Long Live The Emperor!

Chapter 443: He rose to ten realms in a row, and the earth was evil and strange beasts


After the meal, although Miaomiao was a little surprised by Donghai Sword Immortal's sudden departure, she didn't think much about it.

At this time, she was focused on kendo and was seizing every moment to improve.

Her main practice was the nameless swordsmanship given to her by Xia Ji.

On the other side, Zi Chenxue has followed Xia Ji to Tingxue Academy.

Xia Ji is now the inheritor of the Academy Formation School, so he can naturally bring in foreign guests.

He first went to the dean to get the "Bagua Spirit Gathering Formation" disk, and then asked Zi Chenxue to check it out.

After confirming that everything was correct, the two of them walked together towards the location he had explored over the past few days.

Cangyun Mountain,

Gujue Peak.

The peaks pierce into the clouds, and the clouds and mist surround them, creating a miraculous view of mountains and seas.

Xia Ji stood on a cliff. All he could see were waves rising and clouds disappearing, and mountains opening up and sword screens on both sides. It was really majestic and spectacular.

Zi Chenxue was holding the hilt of the moiré sword with her left hand and was standing beside him. She was about 1.7 meters tall, but slightly shorter than Xia Ji by half a head.

For some reason, she followed the young man around without feeling that it was a waste of time, let alone that it was meaningless...

This feeling came from the bottom of my heart, which made Zi Chenxue extremely strange.

Xia Ji looked at the distance for a while and said: "We need to set up the eight-party formation flag first.

And this requires going to the cliffs in all directions of the lonely peak.

Miss Xiao Zi, in order to save time, could you please give me a ride? "

Zi Chenxue heard that "Little Zi Girl" was not disobedient at all, but her brain moved and she quickly reacted and emphasized: "I think you should call me teacher! Although my lineage of Donghai Tianjian is from the same lineage, He has only one pulse, but he is an amazing monk sect..."

Xia Ji smiled and said, "I understand that the girl is very strong."

Zi Chenxue suddenly felt comfortable, and her cold eyes showed a sense of recognition.

Then, she took out a silver-gray flying sword directly from the storage space, and then carried Xia Ji and stepped directly onto the flying sword.

Xia Ji is in front and she is behind.

Then, she moved her fingers, and the flying sword flew across the cliff, heading towards the cliffs around Gujue Peak.

But just after the flying sword took off, Zi Chenxue felt weird again...

Why is it that this young man is satisfied when he praises himself a little

And directly sacrificed the flying sword

You must know that the flying sword is a personal item, and it is not allowed to be carried by people who are not close friends, relatives or Taoist companions.

After all, flying swords are no better than those large flying magic weapons, and can only stand for two people.

And the distance between the two will be very close.

Naturally, this only carries people close to me.

Then... what happened to me

Why did he agree as soon as the young man said it


He just called himself "Xiao Zi", what the hell is this

Why do you feel normal

Zi Chenxue stared at the back of the young man in front of her, as if she wanted to penetrate his body and see through his secret.

But as she watched, she felt a strange "feeling of compliance" in her heart...

She only had this kind of feeling towards her teacher by chance.

But now, it actually happened to a mortal who has no realm

And he's a man

Zi Chenxue suddenly thought of something,

Her pretty face turned red, and her snow-white skin seemed to be lit with a red flame.

The melting clouds suddenly fly to the cheeks.

The chilly aura on her body was slowly being burned away, revealing a hint of spring.


Too strange…

I wholeheartedly seek the truth and am extremely devout, so how could I have such a strange feeling

Zi Chenxue's mood was extremely complicated, because at this moment, she actually recognized her own feelings - the desire to become a Taoist companion with this young man.

It seemed that the young man in front of her was her Tao.

You must know that the demon-like intuition of the Heavenly Sword lineage does exist, and this is one of the reasons why the Heavenly Sword lineage is powerful in the East China Sea.


At this moment,

Zi Chenxue felt extremely confused. Was her brain broken

Naturally, Xia Ji didn't know the complex inner drama of the sword immortal behind him...

He leads the way,

Zi Chenxue also followed his direction and landed on the cliff respectively, planting eight formation flags.

Then, the silver-gray flying sword flashed and reached the lone peak in the center.

This peak is the Gujue Peak.

There is no one everywhere, but the deep valleys around the mountain peaks contain energy.

The spiritual energy bursts out from under the earth and between the mountains and rivers, but it is surrounded by mountains like a screen, so it is accumulated here.

It turned into a substantial tide of clouds and mist, lingering and circling in this extreme place.

This is the best place to hide spirits in Cangyun Mountain.

Xia Ji chose the position and put down the "Bagua Spirit Gathering Formation".

