Long Live The Hokage

Chapter 558: God


Earth property space.

Masahiko appeared slightly annoyed. After finally getting so little progress with Zhili and being disturbed by others, can you still go on a two-person trip happily

There was only Hui Ye next to the space channel. Looking at her nervous expression, Masahiko knew that this time it should not have been a false alarm.

Fear is also one of the dark sides. In the past two years, Huiye has reproduced a little bit of negative emotions because of fears of the peach and golden styles coming, but not many, so it looks almost like tension.

"Uzumaki Masahiko, they are here!" Seeing Masahiko enter the space, Hui Ye immediately floated towards him and said.

Masahiko nodded to her, tilted his head to look at the space channel: "What about people?"

Hui Ye shook his head slightly: "Sensed that they appeared in my ice and snow space, I immediately came to you through the space channel, they... Maybe they didn't see me?"

Masahiko frowned slightly, even if he didn't see Huiye, such a conspicuous space channel should be able to detect it, could it be two weak chickens

At this moment, beside the spatial passage he constructed, another dark passage appeared silently.

Masahiko was slightly startled and laughed blankly. Is this refusing to take the usual path, or is he worried that there is a problem with the space channel he constructed? But this way...

He raised his hands and compared his fingers to a pistol, aiming at the channel just constructed by the peach and gold styles. The fingertips were red and two dark red tail beast jade slowly formed.

The tail beast jade was done casually by Masahiko, but the power contained in it is equivalent to the tail beast jade that Nine Tails spit out with all their strength. First use this level of attack to hit the two of them and try the opponent's level.

A second later, a strand of gray-white clothing poked out from the passage, Masahiko raised his eyebrows and fired!

The red shock wave spreads around the space channel. The space channel that had just been opened was obviously unstable, and it collapsed during the blasting, and the white corners of clothing also disappeared.

But Masahiko would not think that his opponent would be solved so easily, he turned to Kaguya and said: "Stay here and wait for me."

"Masahiko Uzumaki, I can too..."

Masahiko waved his hand: "Fighting, fighting and killing, your current character can't do it, don't make a mess!"

After saying this, Masahiko ignored Kaguya's reaction, and went directly into the space channel he had built with the impact of the explosion that had not yet dissipated.

In the next instant, he appeared in the ice and snow space of Huiye, and when he looked up, he saw a huge dark red sphere that obscured the sky and the sun, hitting him or the space channel he had constructed.

"Tsk, Dong Shi Xiaoyu. Whoops, this word is used, the cultural level of the ancestors has risen." Masahiko smiled, waved his right arm, and the jet black wind fire wheel cut out, cutting the dark red sphere in half from the middle. .

Two dark red hemispheres smashed on both sides of Masahiko, sending out a larger shock wave than before, and the ice surface was broken, but the ice surface within two meters of Masahiko's feet was not damaged at all!

Masahiko didn't care about the explosion around him. He raised his head, his sight penetrated the fire, and he saw two enemies floating in the air.

Datongmu Jinshi is a big fat man, his body is wider than Dingciding, he has pale complexion and gray hair, and the gray clothes he wears are missing a corner...

Compared with the golden style, the big wooden peach style is very small, sitting on the shoulders of the golden style. His face is a bit similar to Huiye, and he is also dressed in a white robe, but there is an extra layer of veil on him...

"It doesn't matter if you look like a woman, it's still covered with layered gauze, and you won't dress up in vain."

"Master Taoshi." Datongmujinshi said in a low voice, "It should be this guy who attacked us just now, not Huiye."

"It won't be the ant of Huiye, she doesn't have the guts." Datongmu Taoshi glanced at Masahiko, and a trace of greed flashed in his eyes: "I don't know where he is Huiye's helper... What a huge Chakra , The finished Chakra fruit will be far more delicious than Huiye, I did not expect such a big harvest this time!"

"Leave it to me, Master Taoshi."

Jin Shi looked at Masahiko, without a trace of emotion in his eyes, lowered his head slightly, and asked Momoshi to get off his shoulder.

However, there was no response from his left shoulder, his right shoulder sank suddenly, and at the same time another voice came to his ear: "It's actually a man made? The other big Mokpo style too?"

