Long Live The Emperor!

Chapter 439: Why teach me? Why don't I teach you


I went out to buy steamed buns early in the morning and was followed, stopped, and then asked to "apprentice"...

How does this feel

The wonderful feeling is that I am crazy.

She stopped and glanced around. This was a secluded corridor. Farmers' drying items were placed sideways against the gray-black tile wall. A few steps further, there was a busy market again.

At this time, the busy market was very lively with people coming and going, shouting and selling.

The most important thing is that there are many lanes in the downtown area, which are as complicated as the spider web of the city.

So, Miaomiao said coldly without looking back: "I'll think about it..."

While she was thinking about it, her little black boots moved forward nimbly without hesitation. She took a few steps and when she saw that she was almost there, she suddenly gave a push.

Although this power seemed to be weak, it was like a cat's soft flippers hitting the ground, and she was "ejected" directly. Then, as soon as she reached the entrance to the downtown area, she "ejected" away so quickly.

In less than two breaths, he had already merged into the endless flow of people in the downtown area, and could no longer tell where he was.

Miaomiao just walked through, and a figure wrapped in a purple gauze coat walked out of the lane.

The figure looked at the crowd in the distance, sneered indifferently, and said softly: "What a pity it is to have raw jade mixed in the sand

You're running away now just because you didn't see the real way of swordsmanship. If you had seen it, I'm afraid you wouldn't leave even if I drove you away.

Master is right, our lineage inheritance of Tianjian is really strange.

Not only is it passed down from a single line, only to women, but the recruitment of disciples also relies on fate.

Master said that when she saw me back then, she knew that I was someone who could carry on her legacy.

I used to feel very mysterious and thought that Master was lying to me, but I didn't expect that it was actually true...

However, this girl is much more naughty than I was back then, at least I didn't run away back then. "

The purple-clothed figure sneered, then turned around and disappeared into the alleyway from whence he came.

She sneered not out of malice, but because she was so cold that even her smile turned cold... To a certain extent, Miaomiao was the same way.

Perhaps, this is the so-called "birds of a feather flock together, people flock together".

At least, both looked cold on the outside.

Miao Miao hurried back to a house in the west of Liangzhou City with a cold expression.

Xia Ji had cooked rice porridge early and was running in the small yard.

This running is just running in the eyes of others, but in fact, his whole body is immersed in the most advanced method at this time, using the "breathing method", "visualization method", "exercise method" and so on, and is practicing at the fastest speed.

Every step he takes seems simple, but he is exercising all his flesh and bones "in the most brilliant way in the universe that is most suitable for his body at this time."

When I first entered Minggu, my eyes darkened. If I couldn't wait for the opportunity, would I still not practice

Although Tingxue Academy is an opportunity that must be grasped, he himself is the biggest opportunity. How stupid is it to seek the far away instead of the near

And even if he joins Tingxue Academy, all he needs is "resources", "power of initiation", and "construction of an information network", not techniques or anything else.

When Miaomiao saw the figure behind the courtyard, the coldness and vigilance against the secular world in her eyes suddenly melted away.

She didn't disturb Xia Ji's exercise, but ran into the house on her own.

When I came to the porridge pot, I quickly opened the lid and threw in the four pickled steamed buns I just bought. The hot steamed buns will taste better.

Then she started to pick up some more firewood, broke it into pieces, and threw it into the iron stove where only embers remained.

She first threw some firewood that was as light as a feather, and when the iron furnace started to burn again and the red flames started to rise, she threw in the large pieces of firewood...

After doing this, she took the sword, sat cross-legged under the eaves, and started practicing according to the "mysterious sword technique given by the immortal".

Although this swordsmanship was given to her younger brother by an immortal, she needs to learn it as soon as possible to protect her younger brother who "started very late and has just started practicing now". Moreover, with her exploring the way in front, she can also share the experience and lessons learned with her younger brother. My younger brother practices this method so that he can progress faster.

The golden morning light shines on Liangzhou City in the north.

In this big city with millions of residents and more than 100,000 soldiers from the Northern Tang Dynasty garrisoned around it, the siblings were like two grains of sand in a pile of sand, both small and hard to find.

After Xia Ji returned to the house after exercising,

Miaomiao also got up.

When she saw Xia Ji going to serve rice porridge, she stopped him one step ahead and said, "You will be a student from now on, so I will do these things.

If you can enter Tingxue Academy, you can study with peace of mind, and you won't have to do anything after you come back.

Tingxue Academy does not require tuition fees, so the money I have saved over the years for your tuition is enough for both of us to live on.

