear a creak.

The door was pushed open.

The bleak autumn wind brought the coldness and rain into the door.

Xia Ji turned his head and saw two shadow silhouettes standing in front of the door. They were vaguely two women in gray clothes, but the clothes of the two women were not wet at all, which looked a little weird.

He thought about it, but it seemed that these two people were not in his memory.

Suddenly, his eyes moved and he saw the reflection on a bronze mirror on the wall.

In the reflection, there were two women in front of the door. They were clearly two wolves.

At this moment, the two women seemed to confirm that there was only one person in the room, and they suddenly took out the hands hidden behind their backs, along with two knives.

Then step forward slowly...

Xia Ji looked calm and asked gently: "Are the two girls here to ask for their lives or something?"

There is a strange magic hidden in his calm voice,

It seems that whether he wants his life or something,

He won't be moved or panicked by this.

Such a gentle voice stunned the two women, who were obviously wolf demons, and they couldn't help but become gentle as well.

The woman in gray on the left said softly: "We want some food."

Xia Ji asked gently: "Do you want to eat me?"

This magical sound, for some reason, made the two wolf monsters feel terrified...

It was as if they were blaspheming some existence, and they felt a trembling feeling of shock.

As a result, the two demons said in succession: "No, no, no, no."

After they finished speaking, they felt strange again.

They are wolf demons...

There was really nothing to eat in the mountains, so I thought of running to the edge of the town to find some food.

If you really have no choice but to eat someone secretly, it shouldn't be a big problem. What's wrong with them now

Why is there a feeling of “dare not”

When I was thinking about it,

The gentle voice sounded again in the darkness.

"Come and sit. Please close the door. It's cold and the wind is cold."

Of the two wolf demons, the one on the left was still stunned, but the one on the right had already closed the door.

Then the two demons actually sat down at the table obediently, their eyes "cannot hide", glowing with a dark green light in the darkness...

One of the wolf monsters couldn't bear the pressure in his heart, and explained: "Actually, it was because he was too hungry and had no choice, so he came to look for food."

After saying that, she was confused, why did she need to explain

But the person in front of her had such a strange magical power that made her unable not to do so.

Xia Ji thought for a while, broke open the half of the sesame seed cake at hand, handed it to the two wolf monsters and said, "Eat it."

The two wolf monsters took it and started eating it.

Suddenly, one of them glanced at the Buddhist scriptures on the table and was stunned for a long time.

Thinking again of the mystery of this human boy, suddenly, Fu Zhixin stepped back and knelt down, "Please enlighten me."

Demons all have the desire to seek the Dharma, and they often wander around the temple, but they often get the wrong idea. If there is such an opportunity, they will naturally not let it go.

Although they didn't know who Xia Ji was, they already understood that the reason why they had all kinds of strange reactions was entirely due to this young man.

The other demon was also enlightened. He knelt down and said sincerely: "We want to ask for the Dharma. Please enlighten us."