Long Live The Emperor!

Chapter 437: move place


Ding ding ding…

The sound of the twelve tin rings hitting the Zen staff faded away.

The ascetic monk walked away with a smile on his face and shackles on his feet.

Although he had a broken arm, the pain of the broken arm was extremely severe.

But no matter how painful it is,

How can it compare to the joy of getting this epiphany

If you hear the Tao in the morning, you will die in the evening.

"All dharmas are empty and silent, Bodhi is motionless, and delusion does not arise, so why is the mind restless?"

He chuckled lightly, and when he reached a distance, he turned around again and bowed three times toward the distance.

At the same time, he had no intention of entering the house to see what the people inside looked like.

Although, perceived from the outside, the people in the room are actually no different from ordinary people, without any fluctuations in power.

But after listening to a sutra and then being slapped in the face by that person, why don’t you understand

The person inside the house should be an expert hermit, so he will not enter or peek into the house rashly.

At this time, it is time to retreat, and twenty years of hustle and bustle in the world of mortals can finally come to an end.

The autumn rain is Xiaoxiao,

The cold wind blew through the streets and alleys and through thousands of windows, making a sound that was either whining or neighing.

This is just a small town, a town on the edge of a country.

In this town, even the fifth-level warriors who have just cultivated their true qi can already hold the position of general patrol, or become the leader of hundreds of people, guarding the town and defending against bandits.

However, bandits appear and disappear, and there are even bigger thieves who come from other countries from time to time.

If the robber is ferocious, it is very likely to bring unpredictable consequences. It is possible that the town will be massacred and the village will be destroyed.

However, countries have a tacit understanding in "catching thieves" and share information with each other, so that there is rarely a situation where "a big thief comes, but one country does not have the corresponding strong people to arrest it" .

As for those who are named "bandits", they are usually "generals" or "kings" among thieves. Generally speaking, whenever a "bandit" comes, all countries will send experts to block it, or jointly besiege them.

After all, patrols are limited, but there are many warriors in the arena or among the people, so local governments have the power to delegate tasks.

These tasks are usually exploration, survey, or cooperation and assistance.

As for the remuneration, there is a base number, and then it is added or reduced according to the effect.

This method of "delegating tasks" can be carried out by all major forces and even private individuals in addition to the government.

However, if a private person wants to issue a mission, he or she needs a guarantee from the government, a big force, or a famous person.

What Miaomiao does is to get paid by assisting the government in catching thieves.

And this is obviously a dangerous thing, because... since you have received money from the government, you have to perform, otherwise you will always be timid, and the government will not want you to take the task next time.


In the rain, there was a soft sound of the wooden fence opening, and then closing again.

Immediately afterwards, a dark shadow quickly walked through the courtyard and came to the eaves that only stretched out three or four inches.

I shook off the rainwater from my body and hung the hat and gray rainproof cloak on the old yellow wooden wall.

Then he didn't enter the house, but sat in front of the threshold, took off two boots with his left hand, poured out all the rainwater in the boots, shook them again, and then put them on again.

This figure's right hand is always holding the hilt of the sword at her waist. No matter what movement she makes, her right hand can always pull out the sword as quickly as possible.

After doing all this, she breathed a sigh of relief, opened the door and said, "I'm back."

The room was dark and there were no candles lit.

But she is already used to it. Doesn’t it cost money to buy candles

What candles do you usually light when you have nothing to do

Unless she has obtained some important information or exercises, she will be impatient and extravagantly light a candle and read for a while at night. After all, she will always have to go out during the day.

Tasks are never completed once and for all.

The government also tends to hire stable civilian warriors to handle tasks, so the tasks are one after another and rarely end.

To a certain extent, she is already equivalent to an unorganized patrol officer.

However, she soon saw the light in the corner.

Xia Ji was squatting by the small stove to boil water.

He threw firewood into the iron stove, and the kettle on the stove began to make a sound like the sound of a fish spitting bubbles.

A gentle voice came:

"You're soaked. Take a shower."

Miaomiao smiled, but it was just a smile. She was really happy from the bottom of her heart when she saw her only relative, but she was so tired that she not only didn't want to talk, but also didn't even want to laugh.

There was a frightening chill all over her body, especially when she grabbed the sword, the chill was even worse. It was obvious at a glance that she was a master who had killed many people and was not to be trifled with.

But when the winter-like chill entered this room, it was like a sharp knife being sheathed and restrained a lot.

A rustling sound sounded in the darkness.

Miaomiao carefully took out two sesame cakes and a fist-sized oil paper bag from her arms, put them on the table, and said at the same time: "The cakes and meat are cold, keep some hot water, don't pour them all into the barrel."

Xia Ji responded.

Miaomiao sat on the left side of the only handmade wooden bench. She opened the oil paper bag and revealed some meat inside, and the faint smell of meat suddenly spread.

She swallowed, but didn't move. She just took out the upside-down porcelain bowls and put a salt block in each of them almost stingily. In the bowl on the right, the salt block was obviously bigger.

Then, I poured some more sesame oil.

By this time, the water had completely boiled.

Xia Ji took the water, poured the boiling water into the bowl, washed away the salt and oil, then put the kettle aside, sat on the right side of the bench, and urged: "Eat quickly, go take a shower after eating, forget it." People who practice martial arts will also get cold."

Miaomiao just said "hmm", took a sesame seed cake and ate it quickly.

While eating, she pushed the oil paper bag towards Xia Ji, "This meat is considered a trophy for the celebration. I usually want to buy some, it's valuable. You can eat it."

Xia Ji used the dim light to look at the girl on his left. He could vaguely recognize that this girl looked like Lu Miaomiao in his previous life.


In this life, her name is Su Yuan, and her name is Su Mo.

When he knew this, he suddenly understood why the nine-tailed fox wanted to establish the "Su" family instead of other families.

She misses herself.

While Xia Ji was in a daze, Miaomiao had already finished eating, and then quickly ran to the small cubicle on the west side with the water bottle. Then she scooped some cold water from the water tank outside the door and poured it into the wooden bucket, and then started Heat water.

Not long after, the curtain was closed.

There was the rustling sound of undressing in the darkness.

The water is rippled, and if a fish enters the water, it will make a crisp sound of water breaking, followed by a "swishing" sound.

It was the girl behind the curtain who was using hot water to wipe her body.

Xia Ji suddenly said: "Sister, let's move. After moving, we need to change our names. We can no longer call them Su Yuan and Su Mo."


A question came.

Xia Jidao: "We have a big enemy who knows our names and where we live. If we don't leave now, something will happen."

"You mean the royal family of the Red Wind Kingdom?"

The Chifeng Kingdom is a small kingdom that destroyed the country where the siblings were. However, a long time has passed and the Chifeng Kingdom has no intention of pursuing the siblings.

After all, these days, there are many countries, and it is common for dynasties to change. There are even countries that will perish after only existing for a month or two.

Xia Jidao: "It's not the Red Wind Kingdom."

"Did a thief send a letter threatening us?"


"what is that?"