Long son-in-law

Chapter 100: Mother is not dead? !


It started to rain lightly in Tianlang City, and the pattering light rain brought the construction work to a temporary halt. It usually rarely rains in Saibai, so this rain came very suddenly, but people didn't hate it.

At least grass sprouts grew in the surrounding barren land.

"That's what happened." Nalan Meng said, standing under a tree outside the city, "Of course... you can kill me now. After all, I am the daughter of the enemy who killed your father."

Nalanmeng looked at Li Huguo, and it was hard to tell whether it was rain or tears flowing down his face.

Li Yuguo walked over, and Nalan Meng took a deep breath. The corners of her mouth turned up slightly. Seeing Li Yuguo's determined look, she slowly closed her eyes, as if she was sure that Li Yuguo would take revenge on herself.

Nalan Meng raised her chin, and her fair neck was like unearthed white jade.

Li Hugo's pace suddenly quickened, and his feet stepped on the mud, causing water to splash.

Suddenly, Li Yuguo hugged Nalan Meng in his arms, which almost shocked Nalan Meng. Nalan Meng's whole body suddenly trembled, and she said: "You..."

"Why don't I know your difficulties?" Li Huguo stroked her hair.

"You deliberately provoked me and asked me to leave in order to withstand the attack of the blood-clothed guards. In fact, you already knew the number of enemies, which was almost overwhelming, so you were already prepared to die in battle, but you chose to let I will survive, even if it is in an extreme way, so that I will hate you in the following days... "

"You didn't tell me, about the cause of my parents' death, you were afraid that I would take revenge, because if I go to your father now, as long as your father knows that I know the truth, as the prince, he will not hesitate to kill me Behead…”

"You just closed your eyes. Are you ready for me to kill you, right? If I really take action, you won't even... choose to fight back... "

Li Huguo's three words, like three sharp arrows, pierced deeply into Nalan Meng's heart. She could no longer bear the pain and emotion in her heart. Like a little girl, she hugged Li Huguo's The body began to cry loudly and loudly, and became more and more sad, as if it wanted to vent everything that was suppressed in its heart.

"But I divorced you, and you...don't you hate me?" Nalanmeng choked, unable to speak clearly.

Li Huguo took a deep breath: "I burned the divorce letter, and it was written irregularly, so I didn't even sign it."

"Didn't you sign it?"

"I drew a little tortoise, but you didn't even look at it and left." Li Huguo laughed.

Nalan Meng lightly hammered Li Huguo: "You, you are teasing me..."

"Ha ha… "

Nalanmeng suddenly thought of something. She gently pushed Li Huguo's chest away and said, "Actually... your mother is not dead."

"What?!" Li Yuguo trembled as if his heart had been hit by a heavy hammer.

"After my father-in-law died in the battle, he asked one of his soldiers to bring an envelope and deliver it to the Li Mansion. Then the maid Ling'er next to my mother-in-law had been serving her mother-in-law since she was a child. She was her dowry maid. My father-in-law was a kind and caring person. Man, so he secretly took Ling'er as his concubine, but when the scandal broke out, Ling'er replaced her mother-in-law... "

"Ling'er replaced my mother?" Li Yuguo asked in shock.

Nalan Meng bit her lip and nodded: "Well, the whole capital knew about the fire in Li's Mansion. After the fire was extinguished, people saw a female corpse lying on the bed. At that time, they all thought it was the mother-in-law herself, but Actually not... She is Ling'er, who took the place of her mother-in-law's death and sent her outside."

When Li Yuguo thought about it, he realized that he had indeed recorded this matter, because the world of the novel itself borrowed some of the history he was familiar with. The romantic places and the maids and servants were all a reflection.

Similarly, Li Huguo also included the dowry maids at that time. These dowry maids are basically the same as in today's world. They are usually accompanied by the girl's family to take care of the girl's daily life after she marries her husband's family.