Then sit down cross-legged.

Zi Chenxue stood beside him with a strange look on her face. The East China Sea Sword Immortal who was originally destined to take Miaomiao as his disciple has confirmed his emotions after just a while...

Although I was clearly dedicated to seeking the truth, I actually fell in love with this young man.

Therefore, she was very baffled.

So much so that when he met Xia Ji's gaze, his face turned red.

However, the fog here is so thick that people's vision becomes hazy, and no one can see even their blushes.

Xia Ji glanced around and said in a deep voice: "Wherever the spiritual energy is strong, monsters are bound to appear. If there are monsters coming, I would like to have Miss Zizi help me resist them."

Zi Chenxue was adjusting her mentality in a strange way, and when she heard his voice, she softly said "hmm"...

But she seemed to be afraid that the boy would think she was perfunctory, so she even added, "Don't worry."

Xia Ji took a deep breath.

So... let's get started.

He spread out the five fingers of his left hand and pressed down on the array plate.

In an instant, the wind and clouds in all directions suddenly stopped and stopped spreading in the original direction, as if time had frozen.


Suddenly, the frozen clouds and mist began to spin slowly, as if pulled by a mysterious force.

If you look down from a high altitude, you can vaguely see the gradually brightening Bagua shadow in the deep mountains.

Qian, Kan, Gen, Zhen, Xun, Li, Kun, Dui...

Lit one by one.

Until the rays of light connect with each other and turn into obstacles, distinguishing the inside and outside of the array, forming an octagonal hexagram.

The eight hexagrams appear in the mist, like a shining lighthouse, extremely clear.

And the whole thing is mysterious and exquisite.

Heaven and earth are originally yin and yang transformed into four images and then performed Bagua, thus giving birth to all things.

Therefore, Bagua is a good medium for gathering spirits.

The "Bagua Spirit Gathering Formation" makes use of this rule.

The clouds began to collapse and turned into pure spiritual energy.

The rotation speed is getting faster and faster, gradually turning into a vortex, converging towards the center.

Xia Ji sat in the center of the spiritual vortex and began to absorb it quietly.

And if he stops absorbing midway, the operation of the entire spirit gathering array will also stop...



His pores are open, allowing the spiritual energy to enter, cleanse the marrow and remove impurities.

Under the nourishment of spiritual energy, his muscles and bones were rapidly becoming stronger, and his blood began to become more powerful.

When the acquired realm is consolidated,

Xia Ji expertly began to draw Qi into his body.

There was a sound like exploding beans in his body, and the blocked acupoints were opened layer by layer.

The withered body had long been warmed by essence and blood, and wisps of true energy were produced.

The true energy gradually increased from the acupoints, gathered in one place, and turned into a gurgling stream.

The "stream" flows and circulates along the meridians, driving the heaven and earth, making the whole person seem to be "activated".

With the impetus of spiritual energy and the method of digesting spiritual energy, human evolution has directly embarked on the path of light speed and become extremely fast.

Unconsciously half an hour has passed.

Zi Chenxue glanced at the young man and could clearly feel the true energy flowing in his body.

"Having broken through Houtian, we have reached the realm of a sixth-grade warrior. It is already good to be able to use the spirit gathering array to upgrade from zero to sixth grade, but it should be over soon, right?"

Zi Chenxue thought secretly in her heart.

After one stick of incense...

She felt that the many streams of true energy in the young man's body were like hundreds of rivers converging into the sea, accumulating in the Dantian.

Another stick of incense...

She felt that the true energy in the young man's Dantian was becoming more and more unbridled, and the vast ocean was feeding back into the body, making the blood flow of the young man's muscles, bones, skin and flesh strengthen again.

The strength of the body and the strength of Qi feed each other, causing complex reactions...

Another stick of incense.

Zi Chenxue couldn't help but moan...

"This is the eighth-level warrior. Going one step further will reach the realm of ultimate will...

But this realm is different from acquired blood strength and innate true energy. It cannot be achieved through simple practice...

When the power reaches a certain level, the spirit will be resorted to.

Only a spiritual breakthrough can drive strength to break through again, and this is the role of the realm of ultimate intention. "

Zi Chenxue couldn't help but think of the scene when she broke through this realm,

At that time, she had reached the peak of the eighth-level warrior.

After reaching the peak, it is not enough to simply practice.

Zi Chenxue was already prepared. She thought that the teacher was going to let her go out into the mortal world, go through the experience, experience the ups and downs of the world, experience the joys and sorrows, the joys and sorrows, and achieve a spiritual breakthrough.

She was very happy…

Who wouldn’t want to go out and play on an isolated island for so long

However, she was wrong.