Peach-style turned his head and looked at Masahiko sitting on the other side of the golden-style shoulder: “Each chakra fruit will resist before it is made into a fruit, and you are the one with the most courage.”

Masahiko smiled and said, "You have to make some compensation for interrupting the old ancestor’s love relationship. This artificial man has a relationship with the old ancestor. Give me his mount, and I will let you go."

"I don't know the height of the sky and the thick ants!"

Momoka floated up, and the big wooden gold style under Masahiko's buttocks also moved.

A red halo on his body suddenly turned into a golden red chain, rolling towards Masahiko on his shoulder.

Masahiko quickly lifted into the sky, with the palm of his right hand facing the golden style, and a red chain extended from the palm of his hand, entangled with the golden-red chain.

Turning his head and looking at the peach-style floating in the theater, Masahiko smiled and turned the discus! Through the chains, the big fat golden style was thrown into the peach style by him.

And facing the big fat man who bumped into it, Tao Shi couldn't avoid it. At the moment of the impact, the tension on the chain suddenly increased, causing Masahiko's figure to shake in the air a few times.

With this pulling force, the gold style successfully avoided hitting the peach pose and plunged into the depths of the ice...

"Is it so loyal?" Masahiko shook his head helplessly and retracted the chain, "Big-tube peach-style, you said my chakra is huge, tell me how big it is, I can't perceive it myself!"

"Where did the ant hide in Huiye?"

"Where do you call Huiye an ant with confidence!" Masahiko shook his head, "Can you drop your nostrils upright? Although I can't perceive my chakra amount, I can sense your chakra amount. Now What's the situation, don't you have any points in your mind?"

"I don't know the height of the sky and the thick ants." Tao Shi looked at the hole that Jin Shi smashed out.

Masahiko shook his head and sighed. He couldn't communicate with the "noble" Momoshiki at all...

"There were still some questions I wanted to ask, but it seems that I can't get the answers. Then solve them, and rush back to fall in love!"

Masahiko shakes his hand as a tail beast jade hits the peach pose, and his figure closely follows the tail beast jade.

Facing Masahiko's attack, Momoshiki stretched out his left hand with disdain, and a mysterious reincarnation eye on the palm of his hand was shining, blooming with strange power.

In the buzzing sound, Masahiko's tail beast jade was completely absorbed by it, and it bounced back with a much stronger force than before!

"Useless struggle." Momoshiki said lightly.

Masahiko smiled slightly when he saw it, and slapped the back of the tail beast jade with the back of his hand. The tail beast jade changed direction and went straight to the golden style that had just been drilled out of the ground!

Amidst the roar, the gold style is back underground!

Momoshiki revealed an unexpected look, folded his hands to protect against Masahiko's side kick, making a dull crash sound.

"I just used my strength to fight, don't you understand? Haven't Sun Tzu learned the art of war?"


Masahiko looked helpless, "Refusing to learn from Sun Tzu's art of war? Then teach you Masahiko's art of war: Sudden increase in force!"

"Let's go!" The immortal's coat was draped over her body, and the force of the right leg of the kick suddenly turned several times. Masahiko frowned slightly looking at Momoshiki who was still calm after hitting the ice.

"All Chakra attacks can be absorbed and rebound. It's a bit annoying. You can only use Taoist jade and physical skills to attack. Ordinary Taoist jade is of little use to him, and it can be expanded. It's stupid to become a ball.

Then you have to use physical skills to cut him... Whether you use physical skills, the ancestor will soon be over 18 years old, and his body is almost fully developed. Physical skills... should be very strong, right? "Masahiko moved his arms and struck down with a fist calmly!"

A pale white beam of light stretched out from his fist and chased Tao Shi, who was about to stabilize his figure, stretched out his left hand again, but was surprised to find that he could not absorb the beam of light!

The beam of light was in the middle of Tao Shi's body, and he finally appeared a little flustered, and he was reunited with Datong Mu Jin Shi underground!

"You can shoot the evening elephant with a small amount of power? Why didn't the ancestors go to the sky... Oh, let's put it in the sky."