Long Live The Hokage

Chapter 555: Roll your eyes


The tram slowly decelerated and stopped at the western border of Uzumaki Country, while Nagato was picking up the car by the track.

This track has only been repaired one way temporarily, and it has only been repaired outside the vortex. But every day, his father's car drove quite steadily, and Masahiko looked ahead but there were dozens of meters of railroad tracks left.

Because the track that turned around was not repaired, after everyone got off the train, Masahiko mobilized gravity to make the tram turn 180 degrees in the air, and ran on the same track when returning.

"Yeah! Teacher, did the train trial run successfully?" Nagato greeted him, "... Teacher?"

"... Ah, it worked."

Since receiving the system prompt, Masahiko has been a little absent-minded, thinking about what this blog mode means. More changes *50. The number of witness points obtained has been increased tenfold in the blog post plot. What does this mean

Masahiko's body has Kaguya blood, and it is normal to have a recessive white eye gene in his body, but it has never been shown before... It suddenly appears, and 500 witness points are needed to activate white eye. It is really not for Masahiko not to think too much.

According to the more witness points needed, the more the improvement of strength will be seen. In the blog of the blogger, a blank eye will be much better than a kaleidoscope writing round eye or even a reincarnation eye. So now... Do you want to add the 500 witness points you just got

Here, Nagato called Masahiko again, but didn't get a response, so he turned to the water gate and brought the soil to ask about the trial operation of the tram.

"Masahiko, what's the matter?" Chiri whispered beside him, "Masahiko?"

Masahiko finally came back to his mind: "It's okay. It feels good to take a tram, right? Up to two years, the railroad tracks can be spread across the entire Ninja continent, and we can travel around the world by tram... Have you never been in a country of fire before?"

"Yeah. But... You don't damage the roadside scenery by repairing the railroad tracks."

Masahiko's mouth twitched, and he nodded again and again, Zhiri did not refuse the invitation to travel for two!

At this time, Tiantian's father came over and said while wiping his sweat: "Old Ancestor Masahiko, what should I do next?"

"Um... Take a rest for a while, then drive the tram back, this time bring Nagato, let him experience the feeling of riding a tram, and then find him and bring the soil to settle the bill." Masahiko groaned.

"Then... What's next?"

Masahiko was stunned for a moment: "After that?"

"Didn't you say that you want to spread the railroad tracks all over the Ninja World? Where should you spread it next?"

Masahiko laughed and said, "Don't worry, you still have a lot of work to do. First of all, you haven't finished repairing the rails here. The rails from the country of Uzumaki to Konoha have not been repaired. You can't always find me to turn around the tram. Right? After repairing this, two stations will have to be repaired... Oh, then it's nothing to you."

Father nodded every day: "How many trams do you need?"

"Frame?" Masahiko shook his head: "Old ancestor religion, you have a new quantifier, car! Or you can use'column', don't make it like a carriage. Build a few more... It's okay, you can build a tram without the task of repairing the rails. , Won’t be unsold. And this one... ”

"I will give it to you! Patriarch Zheng Yan!" Father Tian Tian said busy.

Masahiko smiles with satisfaction, long winks, and the private luxury tram is in hand!

Just at this time, he brought a few people to come, Masahiko said directly: "The tram has been tested successfully. The next step is to repair the station and the return track. The next step is to repair the railroad tracks in other countries. First, repair the country of ventilation... Earth, contact Sand Ninja Village."

"Yes, Master!"

Every day my father smiled like a 300-jin child, but the tram was not given away for nothing!

"Get in the car, let's go back to Konoha!"

The successful trial operation of the tram represents the beginning of a larger project, but Masahiko does not need to worry about the rest. Father and Taitu will take care of everything every day. He can wait for the tram to pass, and then wait to collect the money...

After three days of peaceful life, Masahiko finally failed to restrain his curiosity, sitting cross-legged on Naruto's bed, and devoted 500 testimony points to the skill of whitening his eyes.

White eyes (beginning)


His eyes were sore for five minutes, and Masahiko saw this message in the attribute column.

"Beginner? There are also middle and high? Intermediate level requires 1000 points, and the other skill 1000 witness points can all be upgraded to the full level..." Masahiko thoughtfully, "No, no, the original 1000 points were only written by Liugouyu reincarnation. Round eyes, so... Can white eyes eventually become something of the same level as the jade round eyes written in Jiugou jade reincarnation? It’s a bit strong, let’s try this elementary white eyes first!"

Moving Chakra near his eyes, Masahiko felt that his eyes were divided into layers. One layer was the familiar Jiugou jade reincarnation writing round eyes, and the other layer was white eyes.

"Grow your eyes, open!"

With blue veins on his forehead violent, Masahiko immediately had a familiar perspective—the perspective of God from his previous life when playing games!

Except for himself, everything around him is presented in black and white colors. Chiri and Kushina are chatting in the living room, the water gate where the vegetables are cut and washed in the kitchen, the young couple who moved next door to Kushina's house and moved back...

With Masahiko's mobilization of Chakra, his field of vision has become wider and wider, gradually covering the entire Konoha, and still being able to extend!

"The limit field of vision is 20 kilometers, and Huiye can't compare to me, right? This is only elementary, so what about the intermediate and advanced? The field of view distance should not increase too much, but it is estimated that various abilities will appear. Reincarnating eyes, silver eyes, golden eyes... What a special thing, why the ancestor lacks witness points!" Masahiko sighed.

"The limit visual field test is finished, now we should try the power of observation and penetration..." I don't know what was thinking of, Masahiko's old face turned red slightly, "Tsk! This ability to be harmonious!"

Ten minutes later.

Masahiko closed his eyes and walked out of the room, and said to Zhiri and Kushina: "I'm going out and around, don't have to wait for me for lunch."

"This... I'll have lunch soon, where are you going, grandpa?" asked Jiuxinai.

"Stroll around." Masahiko smiled: "You eat yours, don't care about me."

Masahiko went out, the two looked at each other, Kushina hesitated and said: "Senior Zhiri, I always feel that there is something wrong with Grandpa these days?"

"Have it?"

Walking on the streets of Konoha, Masahiko looked helpless. The penetrating power of the white eyes is absolutely harmonized by Kishimoto. How can you choose to penetrate and you will directly see the chakra in your body? If you choose not to penetrate, you can only see the perspective eyes of the clothes

"No, right? Why is my ancestor's thinking so unhealthy? What's there to see!" Masahiko shook his head, "It must be a previous netizen who mistaken me, saying that Hinata secretly fell in love with Naruto because of his white eyes, which made me curious... Nothing at all. Chicken talk!"

"Huh... I feel like I'm back to the previous problem. Where can I get the witness points? The blogger has given so many testimony points in the plot, but I haven't seen it before, and I can't guide it by myself!"

Just at this moment, a slightly familiar girl called: "Old ancestor Masahiko!"

Masahiko looked up in a daze: "Temari? Oh, Sharenin Village asked you to come and inspect the tram?"

Huh? Temari

Masahiko is thoughtful, the blogger tells the story, she and Shikamaru...