She was forced into the basement by her teacher.

And the teacher imposed a ban on the entrance to the basement.

This restriction can only be broken by a ninth-grade warrior.

Then, the teacher left her a month's worth of food.

Three months later, Zi Chenxue's spirit finally fluctuated greatly because she was too hungry.

Through this fluctuation, she broke through the realm of a ninth-grade warrior, which was already the limit for mortals.

This shows the importance of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude.

But this also shows from another perspective that the "ninth-grade warrior" is not so easy to break through.

Zi Chenxue's thoughts just flashed through her mind...

An ancient, desolate and extremely mysterious spirit rose from the top of this lonely peak and overwhelmed the surrounding area.

The source of the intention is the young man in the center of the spiritual vortex.

Zi Chenxue:…

She only felt a "buzzing" sound in her ears.

She carefully understood this meaning, but found that the vastness and mystery of this meaning far exceeded her imagination.

In fact, it can no longer be described as "strong or weak".

This intention is God's will.

And strength and weakness only exist under this sky.

As for "heaven", it is just a word game, and the essence is still within this universe.

Whatever is in this time and space is under this sky.

Zi Chenxue couldn't help it, so she began to understand this "meaning" carefully.

The more she realized it, the more surprised she became.

What she touched was just the tip of the iceberg, just like standing on a high hill and looking up, only seeing a part of the colorful starry sky...

However, even though we have only seen a part, we can still infer how boundless, how vast and majestic the whole behind that part is, and how all-encompassing it is.

Exposed to such thoughts, Zi Chenxue actually had a mysterious feeling of returning to the nature of heaven and earth...

Many confusions and questions in her heart were affected by this idea and were automatically solved.

Even the last six swords of the "Nine Heavens", which she had never found a way to crack, actually had some clues.

She was ecstatic…

A lot of information rushed into my mind...

The iceberg-like temperament melted immediately and turned into flowing warm spring water.

She suppressed all the doubts in her heart, crossed her long legs slightly, and sat beside the young man. She took this opportunity to make a breakthrough.

Although she didn't understand why this young man's intentions were so terrifying, she understood that this was also an opportunity for her, an opportunity to further develop her spiritual power.

An hour later.

The rotation speed of the spiritual energy actually accelerated.

A large amount of spiritual energy drilled into Xia Ji's pores, removing every trace of "dust" from his mortal body, making his skin appear a perfect color.

And then…


An ethereal and vague Dharma appeared behind Xia Ji.

And this voice awakened Zi Chenxue, and she walked out of her own thoughts and opened her eyes...

Then I saw the Dharma image behind the young man.

The Dharma is the symbol of the extraordinary in this world.

However, the Dharma Realm can never arise naturally.

Because you need to practice Xuan Gong.

A level of Xuan Gong is a level of Dharma, and having several matching Xuan Gong at the same time can achieve the effect of "one plus one is greater than two".

However, this young man has acquired the Dharma form without practicing Xuan Kung

Zi Chenxue is a very calm person, but she still couldn't suppress her weird and shocked mood at this time.

She didn't know what to say anymore.

She was numb.

But it's not over yet.

The spiritual energy was still pouring into Xia Ji.

Boom boom boom boom! ! !

Powerful auras rose up one after another.

Along with this, one layer after another of Dharma images emerged from behind Xia Ji, like a peacock spreading its tail, piling up gradually higher and higher.

The spiritual energy around Gujue Peak violently siphons towards the top of Jujue Peak in a "flying upward" manner.

The clouds and fog faintly dispersed, and the mountain wall gradually became clear...

Zi Chenxue suddenly had a thought, and felt a sense of crisis coming from all directions, drilling into her heart.

A strong sense of warning suddenly arose.

She moved slightly, left her original position, and appeared on the edge of the cliff,

His eyes cast downward.

As soon as she poked her head out, there was a sharp sound in her ears.

Whoosh! !

A cold light wrapped in black air shot up from the bottom of the cliff.

Zi Chenxue tilted her head slightly, and the cold light flew over the thorn from her cheek, and the rotten smell immediately came.

Immediately afterwards…

Swish swish swish! ! ! ! !

A heavy whistling sound broke through the air, and a fierce shower came unexpectedly, coming up from the bottom of the cliff very suddenly.

After the spiritual energy was absorbed, a thick black gas as thick as lead and mercury appeared.

"Earth evil spirit!!"

The Donghai Sword Immortal raised his eyebrows and retreated to the cliff. He let go of his consciousness again and listened attentively.


She could already feel the dense, rustling sounds coming from the deep valleys around Gujue Peak, as if there were countless strange things climbing up from the bottom at a rapid rate!