Long son-in-law

Chapter 72: The secret of love and concubine


Yun Xianchen walked towards the mummy, and suddenly she seemed to step on something, and the thing under her feet suddenly glowed.

Li Yuguo immediately pulled Yun Xianchen over. After all, the deceased was the Martial Emperor, and the Martial Emperor was quite an incredible existence.

Martial artist, martial artist, great martial artist, martial spirit, martial king, martial emperor, martial ancestor, martial master, martial saint, martial emperor.

Emperor Wu was three realms higher than the current Li Yuguo. In other words, the gap was the chasm, one was heaven and the other was earth.

If the Martial Emperor had set a trap here, its power should not be underestimated. At least for Li Hugo, the consequence of facing up to a Martial Emperor would be death.

But it doesn't seem like this is a trap.

When Yun Xianchen moved her legs and feet, she discovered that the place she stepped on was a jade talisman. This jade talisman seemed to be subject to some kind of restriction. The restriction immediately appeared with a brilliant light, and then a figure appeared next to it. In front of two people.

"Finally, someone is here. Although I can't see who you are, and I don't know how many years have passed... but I hope you can listen to my story." said the figure, who was a handsome man with long hair. , but his face was pale, missing a lot of blood, and he looked quite haggard.

"Who are you?" Yun Xianchen said.

"This is a projection, a projection saved by this strong man before his death. It seems that he is waiting for us to discover, and now that he is dead, this is equivalent to a video." Li Hugo said.

Although Yun Xianchen didn't know what the video was, he roughly understood what it meant.

She suddenly realized that her hand was being held by Li Yuguo. He held it tightly, but it gave Yun Xianchen an inexplicable sense of peace of mind. The corners of her mouth raised slightly.

"I am the crown prince of Haotian Kingdom... My name is Nalan Sheng, and my younger brother is Nalan Jie. Originally, we two brothers grew up together, but as the saying goes, the fight for the crown prince never grows. In fact, I also overestimated our brothers. Friendship... In order to seize my position as the crown prince, my husband and I came to the land in the north of the Great Wall, but we have already run out of gas..." When Nalan Sheng said this, his face was helpless, and he looked quite desperate.

He paused for a long time and suddenly shed tears: "My wife and I grew up together, and we are very loving... In my heart, I don't care about the throne at all, and I also know... The real name of Haotian Kingdom is Haotian Shenzong. At the beginning, When the Patriarch saw that the sect had reached its limit, he changed the Haotian Divine Sect into the Haotian Kingdom. However, the position of the leader of the country is nothing compared to the love between me and my wife... "

He began to talk about his past. It turned out that Nalan Sheng had been a genius since he was born. He was loved by thousands of people and could be called an enlarged version of Ye Qiong.

But being a genius also comes with a price. Since he was born, he has been assigned countless martial arts secrets, which are the pinnacle of Haotian Kingdom's martial arts. He has already reached this level at a young age, when he was only twenty years old. Martial Emperor level.

Such talent is unprecedented, and it is simply a great blessing.

Naturally, it also aroused the jealousy of his younger brother.

His brother sent a female assassin. When the female assassin assassinated Nalan Sheng, she unconsciously fell in love with Nalan Sheng. The two stayed together and flew together. Nalan Sheng also realized the true meaning of life for the first time. It turns out that cultivation is more important than love. It's not worth mentioning at all.

Later, Nalanjie repeatedly designed Nalanjie to make Nalan Sheng's prestige gradually decline in front of the emperor, and he became an outcast.

The couple was about to leave the imperial city, and then find a place to stay and fly together. From then on, they would not care about the worldly affairs. However, Nalanjie refused to give up on them and chased them all the way. Finally, the two came to this land in the north of the Great Wall. It's the oil that runs out and the lamp dries up.

Seeing this, Yun Xianchen was already in tears. She grabbed Li Huguo's clothes and burst into tears.

She also started washing her nose.

"Hey, I just did the laundry!"

"UuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuIt's so miserable... Why do they love each other so much and end up in such a mess, wu wu wu..."

