Long Live The Emperor!

Chapter 445: You must be a Taoist companion


Zi Chenxue flew with her sword and began to sprint downwards with Xia Ji...

The source of evil is obviously at the bottom of the valley.

And to get to the bottom, you need to fight in.

On the way to "Biaojian", the two of them saw rows of black rotting cranes from top to bottom across Gujue Peak.

Those feathered cranes were no longer able to fly, and they just clung to the mountain wall with their claws.

The mountain wall was punctured with numerous small holes.

As the two of them descended, black crane feathers shot out from the sky...

It was difficult for Zi Chenxue to fight a war of attrition while defending, but it was very easy to face such "guerrilla warfare".

She said softly, "I'll do it," and then she concentrated on three things...

While the sword was falling, the two swords were spinning rapidly in mid-air.

The length of the sword itself, together with the sword light, quickly rotated into two huge silver circles of light, with a cold glow.

Crane feathers shot out and came quickly.


It's like thousands of arrows hitting a solid shield, or like a sudden rain hitting a jade plate. They bounce off one after another, making a clear and crisp sound...

In just a few breaths, Feijian had already rushed to the bottom of the valley.

The two of them looked down, and at the bottom of the valley was a thick black gas, as thick as lead and mercury, flowing slowly.

And one after another, black rotten feather cranes are crawling out of it.

Xia Ji glanced around, referring to the terrain in the distance and said: "This black gas is not deep, it should only be about five or six meters. If it is a little later, it may reach hundreds of meters... By then it will be possible I'm afraid the one I gave birth to will not be such a half-baked rotten feather crane."

Zi Chenxue nodded in agreement. This was a coincidence. Otherwise, how could the evil demon be so easy to kill? After all, this is the Tribulation Demon in the Thirteen Karma Realm.

However, these black rotten feather cranes are all "incomplete bodies".

She replied: "The number is a bit too much."

As she said that, she stopped, and then said again: "I'll try to see if I can dissipate those evil spirits... After all, I haven't encountered such a forming evil place before."

The flying sword hangs hundreds of meters on the left side of the cliff, and nearly hundreds of meters above the black evil aura.

This distance is just enough to shoot arrows from the side and feet.

Zi Chenxue retracted the two flying swords, closed her eyes for a moment, then raised her right hand, her index and middle fingers together, and connected to the sky.

The magical powers of heaven and earth seemed to be commanded, and a mysterious feeling lingered between her.

Zi Chenxue said slowly: "Sword Two - Tianhaiyun Biochemical Lone Dragon."

The words fell,

She moved her fingers downwards slightly.

At this point, the wind and clouds in the world were ordered to go in the direction pointed by her finger.

Point out that no sword is seen.

Looking again, he saw an extremely exaggerated giant sword slashing down.

After the giant sword just made the action of "cutting", it was completely out of Zi Chenxue's control, and went downwards as if it were alive.

The expected roar did not appear...

Because this sword energy transformed from the supernatural power of heaven and earth suddenly became a substantial dragon of wind and cloud. This dragon plunged into the black aura like a fierce tiger, and suddenly the river was overturned and the air waves roared.

The airflow between heaven and earth suddenly became chaotic. Zichenxue Yujian took Xia Ji into the air slightly, but she always held the "Sun Sword Wheel" with her left hand to prevent changes.

At this time, continuous loud noises and weird screams came frequently.

The wind spread everywhere.

And the evil land that stretched for several miles was completely uncovered.

The black rotten feathered crane was actually swept up and thrown all over the sky by the "dragon of wind and cloud".

It was like a black quilt being torn apart by a sharp knife, revealing the white cotton inside, which was black and white and stretched for more than ten miles. It was very spectacular.

The power of a sword is so powerful.

Zi Chenxue breathed a sigh of relief and said: "This evil place has really just taken shape, otherwise I wouldn't be able to cut it open with one sword. But in such a situation, it will take some time to explore."

Xia Ji looked at the sky. It was already very late. It was almost midnight, right

He said: "I can't wait any longer."

After saying that, he pressed down the five fingers of his right hand and tapped the void, and a denser and larger teleportation ball suddenly appeared.

Xia Ji reached down...

A huge Dharma-like hand suddenly appeared in the void. The giant hand reached into the evil place and pulled wildly, completely tearing open the evil place that was still "healing".

Zi Chenxue saw this power again...

She glanced at Xia Ji faintly and felt that this man could kill enemies across two realms.

The two of them cooperated, transforming into a dragon with one sword, and tearing the unformed Shadi into pieces with one sword. No matter how many black rotten feather cranes there were, it was useless.

Under the moonlight, a strange black vortex appeared on the ground.

The vortex emerged from the ground, like a spring, and black gas was continuously pouring out... But it may be because of the lack of spiritual energy, and the production speed of black gas has been very slow.