After I get familiar with this place, I will look for something to do. "

As she said that, she didn't mention anything about the "East China Sea Sword Immortal". She just filled the rice porridge and steamed buns, put them on the table, and then sat on the same side.

To save money, there is only one bench in the room.

After Xia Ji spent these days getting along with Miaomiao, he probably understood what kind of person Miaomiao was.

Generally speaking, the inner essence is still the same as in the previous life, but there is an extra "shell" on the outside.

This "shell" is cold, vigilant, and even a little restrained, hiding danger.

Only when you are with him will this "shell" be removed slightly.

And after being together for a long time, their "true colors" will occasionally show up.

Miaomiao glanced at Xia Ji and said: "From today on, you bring some money and go around the academy more. If you need to buy teaching materials or make friends with others, you don't have to save money... If it's not enough, I'll find a way. .”

Xia Ji was thinking about the problem. When he heard Miaomiao's words, he felt a strong sense of protection. He raised his head and smiled gently, and responded: "I understand."

Miaomiao looked at his gentle smile and felt a little weird in her heart, as if this younger brother... had grown up without knowing it, and he seemed to be very charming.

Thinking of this, she added seriously: "If you enter the academy, you must study hard and not fall in love."

Xia Ji was stunned for a moment, then laughed.


Xia Ji took the horse, left the house, and quickly walked along the lane to the main road.

This horse was the same horse that had brought the two of them to Liangzhou. It was not a good breed, and its coat was black and yellow. The only thing worthy of praise was that it did not fall ill after running all the way. It was considered "in its prime".

And this horse is a mare,

Miaomiao also took note of this when she first picked the horse.

After all, the mare can be bred and give birth to many foals, which can make another fortune.

Xia Ji walked out of the west city gate and sat directly on the back of the mixed-haired mare. When he clamped his legs under the horse's belly, the horse started running and headed east along the official road.

Tingxue Academy is not in the city, but at the foot of Cangyun Mountain outside Liangzhou City, surrounded by mountains and rivers.

At this time, because the academy would open its doors for admissions in two or three days, the entrance several miles away from the academy was already packed with people.

Xia Ji saw a lot of people queuing in the distance. It seemed that they were conducting some kind of "pre-test". He led the horse into the stable first, gave the kid in the stable twenty copper coins, and then got a "take the horse" "Card" is close to the "pre-test" place.

This "pre-test" is actually just a system similar to "registration in advance" and is not a test.

However, if you want to sign up, you must have at least some basic skills, right? Do you want to read? You are good at playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, at least understand a little bit, right

Xia Ji didn't participate in any "pre-test".

He came here to see if Tingxue Academy could work, what level it was at, and whether it could give him a starting stage for gaming.

So, he walked directly past the entrance archway and stepped inside.

As soon as he stepped in, he heard the chuckles of some people not far away.

The laughter seemed directed at him.

It probably means "There are many students from Tingxue Academy behind this archway, and there are even teachers. If you enter rashly and anger those people because of your rudeness and ignorance, then you have no chance to attend the academy..."

And a lot of information about the academies is also common. If you miss out here, will other academies accept a student who was abandoned by Tingxue Academy

In the past, there were some arrogant people who wanted to get some so-called opportunities by entering the industry, but they ended up becoming clowns who made people laugh.

This Tingxue Academy is no ordinary academy, it contains secrets... Even the royal family of the Northern Tang Dynasty respected it. "

Xia Ji didn't care about these words.

He came in not looking for an opportunity.

But to see if it is worth coming here.

If it's not worth it, then he would rather think of other ways and look at other forces than hang himself here.

This round between him and Tiandao was far less compact and urgent than the previous one, but it was more dangerous.

It can be said that "the silent place hides all the thunder; in the still water, the undercurrent surges"

Because Tiandao has information advantages and a strange "death culture" advantage, and the only thing he can rely on is the "fusion of Tao Yun from different universes" and Miaomiao, the daughter of destiny.

In the last game, the decisive battle could begin at any time, and there was no room for respite.

In this game, it often depends on the starting point and the layout.

Whether it was him or Tiandao, if the starting speed was just a little off, time would widen the gap infinitely.

In this life, although he is the body of Amitabha, since it is a game, it is naturally impossible for him to practice Buddhism. Otherwise, wouldn't he just point to the way of heaven and tell him "stop looking for it, I am right here"

Xia Ji entered the archway of the mountain gate of "Tingxue Academy" and walked a few hundred meters forward. He arrived at a bare peach forest. He looked up and saw everything. It was obvious that the teachers in this academy liked it very much. Peach blossoms, otherwise there wouldn’t be so many planted.