Most of the dowry maids usually grew up with the young lady, and the friendship between the two must be very deep. For example, my mother and the maid Ling'er grew up together. Although they are not like sisters, they are better than sisters. The friendship is deep.

It is precisely because of this that Ling'er was able to become Li Guangyi's concubine. This is precisely because Ling'er herself was regarded as a sister by Li Hugo's mother, so her status was followed.

Under normal circumstances, a married lady will feel uncomfortable at first when she first marries into her husband's family. She will feel unfamiliar and helpless to the new environment. At this time, the accompanying maid can be a companion for the lady and take care of her at her husband's house. The young lady can adapt to the environment smoothly and can be said to be the confidant of the young lady in her husband's family.

Moreover, the dowry maid is also the spy of her mother's family. If a young lady is bullied by her husband's family and it is inconvenient for her to seek help from her natal family, the maid can write to her natal family to inform her of the situation and seek justice for her young lady. Of course, there is also a very important role, which is to prevent the young lady’s husband from cheating.

For example, when a lady is pregnant or has a bad body, the husband still has to take care of his own personal needs. In order to prevent the husband from looking for someone else outside and threatening himself at this time, the lady will recommend his dowry at this time. The maid serves as the maid of the common room.

This not only solves the needs of her husband, but also prevents the threat of foreign women. Even if her maid is later taken as a concubine, the relationship between the two people is very good, and there will be no differences between them after taking the concubine. Fighting for favor and causing disputes can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Therefore, generally, the maids who are given as dowries are treated as the maids of the first-in-law, but their status is higher than that of ordinary maids, but not higher than that of concubines. Not all maids are willing to be like this. If some maids are not willing to follow the lady all the time, The young lady usually helps the maid to arrange a marriage and get married or redeem herself, but Ling'er's luck is much better, because Li Huguo's mother is very generous, so she makes Ling'er her husband's concubine and has a title.

In this era of cannibalism, status is an extremely luxurious thing for some people from poor backgrounds.

The mother was kind to the girl. Because of this, Ling'er chose to sacrifice herself when the family was facing a disaster, and then let Li Huguo's mother leave first.

Li Yuguo felt that his eyes were a little moist: "Meng, where is my mother now?"

"It's not far from Saibei, in Qingyang City, a tea town famous for its rich tea production." Nalan Meng said.

"It turns out to be Qingyang City? Qingyang City is only three hundred miles away from Tianlang City, so it's not far away." Li Hugo said.

Nalanmeng nodded, her face rosy: "Actually, I go there often, I just don't tell you."

"Do you go there often?"

"Well, my mother-in-law won't let me tell you. She just wants you to live in peace and safety in Saibei. Although Saibei is a remote and remote place, no one cares about it. Even if there is a war in the country, such a poor place will not Become the target of conquest by the two forces." Nalan Meng said.

Li Yuguo laughed: "I dare you to hide it from me for the rest of your life!"

"A lifetime? Who said I want to... live... a lifetime with you..." Nalan Meng's pretty face was rosy, and she was extremely beautiful.

Normally, Nalan Meng would be cold and aloof. Now, since Li Yuguo became motivated, she has become a bit of a woman. She didn't know why she became like this, but later she understood.

Because I finally have someone to rely on.

As a woman, who wants to be a strong woman for the rest of their lives, and who wants to be so strict with their husbands for the rest of their lives

However, no matter how bad Li Huguo was, she never thought of giving up on Li Huguo. Such a rare and precious emotion made Li Huguo even more moved.

Originally, Li Yuguo planned to tell her his identity and tell her that he came here as the creator of this world, but now it doesn't matter whether he tells her or not.

"One more thing..." Nalanmeng pursed her lips and said, "How are you going to deal with sister Xianchen's matter?"

As soon as these words came out, Li Yuguo's face immediately darkened: "The five major families in the capital are like five mountains that cannot be climbed. If we go there now, it will be an act of suicide... But..."