"You girl..." Li Yuguo was very helpless towards Yun Xianchen.

The afterimage of Nalan Sheng continued: "Now that the destined person has come here, I still have something to entrust to you. No matter you are a man, a woman, old or young, I hope you can agree to this!"

At this point, Li Huguo frowned, thinking that something was coming soon!

"Under my body, there is a pair of storage rings. This is a unique pair of rings in the world... called the Sea that accepts all rivers! This is also one of the most precious national treasures of my Haotian Kingdom. It can store an unlimited amount of things, even if you put a country It’s no problem to store the gold, silver and jewelry.” Nalan Sheng said with an indifferent expression.

"A pair?" Li Yuguo frowned, thinking that this is wrong. According to the original plot, shouldn't there be one that can accommodate all rivers? How come they became a couple

But he continued to listen. Good product, high-quality product, top quality, supreme, holy weapon. This supreme is already a very extraordinary thing, and it is also a supreme-level storage magic weapon. This is even more advanced than the Haotian Sect's bracelet. There are too many.

Nalan Sheng added: "In the 'Haina Baichuan', there is a special skill of Haotian Kingdom, called Lang Qingconcubine's Intention Secret. This skill is different from ordinary skills. It can be used alone. It is just a top-level skill." It’s just a technique, but if lovers unite and the man and woman share the power, its power is limitless!”

"The Secret of Lang Qing and Concubine's Intention is an ordinary skill, while the combination of Lang's Love and Concubine's Intention is a sacred magical skill! My husband and I originally planned to take this secret that has not been passed down to the peach garden in our hearts to practice, but my wife Die first, and once she dies... I have no reason to live." Nalan Sheng smiled sadly, "If someone is destined to see it, please pass this technique on to a pair of lovers, and then let my wife and I be loyal to each other. Love will continue with you and others, this is also... proof that we have survived."

Nalan Cheng raised his head slightly, with a hint of sadness in his calmness. His expression was so sad and sad.

Even though Li Yuguo was so hard-hearted, he couldn't help but shed tears.

Love is so beautiful that it's worth crushing your soul.

Yun Xianchen almost fainted from crying. Now she doesn't look like the most beautiful woman in the Zhenyuan Sect. She is just a little girl who burst into tears after watching a drama.

Nalan Sheng seemed to be uncomfortable. One can imagine how hard it was for him to record this video: "I have to find her, otherwise she will get lost underground..."

Nalan Sheng paused and opened his lips slightly: "Friend, I wish you a love without regrets..."

After that, the image had disappeared.

Li Yuguo respectfully kowtowed to the mummy a few times. It seemed that he was a super monster like Haotianguo, and there were frequent intrigues among them.

He pushed the coffin away, and there was indeed a female mummy inside.

The two of them buried the lovers in disguise on the land outside the small thatched cottage.

Li Yuguo looked at the Haina Baichuan Ring in his hand and sighed. At this time, Yun Xianchen took out a sword from the house.

The sword is Lang Qingdao.

The sword is my concubine's sword.

This sword is a pair, and its quality has reached the highest level. However, if the swords are separated, the light of the sword will immediately decrease, and the original perfect quality will immediately be reduced to the best. This is amazing and beyond Li Huguo's imagination.

A wolf howled suddenly appeared in the distance, which caused Li Yuguo to stand up quickly: "No, those fangs are already chasing me..."

"How could this happen? They are so persistent." Yun Xianchen's expression changed.

Li Yuguo smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid we have to practice this art of love and concubine, otherwise with the strength of the two of us, we won't be able to leave this dark forest for a while, not to mention there are many other vicious creatures in this place besides fangs. .”

"Then...then practice." Yun Xianchen said.

There were a lot of spiritual stones in Haina Baichuan. These were actually high-grade spiritual stones with abundant spiritual power, so the two of them returned to the thatched cottage.

The Art of Love and Concubine must be practiced by both men and women together. It is similar to the Jade Girl's Heart Technique in martial arts novels. Li Yuguo and Yun Xianchen also have to practice it. After all, if they don't practice it now, they will die. They have seen the power of Yalang.