Long Live The Hokage

Chapter 54: Konoha first rises


Konoha first year.

In the newly established Konoha Village, the shadows of later generations can already be seen a little, and the slightly familiar streets gradually overlap with the scenes deep in the memory.

Masahiko was wandering around in the newly built Konoha Village. He remembered that the pillars and Madara stood on the future Hokage Rock yesterday, and opened his arms between the pillars to announce the official establishment of Konoha Village.

The name of Konoha Village was provided by Uchiha Madara, and the pillar was the titular leader named Hokage.

The scheduled establishment of Konoha brought 100 witness points to Masahiko. In addition to the 130 points he had obtained before, he did not wait to add more points, but was ready to relax for a while. After all, after Konoha was established At least there is no need to shoot for a long time.

"Maa's face must be wonderful now..." Masahiko chuckled lightly.

In the current Konoha meeting room and in the future Hokage Building, a plenary meeting is being held to select Hokage candidates. In Masahiko's heart, or in everyone's heart, this is just a situation, Hokage can only be between the pillars.

Several medium-sized families may still have some ideas, but the small clan headed by Sarutobi will definitely support Zhujian, and the elder nephew of the Uzbek clan must also support his son-in-law. But no matter what, no one will support Uchiha.

"No, Zhujian will definitely support Madara..." Masahiko shook his head.

After walking around Konoha unknowingly, Masahiko did not find the building he most wanted to see, the Yile Ramen Restaurant.

"I'm really devilish, and I really believe in the legendary Otsuki Yile..." Masahiko smiled bitterly.

I didn't find Yile Ramen, but Masahiko did find a few rotisserie restaurants. You know, Konoha is basically a collection of ninja clan. The number of civilians is ten. The appearance of the barbecue restaurant makes Masahiko slightly puzzled. When he came closer, Masahiko's face went dark.

"It turned out to belong to the Qiu Taoist..." Masahiko cursed secretly, and then thought of the big fat man who was 100 meters tall in the war for the mines.

If it wasn't for the figure of the Qiu Dao clan to be too "special", Masahiko would really want to practice the secret technique of the Qiu Dao school, so that he would have a feeling of practicing the legendary fairy family magic "Fatianxiangdi" in his previous life.

"Fa, heaven and earth?" Masahiko murmured softly, "I must be crazy."

After turning around, Masahiko returned to the "Hokage Building" and found that someone had come out of the building one after another.

The patriarchs of the small clans came out first, and they didn't know anyone except Sasuke Sarutobi and Ken Masahiko Shimura. What came out later were the patriarchs of various medium-sized families. Of the six families, all of the six patriarchs were still six people familiar to Masahiko.

Masahiko sighed, "I still insist on not abdicating when I get older. It seems that there is a fault in the younger generation."

The end of the Warring States period, the reduction of ninja battles, and the weakening of overall strength is inevitable.

In the three ninja battles in later generations, some great characters will appear each time, which proves that the war is very important to the ninja's tempering.

"There are gains and losses..." Masahiko did not say hello to the six acquaintances, but sighed, "The current Konoha is really strong, beyond the patriarch level... Uh, now it should be said that there are two people beyond the shadow level. , Count me barely two and a half. And there are about ten people in the shadow level. As for the peak of forbearance, it is countless."

Masahiko stood at a distance of less than a hundred meters from the six patriarchs, watching them walk by with a heart full of thoughts, but none of them noticed Masahiko.

"Uh, is my sense of existence so low?" Then Masahiko watched Hyuga Tennin walk out of the building with frowning brows. "Can't even Patriarch Hyuga notice me?"

Then came Qianshou Jianma and the patriarch Uzumaki, they noticed Masahiko, bluntly said hello and turned away.

"Uh, what's so angry?"

Fifteen minutes later.

In the autumn road family barbecue restaurant.

"So, between the pillars, you Xiwangban became the first generation of fruit flies, want me to give you some ideas?" Masahiko chewed on the barbecue, talking a little slurred.

"Just use such a barbecue to fool your second grandfather?" Masahiko swallowed the barbecue.

He scratched his head between the posts, and nodded embarrassedly.

"In the meeting, there is no one who supports Uchiha..." Masahiko sighed, "Naruto can't be Madara, you still think about giving him another suitable position..."

"For example... Konoha's foreign exchange ambassador?"

There was speechless between the pillars, and I felt that a barbecue was wasted. This position is not suitable for Madara.

"During the meeting, I don't think Madara has a bad face, and proposed a referendum on the candidate for Naruto." Shijian sighed, "Think about it now, it seems even more wrong."

"Puff..." Masahiko almost spewed out a mouthful of barbecue, "Vote for the referendum? Are you afraid that Madara's face will not be lost enough?"

Seeing that Zhujian had entered a state of depression again, Masahiko was not embarrassed to hit him again, and comforted: "Okay, you are Naruto, let Madara be the elder, and the other elders let the elder nephew and the patriarch of the medium-sized family come, don’t bring It is estimated that Madara will not object to it."

This comfort obviously had a counterproductive effect, and Zhu Jian became even more depressed, obviously thinking of the hostile relationship between Fei Jian and Madara.

"One is my younger brother and the other is my friend, I really embarrass you, between the pillars..." Masahiko sighed.

"gay friend?"

"You got it wrong, it's a friend..."

Masahiko satisfactorily ate a barbecue and cleaned up the private small vault between the pillars.

"Autumn Dao's clan must have a special barbecue recipe, otherwise how could I be so edible, I must go and ask for one if I have time..." Zheng Yan thought in his heart, completely ignoring the painful face between the pillars next to him.

A week later, unsurprisingly, Zhuma was selected as Naruto with an overwhelming advantage, and Masahiko was happy to think about it with Uchiha Madara's face.

Masahiko did not fully understand what happened in the middle. On the night before the election, Madara completely heard the conversation between the door and the pillar. Feima disagrees that Madara becomes a Naruto, and explains Uchiha's writing wheel eyes essence to Zhuma, so Madara's face is so bad.

After the Hokage was determined, the number of the elders was also determined one after another. The final number is four, Uchiha Madara, Hyuga Tennin, Nara Patriarch, and Masahiko...

As for why it is not the patriarch of the whirlpool, because he still needs to return to the whirlpool clan, and he needs to manage all the big and small things in the clan.

Interestingly speaking, Masahiko entered the elders group as a representative of the small clan. The small clans have no shadow-level powerhouses. Only Masahiko, who is close to the Sarutobi and Shimura clan, can enter the elders.

At the same time, in order to take care of Madara’s emotions, the opinions of Madara among the four can be used with one vote at two votes to prevent the phenomenon of tie votes, although it is of no use in Masahiko’s eyes.

As for the door, he also got his wish as his elder brother's escort, and established the first generation of Naruto Guards.

Everything was in order, and the village began to get busy again, preparing to hold the "Enthronement" ceremony of the first generation of Hokage.