Long Live The Emperor!

Chapter 448: The ultimate confrontation, the pioneering of another world


"The transformation from death culture to Kuroshio culture must be a transition, not something that happens overnight. The transition time is now.

The hugeness of the Black Tide is actually inherited. There are too many skeletons and resentful spirits in it...

Therefore, all Shinigami will become Kuroshio.

But now... Heaven will definitely not let this process happen again.

He is expanding the influence of the God of Death and reviving the power of the God of Death, and now even civilians are beginning to be affected, which is the manifestation.

But why should it affect civilians? "

Xia Ji thought.

The scene of those ordinary people who had turned into demons and died just now suddenly came into his mind.

He carefully reviewed the hidden details.

Suddenly, the scene when those demons died appeared in his mind...

"The black smoke seems to be sinking toward the earth...and then being absorbed by the earth.

I understood that Tiandao’s original plan was to use the power of this era to cleanse away the excess evil spirit of the God of Death, and at the same time he would begin to integrate the God of Death into the black tide.

But now, Heaven is likely to use humans to feed evil spirits, making the God of Death stronger and stronger, but he can control the God of Death.

At the same time, if He completely wipes out the human world, then...it is really hard to say whether the future will change.

Has He gone crazy in order to make a comeback

Even if He destroys this universe with His own hands and brings about unknown effects, He is still not willing to help me and bring everything back to normal...

What would I do if I were in a different place? "

Xia Ji thought for a long time and said, "I will probably fulfill Him."

He raised his hand to retrieve the three giant puppet earthworms, and at the same time turned over the soil to return the earth to normal, and then walked out of the house.

Soldiers from afar quickly surrounded them and classified this place as a restricted area.

Such changes are happening more and more frequently, and countries that were originally divided and fighting for hegemony have formed a tacit understanding: deal with the evil demon first.

After all, this incident was too horrific.

No matter who it is, they suddenly become evil spirits while sleeping, even relatives of the emperor are no exception.

Unless you can be in the formation set up by the immortal.

As time goes by, a few mutations become large-scale disasters.

More and more demons began to wander around...

If these demons appear in a city, it is easy to deal with them, but if they are in a rural town, they are likely to directly kill a village or a town. After all, the demons are "infectious."

Once caught by an evil spirit, the evil spirit will enter the body and turn into an evil spirit.

The entire continent was suddenly in chaos.


Hanye City, where Beitang first discovered the change, once again had a strange scene.

Large swarms of bats have attacked the city.

And these bats turned out to be demons.

The common sense that "evil demons will not leave the evil place" has been completely broken.

The consequence of these bats was that the entire Hanye City was directly infected. Except for a few lucky ones who escaped, everyone else began to mutate.

After half a day, the bat disappeared.

But Hanye City is already in an irreversible state.

The leader of the Northern Tang Dynasty hurriedly deployed troops and horses to surround Hanye City, and at the same time personally asked the monks for help.

When the monks visited Hanye City, they discovered a strange scene: a huge bat statue appeared at the north gate of Hanye City.

This statue is cold and extremely weird.

A monk attacked the statue, but found that the statue was unharmed...

The monks gradually increased their attacks. After a powerful energy attack, the statue was still not damaged at all. It just stood quietly, showing an indescribable weirdness.

Hanye City, which originally had more than 10,000 troops stationed there, has become a demonic area. In the city, demons are rampant and black energy permeates the city.

Xia Ji naturally came to the scene. He observed the bat statue and tried to solve it...

But all the attacks were ineffective.

Even if he used the puppet to use the Fourteenth Realm's attack, nothing would come out.

This weird bat statue, what happened before and after, and his experience of dealing with the Shadi in the past few months, made him vaguely have a suspicion in his heart.

“This statue is the God of Death, or a type of Death.

The evil spirit invades the human world and transforms humans into evil spirits. When humans die, the evil spirit becomes stronger.

And if the evil spirit is strong to a certain extent, then the god of death will appear in the form of 'gestation'.

Those bats are the gods of death. They have infected enough people and absorbed enough evil spirits, but they are not satisfied yet. They are still here to suck out all the evil spirits around them to complete the 'gestation'.

