Long Live The Hokage

Chapter 547: Math question


I briefly visited the Uchiha clan, and then took the Tujia to visit Lin and Xiaoming, who had just turned three years old. Masahiko and Zhiri left the Uchiha clan.

The sky was getting dark at this time, and the two happened to meet Uchiha Izumi who had returned from outside the clan.

The girl looked a little bit into a face with Kakashi's wife Hua Ling, and there was a slightly conspicuous mole under her right eye, which looked very playful. Compared with Hua Ling, Uchiha Izumi, who has a round chin and a little baby fat on her face, is a bit cuter.

She just finished dating with a blush on her face, and she rubbed her face not far from the Uchiha clan, trying to calm her mood... She didn't know that her relationship with Itachi had actually been exposed.

"This girl is very cute." Zhili said to Masahiko with a light smile.

"Zhi Li, everyone is cute at first glance?"

Zhili glanced at him: "It's not."

Masahiko blinked, decided not to delve into the question of'who is not cute', and greeted Uchiha Izumi with a smile on his face.

Then Uchiha Izumi looked at Masahiko and passed him inexplicably.

Masahiko: "..."

"Hahaha..." Zhili laughed.

Masahiko turned around and spread his hands: "So, where is this girl cute?"

At this moment, Uchiha Izumi, who had already walked into the Uchiha clan, ran back suddenly, "Are you the ancestor of Uzumaki Masahiko?"

Masahiko is satisfied: "It's me."

"Sorry, I didn't recognize you for a while. Hello, I..." Uchiha Izumi paused and ran away again.

Masahiko scratched his head, and almost wanted a Vientiane Tianyin to suck her over. What did she do with this

"She should go to Qianshou Itachi, let him explain the situation to you and ask for help." Zhili smiled: "Shy little girl, so cute!"

Masahiko rolled his eyes: Okay, cute, you have the final say!

"It's getting late, let's find a place to live, Chiri. Do you want to live in my home in the Thousand Hands Clan, or my home in the Uzumaki Kingdom?"

"... Why is it all yours?"

Masahiko raised his eyebrows: "Not long after you were resurrected, are there any other places to go besides Sky Island?"

"Don't you know how to escape?"

Masahiko was silent for two seconds: "If you build an illegal building, you will be fined."

"...Illegal construction?"

"Forget it, let's live at Jiuxinai's house."

"Jiu Xinnai's house... also okay. Does her house have enough rooms?" Zhili asked.

"You sleep with Yuexia, and I sleep with Naruto."

"Yuexia, that little red-haired girl? She looks very cute too..."

Masahiko: "..."

The next day, early morning.

When the energetic Masahiko walked out of Naruto's room, what he saw was the same energetic Juri coming out of Yuexia's room.

"It seems to have a good rest, Yuexia sleeps quite honestly?" Masahiko greeted with a smile.

Zhili shook his head: "Not very honest, but... Then I took her in my arms, and she couldn't move around."

"Oh, it's the same on my side."

Zhili was startled: "You..."

"Naruto doesn't sleep honestly. Then I put him under my feet, so he can't move around."

Zhili: "..."

"Hahaha, listen to a joke early in the morning and have fun all day long, hahaha... isn't it funny?"

"... Funny."

In the next room, Jiu Xinnai walked out with a yawn: "Grandpa, Senior Chiri, I got up early, what's so funny?"

Then she walked to the kitchen: "I want to eat something, I'll make breakfast for you! Pratunam has become lazy in the past few days, and I always sleep in!"

"Just do something..."

"Well, Kushina, look at your yawning, go back and make up for a sleep, grandpa will cook breakfast for you!" Masahiko interrupted hurriedly.

"Yeah!" Jiu Xinnai readily accepted.

When Kushina came back to the house, Chiri leaned against the kitchen door and watched Masahiko busy: "Kushina cooking... average?"

"... can eat."

"I got it." Zhili smiled, and then suddenly sighed: "Where will I go after dinner?"

"I have to go to the Thousand Hands Clan and the Hyuga Clan. I don't know if you want to go. If you don't want to go, then you will stay at Kushina's house and wait for me."

"I... wait for you." Zhili sighed.

Masahiko frowned slightly, realizing that her tone of voice was wrong, and the hand of cutting vegetables paused slightly: "Are you feeling at a loss about your life?"

"Yeah, I..."

"Do you feel that your life has lost its direction?" Masahiko said again.

"Yes, I..."

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry..."

"Masahiko Uzumaki!"

"Haha... I was happy to hear two jokes in the morning. Isn't it funny?"

"Oh... funny!"

Masahiko narrowed his smile at this moment: "Dare to ask the female donor, why are you confused?"

"Puff..." Zhili covered his mouth: "Don't pretend to be a monk, it's stupid!"

"Da da da..." Masahiko continued to chop vegetables, "This trip to the Uchiha clan is disappointed?"

"… what."

"Did you originally want to find a few young people in their 60s and 70s, and tell them about fun things about their grandparents when they were young?" Masahiko smiled.

"Nor." Zhiri sighed slightly: "It's just that even the Uchiha clan are neither human nor human, making me even less sure where I belong."

"Belong to me."

Zhili shook his head: "I didn't make a joke with you... Maybe you shouldn't have asked you to bring me back to life."

Masahiko skillfully lit the fire and poured the oil, turning his head to smile and said, "It was my negligence. I overlooked that you actually only spent 20 years instead of 132 years like mine. The mental age gap is indeed a bit big."

"Yes, you are the real old man."

"But your seniority is too high. Only me and yours are the same generation. So now you are actually presented with a proposition: When there is only one man left in the world, Uzumaki Masahiko, should you choose him?"

Zhili was dumb.

Masahiko suddenly showed a deep face: "In Zhili, a great man once said:'Life is not only about the present, but also a long-term improvisation.' I'm just living it, let alone... Isn't it too improvable?"

Zhili smiled and shook his head: "It doesn't count... Although the jokes you tell are not very funny."

"That's all for the purpose of enlivening the embarrassing atmosphere. I thought about it temporarily." Masahiko shook his head. "My well-thought-out joke can make you laugh so hard that you can't stand up straight!"

"... Wait and see."

Masahiko said in a deep voice while cooking, "The real age gap is actually not a problem. We all have a long life span. When you are half my true age, you will naturally get used to my way of speaking and acting."

Zhili was silent for two seconds: "How much later is that?"

Masahiko was stunned, and two lines of text quickly appeared in his mind.

'The true age of Zhili is 20, and the true age of Masahiko is 132. Question: How many years later will Masahiko's age be no more than twice that of Zhiri? '

"Mathematics equation problem, emmmm..."

Zhili covered his mouth and snickered: "You better understand this problem first."

Masahiko: "..."

Little questions, no difficulty! Old ancestor Rong found two boxes of matches to put them on...