Xia Ji made a brief observation and saw that the giant hand of the Dharma in the void directly picked up the piece of land. The soil shook away and the dust flew up, revealing a black rock with the texture of skin.

Just when the strange rock was lifted into the air by the giant hands of the Dharma, many black rotten feather cranes began to scream like crazy, and then flew toward the two of them without caring about themselves, trying to stop them.

But it didn't work at all.

The giant hand of the Dharma Master grabbed the strange rock and arrived not far away.

Xia Ji said: "Miss Xiao Zi..."

Donghai Sword Immortal said: "Call me Chen Xue."

Xia Jidao: "Chen Xue, use the storage space to put this thing away first."

Zi Chenxue is very happy to do this. If this young man allows enough important things to be stored in his storage ring, doesn't it mean that he can't live without her

Does love come so quickly

Although Zi Chenxue is still confused and confused, her emotions and intuition are telling her that the man in front of her is the ultimate pursuit of her.

To be a Taoist companion, you must be a Taoist companion.

So, she directly put away the evil source.

The black rotten feather cranes lost their source of evil and fell into an even crazier state. This madness lasted for about half a stick of incense before entering a weak state.

Then, these strange beasts turned into ashes one by one, turned into strange flesh and blood wrapped in black air, and fell to the ground.

Flesh and blood and black energy are flying all over the sky.

As soon as the flesh and blood hit the ground, it was absorbed like water into a sponge, never to be seen again.

Xia Ji watched this scene quietly, then suddenly raised his giant hand to hold a piece of flesh and blood...

The flesh and blood fell on the palm of the Dharma image and began to "melt" quickly.

Xia Ji quickly said: "Put it away."

Zi Chenxue felt strange, but she still raised her hand to put away the "flesh and blood".

In just a few breaths, the flesh and blood had "melted" from the size of a fist to the size of a finger.

After a while…

The surrounding depths returned to silence, except for the many scratch holes on the Gujue Cliff, which reminded the two of them that all this was real.


The night wind sounded in my ears.

The scenery in the moonlight beneath my feet is also retreating rapidly.

Zi Chenxue approached Xia Ji slightly from behind, lightly touched his hand with her left hand, and then moved away as if she was electrocuted.

Xia Ji could only pretend not to know, otherwise it would be even more embarrassing.

Zi Chenxue blushed and suddenly said: "You were the one who broke my three swords, right?"

Xia Ji responded frankly.

Zi Chenxue said: "Who are you?"

Xia Ji said: "Qi Mo."

Zi Chenxue said: "It's impossible... No matter how talented a person is, it's impossible for him to use the spirit gathering array to this extent, nor to have such intention, nor to have the Dharma without practicing Xuan Gong. .

But you not only have the Dharma, but you also have so much more, as well as this kind of attack method that I have never seen or heard of. "

Xia Ji was silent.

Zi Chenxue whispered: "I won't tell others."

Xia Ji was really helpless. In such a situation, he would definitely need the support of a force, and the Tianjian lineage to which Miaomiao originally belonged was a natural force supporter...

However, let alone how people in this world view Tiandao, if they knew he was Tiandao, would they come to hunt him down

It's just that Zi Chenxue in front of her has not developed her world view to a certain extent, and she will never believe what she says.

In the last game, Xiao Su believed in herself because she believed whatever she said.

The reason why the ancestor believes it is because the ancestor has experienced many disasters and has his own speculations.

And this time...

The situation is completely different.

Xia Ji breathed a sigh of relief. He had no choice but to use the simplest method.

So, he turned around on the flying sword.

The bright moon is in the sky, and the cold light falls on the lavender clothes of the East China Sea Sword Fairy, showing that she is somewhat cold and out of the world.

Xia Ji gently put his hands on her shoulders.

Zi Chenxue trembled, but did not break away. She just lowered her head and did not dare to look at him... However, her footsteps moved delicately, and she moved a little closer to Xia Ji, until both of them could feel each other's body. breathe.

Xia Ji said gently: "There are many things that I can't tell you right now, but I am really Qi Mo at this time, and I am also Qi Miao's biological brother. I am not resurrecting my body or the like."

Zi Chenxue felt the temperature of his palms and felt as if two scorching flames had ignited her.

And the coldness of her body and the coldness of her soul began to melt, turning into gurgling spring water to revive all things.

In an instant, this ethereal swordsman suddenly became rosy, bright and charming, as if "all things were revived".

Zi Chenxue blushed and said softly: "I believe you."

Seeing her like this, Xia Ji felt a little embarrassed...

But then I thought about it, anyway, if I win, after turning into heaven, I will need to leave a family in the human world, and I will need a lot of powerful support...