As for the people in the city who have become demons, whether they kill them or not, it has no effect on them.

It can be expected that this scene should happen everywhere.

And when the Death God accumulates to a certain level, Tiandao can still absorb the Death God and turn it into a Hundred Shadow Death God.

He will feed death with human beings, and then feed him with death. "

he thought.

In fact, whether it is him or Tiandao, the fighting methods are almost similar.

Isn't he using the evil spirit to make a puppet, and then using the Taoist charm of another universe to integrate the puppet into his body

This final war is no longer between two people, but a pinnacle battle between two people with different "cultural systems".

While Xia Ji was in Hanye City, something strange suddenly happened...

Some monks began to show favor to him.

At first it was a nun.

Then came the friars.

Afterwards... Halfway through the walk, a monster jumped out of the grass and said, "I feel like I want to get close to him."

And these people or demons who are close to him have all started in the supernatural realm, which means that these existences are already qualified to use the power of heaven and earth and form some kind of mysterious connection with heaven and earth, instead of simply being limited to themselves.

Xia was extremely confused.

As Xia Ji spent more time with these people, the "emotions" of the monks in the magical realm escalated towards him.

Especially those monks who were usually dedicated to seeking the truth and extremely cold, suddenly changed.

At this moment, Xia Ji was completely sure that because of his victory, he had half-stepped into the threshold of "the way of heaven", so seekers would naturally be close to him.

Everyone regards him as a piece of cake, regardless of whether they are male or female monsters...

It can be said that if Xia Ji wants to become a Taoist couple with a female monk, then the female monk will definitely be willing to do so.

At this time, he suddenly understood why Ouyang Mu, the dean of Tingxue College, was so close to him... This was probably the reason.

In just a few days, Xia Ji was the leader outside Hanye City.

His powerful "personality charm" conquered everything, making all good and evil immortals and monsters unite behind him.

And a few days later…

As Xia Ji expected, the indestructible bat statue finally gave birth to a strange thing: a huge bat that was more than ten feet tall.

Xia Ji led many monks to attack the bat.

After a fierce battle, Xia Ji's side suffered heavy damage, and the bat actually escaped.

But this battle was not without gain. Xia Ji noticed one thing during the confrontation: bats are consumable, and they breed one individual after another in their body.

This means that if you want to kill it, you have to kill all the individuals in it in a battle.

This is almost a smaller version of Kuroshio, and also a smaller version of Tiandao and him.

After Xia Ji knew it clearly, he used his "own charm" to start heading to the secret realm where spiritual energy was extremely abundant.

Then in the secret realm, he absorbed spiritual energy like crazy.

At the same time, various monks were asked to help collect "evil sources" to make puppets.

Now it's a battle against time.

Xia Ji relies on: puppets, all things, and the integration of Tao Yun.

As for the Dharmakaya, he is still not in a hurry to practice it, because it seems to consume too much spiritual energy.

Because of Xia Ji, Miaomiao was also taken to a secret realm to practice, and her cultivation speed was rapid. However, no matter how fast she traveled, she could not compare to Xia Ji, who practiced at the speed of light.

Zi Chenxue also vaguely understood something, and her obsession with Taoist companions was no longer so heavy...

Because, she discovered that even her teacher and her teacher's teacher had "the idea of becoming a Taoist couple with Xia Ji."

In terms of seniority, it was not her turn.

The situation has entered a strange see-saw.

Disasters are happening in the world every moment, and the monks try to help, but to no avail.

The way of heaven is improving.

Xia Ji, on the other hand, was cleaning the secret realm.

Time flies, and in this tug of war, more than a year has passed in a blink of an eye.

Xia Ji has accumulated a total of half a million puppets, and has also reached the level of Wanxiang.

It is not surprising that he can reach this level, because almost the entire monk world is helping him.

Thirty-six elephants can cross the border and kill magical powers. The level of the ten thousand elephants has long been unimaginable. It is even possible to cut through the black film with one knife.

