Long Live The Hokage

Chapter 554: Blog mode


Masahiko hid for fifteen minutes before appearing in front of Kushina, and was surprised to find that she was not upset at all.

"Why, Lu hasn't been home for a long time? Or the question is too difficult for him to figure it out?"

Kushina shook his head: "What's so difficult? It's useless Lujiu. His son Shikamaru helped us figure it out in half a minute."

"Then what are you... Grandpa hides, aren't you angry?" Masahiko was playing with confidence, but the playing Kushina had no response, and he didn't feel any sense of accomplishment!

Jiuxinai lacked interest: "You can keep the income for yourself. It is less than 210,000 taels a day, and half of it is only 100,000 taels for me. It is not enough for me to buy a new dress!"

Watergate was full of words and stopped.

Masahiko blinked: "Don't you?"

"You keep it!"

"No regrets."

Kushina was taken aback, feeling that something seemed wrong, but he nodded hesitantly.

Masahiko raised his eyebrows: "Juri, since Jiu Xinna doesn't want it, then the other half is yours... Well, you can keep them all!"

Zhili smiled: "Forget it, what do I want so much money for?"

Jiuxinai's feeling of incompatibility grew stronger, and she suddenly turned her head to look at the water gate: "Did I be pitted by the grandfather?"

"Ahem..." Masahiko laughed and coughed.

Watergate scratched his hair: "Juzina, the number given to you by the elder is what he said casually. The daily number of passengers should be more than nine thousand people, and the average ticket price... more than 113 taels."

Jiuxina was stunned: "How much does that get?"

"The number of people is not easy to estimate, but the fare... at least has to be doubled by 15 times."

"That is... more than three million taels a day?"

Seeing Kushina's frustration, Masahiko smiled and made up the last blow: "More than that. Trains can not only transport people, but also transport goods, plus various uses. When the tracks are covered with Ninja world, every day there is no An income of about 15 million taels is not rare for me!"

"1500 dollars?!"

Masahiko smiled and nodded. Jiu Xinnai's brains are not so good, how can the average fare be 113 taels

Naruto World was drawn by Kishimoto, so the currency purchasing power is about the same as the Japanese yen, 100 taels is 6 yuan. What he has built is a'train' or even a'high-speed rail' all over the mainland, and then charges a'light rail' price, so funny

"By the way, the light rail in the village can also be considered. Mosquito legs are also meat!"

Jiu Xinnai's face twitched from the heartache, and stared at the water gate with annoyance: "Why didn't you remind me earlier?"

Watergate smiled awkwardly: "It is not good to always use the money of the elder, and we are not short of money..."

Jiu Xinnai hates iron but not steel: "What do you share with Grandpa?! Watergate, you wait!"

Watergate looked helpless.

Masahiko laughed and said a set of things. Isn't he just looking at his money? Hey, it seems that the ancestors will soon become rich and handsome

Meidi is very...

When a person puts a lot of energy into something, time will pass very quickly.

In a blink of an eye, two and a half months passed.

During the period, Masahiko and Zhiri only went back to Sky Island... Now it can also be called Mahjong Island. Last time I went to the door and didn’t play or not, this time I went to him to win between the pillars and it was a joy...

The addiction between the pillars is even greater. Masahiko doesn't know what's so fun about a game that he has never won. Maybe it's... a novelty? Looking forward to picking up a Foster Brad

Oh, in the next life.

After leaving Sky Island, Masahiko became a supervisor, supervising the construction of the first train and the laying of railroad tracks.

The distance between Uzumaki Kingdom and Konoha is very close, only a hundred kilometers. Normally laying the track requires consideration of the terrain, but with Masahiko, the terrain is not a problem at all...

The mountain is too high? Boom!

tunnel? nonexistent!

Is the stream blocking the road? Fill in!

Forest? Chop it off!

Although it is not so exaggerated, the track does basically follow a straight line. In just two months, the "Turbofire" railroad track was announced as completed, and it went so smoothly.

At this time, Konoha's craftsmen also solved the difficulty of train power. Tiantian's father's group of blacksmiths was freed from the rails and immediately devoted themselves to train casting.

Finally, on June 9, 64 Konoha, the train ushered in the official trial run!

"The power of the train is electricity?"

Bringing soil and nodding: "They seem to use a container for storing chakras, and then convert the chakras into electricity to drive the train. I don't know the details, wait for me to find..."

"Don't look for it." Masahiko waved his hand quickly, as if asking someone to say that he could understand, "The trial train is important... Since electricity is used, why not call a tram?"

"That kind of thing doesn't matter." Jiu Xinnai interrupted: "Grandpa, I will go up and take a look at Pratunam, this car is much better than last time."

Masahiko smiled and waved his hand: "That's right, the car is a little more beautiful to sell tickets, grandpa, I can make more money. Zhili, let's go up together... By the way, who will drive the car?"

"I'll drive, ancestor Masahiko." Father Tiantian said busy.

"New driver, tut." Masahiko pursed his lips. "Trolley drivers have to be trained, civilians will do. It has a better foundation in ninjutsu."

"I see, master."

"That's it, get in the car!"

When the tram drove in front of you and could move forward steadily without repulsive force, Masahiko finally put his heart in his stomach and it was done!

However, Jiu Xinna sitting in the front row frowned and said dissatisfied: "Why didn't it stabilize last time? And the noise is louder..."

"That's not bad." After all, Masahiko is a person who has taken a train and is content. "How could the power equipment made by the Konoha craftsmen stabilize my arms? Loud noise is also the cause of the power equipment."

"That's it..." Jiu Xin Nai's eyes rolled, and he estimated how many people would be willing to take the tram.

The speed of the car gradually increased, reaching its peak after 100 kilometers per hour, and the tram began to move steadily. Masahiko and others walked up and down in the car, and even went into the cab to take a look.

"It's nice to take a tram to see the scenery." Zhili smiled and said, "Unfortunately, you have ruined a lot of the surrounding scenery, Masahiko."

"Well, the first time I was a little anxious, and then built a railroad track to let them go around by themselves. But this way... the tram is considered a success!"

Just after the speech, Masahiko was surprised to see a line of long-lost Chinese characters. "Witness and change more of the story of the Naruto New Generation Bo Ren Chuan Branch: Thunder Car, get 10 (*50) witness points."

"I really have a testimony." Masahiko murmured, and suddenly he realized that something was wrong...

*50? !

Witness points: 500 points.

"This, this, this..."

Suddenly another line of Chinese characters was crossed:'Open Hokage World's new generation blog mode'

Masahiko's cataloging is dumbfounded, so just get a tram. Is it necessary to play so much

He couldn't even respond to Zhili's response, and he hurriedly cast his eyes to the attribute column.

Nothing has changed, except for one more attribute:

White eyes (not opened) (0/5000000)

"This means... When the blog post opens, you won't be able to open your eyes, right?"