Long Live The Hokage

Chapter 65: I have a special way to stop End Valley


Masahiko originally wanted to persuade himself to go with the flow and let the flow go, but he still wanted to do something unconsciously, perhaps because of his own personality, or even subconsciously not wanting the Battle of End Valley to happen.

Over the years, getting along with Zhujian has become completely accustomed to his days when nothing has happened. Even Uchiha Madara, after three battles, Masahiko didn’t really want him to end up like that. As for the witness point, Masahiko can’t take care of it for the time being...

Since the graduation incident, Masahiko has been walking on Konoha Street from time to time, and met Uchiha people many times, and he molested them when he was fine. Izumi Uchiha also called Masahiko many times for this, but it was not Uchiha Madara. Masahiko ignored it at all.

He originally intended to turn Uchiha into a disadvantaged group and let the Konoha villagers eliminate their guard and guard against Uchiha, but he didn't expect it to be counterproductive.

Four years in Konoha, Masahiko found that the villagers talked about such a saying, "That's Uchiha, even Elder Masahiko hates them!"

These talks made Masahiko laugh or cry, only to realize that he is really a respected senior, and even some of his unreasonable practices will be accepted by others.

"Or, beware that Uchiha is already in their bones?"

One method failed, Masahiko wanted to change another, and continued to do things, but he did not expect to find him between the pillars.

"Second grandfather, I heard that you have had some disputes with Uchiha recently..." Zhu Jian hesitated to speak.

"Uh," Masahiko paused, his eyes rolled, "Don't you think Madara has been wrong since he came back last time. This time I also want to test his reaction."

It suddenly dawned on the pillars, "I also think that Madara is a bit wrong... Then I don't care about it, you just need to be reasonable."

At this moment, Shima couldn't think of how well Masahiko was...

There was no way to change the villagers’ view of Uchiha’s clan for a while, so Masahiko wanted to change the impression of Uchiha Madara in the eyes of the villagers.

It took him a month to write a book. The name of the book is "The Autobiography of Uchiha Madara", Masahiko faked Uchiha Madara to write about his experience, so that the villagers could understand him better and not be so afraid. The result became more and more biased, and it became "The Autobiography of Brother Uchiha Madara". Masahiko felt that he must have been influenced by the same humanities in his previous life... Fortunately, this is not the era of the proliferation of small yellow books, and there are not many villagers who are literate. Not wide...

But even so, after the publication of this book, Uchiha Madara's number of appearances on the streets of Konoha decreased significantly. He felt that some Konoha villagers, and even Uchiha people, looked at him very strange and unfriendly.

Masahiko only later discovered that the situation was not right and wanted to correct his mistake, so he wrote another book...

The name of this book is "Dream of Building a Village". Masahiko started with the column and the banda water drifting, and continued to write about the establishment of Konoha. His original intention was to let the villagers know that the ability to build Konoha was not only an ideal between the pillars, but also a credit to the spot.

But... it changed again when it was written, and it became "the story of Senjujuma and Uchiha Madara falling in love and killing each other." After this time, the eyes of the villagers looking at the pillars were not quite right.

Masahiko also wants to struggle a bit more, and prepares to write a book called "The Loved Uchiha Clan", telling the truth about the Uchiha clan in detail, so that the villagers can better understand some Uchiha clan.

Unexpectedly, before he started writing, he was searched for by the pillars.

"Second Grandpa..." Holding the two previous books in his hands, the face was dumbfounded, "What are you doing, what are you doing?"

Masahiko smiled with a guilty conscience, "Second grandfather, this is not trying to bring you and Madara closer..."

Helpless, "Second grandfather, I feel you are not suitable for writing a book..."

Masahiko shook his head, still trying to struggle, "Wait, I still have the final chapter of the trilogy, I have to work harder..."

"Big brother, second grandfather! Don't worry about this for now, there are other things we need to deal with." The door walked in and said.

"What's the matter?" asked between the pillars.

"The first generation Dokage of Iwanin Village has abdicated old, and the second generation Dokage will be guarded without successor. There is news that he will come to Konoha to sign the agreement again... It is estimated that it will be there in three or four days." Jian Jian explained.

The pillars looked happy, "Do you take the initiative to sign the covenant? It seems that they are fellow citizens with the same heart for peace!"

"Second grandfather, don't write your book for now." said between the pillars, "prepare, let's meet the second generation of Tuying."

"It feels like the arrival of nothing seems to be a lot late... Is it the plot that I changed?" Masahiko thought in his heart, nodded to Zhuma, and agreed.

Although he agreed with his mouth, Masahiko immediately started writing after he returned to the station. This book is not much content. It simply introduces Uchiha's origins and the nature of their love, so that everyone can understand the Uchiha family. The so-called alienation is because of lack of understanding, and Masahiko hopes to change the villagers' view of Uchiha.

When I felt that I could finish writing in two days, the second generation Tuyingwu had already arrived in the village of Konoha. There was no way, Masahiko had to go to the Hokage Building to receive him first.

Here, he once again saw Wu, and a familiar figure, Oh Yemu, a young old man from three generations of Tuying in the future.

At the same time, the Uchiha clan.

Madara sat in the lobby with two books handed over by Izumi Uchiha in his hand. After flipping through the first book, his face was as black as carbon.

"Why didn't you give it to me earlier?"

Izumi Uchiha also looked ashamed, "My patriarch, I just heard from the clan population. These two books were released shortly, the earlier one was more than a month ago, and the later one was a week ago..."

Madara pressed her anger in her heart, and remembered the weird eyes that the villagers looked at him a month ago. At the time, they thought they were hostile to the Uchiha clan... Unexpectedly...

"Did you find out who did it?"

Izumi Uchiha also replied, "I don't know for the time being, but... There are not many people who have such a clear relationship with Senna-sama and Zhuma."

Uchiha's complexion changed, and he clenched his fists, "What's the relationship between Shi and I?" He quickly took out the second book and flipped through it briefly.

After a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "Old man, no one but you dare to write such a thing!"

For the first book, it's fine to write him as a younger brother, Uchiha Madara Shinobu, but the second book... totally unbearable!

"Old man, you probably have enough life..." Uchiha Madara said bitterly.

At this time, Masahiko, Zhenghe and Zhujian sent the second generation Tuying out. They have successfully signed a new alliance agreement.

Masahiko didn't know at this time, Madara was already gearing up, ready to settle accounts with him...