Xia Ji arranged 500,000 puppets in an ancient profound formation among the monks, and then directly integrated the ancient profound formation and 500,000 puppets into his body.

After doing all this, he led many monks straight to the evil place without stopping.

Go to a place and clean a place.

Heaven's way is increasing the number of evil places. The more evil places there are, the stronger he becomes.

Xia Ji is cleaning the evil place. The more he cleans, the more puppets he will have.

Heaven wants to use evil spirits to cultivate the god of death,

Xia Ji wants to use the condensed evil spirit to cultivate the puppet.

One goes down and the other goes up.

And because "Xia Ji won a game and possessed more elements of heaven, which made all the beings above the magical realm in this era close to him" and "the remaining fusion of Tao charm in the universe of another world" these two special factor.

This made Tiandao suffer the loss of being dumb.

In fact, without these two factors.

In this case of Tiandao, a comeback can be achieved.

But now, He is being forced into the palace.

Xia Ji did not delay or develop without limits.

Because the infection of evil will spread at a geometric level, once it reaches a level beyond the control of humans and monks, a world-destroying disaster will break out.

At that time, the out-of-control human world will bring a steady stream of evil energy to Heaven, making it beneficial to the invincible position.

Therefore, taking advantage of the advantage and attacking quickly is the right move.

Xia Ji's speed in cleaning up the evil ground was extremely fast...

The monks helped him find all the strongholds where the evil spirits were located, and made the first tests.

Xia Ji, on the other hand, used "a magical weapon similar to a dragon that travels thousands of miles" to rush around.

He won't give Heaven's time.

And as the evil spirit gradually came under control, the evil place was quickly cleared.

The control finally completely suppressed the spread, and the evil ground disappeared faster than it was produced.

Under the general trend,

Tiandao knew that he could no longer develop, so he released the terrifying "Void Insect" deep in the evil place.

The so-called "void insect" is a terrifying creature before the death culture.

This creature is almost invisible and can avoid any form of search.

Its function is simple and crude, and it can forcefully gnaw out a gap in the void.

Of course... its existence is related to a culture before the death culture.

This is where the foundation of heaven lies.

Although not much of the previous culture remains, at least something remains.

This thing has now become his ultimate killer.

Tiandao's tactic is very simple, let the void worms chew out a huge spherical void, but leave an entrance and exit, and then set a trap. As soon as Xia Ji enters, he will immediately let the void worms chew the entrance and exit into void.

In this case, Xia Ji will be completely locked in the void ball and unable to go out.

For this reason, the bait set by Tiandao is very tempting, which is the source of many evil spirits.

He knew He wanted this, so He gave it.

This is almost a dead end.

Xia Ji knows where the evil source is and will definitely go there.

As long as he goes there, the void insects will bite the entrance and exit into a void world, and Xia Ji will be completely imprisoned inside and will never be able to come out again.

And the way of heaven has also driven all the gods of death. Some of them are attacking in the east and west, bluffing and attracting many monks, and some are hoarding here.

In this way, even if Xia Ji finds something wrong and wants to escape through the entrance and exit, he will be blocked by the God of Death at all costs.

Tiandao's plan was successful.

This is no longer a matter of caution.

Almost no one knows about void insects, and the void world is even more undetectable.

The void is just a mass of black, and the black void is like the night sky without stars and moon.

Xia Ji was drawn into the siege, but when the void insects blocked the entrance and exit, he rushed outside...

When Tiandao saw that he had been fooled, he naturally stopped him at all costs.

An unprecedented war broke out.

Xia Ji used everything, as well as the millions of puppets that were fused, to form the ancient profound formation.

Heavenly Dao has used almost all the powers of death and all sources of evil.

The two fought each other.

Both sides suffer.

Millions of puppets were wiped out, and the ancient profound formation was shattered.

And all the gods of death in the way of heaven were destroyed, and all the power of the source of evil was destroyed.

Tiandao was also slashed by Xia Ji's Wanxiang, and his realm plummeted.


Tiandao still succeeded.

He paid almost all the price to seal Xia Ji in the void world.

But, He also failed.

Because He lost his potential.

All of his Death Gods were gone, and the source of evil was also destroyed.

