Looting Equipment From NPCs

Chapter 100


All the people who could see the white light quickly approached and formed a circle around the white light tacitly, and even fought with the soldiers for a while.

In the white light, ten spirit arrows were fired at the same time, and in the next second, there were ten more, each of which could hit a soldier, greatly reducing the pressure. A poker is shot accurately, and Zhang does not need to be sent.

Soldiers who simply disappeared will not reappear, nor will they appear infinitely. After half an hour of fighting, the surrounding storm gradually subsided. The light of the Five Elements Stone gradually diminished and finally disappeared, and even the crystal placed on the ground became dim.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, stopped the weapons in their hands, and sat down on the ground to pant.

There were several wounds on Jiang Rou's face, she wiped them casually, and said to Lou Fang and them: "It's really lucky to have you, otherwise it would be troublesome." They happened to be next to several people in Lou Fang, and they just started to disperse, white light When they appeared, they moved closer immediately, so they didn't get hurt much.

Sitting on the ground, many wounds were bloody.

Everyone gathered around subconsciously. Everyone stood up in the first round, and no one died.

A middle-aged man stood up and immediately assumed the posture of a leader. He pressed his hands down to signal everyone to be quiet: "Everyone, everyone, listen to me. My name is Dong Kun. Now we don't know what happened to Liuli. But there is only one thing, we must unite to deal with emergencies now, and we must work together. Everyone has seen the situation before, and the situation is very dangerous."

Gao Yi walked up to him and whispered a few words to him, it seemed that the two were very familiar with each other. Dong Kun immediately looked towards Qin Tan and the others with disbelief in his eyes.

The crowd discussed again, and Dong Kun said again, "Everyone, hurry up and treat the wounds first. You don't know when the next attack will come. Preserving your strength is the most important thing."

Medicines are common items, but everyone has limited skills, and some are very simple and rude, just sprinkle the powder and it's done. For those with more wounds, just sprinkle the powder on the ground, just like meditating to restore blood.

As a doctor with occupational diseases, Jiang Dong couldn't stand it, so he walked over there.

Dong Kun walked up to Qin Tan and took the initiative to say hello, "Hello, Qin Tan, right? My name is Dong Kun, and I'm also one of the managers of the mid-level club. According to Gao Yi, your team members have had a strong feeling before, no Do you know if there are any other clues?"

Qin Tan looked directly at him, "I think everyone here has the feeling of heart palpitations. As for the others, they don't. It's just a slightly stronger feeling."

Dong Kun understands that everyone's sensitivity is different, and it may also be related to the spirit weapon. He looked around their spirit weapon and said with a smile: "It was thanks to you, Captain Qin, and I hope everyone can work together in the future. , with more effort, everyone's strength will be greater."

This person must have been under the leadership of the party in the past. Once the big hat is put on, he wants to make people contribute for nothing. Why

Lou Fan curled his lips and pinched Qin Tan's waist from behind.

"Mr. Dong is absurd. Our team members are very afraid of death, but they just want to try their best to keep themselves alive. I don't know if I can help others. If I can help, it's okay." Qin Tan pushed the high hat back .

Unexpectedly, Dong Kun was used to being superior, and his ability was not weak. It was rare to be treated like this, and his face was not good-looking for a while.

Gao Yi smoothed things over on both sides, said a few more words, and Dong Kun and Gao Yi walked away.

Jiang Dong went to the wounded and squatted down, and said softly, "Friend, your wound is not good, it's a waste of medicine and it's not good, you still need to bandage it."

The lying wounded sat up, with a helpless expression on his face, "I also want to bandage, but the technique is not good. Although the bandage says it doesn't take up space, I still haven't brought it. Let's just leave it at that."

But it's the bandage thing. Jiang Dong smiled gently, "I'm a doctor, so I'll bandage you up."

"Will it be too much trouble for you?"

"No." Jiang Dong said, a bandage was pulled out from the cuff, and it was wrapped up in two or three strokes, which can be called a textbook-level bandage.

Now many wounded who don't know how to bandage come up, "Doctor, can you bandage me?"

"it is good."

"I also need."

"no problem."

Wen Lang folded his hands, looked at Jiang Dong who was surrounded inside, with a proud face, "Tsk, Dr. Jiang is very popular, I really enjoy being surrounded by people."

"Call him back if you don't want to." Lou Fan laughed at him.

Wen Lang shrugged, "Forget it, we must respect his profession."

"That's fine, I think it's good for him to heal the wounded." Lou Fan patted Wen Lang on the shoulder.

Wen Lang froze for a moment, rolled up his sleeves and was about to go up, "Then I'll help him."

"Okay, just stand aside obediently."

Wen Lang: "I said I would help him maintain order."

Before Wen Lang stepped forward to maintain order, there was a vibration under his feet, which was stronger than before.

A sharp whistle sounded, and Dong Kun shouted: "Attention everyone, prepare to fight."

The Five Elements Stone was placed quickly again. If it is a spirit body, it is useful, and if it is useless, it can be taken back.

The tall monster ran wildly from a distance, and its huge size made everyone feel bad, and their palms were full of sweat.

"What the hell is it?"

No one can tell what it is, it is huge, its head is extremely ugly, its mouth is full of sharp teeth, its claws are sharp and its teeth are sharp, it is extremely ferocious.

Qin Tan held the Tang Dao, his arm muscles bulged, "Don't let go, be careful."

Many people started to back away, trying to hide behind others, and some people stuck to the front. Anyway, it is impossible to hide, maybe you can survive if you fight hard.


Many people look forward to them being able to shine as brightly as before, resisting the attack of monsters.