Going further, you can see some small buildings, pavilions, pavilions and the like hidden behind the trees of the Evergreen Mountains. There is the faint sound of the piano, some are talking loudly, some are quietly reciting poems, some are playing chess...

Xia Ji watched quietly and felt that there was nothing strange about it. This should be a force based on "Confucianism and Taoism".

And the Confucianism and Taoism of this ancient Ming Dynasty were obviously much stronger than those of later generations. This can only be seen from the fact that Miaomiao said, "The dean of Biluo Academy is said to have the power to reach heaven and earth."

After walking for a while, he could vaguely see "Tingxue Academy" in the distance.

It is a complex of buildings built according to the terrain of Cangyun Mountain, which is quite elegant.

A few hundred meters east of the academy, there is a waterfall.

The silver-like water flowed straight down from the mountain and fell into the blue pool in the distance, creating waves of water mist.

Although it is late autumn when the water is dry, it still has a certain flavor.

Xia Ji turned around and looked around, and suddenly found an old man fishing by the Bitan under the waterfall.

He looked at the old man, then smiled and walked over.

When I got closer, I heard the old man mumbling to himself.

A sentence repeated over and over again.

As he got closer, the words became clearer.

The old man seemed to be obsessed with asking, "Is there anything I can say that I can stick to for the rest of my life?"

He's obviously thinking about this...

And the thinking time is not short, but there is still no answer.

Suddenly, the fishing line in the cold pool sank, and the fish had already bitten the bait.

But the old man was unmoved at all and just let the fish eat the bait.

His eyes were also looking at the floating clouds in the sky, not at the one-third acre of Bitan in front of him.

He clearly felt someone coming, but he didn't even want to look back because the person was obviously a mortal.

Xia Ji stood still and looked at the beautiful scenery of late autumn.

The old man's murmured self-questioning words still echoed in his ears.

"Is there a word that can be implemented throughout your life?"

Xia Ji said casually: "Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you."

After saying this, he was ready to leave.

But after just a few steps, the old man who was immersed in his own world suddenly came back to his senses and said: "Please stay."

Then, the old man suddenly stood up, turned his head to look at the person behind him, and then was stunned. Apparently he did not expect that the person speaking was so young.

And it was this young man who solved his confusion with just eight characters.

The old man was about to say something, but suddenly realized that the young man in front of him... was a little special.

No, although he is not familiar with power, his temperament is very extraordinary. Even though he has met countless people, he has never seen such a young man.

The parched lips of his mouth moved a few times, and he was about to speak, but stopped.

But Xia Ji said directly: "Why teach me?"

There was no beginning to the end of his words, but the old man instantly understood that this was not the young man wearing the student uniform of Tingxue Academy, but probably someone from outside who was about to participate in the enrollment in three days.

It's just that this person didn't ask for opportunities or how to get in, but asked "How can you teach me?"

Just four words, showing how arrogant and arrogant.

However, the young man said these words in a matter-of-fact tone.

Even the old man can't feel the slightest bit of arrogance, let alone the arrogance and domineering energy of the young man.

"Strange, really strange..."

The old man muttered to himself.

The boy opposite him looked at him with a gentle smile.

The old man replied: "Do you want to learn how to cultivate yourself, manage your family, govern your country and bring peace to the world?"

Xia Ji smiled.

In his smile, the old man's heart suddenly trembled, and he actually felt a "shameful" emotion, as if "Lu Ban was holding a big ax in front of the door."

He suppressed the strange feeling in his heart and said again: "The vast sea of books in the Classics and History Collection is boundless. Do you want to study it?"

Xia Ji looked gentle.

The old man gritted his teeth and directly threw out a shocking message: "The sky is clear and the earth is full of clouds and fog, do you want to learn?"

Xia Ji's expression did not change.

The old man was a little confused... and felt some kind of inexplicable "frustration of confidence."

Xia Ji asked: "I wonder what position you hold at Tingxue Academy?"

When the old man heard the question, he laughed, feeling that he was about to regain his confidence... He smiled and said: "I am the dean of this academy."

However, these words could completely shock any student, but they did not move the person in front of him.

And this old man just felt that the attitude of the young man in front of him was extremely normal...

He shouldn't have been moved.

Xia Ji smiled and said, "How about I teach you? How about that?"

Old man:…

He was silent for a moment, shook his head and said with a smile: "Young man, why do you teach me?"