Long son-in-law

Chapter 1541: Bai Susu


The Sirius Guards formed a long queue, starting from Wushuang City and heading towards the Snow Country, and a five-year war began.

The three brothers Li and Hugo faced off against the twelve legends of the Snow Country.

All mothers hate war, because war will cause them to lose their husbands and sons, and war will bring more disasters, which people in peacetime cannot imagine.

For example, if a strong man with the level of Emperor Wu breaks into a group of soldiers, he will be like an adult weasel entering a chicken coop, and he is still a group of newborn chickens. There is no comparison at all in this kind of crushing, war. Refugees from the border flocked to some surrounding cities, and the border became overcrowded as they rushed to flee.

There are also some retrograde people. Most of these people are desperadoes and traders because their goal is war wealth.

It must be understood that gold and wealth are the main causes of war and can also create more opportunities.

After each battle, large or small, they all had similar endings. Countless endings made up this protracted Aoxue War.

Aotian Kingdom versus Snow Kingdom, so it is referred to as the Battle of Aoxue.

Li Huguo's heart was not stable, because every time he cleaned up the mess after a war, he could always see similar scenes...

The black kite pecks at the human intestines and flies up to the dead branches.

Fighting to death in the field, the defeated horse howls to the sky in sorrow.

The bones beside the Luding River are like those in a spring boudoir's dream.

Lying drunk and laughing on the battlefield, how many people have fought in ancient times.

There will be many women hugging their headless and limbless children on the roadside who are too late to evacuate.

Sometimes the weather suddenly gets better, but no matter how good the weather is, the kerosene barrels mounted on the catapults will always explode unexpectedly, and the artillery fire of war will reverberate through the sky again.

From an ignorant boy, Lu Ziyu transformed from a martial arts boy into a martial emperor boy after five years of experience on the battlefield, from a tactical novice to a cunning fox on the battlefield.

Thousands of battles, large and small, made the reputation of the Three Sword Masters of Aotian resound throughout the border. At first, only people on the border knew about it, but in the past five years, people continued to escape from the war zone, and what they brought out was not only My own luggage and stories from the battlefield.

So something happened that made the people of Aotian Kingdom proud. The three Sword Masters of Aotian became the nightmare of the enemy. The three brothers were scattered like a loose sand, but if the three of them appeared together in a certain place, basically this place would be the source of the next battle. The winning rate will be close to 100%.

And the names of the Nine Great Rakshasas were also spread. The so-called Nine Great Rakshasas were the nine beauties of Li Hugo. about women's deeds.

Five years…

It was neither long nor short. When Li Hugo placed the flag of Aotian Kingdom on the top of Blizzard City, the war... finally came to an end.

Blizzard City is equivalent to a gateway, a city wrapped in the mountains. Whoever holds this city in his hands will hold the throats of Snow Kingdom and Aotian Kingdom.

It took Li Yuguo five years to fight from Tongtian City to Blizzard City. Almost every inch of land was covered with the blood and sweat of dead soldiers.

After Blizzard City was taken, if Aotian Kingdom wanted to continue to attack Blizzard City, with the logistical support of Blizzard City, it would not be difficult to attack Snow Dragon City, the capital of Snow Kingdom. However, Li Hugo chose to give up when he saw the opportunity and did not pursue the victory. .

After all, their purpose is not to destroy the Snow Kingdom, but to establish the prestige of the Aotian Kingdom.

The weather was sunny and cloudless that day, and there was a vast expanse outside Blizzard City. Legend has it that the snow here never melts for hundreds of years, especially on the nearby Snowy Mountains, where universities are almost always floating in this area.

So standing on the top of Blizzard City, you can see a strange scene. It is sunny here in Blizzard City, but it is snowing heavily in the Snowy Mountains.

"The delegation from the Snow Country is here." Ming Yue walked up to the tower and said, "Do you think they will agree to our treaty?"

"Our treaty is very simple. It just declares that Blizzard City belongs to Aotian Kingdom... What's more, Blizzard City originally belonged to Aotian Kingdom eighty years ago, and was later snatched away by Snow Kingdom... We don't want the money, and we don't want the extra land. We just want to Just take back the people who fled before." Li Huguo said.

Of course, Li Huguo's thoughts are also very realistic. The land further north of Blizzard City is covered with thousands of miles of ice and snow, and has little use value.

Firstly, it cannot farm, and secondly, the population is sparse, which is basically a drag.

With such an unmanned area, Blizzard City can be used as a boundary to set up defenses to guard against sudden attacks in the Snow Kingdom in the future.

"Here we come." Ming Yue said. It turned out that people from the Snow Country had also arrived on the snowfield outside the city at this time. There were about seventy or eighty people. The leader was a beautiful woman with long black hair. , and a pair of eyes like brown gems.

"I am the princess Bai Susu." The visitor said, "In the name of my father, I came to sign the armistice treaty."

"Bai Susu?" Li Yuguo frowned.

Ming Yue, who acted as a military adviser, said: "It is equivalent to the prince of Aotian Kingdom. It is said that although Bai Susu is a daughter, his strategy and vision are not inferior to anyone else, and he is also one of the popular candidates for the future throne... It is said that there is Possibly the future queen of Snow Country.”

It turns out that the Snow Country is closer to a feminist society, with women having a slightly higher status than men. In the history of the Snow Country, there were actually many more queens than emperors.

Bai Susu was at the bottom of the city wall, and the two maids behind her also looked worried.

"Your Highness, are you okay now?" a maid asked.

Bai Susu smiled bitterly: "I just feel like my head is a little heavy..."

Bai Susu encountered some strange things a while ago, that is, she disappeared for three days, and she had no memory of these three days.

Li Yuguo came to the city in person to greet her. He said, "It turns out to be Her Royal Highness. Please come this way."

"Isn't this the Third Highness?" Bai Susu said.

Li Yuguo looked at Bai Susu and said to himself that this woman is indeed a beauty born in the world. No wonder her reputation in the Snow Country is so high. This woman has a fair face and exquisite facial features. She is like a fairy who stepped out of a painting.

It is indeed rare to have such beauty but also a heart to govern the country and bring peace to the country.

"You seem to be in bad mood lately?"

Li Yuguo said as he walked towards the city to meet her.

Bai Susu smiled slightly: "I'm fine, I don't care about His Highness."

"No, your body is very weak... It seems that you have been seriously ill before? I am not talented and know a little bit about medical skills, so I can see some clues. Please don't mind, Your Highness." Li Huguo said with a smile.

Li Yuguo's words made Bai Susu's eyes light up: "How do you know that I am weak?"