The combination of yin and yang is the great road of heaven and earth. Let everything take its course.

It didn't take long.

The two men flying with swords and carrying a sword saw Liangzhou City.

In Liangzhou City, in the West District, there is a small house.

Deep courtyard,

Miaomiao sat under the eaves with her chin on her hands, looking worriedly into the distance.

It wasn't until the flying sword fell from the sky in the moonlight, revealing the two figures, that she bit her lip and relaxed her nervousness.

Xia Ji hasn't spoken yet.

Zi Chenxue said directly: "There was an opportunity today. I took Qi Mo to get it, so I was delayed..."

When Miaomiao saw Donghai Sword Immortal's explanation, she understood in her heart, and it was a good thing to have a chance.

Zi Chenxue said again: "I have thought about it. If you are willing to worship me as your teacher, you no longer need to follow me to the East China Sea... Instead, I will follow you."


Miaomiao was stunned for a moment, almost suspecting that she heard wrongly.

She was actually very fond of this senior swordsman, and she wanted to leave with her. However, she was worried about her younger brother, and with the mysterious swordsmanship given by the immortal behind her brother, she was ready to explore on her own.

However, if you explore on your own, you will eventually take many detours, and there is no better teacher.

Zi Chenxue said: "Are you afraid that my master is not strong enough?"

After saying that, without waiting for Miaomiao's reaction, he raised his index and middle fingers together.

Miaomiao's pupils suddenly shrank, and those fingers turned into sharp swords in her eyes.

In the late autumn in the courtyard, the fallen leaves piled on the ground were like being pulled by the sword energy that turned into two fingers of a sword, dancing around and turning into a vortex, and the vortex rotated faster and faster...

It was as if the world here was under her control.

Zi Chenxue whispered: "What do you think of this sword?"


The blue ocean rises and clouds rise and fall.

After she finished speaking, her two fingers of the transformed sword were pointing at the sky. In an instant, with her as the center, the dust and yellow leaves all over the ground rose into the sky.

One dust and one sword, one leaf and one sword.

The leaves of dust are soaring to the sky, and the sword is also soaring to the sky.

The sword's light shines brightly, just like the golden clouds rising from the sky, creating thousands of forms of birth and death behind the blue clouds, which is extremely spectacular.

The "Nine Heavens" of the Donghai Sword Immortal lineage are not simple Dharma-Xiang mystical skills, but nine highly universal supernatural powers. This universality is reflected in its extension, and the Heavenly Heavens exerted by everyone Jiudu may vary.

In addition, these nine swords can also add the power of subsequent realms.

Although Xia Ji can break through these nine swords, it does not mean that the sword moves he gives are as powerful and malleable as the "Nine Heavens".

And this characteristic may be the basis for Miaomiao to achieve Taiyuan.

Xia Ji had already made a guess when he saw Jian Er at Gujue Peak. Now that he saw Jian Yi again, his guess was even clearer.

Powerful cause and effect cannot be cut off...

Zi Chenxue and Miaomiao are almost destined to become master and disciple.

And the wonderful future also lies here.

His rash interference seems to have brought about something better, but in fact, which one is better and which one is worse is hidden in the incalculable length of time and cause and effect, and cannot be seen.

As soon as the sword came out, Liangzhou was noisy.

Soon, many city garrison experts came from all directions, silently surrounding the small house.

The leader was a man who looked like a general wearing light armor and holding a seven-star spear.

He respectfully raised his voice and said: "Kang Ying, who is worshiped by the royal family of the Northern Tang Dynasty, has met his predecessor!"

Zi Chenxue said: "I have no ill intentions and no confrontation. I am just using my sword moves."

The man who looked like a general pondered for a moment and said, "With these words from senior, I, Kuang Ying, feel relieved."

After that, he waved his hand, and the group of people who came in a hurry dispersed as quickly as the ebbing tide.

They are extraordinary strong men stationed in the city. When they see such a powerful force, they naturally want to investigate.

And when they return, they will also find out the identity of the residents of this small house, restrain and inform others, so that they will not easily conflict with the owner of this small house, so as not to mislead disputes and cause unnecessary conflicts. Trouble.

And if possible, just give some kindness and treat it as a good relationship. If something bad happens in Liangzhou City in the future, the owner of this house or the strong man just now may give support.

This is the normal attitude of the government. Instead of thinking of opportunities when seeing powerful power, then thinking of treasures, and then mindlessly fighting for them...

Kuang Ying has a brain, otherwise he would not become a royal minister, but would die early on the road to growth.

Silence returned to the night.

The noise gradually subsided.

Zi Chenxue tried her best to make her smile less cold, and then looked at Miaomiao.

Miaomiao no longer hesitated, bowed respectfully, and then said: "Disciple pays homage to Master."