Ten years later, the grown-up Miaomiao found the way to heaven and killed Him directly.

After Xia Ji won two complete victories, he had regained his immortality.

He walked out of the void...

However, he still has to live for nearly tens of millions of years in the long flow of time, until the moment when the universe box is closed tens of millions of years later.

During these millions of years, he confessed his past to Miaomiao, found the little fox Daji, and raised her well.

However, tens of millions of years were too long, and because there was no black tide, everyone left him again and again.

Until tens of millions of years later...

He finally stepped into the void again, and all kinds of great power gathered towards him.

But Heavenly Dao has disappeared and turned into a part of him.

The universe box was removed, but the world became a continuation of this time, but everyone did not disappear... All the people in Xia Ji's memory are in the reincarnation stage.

Xia Ji went to the Reincarnation Platform and took away Miaomiao, Su Tian, An Rongrong, Xia Xiaosu, Su Linyu, and the other eight ancestors.

Feng Chuixue, Xu Lingling, Xie Qiongfeng, "Mrs. Snow" Nian Ying and many other disciples,

"Red Carp" Feng Hongyu, as well as many powerful people who have played an role and have potential, such as Zi Chenxue from the East China Sea Sky Sword lineage and others.

He even resurrected the princes and daughters of the Great Shang Dynasty, Queen Guifang, Ru Mengxue, Liuli who had entered this world, twenty heavens, thirty-six blessed lands...

However, he did not find Ning Xiaoyu.

After becoming the Dao of Heaven, many things can be easily detected.

For example, observer.

The so-called observers are existences sent by the heavenly law of high-level alien universes by exploiting certain loopholes. These existences do not do anything but make small fuss.

Ning Xiaoyu and Zu Long are such "observers".

Dao war is actually everywhere.

Tiandao was actually aware of it before, but what is interesting is that the universe that is the source of Ning Xiaoyu and Zulong has been destroyed...

Therefore, the two exist in an incomprehensible way.

This is also the reason why Tiandao did not care about the two before.

After understanding this, Xia Ji stopped paying attention to the matter.

At this time, he had new troubles as he became the Dao of Heaven.

Originally, all the problems of the way of heaven were laid on him.

He began to try to build a new world.

But even if all the "energy" of this universe is exhausted, a better world cannot be built.

Just when he had a headache, the Heavenly Dao of Blue Star's universe turned into a shadow and stood at the edge of the universe.

The edges of the universe on both sides have transformed into a pure courtyard.

Xia Ji and Tiandao transformed into human forms and sat in the courtyard, with a chessboard placed in the center.

It seems peaceful, but this chessboard is the boundary between two universes.

Xia Ji and Lan Xing Tiandao were sitting on the edge of their respective universes.

A brief conversation took place in the courtyard.

"I come here, firstly, to congratulate fellow Taoists, and secondly, to invite fellow Taoists."

"Please say."

"A universe is in chaos, and it's time for you and I to join forces to get some things... I believe fellow Taoists need those things very much.

However, please be careful, fellow Taoist, because it is not just you and me who are eyeing that chaotic universe.

If we think clearly, we can set off at any time. "



Two lines of cause and effect extended towards the direction of the chaotic universe, and several Dao rhymes also entered that unknown universe.

The time travelers have arrived, and whether they, as "scouts", can successfully collect the rules of the alien universe will determine the success of the invasion.

Once the rules are clear, Xia Ji and Lan Xing's Tiandao will take action directly and plunder in an instant.

Unknown universe…

Many years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Several figures gathered together.

"My book of life and death can actually be used here."

"Then Old Wu, remember to hide. The Dao Yun I have can still set the time mark and protect you no problem."

"With my Zhuxian Sword Formation, this place is unbreakable. By the way, are there two more?"

"I've been by your side, Lu Chan, but your vigilance is too low."

"Pangu is coming soon... He has studied the rules in this universe where the vitality is too strong and everyone is almost immortal. He has just compiled a report and sent it to our family Tiandao. Now he has just integrated millions of Monster, so it took a little time.”

(Complete book)

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