The shield is broken! Only blocked once, the behemoth paused for two seconds and smashed the protective cover.

"Leave!" Qin Tan shouted, "Combine!"

The six scattered people rushed up immediately, Jiang Dong's bandages were instantly wrapped around the giant beast, and the struggling giant fell to the ground instantly, Qin Tan raised his knife and stabbed it into the giant beast's chest.

The Tang Dao, which was shining with red light, was easily inserted into the giant beast's chest, and with a single stroke, the giant beast gave up struggling.

Before Lou Fan's spiritual arrow could shoot, he had to turn to the other side. The ten spiritual arrows merged into one, and rushed towards the giant beast like a big bird with red tail feathers waving.

The spiritual arrow sank into the giant beast's head, and immediately after, the running giant beast exploded and shattered into pieces.


The crowd sighed strongly, these two high-level spirit weapons were too cruel, but they also gave them unlimited expectations, expecting that their own spirit weapons would also be powerful.

The giant beasts are tall and ferocious, but they are not impossible to deal with. Apart from Qin Tan and Lou Fan, the rest of them can take down one with two or three people working together, and soon the number of huge giant beasts will gradually decrease. There was a burst of sharp neighing.

A flock of birds flew in the dark air, with broad wings and hooked beaks. Seeing the crowd, the shouts became more urgent. They were very excited and swooped down towards the crowd, their sharp beaks pecked at the flesh, and a large piece of flesh disappeared.


"Ah! No, go away!"


They are very flexible, and except for long-range attackers, they can hardly be hurt by others.

Lou Fan's spiritual arrows scattered into ten and shot into the air. Wen Lang and Jiang Dong's poker and blade were also very powerful. Three of them could attack the strange bird with ease, while the rest were not so lucky.

The fur ball rushed out of its arms and rushed towards the strange bird in an instant, only to see its white figure shuttle among the strange birds, and the corpses of the strange birds kept falling down.

"Brother Lou, use the thunderbolt talisman!" Chen Shuyang yelled at the side, and handed over a stack of talismans.

Lou Fan took a quick swipe, only to find that there were only two crossed arrows left in the quiver. Before he could think about it, the spell was attached to the arrows and they were shot into the air.

Boom! The thunderbolt talisman exploded, killing a large number of the monster birds around it, and the monster birds fell from the sky one after another.

Before he had time to think about it, Lou Fan pulled out three talismans and threw them into the air, the spirit arrow followed closely, carrying the talismans into the air, and exploded again...

"It's useful!" Lou Fan's eyes lit up, and he said without turning his head, "Giving the thunderstorm talisman to people who attack from a distance, like me, this works best."

There are too many strange birds gathered in the sky, and the two sides are confronting each other, but the passengers are obviously in a weak position and have been pecked too much.

Chen Shuyang took out his talisman and was about to distribute it, but Nie Feng grabbed him, "Stay here and don't move, I'll go."

Chen Shuyang couldn't help it, "Be careful, then I will draw a talisman."

Nie Feng turned his head and walked into the crowd to find someone, holding a stack of talisman papers in his hand, but there were more than 30 passengers, of which less than ten were far away, so the stack of talisman papers was divided into three or four for each person. chapter.

This is all of Chen Shuyang's inventory. Each teammate had five cards before, and now they are all upstairs.

Lou Fan was in charge of the monster bird attacking from the front, Wen Lang and Jiang Dong assisted on the side, Qin Tan stood beside Lou Fan and tried his best to resist with the Tang knife, the sleeve arrows on his wrist had already been shot out.

Chen Shuyang squatted in the middle, quickly drawing talismans, sweat dripped from the broken hair on his forehead, and the fingers holding the pen trembled slightly. A strange bird that slipped through the net rushed straight to Chen Shuyang, and was about to peck at his head when huge scissors suddenly appeared, cutting the strange bird with a click.

The corpse of the strange bird brushed against Chen Shuyang's arm and fell to his feet. He didn't even look at it, like an old monk in meditation who only had the amulet in front of him in his heart.

Under the action of the Thunderbolt Talisman, a large number of strange birds fell from the sky, but the attacks of the remaining strange birds became stronger and stronger, Wen Lang and Jiang Dong couldn't resist, and the swarm of strange birds rushed down through the air.

The tall figure blocked the light and also blocked the danger. There was blood dripping from his ears, but Chen Shuyang didn't know it at all. The scissors waved to form a protective umbrella, and he was under the umbrella, completing his mission.

A strong red light suddenly erupted from the crowd, followed by exclamations.

Chen Shuyang couldn't hear the sound, and there was only dark red blood in front of his eyes. Drops of red liquid dripped on the pages of the spiritual book. He raised his head and stared blankly at the man blocking his head.

"Nie Feng..." he murmured softly.

A dazzling red light shone in front of his eyes, and the originally huge scissors doubled in size, and with airtight dancing, the crushed corpse of the bird monster fell from it.

Chen Shuyang raised the corners of his mouth and continued to bury his head in drawing talismans. He picked up the pen and closed his eyes to concentrate, then opened them again. As soon as the pen was written, the thunderstorm talisman was formed, and the talisman glowed red, dazzling and bright.

He stood up, stretched out his hand to the air, and shouted: "Brother Lou, Fu!"

Lou Fan's eyes froze, and the synthetic arrow shot at the Thunderbolt Talisman—Boom!

The explosive airflow spread rapidly, swept all the strange birds, and then sprayed out quickly...

The author has something to say:

The little cuties are all asking, and I will specifically explain:

Yes, this article is almost coming to an end, and a new article will open in early June, I hope you guys will bookmark it!